4_�_...�... I , �
<br /> WARRANTY DEED �i�V a�7 v ii "
<br /> r
<br /> R � A PROPERTI�S, a gen�ral. partnerehip, herein call�a th�
<br /> Grantor, for and in consideration of the eum of EIGHTY�FIVE
<br /> . . m��Vc��� ��� Nnl�n� n�r.r,��s (�85,000.00) received from Grantee,
<br /> _ does grant, bargain, aell, convey and confirm unto AGRICULTURAL
<br /> SERVICES, INC. , a aorporation, herein ca�.led �he Grantee, the �
<br /> ' #ollo�ing-described rea7. estate in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> ' A part of the South Half of the North Aalf of
<br /> � ' the Northwest Quarter of the Son�h�reat Quarter
<br /> {g}N}NW�SW}) a�f Section Fo�r t4} � in Township Eleven
<br /> , tll) North, Range Nine (9� , Wes� m� t2�e 6th P.l�i.� Hall
<br /> � County,Aiebraska, more particularl�r described as follows:
<br /> � Beginni.�ng at a point on the East boundary of Hsghway
<br /> 282� which point ia 2065.5 feet North of the Southwest
<br /> _ .. _ �n���� nf �a,n*��,� FeLr �dl j T�+t?*lsh;n Flgyea� I111 North� _ . .. -------
<br /> Range Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M. , thence East at
<br /> riqht angles to said Hiqhway, a d�.stance of 209 feet,
<br /> thence Noxth at right angles and parallel to said
<br /> Hiqhway, a distance of 202.5 feet, �hence West at
<br /> , riqht angles, a di.stax�ce of 209 feet� thence South
<br /> , along the Easterly boundarv of said Highway to th�
<br /> � point of beginningf
<br /> �
<br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, toqether •
<br /> � with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto . �'
<br /> _ �- _ -- _ - - • - - . . . .. _ _ • _ _ __a �_ ..�__�..._�.. ...... ............. s a --___–—.- _—
<br /> aeionging, IIAtO LAe 531q branzCC a�i� ti:v VtOII�CC o auv�coow�o .�a't.,. ,,
<br /> ? assigns fnrever. And Grantor hereby covenants with the gaid `
<br /> ; Grantee and with Grantee'E successors and assigns, that Grantor
<br /> is lawfully seized of said premises, that they are free fr�m -
<br /> ' encumbrance and that Grantor has good right and lawful authority
<br /> to sell the same; and Grantor hereby covenants to warrant and -
<br /> defend the title to said premises against t?�e lawful claims of ,
<br /> all persons whomso�ver. And the said Grantor hereby relfnquishes
<br /> alI right, tit].e, claim and interest in and tv the
<br /> � above-described premxses.
<br /> , Signed this �s day of January, 1990.
<br /> •_ R & A PItOPERTIES,
<br /> ; a general partnership
<br /> .�_
<br /> ; i0��r�
<br /> . �Y � �� � �-
<br /> ' incent L. Dow ing, � :�
<br /> G e aZ Pa tne T___ ._ �
<br /> - ttah�rt H nd�an, .
<br /> General Partner
<br /> ) ss:
<br /> Before me, a Notary Public for said County, personaZ3.y came
<br /> Vincent L. Dowding, known ta me ta be the iden�ical person who
<br /> , signed the for�going instrumc�nt as G�neral Partner, and acknowl- "
<br /> �dged the execution thereof to �ie his voluntar.� act and deed. ;
<br /> Wi�n��s my hand and Notarz�l Sea;. on January -� / , 1990.
<br /> �'��A(� c�/��a c{,��a �G�z c�¢. •�.r— � �
<br /> � Mrp�wr,f�,�� Notar.y Public
<br /> : ���
<br /> ,
<br /> t. '
<br /> -1-
<br /> .__.J
<br /> . .�_ _._ . ... _._. _�..., ..,_ _. .__ ---....� - -. __ -_ ,._.__ - -- --__.._.� �.__---=
<br /> - -�4 •� r. . :. �' ;. , , - ;� Ta' .r�'�' . � . . •„_.-.1' ---,u_. . �.____.�,". . - . -
<br /> , � . .. .+�..d . ... . .'�"!�;"+'° . � �' • �
<br />