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<br /> r. if. A+�+cyl�rt�lo� R�MIM. t�iMt �11 �tK weire ro Sorrowu �rio� co neeekr�do■toltowl�� Bo�aNer�s
<br /> . �., MweM�t�y ar�f�e yn�Mt i�fY�M S�crrlt)►f�MrNwMt(Mt rwt�rior to aece{Kados w�ier�ua���Ms 13 a�d 1T
<br /> � �iw�Merii�Mw�tli�s MMrwY�/.'i1�Mtic�n1�N �h:l�)tMe ith�ll:lti1!6e sctiai n�ir�t�cMre tMe
<br /> � �.�.±rr;�����.;:s:�1...�s�i...(rw.N.re.M!.eH�i ie�ird sn H�orrawer.`Y wi�cY tYe deiu�lt e�st�cufti:
<br /> � aN w)1rf i�iNwe�e�Me�ii�it��r iNi�re�re�Me�J�tl�e�otice Msr eaW�fa acctla�tioR ot tMt rnwat
<br /> � � s�errN►x eMM 9�ew�r 1�Nrw�t sM�It rt tM h�t�r.11�wlics NqiU (MetYer i�tonu Borraw+ei ot tUt�i=Rt ta
<br /> niM1�M�A�r x�i�tMi��eME ri�Yt t* !rt■i a�wiet �e�a t�aMert d���e�hf�+c�ot.reh��e ar as�arer
<br /> . �e K Mrthr�M sec�MrMl�a�wlt.t/tYe ieh�lt i��M crni o�er rttore t�e Mte s�eeiMd i�tbe�aNee.l.e�ier
<br /> ae w �rw r�wfn iw�e�IMs M�e f� hll�t a�i wrs s.ew+i ry eu�3ec�ity t.�c witlo�t tlwtl�e.
<br /> � �i��r ia�Ib MwK K srl�Mi�y e1Mr re�i1K/aw�ittNl�y�Iic�Yk I�w.l.eM��a111e e�dtk�!to
<br /> ., awes �ii ts�� ie�wrni � �ty eM r�N �ev�rNN i� HV ��n�i i�i. d�cis�au�. iM�t �ot i�itei so.
<br /> n�■�Me M�s'�Mi pM��tfitie tviiMee.
<br /> tf�M Mww�f s�le M i�t�it«!,Trwl��tM�ll tKwr a Mtice of�Ifwk i�aicl�cow�q►i�w�kU uy�t ot tMe
<br /> � -0 9n ��,1�MeMM�i�WI Mit cyi�e�ts�dY�Nia iM t��e��eriiM►y MMiewMe 4w to�e+r+w�r�i to tYe
<br /> � � M��1��M'��M b��M�w.AiMr IM eMe r'eMirN hr�Iic�Ms I�w.?rwt�t�11�t�e�i{e�etle�o�
<br /> � '�rM t�tM/��M�s Mi i�tM w�■���e�iMi b a�liearie Mw.Tnu�e.sitMert ie�Mi o� Horrower.sM�ll stll d�e
<br /> �rer/�e'fy�t�ill�MetiN N tM M�YM!Mlier N tMe tl�t�i�bce�M Mier the ten�s iesip�tej iw t�e�odct o!s�k is
<br /> � c?....r.r.r'.r�ei�,Mt M.�.Nee T�he,eM�.i�.7'n.eee..y*ae�o�e,de or�11 w,u�y�.rce�or tiw�P�e�ty►y
<br /> r;*+�iYe w�at�t dre tire a�i�cs�an► �e�ioasiy uwinle��ie.l.ewer or ib iesip�ee�ay'rctlne the
<br /> �,heMr4 at arq'Mls.
<br /> tJ� r+�eMNt K�t N tlM 1Kies Iii.1'rliNee �IaiU ieli� to il�e MrcAaur Tr�estee's d�ed co*�eyi�s tbe
<br /> , Pn/�rq. T`e nNl�b i�eM 7'n�y M�i�11�e�S fide e.iie�ee ot Ne�ot tre w�e�e�e wa/��bereia.
<br /> 'irwlM(�M�aNiy tM/r�c�8 of tre alc b tYe followi�or�:(a1 to all e��a o�tre s�te.iwcl�i�.iwt aot li�ited
<br /> ::�.;�s'r:�w a:�t�i–w.isw3:y�i3t-�:is::w��3t�r�eys=i�i�i io yli s�a+r�t�re�3 3�t�:��w:t3
<br /> Iwl����te/�r ncw�e t!e/e��ar�s�r IeMUr eNide�to it.
<br /> , �0. I�n1er i�R�wMie�. Upon aecettt�tion under p�ntt�ph 19 or tbandonment of the Property, i.eader (in
<br /> s penon.by�ent o�by judiciaUy appainted rrcnver)sMll be entiti�d to enter upon,tYlce possession oP and ma�a6e the
<br /> • Pt+operty and to colkct the rcnts of she Property includins thuse put due. Any rent�collected by Lender or the rece���er
<br /> shall be applied Ane to p�ynxnt oF cbe costs al'manaRement of che Pmperty�nd colkcuon af rents,�ncludina, but not
<br /> litnited to.reaiver's tees.premiums on rcciiver's b�ond�and re�wnabk attorneys'fees.�nd then to the sums secured by
<br /> thisSocunty Inurument.
<br /> 21.R��Mee.Upon p�yment of'all su�sacured by this Secunty Instrument, Lender shall requat Trustee t�
<br /> roconvey the Propeny and shaU surttader this Secunty Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by�his Secunty '
<br /> Instrumeet ta Trusta.Tnuta shali reconvey the Propeny w�tAout wamnt}and wethout rharge to the persor�or persons '
<br /> leplly entitled to it.Such penoe or prr.wns shal!pay ae�y record�tion costs. :a�
<br /> -- -- - — ��� �..e....��r_...._. e .,� •...�.:.... �«.,,.. • r...._..�.....�........:...��..e........�.,....,. -
<br /> - . w�aaww��w����ww���wiwa�cw�iwasEr�wvruwji •va��su�w�ai�u�i:�c��w.c•.v�..c�..v��.yv..�.� ...�..«.�.,. .w...� , :
<br /> to any'�rustee�ppointed hereunder by�n instrument recorded�n the county�n which th�s Secunty instrumeM�s recoideci. � �
<br /> With�ul canveyance of the ProQerty. the succasor truuee zhafl aucceed to aU ihe t�tle, pc�w�er and duties coaferred upon ;°�-
<br /> T�rustee her�an and by�pplicable la+v. .
<br /> ' l,�. R��t fir NMicsa.8anawer requats that co�ries of the notices of default and ule be sent tv 8orrower's
<br /> sddrest which ts the ptopecty Addrqs.
<br /> � !Ir Rlirrs to tW S�awlRy I�.If c�ae or mo�e riden are eaecuted by�rrower�nd rrcorded to�ether wytb �
<br /> this Secunty�astrument,the covenutts�Mf ssreesnents of earh such nder shaU be�ncorpc�raced inta and shaU amend and
<br /> � �uppk�tnent tlte covtnucts and a�reemrnts t�P th�s Secunty Instreiment as t(the nderlc! wcre a put of this Secunty
<br /> Instrument.(Cbeck appl;csbk Aoa(a�j —
<br /> _ ,�,] Adjustabk itate Rider �,� Condom�mum Ridet ;` 2-4 Family R�der �
<br /> ❑ Gtaduated Paycnertt R�der � Planned Ua:t DeveWptttent Rider
<br /> � Qcturts) [spexifyj Acknowledgment
<br /> BY StGNI!�G BELOw, Borro�ver accepts and aatea to the terms and co�en�nts containcd �n this Secunty �#
<br /> Instrument u�d in any nderys)eaecuted by Borsowef an4 recorded w�tb n. .�
<br /> � ��
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<br /> STATE_OF' NEB(1ASkA. Ndll (.oimt} .,:
<br /> �n ch�s Z9Ch day ot 7une . ly q� , t�et�,rc rne. itie ��ndcr�+unr:l. a tiaca« l�uhl�.
<br /> dulycommissionedandyu�lifird fvr �a�,t.oun«, �+,r�,ona11. �amr �:�th �� pa�no�, a siryl� �erycn
<br /> , , ��� rne i�nuu« io br�he
<br /> ideniicsll person�tii whc►se namelgl t►re �uh.�ribcd !u che f��re���in� �n�+r�:ntent ,,nd a.kt:c�ti�I�JE.rv �hr ere�ur���„ �--r--�---
<br /> fhercef to De tzpp �uiun�;es� a�i naid deeJ '
<br /> Witness mv hand and nc�tasia! �eai at Gra�;d 7�.i(1�':if '=��'�I-��.�-.: ��� -��.i.��un��. �y,r
<br /> date aforesaid.
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