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<br /> �� DEFD OF TRUST �i a�
<br /> �
<br /> + THIB D�1�D pF TAUST 1"3�euHty Insirum�nt"�is made oo J���e 29 —
<br /> � { �� �•T��u [laniel R. Cronk and Lynn R. Crank� Husband and Wife
<br /> j (••�*ra±•er").S�L*��ee i±�l��!!. �A�K,+�l�M_e!±:y 1"'!`n�etee").
<br /> T TMr b�MAeias� i� iIOME fEDE11AL.=AYINOd Af�lQ LOAN ANOpAT10M OF'OMNO IM.Alq� NEMASKA, whieh is
<br /> ; oeRsNs�d aMi��Li��u0dsr eM law�d NEMAtKA�at�d whoN sddr�w i��1�ouM Loewt.Gr�nd IY��d�i�NM�k�
<br /> �M01("I.��e"1. �
<br /> Bon�owao�►aLenderthep�incipsl�umof Thirty Five Thousand and no/1�0-----------------
<br /> ---�----�--------------- Daflus(U.S.t35,L1�Q.00 ).TAadebtisevidenced�y8orroMer'sncxt
<br /> � dated ti�e�me d�te a�this Security instrumeet("Note").which provides[ot rtwnthly payments.�rith tbe tiill debt.if not
<br /> ' A���d�andqribkan July 6, 1992
<br /> Tbi�S�cw�i�y i�atrwna�c secures co Ler�da:(�)the tepryment of the debt cwidenc�d by the Note,writh inteteu,and aq '
<br /> , t�aeMaM►extaa�ia�s�nd ntodilkstions: (b)the p�ympu of all other sums,�vith interat.�dv�noed under qrasraph 7 to
<br /> prot�ct tLe�ecurity d'this Secnrity�nurument:snd(c)the Peri'ormanoe of Borro�er's covenana and s�nements.For thb
<br /> P��P�•�mMerirrevocaMy�nu u�d conveys to Trwtee.in tnast.�riiA pow�er of sak,the followiAj detcribed Propertr ��
<br /> _ - lwe��«i:w - i1a�.1 - -- - - - ! , __
<br /> ---- -.. .-- --- �«�- -- _- . _ (;���N��: _. . _ . - �_
<br /> � -
<br /> ' Lot Thirteen (13) in 91ock Faur (4} in replat �f Riverside Acres. �n Additian
<br /> ,
<br /> to the City of Grand Is2and� Ilall County. Nebraska. �
<br /> �
<br /> AND
<br /> . � �ot Twenty (20), 81ack One ('E ), 8rentwaod Se�and Subdivision, i� the City of ,
<br /> Grand Island, Hall County, Nehraska.
<br /> , ,�
<br /> • �
<br /> r
<br /> w�hicbhutheaddrasof 2307 Apache Rd & Lot 20, BIk ? , 8rentWaod Grand Island
<br /> Istr«Q ' �c�ry� '
<br /> Nebrasica 6E�801 (.•Propeny Addras"): � =__T--=--
<br /> It�a rao.l
<br /> TooETHER �h7'N all the improvements now or heresft�r erocted on the property. and all easements, nghts,
<br /> apputtenance�s, rents,royalties, minettl, oi) and gu rights and profsts, wster nghts �nd stock and aU fixtu�es now ot '
<br /> heraRer�paR c►Pthe property.All replscements and additions shall atsu be cr,vered by this Sccunty Inscrument.AEl of the
<br /> for�joing is referrea to in this 5ecurity Instrument as the'•Pr� n «�
<br /> P� Y... �
<br /> LBORROWER COVEN�NTS that 8orrower is lawfulty seised of'the esaatr hereby conveyed aad has the nght to grant
<br /> and convey the Prop�erty and that the Property is unencumbered,eacCpt for encumbrances of rc�:ard Borr�wer warrants .�t
<br /> AnQ will Qefer�d generally•t�e titit to the Property aga�nst aJl et�ims and demands,sub�ect to any rncumbrances of record �`
<br /> �fh.
<br /> � THtS SECURITY 1t�STRUMENT c�mbines uniform covenants fot �gs�onal use and non-uniform cotieriants with �,'��
<br /> limited vanations by�unsdicnon t�con�t�tute a umform secunty�nstr�ment cuvcnng real property '
<br /> NEBRRSKA—s+ngie Fom��y—ikMA/fNLMC UNlFpRM INSTRUMENT fo�m 3028 12i63
<br /> C.ryr.�71 L�r iO.mp'• �
<br /> FO!T ��15
<br /> `.
<br /> k . .. - �... .. ...__..� .� � . .-_ _ _ .-.�.—.��"_"_....--_.
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