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<br />,� �c� as��i�-� waz�r�s��asxz, �u��T � .�fl""" �:0394�
<br />��:- _
<br />�� i;'�Cn� aLt. �tE:i BY .H�SF PRESF.:3T. that P2e�t 2iortga�e Gozp. (fotcer2y knowc as Hort��g�
<br />�° Assariates, Znc.) , a Cor,�oratior du.ly organized a:nc; existfng vnder aa�d bp v�rtae of
<br />,t�;; t5e 2.a�ws o£ tne Statp of R.�nde 1s�.an�I, �ae�ted �i: Milaanke�, Couaty o£ M�lwa�;►:ee, �tate
<br />"'� cf wisconsii�, �oes hezeby certifq and ackcicrr:led�e, that a certaiz� P�iortgage oear.fng
<br />� date on the 1QT}t day af ���� ,. 15� 8� _ A.D., made ar.d
<br />� execv�ed �� �UBE►ZT H. �IOITASZEGdSRI, A SZN LE F' �?� �,r�_�,
<br /> L�t TW'EN'TY F'0'�fR {24), IPI AR.GO FOUR'£fi SBI��ZVISION �N 2'� VILLAGE
<br /> OF 1wDA, FiAL:� C�UNT4', I3�BFi�'SKA
<br />�>
<br /> Y
<br /> 4 '
<br />�
<br /> Z`�
<br />�
<br />�ttr�
<br />�� ::oc: h�Id and a�aned by the Corporation abov� named and recor�ed in the Uffice oi the
<br />� COUNTY uECORTiEF in an� far. ��-L County ia zhe StaCe
<br />'� of NEBR�SKfe �
<br /> . or, the � dsy �f FEBRUARY ,
<br /> ;9 1 �.L�. , a[ ��— o'clock�m�, iz � �n page
<br />•��� ` V as Document ?70. $�000`r61 is fully pai�,
<br />?�� -
<br />;:�;;,a ::stis�ied and discharged. And che CaU*iTY itECC�R�ER i of said County is hereby
<br />"=� �u�horized to enter this satigfaztion of r.e.c:�.-d.
<br />��e�h
<br /> a`� "3
<br />�� IN k'I'I'!�ESS WHS�Qr= rh� said Fleet Mortga�a Corp. has caused these presents �o te signed
<br /> b• JU�ud [�EE�TS , its ASST. Vice Yresident and attested by
<br />� HA:+�AtrUS�� , its Assistant Secretary �:C Milwaukee, Wiscansin and
<br />'� its corporate seay tc be hereunto affixedti this _ 26TH day cf JUNE ,
<br />� 19 �� A.D.
<br />��a ----- .
<br />�;��
<br />� SSgned ar.�_' S�al.�d in tne rleet , crtgage Corp.
<br /> a�� FrFSe-�;.� of r/Ki .4ortgage Associates, 'Lr.c.
<br />,„.,�
<br /> f
<br />�4
<br />��.-�
<br />�4= � t x
<br /> r / •SST• _ ce President
<br /> r
<br />�:�� .t ... _ _
<br />.*G"^ '
<br />�..
<br />�':r�, Assis aat Secretary
<br /> State of iJi�consin
<br /> County rrf Milwaukeq
<br /> ie:eonaliy r.ane befoz�� ne, this 26TH aay �£ JUNE � i.y 9� �,p,
<br /> 3�t,i7 W�F,RTS � ASST. V;ice Presider,t aad �NCY �NII�'i.l'�JSKI
<br />�';r Assic�tan� SQCrAcar� of che above named Corpora[ior., to me kncun to be su– r.h �•'�• �
<br />• � Vi�e Pres+.dent and ��s�i.stant Secr�etary of said �'arraration� and actcnoc:ledged that they
<br /> execuced the fozegoing instruTbnc as such offir.er�; ys the deed of said Corporation, by
<br />;s�- ": . its auttioritv.
<br />+ ,
<br />,J ��G�;,�`�:.'�_�^-�..:.:.._._�'� ._.
<br /> ! i'._�-.�"�'�--
<br /> LY'.ZN 7H1�ASHER Notarv Public
<br /> h!i�.w��sukae, Wiscon3ln
<br /> r9y �'ouw�i.s�ior. Expires: �_��
<br /> :F�is in:;tr�saent ��as drafted by: _.TANL(;� 1,F1(;1� gn4T� :� Fieet Mortgage Carp.
<br /> (former?y knovn as P'IpZ'tg3$C Associates. Inc.
<br /> P.O Box 303 ► Milwaukee. WI 53201)
<br />