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<br /> gp.� 3.439�� .
<br /> iv�y�u�ie uRM�vvr.��rrrs itc�rrowar and i,enAcr tunhcr cocenam stnci agrre us iaitaw•s:
<br /> tA. Accelentia�; Ite�dia. t.s�der sl�11 �i�e �atice tn BoROwer prlar to aeetenttan foito�riaf Borrower'�
<br /> I�cb ot u�y carew�t ne yn�r��t t�tbb 5�twrlty Tiatrr�ent(b�t nat�rla�ta acceler�tlan�nde�par���h�13��d l7
<br /> wil�y�Ikwie I�w�ro�liM otIMrNMe). 71N �otics�11 s�cify: (a)the dtt�alt: (A)tMe �ctio� rsaNt�ed to cM�e tl�e .
<br /> �{rf�wft:te)�i�:r.�t te�t(�30�ri tra�tl�+Nt�ti�e�iire i��Irta to Bormwer.sy�bic�tYe ictiult s�ut 6e err�cd: � -
<br /> _ r�t t�dut tdl�rt to t�nre t1�e�k o�a 1�e[Qre tYe�te pie�ciAe�!is t�e eatkc�y ren�k te acxe�erttia�t of tl�e�
<br /> ��i by tliis�cw�ity Y�t�1�ale af t�a Pro�t�.Tl�e wotk�aM�11 iNrtl�er iAtorn�Bcxrowsr a�tLe�t to
<br /> , r�M�N�/e��cc�tio��■d t�e�¢t to rH�a co�t �etiae to�ert tl�e aoa�zisteAee ot s dehrtt �x�y otl�ee
<br /> ` . �el�e ot 8orrawee to�ereleratiaw a�a1h.i�tlk�Iel��It b�at cwred o�or bctore tMe d�te Mecitkd ts tMe�otice�I.eMer
<br /> � ����r �K�MY�t i�htl ot a!!sw�a ucand br tl�b 5eturttY liatro�n+eut wilhwit tdrtl�er
<br /> i�i�1�ty i�rolce tlie Ib'Ker otMle W a�y otYer n+�eiia�ersittN br�Nlksbk law.I.eMe��iu�l!se eNNtled lo
<br /> atMct �It eY� i�rrai ia �uwiy tre re�eiiq �oridN I� tib pKS�r��h 19. t�cl�d,���; b�t aot Il�ite� to.
<br /> �i�«t�or�rs'f��i r�s o�HHe eriiewes. -
<br /> ' lt tY��nwer d ale h i�rokal, Te�tee tYali record•.oHce ot deh�U t�ach coYeey i� wMkM any Mrt ot the
<br /> � P�+�rt�i�lat�bi MI sial!�ii co�s ot wel��otiee i�tl��er�cd6ed by aMlks►k IaR to Borrowsr a�i to t!k
<br /> � a�M�'����7�lNkaile law.Atter tUe ttwe�tred�y s�ikslk law.Trwtee�hsll�(re�bHc�otice of
<br /> � �Me M tl�e�er�oe�s�l lw tMe�aer�ac�lbei►y�11aaMe law.'Tn�sta.witlaet denund o�Ror�ower.�ball sell th�
<br /> ,! Pro�erty at�el�tk��ctioa to We M�at bi�kr xt t6e dse an�'lsce aad a�eder the teru�a dalt�a�ted�a tl�e notice ot sak is
<br /> ore or�are NrceM s�l is�y orde�Trwtee ietend�a.Trwtee w�Y patpo�e�le oi dl or a���trcei oi ti�e Pro�crty by
<br /> w►lic�uow�ceo�ewt n the dwe�i'f�ce ot�y're�bwly scretwr�e�l eak. I.c�der or iq desi�nre inay 'YMlltf!tI1!'
<br /> ; Pro�erty at�Y Mle.
<br /> ' � Up�recN�t d My�ent of tMe price W�,7'�ntee �hall delire� to sMe prrcha�er Tru�ta's deed coeTCyt��tht
<br /> � Pr�ei�tr.1'�e ncitsU lp tk T�ta'r deN s�all be Kf�facie e�t�eace ot tMe trutG ot the�tul�e�ts msde thcroin.
<br /> Tn�st�e,�11 yNly t�e�oceed�at t�e s�k i�tlie totMwt�q arder.(�)to�fl ex�e�ot the e�k.t�cludi��.bMt�ot lin�tted
<br /> ; to�Ttwtee'�tee��s/en�ttted 6y a�ylic�Ne taM uut reatortble�ttorneys'tces;(bl to all ar��xcured by t6b Security
<br /> t��e�t;�ni(cl a�y exce�to tre renon or�erw�s leaally estitled to it.
<br /> Z0. I�e�ier iw Posu�o�. Upan acaleratian under paraaraph 19 or ahandonment of the Property, l.ender(in
<br /> person.by aarnt or by judicially a�inted receiver)shall be rntilleci to e�ter upon, tAke possecsion af and m�nage the
<br /> � Prnpeny�tnd to coticet the rents of the Propeny inciuding those p�..�t due• Any ronts collected by i.eadc�ar thc reeeivor
<br /> �hall be applied 6rst to payment of the cost�of mana�emmt of the Pruperty and colkction of rents, ineluding,but nos
<br /> timited to.receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bond�and reasonable attornc��s'fees,and then tc►thc su.ms secured by
<br /> � this 5aurity lnstrument. ,
<br /> � 21.aeeo�reX�ce.Upon paymem of all sums scc:ured hy thi�4c�urity Instrument,I.ender chall request Trustee ta
<br /> reeonvey the Property�nd shall surrender this Secunty lnstrument arec!al!not�cw evidencing deCt srcured hy thiv Secuntc
<br /> . Instrument to Ttustee.Trustet Shal!rer�nvey thc Praperty without v►�arranty and v►•ithout charge to thc peru�n or persans
<br /> kplly rntitlai io it.Such per�s or�xrcons shal)pay sny rocordation cc►�ta. i _-�=
<br /> ' 2Z CrVfltrte 7YtiatK_!rrulrr.al itcnrduin.enwv frnm t�reu tn t'en�r�mn►•�Tnictrr�ruf annnant a ui�re�ccnr truceK -""
<br /> -� _ ------------ ---------------•------r-----^---�----�-------- -4--- -----'— -'---------r.---•---------`- ------ _ - -
<br /> to�tiy T�tte�p�inttd ttt�ruridee by�n in.lrumeni recarded in the counfy�n which this Siec�riiy(�strument is recorded. -
<br /> Without canveymce of the Praperty,the suceessor trusta shall succee�i t�all the title,pow�r ar�d duties�nnferred u�n
<br /> � Trusta herein and by�pplic�bte law�.
<br /> 2�. Re��est �or\iWice�. Horrower requests that.�opies oP the nouces of default and sale Ae sertt t� f�rrow•er's
<br /> addraswhich isthc Property Aticiress. -
<br /> ?A.Ri1et�N t1f�Setwity Iw�trr�t. If nne or more r�ders ace executrd by 13orrow•cr•rnd rerorded together v�2th
<br /> this Socurity instrument. the eovensnts and a�reements of each�uch stQer shall be incorporated int�and shall amend and
<br /> suppkment the covetunts rnd sgraments oF this Secur�ty In�trument as �F thc r�dcrls) w�rre a part �f this Secu�ity
<br /> Instrument.(Checic appl�cabic bax(es)j
<br /> _ ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider �l Cond�m�n�um lt�der '��' 2--4 Family R�der __�
<br /> [� Graduated Payment Rriter �� Planned Umt Devrlopment Ridcr
<br /> � Other(s) {specifyj
<br /> �,m...,
<br /> � ��A'
<br /> BY Slt3yi!VG BEl.ova. &�rrflx•er aecepis and agrtes to th� tem�s and cu�rnants cc�ntn�ned �n thtis Secunty '�
<br /> Instrum�nt and in any ndrr(s)e�ecnted by i3orrawer a�id recorded K�q h u
<br /> ........................................ .... ... ....... ... . .���' ..�--����l:�[�!. . . .. .. 5ea1
<br /> �,.� t 1
<br /> i JOhn J. �fSze 1 —so«ower
<br /> t.�, .
<br /> .. . . . .. ... .... .. .. . .. . . .. . . 4`�.'l�.�r.. .!` .��.� . .�.,.��_.'..��-.�.. .. ............ .ts�t�
<br /> �soxanne L. Tni�i —°�"'^^`
<br /> SI'A1f�(�l NIRK1�A�. Nall c ��uuiL �,.
<br /> Ut� thit �gLh Ja} �,t June , {4 9Q 1••rt���� mi. �t�r �in.lcr�i��n�•.t, .� ti„t,�i� I'ul,li�
<br /> duly cnmrniscioncd and��u,ii�fird t�,r.ai�i:�,unty.ttc:,��n.�lly ..�n�.• ,�ohn J. Thtel �nC! Roxanne L. Th.iel,
<br /> each in his artd her own right, end as spous� cf each ather . ��� m� �,�����►�� ���F•�•nc� %`—-- _
<br /> IC�E.'lllll:�! �er�unl�� \\�Il��l' fldiill'l>) :Iff �Uf���tl�t�'� !:� Ifli lf+fl'���•(1}" llt.!IISIl1�111 ,111ti .:��11��'.�i:_c(1'i�� I�1C C'1��tAl1Uf1
<br /> the�cuf tu bc Ct'►8iT <<elui�tac} a.t :sn�f �1rrJ .
<br /> ��'�tnt5ti tY�� h.atid c�nii nvt.�na!�c.il .it Grand 7sland, P;e�T�Sk� ��� ,.int����ii�i�.. ii�.
<br /> datc at'urcwi�i.
<br /> , �
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