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i <br />F <br />F <br />Se's �� ADDiTlt3'�AL TERMS <br />PRIsPAYME%T AND ACCR IA. FINAN ECHARGE: Eventhou+: htdotxtthavetopayntorethantheregulus ckeduJednu +nthlyp;tyment.Ihavetheright <br />to prepay the v.:+ feunuyt ►tawingutvo:iin full tit amittit or in pan from time to time. if ftlendingii,,ututionot bank Klbu%N my comr-witcompuic%the finance charge <br />da►ty, [ tnav -i trance charge will Est• less it I make an cart%payment. and it w ill he higher if I pay late: i also reccognli: that ;im necessary adjustment [o my tutgl finance <br />charge rwi!! be ref�ei led in my tool bill: I also know that the amtamnts.ttown an the ccverw srdi inr the F►nancc Charge. Total of Isay meats. and the Total Sale Price we esti- <br />mates based or. the assumption that you well' ►reeitir vac h i tt itie payments c'.:a�tlt c +n itsduc date. and I know that there u dl he na refund if I prep sy because them is nothing <br />to refund it I am charged on a d ►it} h.►si,. If the lendinc insututton or bank does mil t +nnpute the fin:tnee charge daily. and it 1 prepay ter_ whale artmtwnt. you will refuted <br />tome the unearned pert ►nn of the finan�e.h:uge r mterestl by the accnunong procedure known os the actuarial method: and the amounn of my� rebate will he figured on the <br />scheduled dates and amounts of my montht} payment and not nn the a: tun! darts and amounts of the prep. syments that 1 pier to }cite, t know that a refundof less than $1.0D <br />will not be made. <br />IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES- <br />We We as SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />BILItY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS- AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR- <br />NISHES BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LIMITED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHICH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT)- <br />(b) 1 have read, in detail', the separate"10 -YEAR I.INIFfED W ARRANTY" which, if made, accompanies thiscontract. it explains the conditions and circumstances <br />in which the manufactured products will be repaired or replaced. I take notice of the limitations on the warranty, and I particularly recognize that any implied warranty which <br />applies totheg s astsonlwas longas tir_warrantyorser•icecontrut. <br />(c) 1 have read. in detail, the separate" LINUTED INSTALLATiON WARRANTY" which. if niatde, accompanies this contract. It explains the conditions and cir- <br />cumstances in whichthe installationof the siding will be redone. I take notice of the limitationson the warranty. and 1 particularly recognise that any impliedwarrmty which <br />appliesto the instal lation asT s'i o- yaslongasthewarrantyur servicecuntrsct. <br />SPECIAL -ORDER GOODS:1 know that you have measured my house and its openings so that you can make the products to fit my particular house. i take notice that the <br />goods that are manufactured for my specific house probably will not fit any other houses, and under such conditions. I know that I cannot cancel this contract at any time <br />after the period of time given to me. by law. in which to cancel. After that legal periodof time, I know that E have the obligation to pay you in full the amount owed. <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY iNSURANCE AND MY REAL ESTATE: 1.1 promise to keep my house to good repair and to keep it insured for <br />at I-" 0 % of its rcpls c=:7t value by buying a fire and e-- tend cov.-rage in:.urasrcc, ^.r.Ji «;. T' e ituartnx:c rpm r im.t � a ^;.m ::d by yes. slid th- pAicy mast have <br />a beneficiary clause which says that you are to be paid if therm is a loss. The insurance company must agree that it wi�i oat canceCmy policy without first telling you. I au. <br />thorize the imurance company to pay you directly for any lost You rat chaxisa to use this insurance payment to either repay any amounts I owe }ou or to repair my house. <br />have the option of providing property msurdncc through an +:xiKin:fglliey-ar through a policy independently obtained and paid for by me. 2. 1 also promise that twill not <br />allow anyoneeisc top lace any Inns an my real estate withrrll.yrru17fle�i.La t+t+ission. 3. E promise to pap Awes. assessments and other charges on my realest rte when <br />due. 4.1l' promise to timelyy make all payments an my riot in tr : r cviikbu,ty real estate. l also pmmit a that' will not extend, renew or change prior loans without your <br />written permission.15 . if ido not insure my house nr fulfill m5 �t!aer ebli bons to my real estate. then you can do it for me if you want (but you do not have to). If you do <br />pay any of these obigation, for me. l agree to pay you 62ck andemand ght3 interest at the highest lawful contract rate of interest. Until l pay you back. these amounts will <br />be added w n }• debt to you which is secured by my real estate and hous.. t i ;yoµ that if you decide rn buy insurance for me that you do not have to obtain any homeowner <br />or liability insc lance. <br />SALE OF 141 Y U01UNE: I promise not to sell, [ease or give my house to any rsrreuntil I have fully repaid env &bt to you. <br />DUE ON Sfif; _,1Tff sell. tease or give my house to anyone before i have fully paid 3111 neye under thii vo;tract, you can declare all that I owe under this contract payable <br />zlonce and Iagrcctoinimcdfi :clypayyouthatamount. <br />LiFFAULT: i will be under this contract if. <br />1 I crit'c make a payment when due, or <br />2. libtfx any promise l made to y ou in this contract. or <br />3.. c!ir err- tringelse happens which causes you to believe in pod f aiththatldo not intend tapay you asptt+ 'sed:ar <br />d, isr1V du! tan any obligations for which Iam using myhomeascollateral .or <br />y... $j ^.+ething happens to my house which threatens, your right%. if any, in it. <br />W i AM' 1X lit r'eAULT: i understand that you have the right to forecluse the %"art - f. F, •. v; given t ou and h c my house sold to repay any amounts 1 owe you if I <br />em in defualj:dndr: this contract. Before my house i!. sold. you will 3oiuwer triin+ 12 N require . i you hi an attorney to assist you to sell my house, or, to sue me. <br />or, to proted.y {,ter rights, 1 agree to pay you for your reasonable attomcy! Gar+ :3 far. ct relate expense uch as coon costs, title sc :aches and money you expended <br />to protect my,ttpjttw. if you are allowed to collect such amounts bylaw. <br />OTHER RiG#1T5: Wit csn+ hiioce not to enforceany of Nto rights under this contra us ;f ti: : we want without losing them. Or, we can delay enforcing any of the rights <br />without losing them. Wecrnab o use any light ,, now orio file fimire given ta bylaw. <br />DELAYS: I know that ya3 will use your best efforts, tit, ttttuJl d.c ucts 1 a urc" g rn, m�/ house, but 1 also understand that in come situations rtaimap eccounter <br />delays that ate: caused by strikes, weather conditions• delays yo ave obtaini, „, rs, Qflor other reasons that are beyond your control. l understand that you will <br />not be litibivfbrsuch delays. <br />ARBITRA'SIGN: if I have a disputt: or claim with you co tern g the 4 ' >y i h 'yuaGry 0 /Performance of the products, i understand that my dispute may be submitted to <br />iLid settled according to ahe mirdiution- arbitnition rogram 'hat m • have dr• :red m r.,1 •;ommunity. I also know that any decision made by an arbitratar(s) would be en- <br />ua-edin the court having juntdicaionover me and y <br />I4ALVAGF. VAi,UE: 1 know that [tie wtnttow•s. wot ar , riding, bri ;rti!r,s�?e- �•iz':rtals that have to be removed by you for this installation lsee KID salvage value. <br />When you :• itwve them. you cinhascrth.inftu.whmever se you ,;.E. <br />SPi•:CIAI.SrfLiA TIOM :I:ut: toter unul►t:ne,s of corn a the a:r i• u-r•.)u a'J.1 `inderrtand that i•r, ipecial situations that your R;ggxnid C`fi:e may have to review <br />and accept 00.i.arm Tract. I a1vu ;het this sale occurre a my! d ihat v� �-, and 1 way act. kw a had all the correct mformAuiYr 1 rl;nrant to this transaciii:n <br />M /nur+imgW w,:; f Oiwar V. nUb,xMnntrn++��.inwrLrnv.,ht•.r ,,r nrG►hat f.t. hate i4, rite: ,l t­ •nif,rh1 ^o thiccontrari werecomnleted <br />.,,,Yost <br />7 <br />0 <br />its <br />1 -1 ­.___:. <br />• N <br />e 1 <br />It <br />{C? <br />c �. <br />