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<br /> UN7FI�R11('<�vFN�tiT: Nor�awcr��ncil.cnc�rrcavcrantand�Frrrucfoit�«� �V�� '"''
<br /> 1. P�yment of Nrinciptl�tnd�nterat;Prep�ymenf tnd L.ate Chargcs, liurrnv�.•cr shall pr��m�tly�:t� Nl�r�i�3ur
<br /> the principal i�f anc!intrretit on�he debt evidenced hy the Nc�te and t+n��prep���mcnt nnd IAtc rharge�d:ie under the N���e
<br /> Z. FumhfaeT�xes�edln�ur�nct. Subjecttouppli�ablelawc�rtuawrittenNUe«rbyL.eudrr,Hurr��wershnllpay�
<br /> ta�cnder on 1hc da�monthly �a��merttS urr duc undcr thc Note,until thr Notc is�said iu fult. as�uu(••Puiuis"�e�ual �c� __
<br /> �"' c+nrRwcltlh ��P: (�) }�cx�l�r twx�s aiui essessmcnts N•hich may attuin pnority o��cr this Security� In�lrUmcm: (b) ��carly
<br /> f Iessehoki paymentz ar �sound rents �n tht Pm�rerty, if �ey; 1c) ytarty ha�ard insu�ance �+reiniumc; and ��) ��rarly
<br /> mort��«e insu��nca�remiums.iPany. "�hese items are cAllcd"escrow itcros." Lender may e�tim�te Ihe Nunds due on thr
<br /> tsxxis n!'cur:ent d�ti and reasc�naDk estimates af future eser.�w items.
<br /> � Tl�e l�unds sh�l!be held in an institution t6e depasits or accounts af which arc insured ar guarantced by a federal c�r
<br /> st�te��ency(inctudina l.eader iP Lender is such an institwion�.I.ender shall aQplv ihe Funds to �ey the escrow items.
<br /> i.tnder may not charge far holding And applying the Funds,anslyzing the accouni c+r�erifj�ing the escrow items,unless
<br /> Lrnder p�ys Horrower intersst an the Funds and ap��licible law permits Ixnde�ta m�ke such a chargc.Borrower and
<br /> Lender m�y aara in writing that interest shall bc paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is madc or applicable IaWv
<br /> ` requires intarest to be paid,Lender shall not be rcquired to pay Aorrow•er any interest ar earnings on the Funds.Lender
<br /> shall�ive to 8arror►•er,vvithaut chs�rge,an�nnu�►1�ccoantingrf the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and thc
<br /> purpc�se for which c�ch debit to the Funds was mnde.The Funds are pledgcd as addiiianal security for the sum9 securcd by
<br /> . thisSecudtylnstrumeht.
<br /> � If t}�e amount aCthe Funds held by Lcndcr,toqcther with the lature monthlp paymr.nts of Fund�payable prior to
<br /> : the due dates of the escraw item�,shell exceed thc amnunt required to pay the escraw items when due,the rxcess shall be,
<br /> ' at Barrower's opti�n,either promptly repaiid to�rrower ar credited to 8orrower on monthl� payments of Funds. if the
<br /> ' amour�t of the Funds held by Lender is nat suflicicnt to pay the escrow�item�w6en duc, 6orrow er shall pay to Lender any
<br /> ; amount ncctssary ta meke up thcdeficiency in one or more payments as tequired by Lrnder.
<br /> ; Upon payment in full of ail sums secured by this Security I�strumcnt. Lender shall promptly refund tv Borrower
<br /> � any Fund�held by Lender. if under paragraph 19 the Proptr�y is sold or acquired by lender,Lender shall apply,na later
<br /> � than immediatefy prior to the sale oF the Propeny or its acquisi�ion by Lender,any Fundc held by Lendcr at the time of
<br /> , application as a credit ag�inst t�e sums scti urcd by this Securi�y 1 nstrument.
<br /> 3. A�lic�tion ot Payineab. Untcss applicable law p•o��ides rnherw•isc, all pasment� rcce��ed by Lendcr under
<br /> psraanphs 1 And 2 shall be�pplied:first,ta late charges due under the Nnte:second,to prepayment cl�urgey due undrr ths
<br /> Note;third.to amounts payablc under paraRraph 2;faurth,t�•interest duc;and lu�t.to principal duc.
<br /> �. CM�r�; Ident. Hotrow�er slr3rl.R pay all taaes,asceRSrtr.ents, chargec, fines and nr.r.pc�sitions attributable to the
<br /> Propeny whi�h may �t�ain priority c►«r lhis Secuney In�traeneet, and Icacehold payme.ccc or Fround rents, if any.
<br /> Harr�wer shal!pay these obligation�m thc manner prn�i.�ed u►raragrarh Z,ur if�ot pa�d�sz thAl manner, Horrower shall
<br /> Me�r th�tn on timr directly to the person owed pay�mcr�t. t3;�rrow�cr�hall pr��mptl�� furn�sh tn 1_tndtr all nntic����f em�unts
<br /> t�he E►aid under this Mr�graph.IP fiorrowc�makec t�ese paymcnts directly, Bnrrnw•er shaii prc�mplly furni�h to Lender
<br /> reccipts cvidencing the�sayments.
<br /> &�rrower shall promptly dixharge:�ny I�en w hich hus prionty o�er�h��Securu� In�arumen� unlres Fi��rmwer�(:►1 _
<br /> __ �1[[ets lawiitinR tn Ihe navmrut af the c�bii�atinn secured Au thc l,rn�n a mann�r ar���tat�lg en 1�nAnr_/h�.����e�o�r e rt�1 ' -_
<br /> -----------•------- --
<br /> fait�thc lirn by,ot d�fcnds agamst enf.�t.:et�ent.�f thr fic���n,Irg;+i pmcec�imgv w•hich�n the Lender'S opimon c,Exrute tu .
<br /> ptcvt�t the enforcement i�f the lien or furfciture oP any part uf the Property;�*r��)sc�ures from the holdcr of the lien an
<br /> aEreement satisf�:tory tu Lendersulx�rd�rrasing[he Gen ta�h��Sc�u�ity lnc�run�ent.If l.ender deterrninet that a�}'part c.f-
<br /> th¢ Pra�xrty �s s;�b}cct to a I�en which ntay attam pnnriq nver tFcc�Srcunt� ln��rument. Lender may F��e &�rrrwer a �-
<br /> natice i�ienlifying the lirn. Horrowas chall satisf�trie ltrn c�r takc i�see��r m��re c�f Ihe acticnz�4et,��rth aMs�r ait h�n 10 days
<br /> c�'che giving nf noticc.
<br /> 5. Hsssrd lasun�ct. Norrowor shall keep t�ie im�+rn►ement�nc+w r±��.��g�•r herraRer er�titt.f �n the Pr�pert� �
<br /> insurod�Eainst loss by fire,hai�rds�ncluded w•uhm thc trrm"ettendrd c�n rraFr'a�id an� �t t:tr haiardti fi�r whtch Lrnder �
<br /> requires insurance. Th�s insuraace tiha3l �+c ma�n�auicd ro thc amcsun4c and fur the peru�us that L,ender requ�rs�s 'ihe
<br /> insurance camer providing Ihc �nsurat*c� �hal) t*c che��rn hti• H�,rr��wcr �i:b�cr! te� 1 ei�dcr'� ap�roti.�! wh�ch ahall n��t he
<br /> unreasonably w�thhetd
<br /> � All insyr�nce pohcies and renewatc shall he arceptahle tc�i.ender and Shall i�i:tudc a .rtand�rd mart�age clau+e.
<br /> I.cndo�shall hati•e Ihc rip,ht tu hold the�ti:ci�s ar►d renew•�1.. If l,er:dcr rcyu�rc�,Eia�rrt�wer��:at� rrnmp��y g��e en Lr��de�
<br /> �ll recciptsc�f patd prcmiums and ccnew al m�tices. In thc c�en�of Ic*�.ti.l��nrxcr yhall gi.e{�P�•.^.tipt nc�tire tr+thc en,ur.�m::.-
<br /> carrier and Lender.l.ender rnay mai�e pr�kaf��F I��s��f n�t rna�le pr�smptlE hy Nurruwrr. ��
<br /> Unte�s L.endes arid[i+�rr��NCr c�therwiu a�rer taa wntin�,�n�urancc�+r�kccd�.h��ll hr:ippli�d t��re�tc�rahun��r re�a�s �'
<br /> uf the Pro�xrty damaFrci,�f thc restotatton ur rcpatr tr ctirou�m�c:illy feazihlc and I cn:lcr'.�c�usn}•��nns !e«cncd (f the
<br /> rest�5ratiun ur rcpair ir not cro���micalty t'��.iblc.�r i.�nder'.cr�•urtt� c�i�uld he le«cnrd. �hc sn+ur�nce�+r�xcedl shaff t�c:
<br /> . applied to the sum�u�.ured b� tbs Scru�:tc lnctrumcnt, whethcr�+r n��t thcn due.uul� ari,es�c�� pa�d t��f3orroWer. If
<br /> Hotruwrr:ibandvns�the Hrujxrty,�tit d�•rs nor ancKCr w�thin 31►r�a4�a r,��ticc tri�rz� 1 en�3er tL•;i� she �ncurance c.irner has
<br /> oRered to settle s�cl��m,ther�lxre�ler may�ollre! lFte��nur.u�rr�+re�c•eedc I.�neter ma�•uce the prcbeedc to sep�ir ar re�tnre
<br /> thr Pra�rly or m pa�+um5 cccur�tici t» 1lti�ticyucu� Itistnirncnt.ubethcr ��r i�c�t thcr��fuc Tfie �0•ai.�y �n�xi uilt h�g�n
<br /> w hcn thc�nt�ce t�Fi.cn
<br /> � �tttli=4l_fi1�IfSdS'tt'��i:�1li=t�c: ::!{t-ru��t-aF:��;n.:rattn�.a�yarj�;t�aitrn.=f�i�kc'ic;�[�+4�€czi�t�:sl�}��ilnuicatcnr�nr
<br /> � �;t{x�ne Ihr due�ate uf�he+n��:uhly p�.,mcnt�retcrrcd tn in�ar��ranh4 1 :�t�d:��t rh.�n�:e�hc nrhuunt r>t the�.��rnrnt, if
<br /> under�•ar�gr,�j�h !9 ihe f'n►�rtt i.:scywred hy I c7��1r�. (i��fr�+Hrr"�n�:ht t��iin� u:aur.sn�r���i�recr.�rsd pr�kec.i� retiultmL
<br /> from dam3gc!u the 1'to�tti ptti�rtt�thc a�yu��i!i�+n rhalf��a�;�u I cn�rr t�•thr..�ttcnt��f thc�umw+c. eircd h�ihi�tiY�uri��
<br /> In�trumecit trnme�ii:�tcl� pn��r tr the:iC4i11\Ill��ti
<br /> 6. !'rts¢rvation and �tainten�nc.of!'ropert�: I easehotd�, tt��r r.��+rr �h.atl n��t �:;.ir���. Jar��,,Rc�•r+��b,�,,nn�ll.
<br /> , ch+r.ee the Pr��perty. all��w the i'r��(�ett1 t�+�ic�eru�rate �,r i��mmit �t,��tr II t:m �r.un' ln��rcti:ne:i+ �. ,�ri .i l..e�eh,�l�1
<br /> E3�,rn,aer chall rnm�l�wnh the�m���,�•r��;�!'the leatr. ;sn.f�f N„r�„ncr.�.yunc�tcr nllct:�Shc Pr��Ea�r t�.1he•Ic.,�ch:�1J.�n�:
<br /> fretitlt•c1,_.Ilnotmcrc:eunlr��•lcndr�:��;ocr.t,�thrmct�::rmantin� ` _ - � -
<br /> 7. Ptutection of I,�ndcr's E2ikhts in the Propevt�; �t�ort�;;��;c InSUrance. It H��ri���err °.,�1. t,� ��rr�•,rm tL•�-
<br /> lt�tCli:111�S81t�tJ�',fCCTf(£fl{�l+Hlfrllllf��llli�tl�`�ti111f�V �I111i!ttl!Cl11. �r�hc'[CI. d�C�'•I� ; ;�v:_c.)11i:I�L:illi_'. e.'!:11�._ll;litd�fC�;
<br /> lendrr'ti �iFh�� in I�1C �(1��llt (\U.:�13�.1 �(a�ifctilll(�, 111 h.i1t(�fiit�i.\ F-f�`fl.11i �� 1 � .�. �' '1.fI� !�� ' [i� ;'1t���tCC :Jl�♦ nI
<br /> ICCU�,itu*na►. thrn lcr:dcrn�,�}t�:`�IIh��.1��.�{\ti�1d1C�1'f t�IIC�C��.l(L I�`��:��IL'-'1(�.�'t •.,�;�' '1•' �' E'f��;:;fl•.. .�h�; j CIILiCf �f�i'�I'`� .
<br /> tn the Yr��pett► 1 entte� �ts,:hrt.�n:.�y au�?u.i;r r.i�ei}� ..nti �t,m� .c�.��tr�.s h•. a .:rr .ti� �.'. h.�, r- .�r:• . • ti�:� �r.ttrrt� �
<br /> I�R�Tf4lfTSCi11...l�!jTC.3I1lt2!!lii+illS. E�JS'Eia.iC.i�istl.fF�i.tSi� P*itV�� �cc� .:'iif rnT,ct•fi1..:t".;'f�!i •'�tr: 1� '�I.I+,Pr�'T�.iII'. .'4','ft."i�f. �a
<br /> � 1 cttiler nna�F.cl�e�ulu�:i�:it�ic�t th����.ir.ie£a�+h'. 1:n�le� �:�•c.��.�t t..i�r���.�.,� �'�
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