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r <br />;P1 <br />4 <br />i <br />4, a�,..). 100954 <br />FHA ASSUWTION PODUY RIDER. <br />NOTICE: TI HS AMER ADDS A PROVISION TO THE INSTRUMENT ALLOWING THE MORTGAGEE TO _ <br />REQUIRE PAYMENT OF THE NOTE IN FULL UPON TRANSFER OF ALL OR PART OF THE PROPERTY. <br />This Assumption Policy Rider is made this 22 nd day of Ft►t . wttry '19 8S , and is <br />incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage. Deed of Trust, or Deed to Secure <br />Debt (the "Instrument" y�y�dly the undersigned (the "Mortgagor") to secure the Mortgagor's <br />Note (the "Note ") of same ate le <br />(the "l&rWqj)etyvering thdescjbethe instrument and located at: <br />(Property Address) <br />AMENDED ENiDED COVENANT. In addition to the covenants and agreements madein the Instrument, iii agee grid <br />Mortopir. further Covenant and agree as follows: <br />The Morrtww shall; with the prior approval of the Federat dousing Commissioner, or his designee, <br />declare a 'T secnr�dby this mortgage to be immedjzc4 s-9e and payable if all or part of the r ml, <br />erq is sold or othery ise transferred (other than by den se, descgpt or operation of law) by the•tasort- <br />e-agor, pursuant to a co .tract of sale executed not later than 12 r-124 months after the d on <br />which the mortgage is executed, to a purchaser whose cm&t has not been appro►-ed in accordance <br />with the ra4virements of the Commissioner. <br />I;L"I WITNESS WHERE07w, the M&t agor has executed this Assumption Policy Rider. <br />1) <br />(Seal) <br />Mortgagor M��atgagor <br />(Seal) (Seal) <br />Mortgagor Mortgagor <br />(Sign Oeginq! Only) <br />NOTE:< f. f the property is not the rt.uipal or.se6o rdary reside= of the Mortgagor, 24 r--ri2;t1As will be checked instead of 12 months. <br />(c -;,=o below etas acne for acknowledgemm,,), <br />40 521 i8et1) FHA ASSumption Policy Rider ._• Ngultistate <br />VMP M IA:AGE FORMS r 1313)293 8'_,n 18001571 7291 <br />11188 <br />J <br />