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AFFIDAVIT <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA) <br />) SS <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />200106529 <br />COMES NOW, Nancy Glynn, ( Affiant), and being first duly sworn upon oath, states as <br />follows: <br />1. I was appointed agent of Howard G. Hansen under a Durable Power of Attorney. <br />2. As Agent, under such Durable Power of Attorney, I have the authority to sell real estate <br />owned by Howard E. Hansen. <br />3. As Agent, I executed and delivered to myself, Nancy Glynn and my sister, Carol <br />Ortegren, a Warranty Deed covering the following described real estate in Hall County, NE: <br />Lot One (1) in R & B Subdivision, in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />4. The heirs of Howard G. Hansen are daughters Nancy Glynn and Carol Ortegren and <br />spouse Edna E. Hansen. It was the intent of the said Howard G. Hansen for his daughters to have <br />title to the property and that upon his death, his spouse Edna E. Hansen would reside on the <br />property for a period of five years. By execution of the Quit Claim Deed recorded April 6, 2001 <br />as Instrument No. 22001 -02945 Edna E. Hansen has deeded all of her interest in the property to <br />Nancy Glynn and Carol Ann Ortegren. <br />5. At the date and time of the execution and delivery of the Deed from Howard Hansen to <br />Nancy Glynn and Carol Ortegren recorded June 7, 1996 as Instrument No. 96- 104451, this <br />affiant had no actual knowledge of the termination of the Durable Power of Attorney of Howard <br />Hansen, either because of his death or revocation of the Durable Power of Attorney by him. On <br />the date of execution of the aforesaid Deed Howard Hansen was alive. <br />6. This Affidavit is based upon personal knowledge of the Affiant. <br />FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT: <br />Nancy Gl <br />Subscribed and sworn to, before me, this /9 day of <br />,2001 <br />N t ry Public <br />Lei €:9F <br />WHEY RSON <br />`�`OE "E =A`•= MY COMMISSION EXPIRES <br />• NOTARY: <br />March 21, 2004 <br />