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89=- 10Q003 <br />VA ASSUMPTION POLICY RIDER <br />NOTICE; THIS LOAN IS NOT ASSUMABLE WITHOUT THE APPROVAL <br />J OF THE VETERANS ADMEGSTRATION OR IT$. 4 f ORIZED AGENT, <br />TAi S A .iPruiUCT RIDER is made this rd .F f Iq <br />and isidcorporate 4 3iic and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust, or Deed to Secure <br />Debt ( "Instrument ") of the same date herew && the i erned ( "Mortgagor ") to secure the Mortgagor's <br />Note ( "Note") of the same date to 3y800 ratiot 9� <br />Nt. Unwa, III 48043 <br />( "Mortgagee ") and covering the property described in the Instrument and located at: its successors and assigns <br />2423 IL 15TM 600 IWO !E 68803 <br />(Property Address) <br />Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in the Instrument, Mortgagee and Mortgagor hereby acknowledges <br />and agrees to the following: <br />GUARANTY: Should the Veterans Administration fail or refuse to issue its guaranty in full amount within 60 days <br />from the date that this loan would normally become eligible for such guaranty committed upon by the Veterans <br />Administration under the provisions of Title 38 of the U.S. Code "Veterans Beaefits ", the Mortgagee may declare <br />the indebtedness hereby secured at once due and payable and may foreclose immediatelyr or may exercise any other <br />rights hereunder or take any other proper action as by law provided. <br />TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY: If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it is sold or transferred, this <br />loan shall be immediately due and payable upon transfer (" assumption") of the property securing such loan to any ; <br />transferee ( "assumer "), unless the acceptability of the assumption aad transfer of this loan ei established by the Veteraliy <br />Administration or its authorized agent pursuant to section 1817A of Chapter 37, Title 33, United States Code. <br />An authorized transfer ( "assumption ") of the property shall also be subject vi.:additicn;ll. covenants and agreements <br />as set fGrtir. l- .eiow: . <br />(a) ASSU�UPTION FUNDING FEE; A fee equal to one -half of I percent (.50%) of the unpaid principal balance <br />of this loan as of the date of transfer of the property shall be' payable at the time of transfer to the mortgagee or <br />ixs authorized agent, as trustee for the Administrator of Veterans Affairs. If the assumer fails to pay this fee at the <br />time of transfer, tie fee shat constitute an additional debt to that already secured by this instrument, shall bear interest <br />at the rate herzin provide, and, at the option of the mortgagee oi't :e indebtedness hereby secured or any transferee <br />thereof, shall be Immediately due and payable. This fee is autonrat:oally waived if the assumer is exempt under the. <br />provisions of 38 U.S.C. 1919? (b). <br />(b) ASSUMPTION PROCESSiNG CHARGE: Upon application for approval to allow assumption and transfer <br />of this loan, a pressing fae may be char; ui by the mortgagee or its authorized agent for determining the crcditworthtilm'; <br />of the assumer and su( equ "t;y : ecs inl; the holder's ownership racords when an approved transfer is completed. The <br />amount of this charge shall mat exceed the maximum established by the Veterans Administration for a loan to which <br />section 1817A of Chapter 37, Title 38, United States Code applies. <br />(c) ASSUMPTION INDEMNITY LIABILITY: If this obligation is assumed,'then the assumer hereby agrees to <br />assume all of the obligations of the veteran under the terms of the instruments creating and securing the loan, including <br />the obligation of the veteran to indemnify the Veterans Administration to the extent of any claim payment arising <br />from the guaranty or insurance of the indebtedness created by this instrument. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Mortgagor(s) has executed this Assumption Policy Rider. <br />4 -526 reaasc <br />(Seal) ! " (Seal) <br />Mortgagor UWTM IV MMMIM Mortgagor <br />(Seal) <br />Mortgdgor <br />I pU -; MORTGAGE FORMS • :313)293.8700. 18001521 7291 <br />_ (Seal) <br />Mortgagor <br />F � ' <br />