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<br /> 1 _ �
<br /> Q�-� �.n��c�rra � -
<br /> Uw�t-c�!tM L'��v�:v��yrs l3ormwer and Lender co��cnant and agree as follow c�
<br /> 1. P�y�tnt af Princtp�l�nd lntcrest; Prep�yment�tnd I.�tt�harQes. 8rn•row�cr shall prrmptl� pa��+►hcn dur
<br /> the principxl c�Pand interest on tho d�bt cvidenced by thc Note�nd any prep�y�mem and Inte chnrges due under t he Note
<br /> - s. �'YlfYi�t�({Ai�CiMRN�11711��IR�C� �i�ni�CiitsdpE�li�iat�IClu�iiliQO�3ti'fii4titii'81L�TtSS'�.�iSt�i:L, �o:::t�•:rshzll�s:.y
<br /> to[.ender on the day monthl}pa}mcnts urc duc�nder Ihc Notr,uritil thc�Notc iy paid in fuil,A sum("Fund+')equal tu
<br /> ` c�nt•��tttth c�f, (�i yearty taxes and asussr�ents which rs�a} attain pn�nt� a���rr thia Se�u�ty fnttrument; 1b) y�ariy�
<br /> kaxhald payments or ground rents on �he Propert�+, iP any; (c) �•early hAZard insurance prcmiums; and (d) ycarly
<br /> mcxt�e insurance premiuma,if any. These itenis aie ca}ied"escia�items."Lender rt►ay cstimatc ihe Funds due on the
<br /> bxsix af curtent d�ta and reasan�bic estiniates of fut ure escrow itcros.
<br /> '�'he fiunds sh�ll be held in an instiiution the deposits or accounis Mwhich are insured or guaranteed by s�federal or
<br /> � st�te��ency(includin�Lender iP Leader is such an institution). Lender shall appl}+ thc Funds ta pay thc cscraw items.
<br /> Lender may not chsrge for holding and applying the funds,a�alyzing the accouat or verifyin� the escraw itrms,unless
<br /> � Lender p�ys 8orrawer interest on the Fund�and applicable law permits I.ender to makr such a charge. Borrower a�d
<br /> , Lender may agree in writin6 that interest shall bc paid on the Funds. Unless an agreemen� is made ar applicable law
<br /> ' roquirea intertst ta be p�id,4cnder shal)not be rcquired to pay Borrower any interest or cArnings on the Funds. Lender
<br /> : shall Sive ta 8orrawer.without chargr,an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and dobits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional security for thesums secured by
<br /> , this Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> If the amount aP the Funds held by Lender. togethcr with the future monthly payments of Funds payabte prior ta
<br /> � ihe due dAtcs�f Ihe esc�aw items,shall exceed the amount reqsired to pay the c�crow items�vhe�dae,the excess shall be,
<br /> � at Borrovvee's optian,either promptly repaid to Borrower c�a cr.��ited to Horrow•er on monthly pu�ments af Fwer.��;.lf the
<br /> ' ' Amount of the Funcis held by LendeE►.�s�ot sufficient to pa}¢he c�,:raw items when due,Bo�rrow•er sha!! pay to I.e�a���er an�
<br /> ' amount necesssry tom�L:e�p the de6l��rncy in one or more pa��nents ac req,�n�ed by Lendrr.
<br /> ; Upon psyment in full of all sums secured h_��this Security Instrum�.,e, I,ender shall pmmpt@�refand to Borrowcr
<br /> ; any Funds held by I.ender. lf under paragrapt� 19¢hc Property ic�ld or acqvired by I.ender, Lender shall apply,no later
<br /> • thxn immedintely pria�to the sale of'the Properts or its acyuisition b�� I..endc�,an� Fund�held by l.ender at the time of
<br /> � application as a credit against the sums�ccured by this Security lnctrument.
<br /> 3. Applkation ot P�yments. Unless applicable law p*ovides othtrNise, all paymentc recei��ed by Lender under
<br /> . paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:f rst.to tate chargtc due under the Note;cecnnd,t�prepayment chargec due und�r Ihe
<br /> • . Nate;third.to atnounts payable under paragraph 2;founh,to intrrest due;and las�,to prineipal duc.
<br /> �. Charges:l.kns. f3c�rrowcr�hall pay all��xes, asceti�ment�,chargcc, finc�and im�►oc�uans attrihutable to thc
<br /> ProFxrty which may Attain psionty o�cr th�c 5ccunty InatrumenL and Ica�chold �aymcntc ur grrnmd rents, iP any.
<br /> Borrowcr shaU p�y these c�bligatian.+��thc manner pm�•ided�n parugraph 2.��r�f nc���a�d �n th;it mannrr. &�rrower shall
<br /> pay them on timedirretly t���he perc�m r►Med pay�mcnt N�rr��wer chtill�r��mpth i'urn�ch tu l.ender all n��licec c.f.em�unK
<br /> tn he paid undrr�his�;�rag�aph If li�irrc�«cr makc�thc�c p:�yt�tcnl�dur.•Ily. IA�rri�wcr chaU �u�mptly fur�iich t�� l.cndcr
<br /> receipts evidencu�g thc paymems. �-
<br /> ,
<br /> ____. Hnrrn�rer shall nrmm�th d�sclwrae anv licn +►h�h h•rs��nnn��•u�cr th►L�cur��� Insirumrnt unle«linrrnurrr!al
<br /> s�gre�c�n writi�g ta the�wymznt�►f 11►��iht��att��n xcurcd hy�1��I�ra t►�u n►anrz�r:��cc��tat+ic i�+ixi��irf:lly)�c}til�(�i t�i g�K�d �s`-
<br /> - E
<br /> faith the lien by,or dcfcnds against e�forcement of the I�en�n.Iegal priwc�ed�nd�wh�rh in the Lender'�op►ni��n��peratc to '
<br /> prevent the enforcrment of'thc tien�r farfciturc of am• part�f the Propcny: ��r(c)�c�ures from thc holdcr of thc lien an
<br /> agretment satisfactory tc►I.ender subordinat�ng thc lun to th�s Secunty Instrument. If'Lcnder determu�ec that lny pan�f'
<br /> . the Property is suhject ta a lien which may attam pnc►nty over �h„ Srrunty Inr�rument. l.ender ma� g�ve Bntrower a
<br /> � notece idrntifying the lisn. Aorrower shall�t�.fy ihe lirn ur takr one e�r murr c�P tt�c acuun.�et furth atx►��e v►nhin 10 day+
<br /> of the giving of notice. --
<br /> � S. Huard lnsursr�ce. �urrower sh:�ll kecp thc impnncmcnt�nnw ex��nn�ur h�rcaflcr erected��n�he Propeny
<br /> insured ugainst loss by fire.harards included w�thin the tcim"extendrd ro�•cragc"and any�thcr hazards for uh�rh Lender
<br /> requires insurance. This insurancc shall be mainta�ned �n the am�unt� and fitir the per�od� that i.ender rcqu�rec Thc
<br /> � insurance catricr providing the �n�urance shall be cho�en by I3orrowcr suh�cr� to Lcndcr'c apprcnal w�hich.rhall not be
<br /> unressonably withheld.
<br /> A!! insurance policies and renewals shal)be acceptable ta l,ender and chall mclude ce «a�idsrd mRrtsage clau.e.
<br /> Lcndcr shall ha�•e the right to hold the�hcic�c and rencu•al�. If Lender rcyuirec. Horr��WCr�hall promptly givc t� Lender
<br /> � all receipts af�aid premiumsand renewal not�cec.li�the r►�ent of lo�c, tk�rrow�er�hali�nr prompt natice to Ihe�ncuran�e �
<br /> � ' carrier and Lender. Lcnder may make pra�f�f loss�f not madc rrc�mrtly by Iiurruwcr. �
<br /> { �Jnless Lendcr and Horr�w•cr otherwise agrec m wn��n�,mwranrc prexecdti.rhall bc applied ti�re.iora�ion��r repa�r
<br /> of thc Aroperty damaged, if thr resturation ar rcp�u ic�Y�7nom�ralh�feas�hie and Lendrr'�sccunt� ��nu�Ie�tiencJ. If Ihe •
<br />. restoratiun cir repair�s nut econe�m�caUy fwcible or C,ender�C SCCLIYIty'wOUId F►C IC�GCIIC(I. the in.urancr pr�x;eed��haU he ,
<br /> applied to the sums�ecured by th�s Security Instrument,whcthcr��r not tl�cn dur. wuh any r�rr�s pa�d tc.t3c,rmw�r. If
<br /> $o�rower ahandons Ihe Froperty.��r dces n�t an�w•er w•�thm?(3 dayc a n�it�re fre�m Lender thal the inwranee rarrrer has
<br /> offered to settle acla�m,lhen I.,endcr may coilect the mxuranrc�+nxced�. I.cndrr ma�•u�c thc�+rcxecd�u�rcpa�r i�r rctitnre
<br /> the Property or to pay surns securcd by this Secunty Imtrumcnt, «hcther c�r nc�t then due Thc 30•day prn��d a�ll bcgin
<br /> wl�en thc notiee isg':�•cn.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bormw•cr rnhcrw�ice agree�n wnting,any aprlic.+tu�n�+f�r�kerd�t���nnrip.�l�h�li n�t rrlend�r
<br /> postponc thcdttedateofthc monthty pa}mcntti referred U>>n paragraph� ! :►nJ?��r r�iargr the��mc�unt«fihe pa�mcnts. !f
<br /> under parAgr;iph 19 the P�openy is acquired by l.ender. F3ntn+��rr'�nght t��any intiuranrc p��liric�:�►,�+�«,,.�«a�r�ti�i►�„�
<br /> from damage to the Propecty pn�r to�he aeyu��inon shall pa«ti�t.rndrr t��the ertent��Pthc�urn��ec►ired h� thi�Secunt}�
<br /> instrument immediatr{y pr�or t�thc acqu�sitio�i
<br /> 6. Preservatinn and Jfaintenance o(Pr�perty�:l.es�sehnlds. l�utn�arr�h��l) niu dc�tru},dxma�c��c�uh�tantially
<br /> ehange the Ptopert},allow the Yroperty to deteru�ratr or romnut «a�te If th�ti Srcuni� In.trument n cm a Ie�tichnld,
<br /> $orrow•er shall eampl} t�ith the prt�vi�i�nyuf the fe::tie.and if t3e+rn,��er.a��eccire�fr���tl�tn the Prr�.rty. the le:��ehu:d anci •-_=_--
<br /> fee tide shall not mer�e�nle�c I.ender agrccs t��t�;t r,ier�cr ir�u nt ir�� �
<br /> 7. Protection of [xnder's TaiAhts in the �'ropert�; �t�►tg•rKe Insurunre. lf 13�rr��urr failti t�+ rr-���rrn ti►c
<br /> eovenun[5and agreement�r�mtaincaf�n th�sSe�cnt} In�irc�ce;;' ,v their�.a lrg�il �+r .���rsi�that ma� ��En,li.�.s:!�:affect
<br /> [,ender's rsght� in t1�e 1'r��perty (such a�, a rr�z�eeding m han{�rupt�y. ;�r h:itc. f�,r t��ndermi�h��r �••- tc,cnfi�r,:r 1;��+. c,c
<br /> refiulations),thenl_rnder ma��daandpay ti�r«[�ates�cri�nrrc��ary �.�rr.•:._,�thr..alucl�ftheNrrE��rt} andl.cn�ler'�.n�:ht�
<br /> �n !he t'raperty. l.ender'� :�cti��nti m��y tnclu�ic (�.;;sn� any tiun�. ,r�u►rJ hy a hrn �it�i�h ha, j�r« ::'� ��tr� Uis. tir�ui�1� �,�y�
<br /> L Instrumcnt.ar�+tanng in cc,urt. E�a�ing rca�i,ncshlcattrrncy�'fcc�an�i rntcr�ng�m �hc P�i��r�i} �u rnal.c rr��.iir. ,11th�,ugh �
<br /> Lender may take ari�«n under thi`paragraph 7, l.en.irr ci�e.n��t ha�e tc�d�+���
<br /> Any���mc�unt�di�hurticci hy 1 cndcr undr.r thi��aragr:��h�tihall hc,��rur,id.litu+naliirht��f li��;r��+��r�ctu:cd h� thE, �i'
<br /> 5ecuruy In�trument Unlecti Hi�rrnuer and!rnder a�:rre te�utlirr tcr:T,.��I ��.�trnrut.the�c.im��un�ti�h.til k-r.0 u�re:r:,�tt.�n� r"'
<br /> tD
<br /> tht date nf siish�rs_rnc►it at It:_ 'Ve�lc t.:t: .::u� ch�?I he �+::�ahl.. �..:tE� n:::;.>t. icE�;�n n� ::.� !r�•:,� : rr:drr i" ►i:•rr,�::r� ��,,,i
<br /> rcyuc�ting pa�ment .
<br /> �
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