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<br /> i UNIF�ihM C(�VCNA VTS HorroMrr and I.ei�dcr co��ennnt nnd agrec us f��llo�ti+� vV i V e)�7 U V
<br /> 1. Psy�uent of PrinelRd and Intt�e�l; Nrep�yn+ent �nd l.ate CI���Res. l3c,rrn��er shail pmmptic pa}�when ciur
<br /> thc princi�l�fAnd interest nn the d�bt evidcncrd b��tfie Note und any prepay�mcnt and late charEe.due undrr thr N��te.
<br /> 2. EYII��flf'T�X!!iA�I111Yi�R�l. SU��tC�lt1 ArPI1CAhIC I:�K'Ot IQ a�'f1UCf1 N'AI\@C I1�' LCilCICP,HOI'PUM'Cf SFIA�I�:1y
<br /> � t�l�rs�zr an th�ds�manthh ��-ments are dut undt�tho Nate,untif the I�ate is paid 'm fu!}.a gum("Fun�")ryua!ta
<br /> ane-1we1R.ly of: (�) yearly taxe� and Assessmenis v►•hirh may atfain rriority o�es this Srcarit�• tastrument; tb1 ��eariy
<br /> tasehaki paymsnts ar �r�und rents an the Propcsty, if any; (c) yca�{y haxard intta�ance �lrrmiums; and (d► y�e�riy
<br /> mart�ye insurance prcmiue��s,iP any.These items are��Iled"escrow items." l.r�de�may estimate the Fu�d�duc�n Ihc
<br /> b�sis ofcaurient di►ta and teascxuble estimat�of future escrow items.
<br /> The Funds shalt be held in an institution the deposits or sccoums oPwhich are m�ured or gus+runteed by a federal or
<br /> state ajenCY (includinj i�ender iP 1.ender is such�n institution). �.ender shall apply the Fund�to pay the rscrow items.
<br /> Lendec may not chargr for haldina xnd applying the Funds,anutyzing the account or vcrifyi�g the rsc�ruv►items,untess
<br /> Ler�der pwys 8orrower int�test on �he fiunds and appticablt law permits Lender ta make such a charge. Borrower and
<br /> Lender may aaree in writina tAst interest shall be paid on thc Funds. Unless an agreement is made or�pplicable law
<br /> ' requires interest to be p�id,Lender shali�ot be requi�ed to pa�Hc?rravver any interest or eamings on the Funds.Lender
<br /> shail�ive tp l3arcower.without charge,an annua!�ccaunting of the Funds showing cretiits and debits to the Funds ared the
<br /> purpose for vvhich each debyt to the Funds w•as m�de.The Funds are pledged as additional security far the sums securccl by
<br /> this Security lnstrument.
<br /> � If the amount of thc Funds held by Lender, tagether w�th ehe future monthly payments oi Fundc payable prior ta
<br /> � the tlue dates of the escrow items,sh�ll exceed the amount requirrd to pay the escrow items when due.the excess shall be.
<br /> � at Bc�rrow�r's optian,rither pramptly rrpxid to Harrower ar credited to Rorsower on manlhly payments of Funds. if the
<br /> . � amount at the Funds held by Lender is nat sulf'icienl to pay the escraw itcmc whcn duc, Rorro�er shall pay to Lender any
<br /> '. amount necessary ta make up the deficiency in ane ar mare payments as required bp Lender.
<br /> Upon p�yment in ful)of aU sums secured by th�s Security Instrument, Lender chall promptly refund to Bc�rrower
<br /> Any Funds tteid by Lender. IP under paragraph 19 the Proper�y �s��Id or acquirtd Qy Lender. Lender sbaii apply,no iater
<br /> than immedistefy prior to the sale of the Property or its scyuisitian by Lender,any Fund+held hy Lender at the time of
<br /> application ss a credit against the sums�ecurM by this Scr,urity lnstn�ment.
<br /> 3. llMlication of Psyn�ests. U�less applicxbk law p*avi�ies otherwise,all payments recei�ed by Lender under
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2�hnll be applie�i:flrst.ta late charges due under the Note;second,to�repayinent charges due under the
<br /> Note;third,to amaunts payahle undcr paragraph 2;4'ourth,to interest due;and Iast.to princi�wl due
<br /> �. Cl�a�es; �.lens. Barrower�hall pay all taxes,as��mentc, charges,fines and impaitions attributuble to the
<br /> Properta rivhich may att�in priarity aver this Security Instrument, and leaseh��id ��ymcnts or grnund rent�, ii' any.
<br /> ; Borrov►er xhall�ay the+e obligydo�ss�n�he manner providai in paraRraph 2,or if n��t pa�d in that manner,Hc�rrower shall
<br /> . p�y them an eime directly!o the perscm owod payment. Fk�rrawer shall promptly furnish to l.�nder all noticcc of amaunts .
<br /> to be paid under this�ragraph. if Borrawer makes these paymcnts derrctly. Borrower�hall pramptly fur�ish:o Lender �
<br /> receiatse+ridencina ihe�avments �
<br /> � Bcft�er�hall promptly dis�harga ant tien wh�ch has priority c�vrr this Se:nnty Inettument u�otrcc fiorsawet:(a) � _ ;
<br /> agrets in rwnting ta thr�wyment of the obligation We.:urt•d by the lien in a mannrr acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good ` '°_ -
<br /> faith the tian by,or drfi�ds ag[ainst enforeement of Ihe lien�n,ksal prc�ceedings which ���he l.ender's c►pin�on nper3te to :
<br /> pr�vent the enforc.emeai of the lien or forfeiture of any part of the Propeny; or(c)srcures f'ro�n the h�+lder of the(�en an
<br /> ugreement satisfactory to Le�der subord�nating the lien to this Secunty lnstrument. If L.ender determ�nes IhAt any part�+f
<br /> ' the Propesty is sub}ect to a litn w�i�ich may attaia pnont} ��er this Secunty Instrument. l..cnder may gi��e Eiarmv�er a
<br /> notice idreetifying Ihe lien.Eionov►er shall�atisfy the lien or take one�r more of the uct�nns set fi�rth ubcwe w•ithin IQ days
<br /> of thc giving nf notice.
<br /> S. Naziud Iaswnnee. Rcirrow•cr shalf keep the impn��ements now�ex�shng or lirreafter erected on the Pro�xny
<br /> insured against toss by T�re,hsz.ards includeci wiihin the term"extendrei co�•erage"and any other har.ards fur wh��ch l.ender
<br /> � requires insurance. This insurance shall lx mam�amed in the amount� and for !he peticxis that Lender requires. The
<br /> insutance wrrier praviding the insurance Sha{1 be ch:�.en by Horrc>wer suh�ect t� l,ender'� apprcwal whieh shall not he
<br /> unrzasonably withhcld.
<br /> All insurance Ex:licies and renewals shal!he acceptable ta L.er►der�nd shall �nclude a �ta�dard mungage clauce.
<br /> L.ender shall ha��e the�ight tv hold the pc�lic�es und rerlewal� if i,ender requ�res,Nc�rrc�w•er shall pr.miptly gi��c to Lender '
<br /> aU rece�pt�of paid premiums and renewal notices.In Ihe event of loss.Hc�rrow�er tihutl�,���e prompt notice tn the�nsurance
<br /> , cattier an�f Lender.Lender m•ry m;�ke proof of loss if not madc�ramptly by B�►rrow er
<br /> Unless Lenderand Borroxer atherwtsc agree in wnung.�n�urancr prcxced��hal{hr applicd tu r��tarattun i�r repa�r ���
<br /> of the Proptny dantagcd,if�hc restaration or rep;��r is.cconumirally fea5ihlc and l.endrr'�4rc:ur�ty iti nat le.�er�ecl If thc
<br /> restorpiion ar repair cc nat eronomically feasible nr Lender'a secunt� ��>uld hc le��ened.the�nsurance procerds shaU be
<br /> applied to the surnc securecf by IhiS Se�t�riiy Irestrt�ment.wEtether ot nut th�n A�e. w�th any e�cess paEd to$crmwrr If
<br /> Borrower abandons the Property, �►r dc�s n�t answer esrthisz?a day��.a notice fr��m l.ender that the imurance carner hati
<br /> offered to settlt a daim,then Lender may collect the insurarsce praxeed� LCllCICi Iri3y"USC 111C rfOl'eEdS 10 iC�1:r a>r rc�tare
<br /> tite Prc��rrty iis t�►�e:o} �+ur»�xcutcil by tl�n�--L7�:�iy imtsusnr:�t. tiY{tY�I[:t t�Y �u�! :l�rn Jur Teie?f1-ilsy E,-s��:J sai!!i�r�at
<br /> when the natice is g�.r�a.
<br /> Unless lxnder and Borrow er othcrwisc agrce in urit�n�,an�applicatu+n af�r�xced�a��+ru�c:p�l shall n�it extcnd��r
<br /> postpone thc duc date of the montItty pay ments referred to m paraFraphti 1 and:rr�hange thc am��.int��f thc�a}vicntti If
<br /> under pat�graph 19 the f'roperty is��cyu�red b} Lender,&�rrouer's nFht�o any rn.urar:ce p�,l�cie�and pnxeetii� retiulting
<br /> from damage to the Property pnor to the acqut���ion�hall pa«to 1_endrr t��the exten�c�f the�un:�4ec�red by Thiti Secuntr
<br /> In�trument immediately pnur to thr.�cyu�suion
<br /> 6. Freservation and�faintenance ot Yraperty; I.�aseholds. t;«rruucr,h.�tl nc�t de�trn}.dama�;e��r tiu��tantiallt
<br /> change �he Froperty,a{low the Propen� tu dcten��r�ue��r comm�t watitc If th�. �erurity� Iutitrumcnt i� ��n ,� �ca�chuld,
<br /> 8t►rroxer 5ha11 comply�►tth the pmct�u�n<of Ihe ie:��e, end�f Hcur<�wer acc2u�re�fee trtle t��the Pro�+etty�,the lea�ehnld and
<br /> r--=--=--_--
<br /> fee title shal)not merge unlcss L,c�idcr agrec�t��thc nicr�;er in«nting •
<br /> 7. Protertion of l.ender's RtRhts in the I'rnperty: �iortgaue Insurancc. If lis�rc���+cr fait� tr� rcri��r�ri �hc
<br /> cuvenlnh and�greementti amtauicd�n thi�tie�imt� In,trumenL rr tticrr i�s let:.il {-�rn�ec�in�;thet m,�+ ���n�fi.antly�fTect
<br /> Lender's�r�ghtti ro� ihe T'mperty (wuch a� a �r�+�r�.3in� in hanl:ruptc►. �r�+h.+te. f��r cnridrrnn��ti�,n nr h� cnlnr�r I.au, i+r
<br /> rcgulat�ot�sl.ihcr�Lcnder r:�a} d���nd pay fc•r�.h�tetier iti ric�c�ti:ir} t�j�re�tc.t t l�c«luc«f thc!'r����c•tty .�rrii!coidc•r'�ra�ht� �
<br /> m thc Pr�perty. l.endet'c act�,m� rn.ey itiilucic �,�}�n�: en} •.un�ti tiC�UlC•S h� .� hcr. uhi;h h.�� rr���nty ���ci thi� Sc�ur�t� �
<br /> � Inctrurnent.ap�scanng�n rc�urt.r�}oig rcati��ii.�t,lc�tti nir}�'(rc..�n�1 rzrtcinr,:��n rt�c 1':����c:i� t„�,�.�Ac i�•�••.��r� 11th;�u�:h �
<br /> l.cttdcr m.sy t:.il.cection unticr th��r:iraFr.��h'. i ci�Je•r �Ini.nnt h:��c•t��if���;� �
<br /> Any�am„unt��h�hur�c:i hy 1 cndcr u�ulrr the.r��r,��tr.+�+f� '�h.tii he•.,�n��,�,t,'+ti,n�.il,t;h1 r•t K.�:�„urr •r�;u c.1 h� ttu, �_�
<br /> `f'i!Iflt}�!!SlSUQIt•�tt �. R�Y���30(f!��4C7�!l!.�Z.CI:�IL'!.e�t�':It��•I�lv! 1:'tf!f• �1��.��s•�_y-i TI!i'�_'�1�..,,-i��•.}„11 h.•�tf I��I�'lr•� 11•,��� � �
<br /> thc date c�F cltthu�tiLnic•ti� ,�i t(ic \r�c t.�Ic .ui�1 .f�.ill `�r t�_i�.�•�Ir «irl� ,ni:ri•.� ; ��� •���ti.� tr,v� I :i ,1�� � � H •ir �u�r �
<br /> reyue�tm�:p,�}r��ent �
<br /> __.�.�
<br />