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<br /> � i"�a{,`r .'.�`, �! i I �cr ,•,�:t .i. i � ° � ' � l�il i��n���;ii,_, ,.� - t '�'� t� f Y {i•a� 4frf'�t -� i i
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<br /> � - , - ���. -JF. f 'S 1 __ __' �t ' � '.. - ""'_ 4 � F 5 _ � � __ _
<br /> r S �1f�r � l' • ..L_C Y . �. �� �1.FHl� fl. _e� -
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<br /> 1�'� 'f�i� +i ��'�f t..—�. �t� J ���5 r ti�4, .pui Ati t-r .. i t� (r< <.. —
<br /> -- ._'a�f-����4 f���(�y{,��1��jYjY7�`i 4��� �-=� :r;� :rf���-�'._ ,��r- _ i �+ - -i�•; _ . . - - -
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<br /> � � �, �
<br /> - iu3yb�
<br /> Nt�N•UN160RM COYENwNtS &�rrawer and Ltndcr furthcr co��ensni And ugree uv fi�lluw•s. y��..
<br /> if. A,ecekrntia�; Re�edie�. I�eeier shsl! Rire not�ce to BorroNer 'rior to �cceler�tion tollowin� Borroxer'�
<br /> brsae�at��co*rn�t as�tee�at!�lA�s Secarltg Inslrumr�t(6at eso!prda t��creleralioa undet pu�Q�ph�1�u�d 1T
<br /> " ��Uc�i�le I�++e�rorid�otl�ewi�1.'i'�aotiee s�a➢1�pectly; ta)tlk delault:lb) 1hr actioa aquired ta c�ue t1�
<br /> r ie�ir,te►a�te.�ias tiY�it uay�Ron�tie daie tYe wtice is{I►Ra c�isarro�er,ep wi�ici�tpe dtiNai��nas�ie carni;
<br /> ! �(�I)H�t�aih�re to eMr�He�th�k o�oe rctore t�e date Mec1At11�the notia n�sr�erMlt ia�ccelcralloa ot t6e ww�
<br /> Mc�i�tl��e�rrity I��ewt uei�k ot Sie Pro�estr.7'��wtice �1!t�rtdet i�fon�Berroner ot tire rt�t to
<br /> e+�tMpte�tter�oetl�tiow�aii tlie ei�Mt to���corrt �ctiow to saert t1e �ow-existeece ot� defa�eit ur a�X otl�er -
<br /> iehMt of Do�ro�to�eeelerRdo�ta�i�ale.If tlie dehNtt b�at c�red o�ur before the date�pc�riAld�A fllt R6f�Ct.I.e�WcR
<br /> st ib o*I�io� w�Y r�ire i�ell�h M�t i� h�l1 af dl wws�ec�rei by dib Secarity I�at��t witMo�t hrther
<br /> �ri wi�r i��eke tIr rp�tut..1..�_...;�;�.s�e�t�r s:se!!!�b;app!d:..•b!r!_sr.�..-�.'.-:«.:l:be�:i iii�w'io
<br /> collect all e:�e�aa i�erereil i��nMi�t�e rewa�ies pro�ided is tMb �apl� 19. iactudiN�; bMt iw! It�ited to�
<br /> n..o..rl.�ttorn.y.�tbes a�+eae.otdtk e�►tie�ce.
<br /> , I1 t�e�of t�k i�iwroicei,lY��idl rocord a aotite at det�rlt tA eacY cornty ie xMicM a�y part ot tl�e
<br /> • lro�ty d loa�tei a�i�lul4 wtil co�ia ott�M Notice i�t6e ma�aer*rac�Ibed by a�plkabk law to Ho�rawer�nd to the
<br /> otlia�++r��re�ceibe�by sMlics6k law.After tre ti�e rcq�ired►y�p'linble law�Tn�stee ahall d�e Mblie aotke of
<br /> s�le to tk�erw�r au�i�tf�e�a�ee�re�crlbed by aMlicable I�w,Triatee,witlioMt iei�a�d ae Bortower.�hal1 ull the
<br /> Pro�rty at�Ik w�tios to tl�Ml�eat M�ie�et tYe d�e u�d�laee ud rwacr tLe tt�s daipated in the aotke ot�k in
<br /> ' o�e or w�ore�rceh a�i i�uy o�er T�tee deterwt�a.Trwta war �at�aie sak ot dl or u�y Mrcel ot tYe Pro�c�ty bY
<br /> �Ik a�o�eere�t�t tie N�e a�pt�e of aNy�e�iowly uludrled sak. Leader or Ib desi�p�ee may pYrel�e the •
<br /> ' Pro�erty at�y s�k.
<br /> ' � Up� wcei/t of ry�t ot tik�rice Ma,Trnsta s�all deli�er ta tAe puresaser Tnntre's deed con�eyin= the •
<br /> Pro�erty.Tl�e mcitab te tl�Triutee'�ded iMall►e�iwa ficie erideNCe ot the truth ot the stateniena n�ie therein. �
<br /> TrlM�ee idl y�1y 111e K�caeds ot tie uk i�t�e falbwiN:eraer. tel*o e!!l�;±r•!�et tM*�ek,i�l�1�bxt e�ot 1(�ited .
<br /> to.Tr�•s tea a �enattted by a�linrie I�w��d rea�ow�bk attorneys•kes:(b1 to all suaa sec�nd by tMts SecwNty �
<br /> I�utrrwe�t;aMd(cl�ay excs�u to tre pueon or�erson�lesally eatitkd to it. •
<br /> , 20. I.e�ier iw Poistssia�, Upan acceleratian under paragraph 19 or abandonmcnt of'ihe Propeny, Lcnder (in
<br /> person. by asent or by judiciilly appointed receiver)shall be entitled to enter upon,take posassion of and manage the
<br /> . Property and to collect the rents of the Propeny inetuding those past due. An� rents collectod by Lsnder ar the recci�•er
<br /> sh�l)!re�pplied �iat to p��ment oF tht ccKts�f manaEement of the Prapehy and cc�!l;�tion af rentc,including, but not
<br /> I�mited to,rtcdver's fas. premiums un�eceiv�r�bonds And rcasanable attorneys'fees,and then cc�the sums secnred by .
<br /> thisSecurity Instrument.. , :
<br /> , 21.Reeo�reya�ce.Upon psyment of ill sums securcci by thisSecunty instrument, l.ender shall request Trustee ta . •
<br /> reconvey the Prc�perty and sh�ll surrender this Secur�ty Inst7umertt�nd�!1 notes evidrncing det�t secureci by this Security � �
<br /> Instrument to T�ustee.Trusta shaU«can�ey the Pro�+erty without warranty dnd w�thout chatge to the pers�o or persons -�
<br /> -__� -k:elly'ntilled tc+it-��a.#�+eno�or�+ennnc shrll�y any rrrorcfatinn r�ts . _� °'
<br /> 22.Syb�Ntrte Tnutee.Lender.at its option,may from nme to t;�rz remove Trustee and apt►cfint a cucces�or trustee "�����
<br /> • to any Tn�stee�ppointed hereunder by an inst�ment�ecorded in thecounty in which this 5rcueity Instrument is recorded. , "
<br /> Without conveyance of the Property.the successor trustee shall sucecal t�all the htle, pow�er and duties conferred�upan -
<br /> Ttustee hereio�nd by applicable Isw.
<br />, 23. RqreH tor Notkes.$cyctuwer reyuests that cc�pies of�he ni�t�oes a��defaul� anJ sxte be srnt to�trowrr's
<br /> addras which is the Propeny Address. '
<br /> 24.Riites to tbb Stiwr(tY i�a�t�t.�Pane ar morc r�derserc eatcuted by Sorrow�er and recorded together with
<br /> � this 5ocurity Instrurtent,the covenants and egreements aPc��such nder shzll be incorporatod into Lnd shsll amcnd and
<br /> suppkment the covenmts and agreements of tMc Socunty Instrument as if the r�derls) were a part of�his Secu:ity
<br /> . instrument.[Check applicableboxles)j
<br /> � ❑ Adjustable t�ate Ridcr ;_j Condamroium Rider J 2-� Family Rider _
<br /> [] Gndt�ated P�yment R�dsr �' 1'lanntd Un�t Developmrnt Ridrr
<br /> ;J (hner(s) [sDes�f9l .`�;l�
<br /> DY St�3Nih[: BGl_OK, Bon�v►er acsepts and agtecs to the �erms and cc�venants contamed in th�s 5ecurity �x
<br /> I�strument and in�ny nder(s)executed by Borrow•er and rrrerded with it
<br /> �
<br /> .................................. ..... . .. � �•. .... . .. . . ... .. _ . . . .(5ra!)
<br /> � emes A . Me t inez , -fl��•�we�
<br /> ✓��t--
<br /> .......... ,�.,�.,., . �f.l ,�.1���i�"�� . ����,
<br /> ........... ....... . ...... . . . . . :� �
<br /> v� ,� .
<br /> Rita �i. Martinez
<br /> Srn��. ��► Nc E�K.�sk >. Ha I l t �,��n►� ..
<br /> Qn thi� 6th da� „� Juiy . ly �� , f��•t��rc mr. th: urc�:r.���icJ. a �.uisi� Puhh�
<br /> dulyct�rnm��tiioncd:uidc;u;eli�r�df�,rtaui�uut�ty,�.����iiafl� c.u��r James A. t•tartin�� �r�,�hR�yp�p`
<br /> c . � ❑ c h �l Ii Ir��lr r'___.�.""—_
<br /> Martinez � esch in his and her own righ� , anc� as �pouse ,+•
<br /> idcnii��t) �C[,��n1�) l�h�nr uat,v:�.! arr �ut�,.rihc.i i�• �Is� t�•r. .nl.ir ��:�!ui.��r��; ,�-��.1 .� ►.n�•ul;,i��cJ ��ic c�t�ut���ii
<br /> Ihcrcuf In hc th£'1T �rliuti.�i� ,��s .u��1 �Irc,.i
<br /> �tiilnc�tim} h.snd:u�t! nr'arr�! ..,�I;i� Grand YS1�3�`'�, Webraska u, ..;�:I.:,ni�i�, �1��
<br /> �atc :�f��rc�a�d. ..t
<br /> �1> ('c►t�uni�,u,n c���rr�: ��. /. ��..� --� • �- / � �� � � � ' `
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<br /> �) t:t' u::�l�; :t-..:I . r��. � �I.S, ��t t�i. �� . - ,,,. . ..r. � , �t, . �• , ., , .
<br /> ..�Ih ,t; �r!•, u , .}• ..1�:. - �•.. t�,� l�� �i. �) ,t.�t r. �. � ` , �
<br /> i�.��. ,� ii.�:, � .n �1 ' n !?...I , (+ i , .�ti � ' . .
<br /> , . �� J �,. .. . .� ,. It., , • ►„ . �
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