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7.r <br />.. y• <br />r <br />State: of isbraska , FIIa case No. <br />Deed of Trust �` <br />sal- i�"ticir -71iis <br />This Dad of Trwst, ( "Security Instrument ") is made on FIMNAry 15 to <br />19 09 . The tntstor is Was E+ WWK 2ttt1 am Ib aiiWd(bMj miss t-s-)P.W NNE <br />flaw TITLE II mma CONY <br />( "Borrower "). ThT trustee is <br />( "Th >stee "). The benefichtry is <br />EENJWIL Mr IfiAtit LIM Oilif.CA . cvbieh '&gwiixed and existing <br />under the laws of : 1W STATE (F A SWAN , and whose address is - <br />13TQ C1EIE r4-1 *I 4NU ( "Lender "). <br />Witaasetba, 7baF the Borrower in consideration of the debt and trust hereinafter described and crated" thr sum of One Dollar <br />(Sl), to him in d byahe Trustee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents & . baigain and sell. convey <br />and confirm, ,uzd+,.* Tv4stee, forever, all of op. following ' descdbed real estate, situated lying and being in the CoutaIty. of <br />FIAL� . <br />and `State of Nebraska, to wit: <br />A TWO OF Lfft 1N Rife .VR—,%Sf (i MIEN OWA/ )1F' -fit Wt. . tliliikftti M114) OF *Ltak filafi ib), IM itiw"a NIN: <br />l9) WAIN, vk� Ni* is) fiw; ' tit' 'riir - 61Alit D.M. lib WtL t ii9ki7f_ t+ sralsl()t, uttai:Nllittkt.r i�ttilliiLyt q)IMIEltGlti6 AT It POINT <br />FORIV (40) OW'661 tut 11CI.I?0110 Of 1NTERbEWAN OF, ME tad "4t OF IHE ST. dllSEtm lift N41LMM C011i+iiill'S <br />N1611i tf tifite; iliac THE Ni -11h LINE W !W1011 E166 .tii!', IN Yam6UP hil& t9) NONTty wta NINE lyj WEST tit THE 61N V.N., <br />iAMINS (Wi AU SmIli Obit lti WRW kifiv 1150! FE::7i 41?E4k L6i Wt Ni6Hi f#6LLS Wo YjWM Lj:L Nitil lIhE #"f t LINE Or Will <br />SECIIUN OIlti,*WAED I1W) Fkkl,- -Im" NIMIN Ai' 0iaW fiN6'tr;7 At tti11YINItU PiFir 11W) furl Witt N fli Litt W bAlb btLtltlril <br />1WX& WESF W 111611T ANGLES ON INN: "If.1 LINE OF .SAW SECTaOII ak ill L*D t1W) FEET -fir IN6 AXE If 11 INN1NB, <br />w�:h has the address of , <br />105 E. 171Nt tsmQat) INJt'11H(AN ;c;:h <br />Nebraska., 6II8iti ( "Propwx3s Address "); <br />tzip code) <br />T10 Have mW To Hold the premises above described, .0 •�.h all the ap,.p,;:t=an= i1jereunto belonging and imiuding all heating, plurttbutg <br />and ft tr,g ritterures and equipment now -or hereafter attached to o: -uszd ;;:: connection wi*,L si . d real esta c unto the Trwee, and to its <br />successors a::& assigns, forever. The Borrower represents to, and cove ats with, the ;'rester,. ii ar the Borower has good right to sell and <br />convey said premises; that they are free from encumbrance; and that the Borrows -, -aOE; warrant and def-=d the same against the lawful <br />claims of all persons whomsoever; and the said Borrawtx— hereby relinquishes all eights of homestead, ant, -01 marital rights. etcher in law <br />or in equity, and all other contingent interests of the eaff wer in and to the above - described premises, the ."r ,+-lion being to convey hereby <br />an absolute title, in fee simple, including all rights d: homestead, and other rights and interests as aforesaid. <br />Prodied Always. and these presents are execv:cd and delivered unto the Trustee. in trust, however for the f6!1,L- -YPxg purposes: <br />Whereas, the Borrower on the 15 th . day of rebruary + 19 di borrowed )'r9m.the Lender <br />11W sum of thirty Four Inousarx) titty and Mori --3 s - - - -- — _ _ <br />bail. W ), for which <br />m the Borrower has executed and delis, =t�;l to the Lender Borrower's promissory note of eito date, hearing interesi �r -T3e rate of <br />Icon per centum ( WPM rv) per annuams on the unpaid balance until <br />pain;. 7br said principal and interest shall be payable w dae office of <br />' u;NrwiL )IOi11I1Atilr I.UI1r+lNiH11(W <br />in sbbW W111019 NI. U.tltlr5, N1 4&Aa , or at such other place as the hai --T of the note <br />may designate in writing, in monthly installments of <br />iffo HWidrW 1111My -ttyht and 81r1uuths- ---- -- - -- -- - w- --- -_____ <br />Dollars (S dyfi,dl ), commenci>;rs, on the first day of ►fit, =) . l9 bi . and on the first day <br />of each month thereafter until the principal and i�:!vat are fully paid, except that the final payment of principal and interest. if not sooner <br />paid. shall be due and payable on the first 42y of fia,,,,r, , 20 <br />14 ,r <br />This form is uNd in connection with mortgages insured undo the one-to four•fsmiiy program of the National Housing Act (::r_tuding Sectronv .$S3 Wand (iii which <br />raQUire a OalaTime Mortgage Insurance Premium payment in accordance with the regulations for those programs. <br />Page 1 of 5 Crn:a:1 1D- 9214IDT.1 13-88 Edition) <br />4(:(NE) issmi YMp MORTGAGE FORMS - (3131293 8100 - !8001521 7291 24ff;T 203.171a) <br />1! - <br />-j <br />L <br />L <br />1. <br />