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<br /> T.- �^'.�.r^ �--^.,�_--R -��J- j��f� nTj+F7C!'�,'•;: , rtt�A r�6. . . _ . .�,n:��c;�.+'.A' �: ��v r4Aep� —u.fw :�ti,� � 5� . ,: __
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<br /> �r. : Y wr.i: .+ "
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<br /> —_ —_'_. -_- --�'_ _� .:-��� .. n....
<br /> _i/. _ .. _ - _ . " —_" _ -- _ . _ _ . __ . . ..........�� ....�.� .�...
<br /> i'
<br /> � �
<br /> gQ-�' 10�94�
<br /> ,
<br /> .,
<br /> '� :'4 _ ,�'.s' _ J"i .�:�.1 .�.�.t L�.�:N • •�•1•r,' . . r�'.+1. — - .:�.�� _�,s.�. �i
<br /> __ y
<br /> ,• � � _
<br /> � .;; �� �eatla�vn 1V�einorial Park �em�etery ��-t �
<br /> �
<br /> ; , Grani t�lu+d.Ne6ru�� ' •
<br /> �' � �a O�a2 ,
<br /> :. ,
<br /> d�pr��f�r��p nf �h�n��h�� '��
<br /> � � �
<br /> �, -. � KNOW ALL li(EN�Y THEBE PRE8ENT3:
<br /> E � ! That tbe WE8TLAWN MEII[ORIAL PARK CElI[ETERY A380GIATION (Grantor) a �; �
<br /> �;
<br /> ' � , cemetery aswcistion incorporated ander the cemetery laws ot the 8t�te of Nebrask�,ior
<br /> ', ' and in con�ideratiou of the eum of
<br /> ,� one dollar end other valueblc conaiderationa Dollare, r .
<br /> � � � in hand paid,doei hereby grant a continuing e�semeat �nd perpetu�i right unto t�
<br /> I
<br /> ' ' � Philip J. Harve� and Florence L. Harve� (Grantee(a)l� z�
<br /> � ' �; .1 '
<br /> ' ° or �s�igaa, for the entorabment ot decessed humsn beinga in the follo�ring d�ocribed
<br /> • �' ' M�usoleum in Westl�wn Memorial Park in Hall County.Nebraek�.to-wit:
<br /> , Replat of
<br /> ` �� Maueoleum Number Z . Tende■ Elevatian. �:�� ,
<br /> �
<br /> �' l.evel. A. CrY,pt Nu�Aer 11 ,_
<br /> � '�
<br /> 1' according to pl�ns dnd apecifications af a�id 4 � �
<br /> Mauboleom�n file in the ofiir�oi the Grantor. h ' ,
<br /> Thls certliicate of Ownerehip�nd perpetual right ot Gnntec{�►,or a�slgn�.Is madc tor �.
<br /> � tbe entambruent o!deceased humsn b�eing��and Is made aubject to the rule�snd regula- f':. �• - .
<br /> tions oi The VYe�tlawn Memorial Pa�k Cemetery Aesoci�tion. as the s�me aee now in � �
<br /> .
<br /> . . .
<br /> - _ _, :.- __. .. . - !•�--=
<br /> iaica.ac sb iitej �ns� oe ntresiier smena'eo' v�ine i osro' vi i�irecwrs or cne vrantvr -° --
<br /> . �� � herein.wnd th�G�sntee(il in sccepting thi�Certitic�t� binds the�wselv�s . ��.
<br /> , � �►nd assign�.W comply with and abidt by such rulea�rd regulaEiana. y� t
<br /> 1 '
<br /> Na tran�ter or as�lgn�nent of any �ight or intereet ot thc Grantec(s1 hrrein ahall be �
<br /> valid or ef(ective until such tr�n�fer or asai�nment sh�ll havr been approved by ihe a .,, :,
<br /> : G�antor and euch trsnsfer or sasignment praperly recnrded un the book�and�eeords in �`. . ` _
<br /> the of�ce o!the Grantor. �
<br /> In eonaideration of the peyrnent ot the full purch��e price of the sbove�nsusoltu�n(�). � _
<br /> ,.y The WeatlsMn Memortal Park Cemetery A�sociatian agreea to set apart,as a trust tund. .
<br /> a aum as provided by the lawa of tht Sixte of Nebraaka.ae endoMed care for the benetit �' �
<br /> o!the Mausnleum orvnera.
<br /> � �4
<br /> • �=A � IN TESTI11tONY WH�[tF:OF.The Weatl�wn 1�iemoria!}'ark Cemeter�A�sociation haa ��l
<br /> � caused thIs iastrument to be siAned and its Presid nt,and its corporate seal eo be hereun- ��_=
<br /> ta aitixed�t Grand I�Isnd.Nebraska,on this ._ 2��h_�dsy of�.�Q�,l9 90. , � �`
<br /> �,�I .`
<br /> 1 �
<br /> r � � y . 0�--�RA�1 �3I.�i1tn,,�iEBRA��A ,��-��
<br /> �; �
<br /> y � .� , ti
<br /> �� � �- . ey .___� � - '' � �' °���___ . .--- •- f ��`..`a
<br /> ��;��._� r rr��:e�rit �� -�
<br /> . ���' .' 83'A7ti t1E NEHRASFtA. ; 1 ,J..; .
<br /> . CQUNTY Of' �iAI�L � s• .
<br /> . � �athia 28th __....__day of._.__ .----._.�... Jun�.--��. �.________ .19_99..__, � ' .
<br /> ':; � befine me thc �ndarsEgned,u ne,t3ry publir.,in and to��aid county nnd stnte.p�rsonally • � '
<br /> � �
<br /> • ceme ____.,_._______._.r.___ � ._..�p-tt►ur._P. St.c lk� . ..,. ._. . . - -.-- ',.= . , _._.._�__
<br /> � L President oi Wr.stlaK•n b�cinoriat Park �;ecnedery ut Urand Islnnd, Ncbraska to me per � ya i
<br /> � •� = son�lly known fa bc• Qhe P�esident nnd the identical pecson whvse name is uffixecl to �he �� "�
<br /> �� � �bove�onvey�nce, and acknowledge�! the �xecutian thereof to be his voluntery act and -� `r
<br /> ,: detd aa r�uch officer and the vu9untary aet �nd det�d of ll�e said�4 estlawn hiemot[al f'ark `t` �
<br /> '` � ' Cametery aY Csand Island. ;�FE�braska,nnd that xhtr rorporate senl uf the said �ti'�stlnwn �� ; �
<br /> ,� .Y `� :Iierrtvrircl�'atk Cetnetcry of Crand Isiand. °�:cbrnsk�,w•as th�reta afEixed by its suthori . � ' �j�
<br /> � ���"�' �y , •� ` �.
<br /> hs id �nd nutarirs) seai the� �lny t►r.ci yc•csr last <<hu�•c• w•rilte>n. �
<br /> � �q IpM'�l�IM M wMM� �� 1 c,,y.,,, , • ' �' �n
<br /> e .'� ��r�, i,+�RQliNA1 M/y.��qAKER ��.�,J 0"rt�n..�C*b //L . �u-�?�'.�GJ. � . , :'
<br /> } �����ML K t� `..!DiY E�l1f�L° .. �M.�
<br /> `�.'`.''';.i' (�. ��
<br /> .�
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