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ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS OF MOTE A SECWIITif A8IIE9MENT 89-100888, <br />r A1Mdaltr Am. "in daboligg Mir Eaveni a b,r ft (ma of the stria of Ksfivaaaa Iecluafng but not IimiMd to tee Nebraskl Unitormr cofAM NAM Code, and any apprrc40h't*Mtat taw Any proinilora of this <br />dacvrsent which don rtct cc" with e11014016 tale Brat trot be wsKuf* lik4w lass trip" flat etprosary -Or impodly panel watSaNcna by agreement The uihapiClt:etl:htyr of one or more provistocs of lnrs 4XurMnt <br />downata' lice��entmcsrbafyaM »nvlslneerdfdaaanant , <br />2 0*NAPM -The follow" dMinrllOfw are applicable to the Worisieria aG lea NOW And Security AgnamfM- routs T bAbiton of till document <br />it) COM WO - to the DrONrne In w ialf, Bofrowsr grant* Lender a security mtlresl unOer IM forme at thg- Snowil• A(Lreseeerlt steam rs pan of Mrs doctakWt. rollatbai' slip mtwdit iall.aiE -A•!f f- •Kittle, Art" <br />tenth Me dosctlbN LrrOafrty. inclUdiflo but not l-m,104 to Ceefr of "".0 h PratM©L inwrw* bow -0l., in;ero". and airy Lrop*n)r welch.,s now O( hereafter Woerfs Attached to, a part at a riaii ai t(grr. Ms <br />soictlbedprok"MV . , <br />(b) Carlgaaon r OOIigaliona - the told atravilt whiCh Bdrrotr al press to pay accarding to the forms of this Nets isicta:�g tin Amount Anarsed snit tfw f(Anic o Charge, erd am/ other suns wtvtar fi uti Ire. n <br />lowed to Pay Mckatmg but not Ifmhtod to post frtsfuhty iht~, required rnsunt"Alf P.OW firer. coifs of CoflKUOn, etlofm*%, Reis and costs of nipolmags ail (wflM Pear fitted by law). brit preK'erAt/CCf,it;il4ue. <br />tars. ens *ft of rely Ordpwrfy "ewmg the Moe* . <br />(C)NM. or the NOM. or Ilea NOW- the Ptpnusawv NOW from swawwr to LMlter.the 1lrnwt1*him Are d10Oul$ion of this aacueltt <br />(d) saw" Ar"Ai*nt. or the Security AgnemNrt. or this Sacurdy AgreuMrH - the Security AirMmerN fowa*n BOrroa sr gild Under rtfkreby Bona alt Werits Lender a wcurrly, interest as the <br />Nttn* wnKh argon bath srdeaof Ilia docvwAf l " <br />>. OMM Nlaa • lefrpwe Oaea as of the Cquatrst. has ot any claim by arry other person, and @Wl ndt mortgpe. pterdga. giant. or perms to caret • aacunry. kitstalf m, or gran or anetJmlbratf:•a upgn shy, {�, the. <br />CsatlarY wariapl NLeae tlf Letlder - - ' <br />A. 11hill•M1- Lander nay sat•aff aR or any portion of ills Obliolft, or secured obtrgaiiora as defined in Parcgraph 7 egx nit any of Borrower's Accounts, or errt mWilple-party Account to whyah •BV•tpmtf -s a - <br />pony. ••Atcouwe' jrtti:dea any I,aaihly or hnookkanats of Lender to apnoeas, innisking bw rtbt rrJr:•Ied to tins saainal. C1161"2 iTdnty Martell a • WOW' dlsfll(l abcdunfs Cerftfiyetes of (IM9111 AM mot•ty <br />a" $0 "owes on any noes VMWhld to Lender of in Lender's persMWi for Collection or exchanger. any, repulcnaee SWOrminl 0, otter nOrstoOMf obi+Gahon TINS ngH of offs►. may be taarciel0 upon <br />surrawrs dlfalJb wtnout prior demand or nova ale Inflow Morris to the ex:slwCd or melm of any property secarirrg this Nfre and adnpul matted 07 that erfdnoWtht"M Of any pt" Person$ afro hrrt+grstd <br />WMItbISNOM , - - - <br />S 2016" awu of MOM - Borrower will 1lermit Lender. tftroupef tea aadeonterd atortmy accountants. and +m ceprefentaCrro to insped tend examine the COpaegrat and No rsc6¢. Wits. ale ' <br />era of every kind area awecaPlicn of Barrower wstn respect tharel0 At err WWMlW bTAK Bommor a2ra s to Laep the Co2atl al in BarrolAis pOesealon m piled Candition aria (apafr, BorrOMr WA not an~ <br />ks ow ale Ca"Wo 0~ than In, 0 Off, or Othenwse trahefr, any rigtrh m this COUAW&I to afryone ale. aryl veil not pointed the CoUstera) to become &time"* W any raw aataik- twlfrOla first Ortrrdifft }enure an <br />O"Wkt rfy $D tMMknia itli 0"CMY NMut TO theertanl Coltelral a pledged and dtlivered to Lender. Lender ft" ills flung to letain P -'"af Von of ofd property until the Obiigetrag arip P" iO fud <br />e 1aAlaeeM - Borrower wha maitiasn insurance an the C,opatarat -n such amounts end of s::ids types a1 they, be re- quested br, Laaaar Ail Cuch insurance pehCils ales pravida tttet the procaeOt'pwr(Cf:MaJl be <br />i M fliw"Landa r tae pay" for application toward the Obligations No policies or eerft!•cuet Ttffaaol, including any enCarnaments thereof and thaw reglitrad hereunder. silo the eancNlM o dKaapl6 Gixlfbut <br />pennisaian 10 the Lander uAhl the Obligations am paid to full. H Borrower !half at airy time m hmes har"Ifer teat to oblain arrdPoT mamloin any of the policies of rneursnca requited "itfwi. M tall /p'f?1M'AA:! jltkrniion in Al tias of in Yuri ryMTiyfg Many such pblinas. Lender may. bal shs:f not be ci t:Galed to. obam and/or cause to bo mHntaioed Ihsurdnl@ coverage With respaCt l.0 "M CaW"I indudrwg. at Lender`s COW. the <br />derawMerwvided by all or any of the policies ot Borrower And pay aft or any part of the prom;um therefor, w:th0ut ratting airy evant N detawt by Borrower, and any sums io dilliutad by Lender shalt tie addition• _ <br />At WhIpegiam of BOrromr. peyetlke to Lendar.on demand <br />7 AegMeNba of 6*wANy Arsenical; - Future Advance. Tn:s Security Agreement secure% the payment at the Chi ;gatson and Paco and every debt IiabiGty and OWt ation of every typis and description which 171fir- <br />rower may at any file "a to Lender. whether such debt. liability. or Obligation n3w ousts or is hereafter created or m' -fled and whether it is or may be direct or indrfect. duel or to become due. absolute or <br />contingent. galiaary or secondary. bqumUW or untiquidatad. at going, seyfrAL of tool and several. DlApitf fitly other Una.yage to 17ra- contra-y in tn.s doCumeM, the Security Agreement will nU SKUta any debt atMF <br />than the Obligation /) to the agent the Wittily interest granted heroin ism margin stOM subfw to the rogwramente 61.71im 12 of the Code of Federal Regumots; cr 21 if a disclosure of any kind must" glen <br />With respect to such dobf and such disclosure is net given as reauired by law. of 31 if a notice OI rqN to tescmd tiro &of Is not Given as required by law o-. ai to the Want trial vhf security interest quieted <br />herein is in -hauMlloid goads- And tTle outer debt to be secured rf a -con W•flair- tarn (R' hauW"Cft.¢r us- and` -coat tmer- are defined •n "p+.cable federal taws gammmg ucra)r atilt deceptive crodr P.•acticesl <br />TM oblrglYOri* ot Banrifiwr folender a*ea,bw to lnnpatagraph � are heteaRlr referred l.0 w'securex .Wtg7Ci7:3. L .' ' ` <br />e <eeaftellill~- The eccarrers of dry ones more of the following constitutes an Eyenl of Otteui "�reibtlife�rr :'.. <br />(a) DafaoB in ter payeraM at any principal, interest, or Other charges to reepact to anti at tree OangaRr,2 ;:rf. s(o7{:, jt -; <br />_ .Ibt DeNe.b in the observance or prMrmairlpl any comet l at agreement ofMry 6prower tifreN seE?6:4 ;rlstir,!ipP•k/.:�eC♦alfy Agraemer.t. <br />- icy Any representation. warranty. cerhhiyt. schedule or other information made or turn -shed Lty'sny !L'fu'r;4ui; rp Lander heroin or pursuant hereto is or becomes untrue or maleoily m Vead,rq <br />{ey, Lit", met. damapw or rsMtrvctio-5 it dry, melons+ portion of the Cofgartaaf for Mich there ra no msulancr3 ravatrQ(e err for which. m ire op•r.:on Of temtw- mere m imm�,cwni rnsursnca coverage or ere , <br />.'- . "- rraEllhe at anrlaw. wises areMandemeat Upon fAy:!Sbaateral -4...... -.... _ .. <br />tn$iaraney of afiyr 60(TOwer, or y trievitirs. coemmus rs appomted go, The busleme o/ any ea+! it er. or mikes an assignment for Ih r tAmt r5 of creditor$ or a petition in hankriptq or for <br />'Aki tillat,on Otto then apart O/ arrMgaRlnl wi111 cre ?.tors n filed by or against any CortOaar. DEBT f• pefrca4li ii fiCGos for or perm45 the appointment of a MCeiver or trustee for any or as Of 119 propert or <br />,,may or any such roCelifr of trusts* 61119 nxva Caen appairr f+d'ZI any of a9 property Or a:SeTS of era/ 1?tYJ mgr, err any or the abero acucns whatscever is commenced by or against any Borrower cr any guarantor <br />of or.nM other Dairy 11we lot ny of the Obhgations <br />•ff -Any proceeding for drssaubon or liquidation -s Ided or commenced by or ega:nsl any Sorroiie•' arpr y guar:rdat of a yol (ne Obhgaucns. or any Bcf,oleer Or any guarantor dies (if avndutdual) <br />"(q.- nftr reasonably tdoem ttsonmisecure <br />Ri fuseem - if an Event of Waut oecurr leader may <br />JAI.,Aceaiegte the two date of If ;S►1OIe. iris. ^jolt sump unmediatoly duo - <br />: i'(fa Atenv bone exerciser dsnghi to sera:: : - <br />i� ;ci caerClM any rfnheG }lender may npL ,•;r:.Ci+�!i.1.(:•.- a ;LTetiaw. or ererc -se any add:honai n2Rl'it•CP[d;ia urde^asy agreement securing payment of Iris Note <br />snY:ibon to Me aharOtrrn vr�tr,. •i ra -!ieS: snauid Borrowerdelaua on any of lnesecuicd pbh22tm�f Lender has any other comedy provided far nerem aadwea by , <br />lw mdu002 but not hraiY;rSc;:.', <br />(it) ffequiring so"Oae, to Memble aevjiZtWln• . rrrd mike it available Ie Lender n- a des: gnated loceiion .t. <br /><tt Taking pdssess•on of the Covafmn srai,g d. and apply no the Lrocegls to trio te•_ured owigetons and O.W:roe (A the safe. mUudm7 costs of repossess on. attorneys tees wren alfows..'•f0;at^.v4::-% " <br />pare and C-J$ts Ol safe .. ; ' • + , ' -' <br />(1) if aelault mc:uSr3 lathits to pay fates. assessments and OINOI liens. Linder only pa.y urese COhgalrona at ifs own discretoas It Lender does make sdch paym ino the amount so peal wilt Cott 1dR }iilt(.,4ht +';l. ,. <br />securaor bbhgratin - <br />' lla any 0 ] Oise affv vaSC e r o <br />The atgre remedies art um• tilt, t a notice is re uuCd m tr green m Borrow" imtn.+oi Talc or disoasitlon of owDeM Pouce wui bo cons .totes commeru r nailed d mar a n first rain F::IIyIf <br />ri the address on the front a(d!r OlmS document if -rase 1 till days bolo's the dale 01 intended sate <br />RIGHT TO CURE - in most Cantum4t c•fl-i Iransxctions whero Borrower hiC born in drfoun tar tun iP n7re days Lender may neither 8ace'Cratr maturity of trio unpaid balance of The obtigition nor take possCt- <br />Hon of the Co:4lerat except volantenlp sufrenlered COIIaterA). because O+ Tbit daffnin until taCnty'days after a ndfwA of trio BOrrowcrse detail[ and nnht to cola :s matted to 8o,rowrr at hi. her rat: known <br />residence address. or twenty days all" actual delivery LtitCe/ may ewercae dL remedies Only if Bo +rower fails to cure the d8tsult w:ih:n the hmo anaard aft ?r the rto notice of dofauil :m; • ,pl to cure <br />cesaf to ve giv*010 Bdr10wM, Mel lfnu]K may ,Mmfdiailhy erercM any of ml rcRrA'lras it �fndel fiat given trio Botro *Bra proper not,ce at right to trio respect's r). riot QBlaNi do the same <br />10 tides- Tothoettenipereaflre0y law. Aorteaer heMbywAirolei pre"MR11114 dton li id. nuicaord:shono, protest andnohceotprowlt <br />11 F"- A Carbon photographic or Ol"r reproductiM of this Sect,my Ag,eemtnf if Suhitienl as 8 h2�a;.erf statement *Pero pe,irdtea bylaw <br />REMOVE CAiF�giljl'SEFOAE SIGNING <br />— .. - - -- M.OTit,.E,TrOfCdSiCiNElI _�__ - --- -- -- -- -_ .. <br />_t <br />Fda.Qf nemg asked TO guiriT.lP Ms arM an-Ch mrluaeB not only no •t(-ay beg on born odes ti4 this document Put *mcr, nso includes any lutuie inuebteaness of "'h i,.cnvwer <br />'711111"111 Creditor Think Cara-ray OVOIeyoJ rap Wfie ootto *er doesn't pay trip debt _ai•em mays for Pk, 41141vyou Carl afford to Day -I you have to and trial you want to accept this rosponsihJrty <br />ick-o fr, raivafo pity up to MMtu:l arnoum Olt" aebt lithe annowef does rot pay you may also h:•'A1 ✓tirwl/ late fees of collection costs wh.Chmcreaseth,sam0unt <br />�?i }tredllp! Cin OctiMT Ih.s debt from you adhofi fail kr,12 to Coueal from the borrower Tlfe- t+ }i1,73, can .So I" same cbeocl:oh n.elnoOS ageing: you that Can ere used agw,si rho narrower such as <br />. .11J:rg yda parKSfi�{{)117^;r wages. eta Plhn deal -s dyer "u +ifs /li it (list fact may become apart t i ftn•i'I, -nit let Ord <br />•T!sss no tiCe IS that mates you turtle tot me ire -• <br />l U1.1for s:i{'cetveo anf iiap0 copy of inn notice <br />Si, — �_ -✓e -- ._._ _ _ Cosaggnee,6S- gnalure— <br />..GUARANTEE <br />In consideration afliflancial accommodations Given J! It} oa given or continued to QCYrtlye b)r Lender. the undersigned 1)ointly end severally if more than one) irrevocably and uncondifionaoy <br />i ". guarantees to the Lender. payment when due. IMliner to ai %ealerabon or otnorram the Cn Nirt<5 of an Obligations as trial term is dohned in this document together with nn mferesl thereon and <br />to the extent permitted by law. all attorneys' fees. costs. and expenses or collection ncul.tl_9t[i; the Lender in enforcing any of such liabilities. and an attorneys fees costs and expenses incurred <br />by the lender in foreclosing. oreserving. protecting. retaking• holding and olfirrg of any Cs;:_. »tat as a result of the enforcement of foreclosure of any security interest or mortgage given by Borrow- <br />er to Lender i <br />IF <br />a <br />L <br />' ,dr <br />,f — <br />I — <br />v� <br />•yawawac <br />t <br />A <br />,b <br />I <br />'z <br />ti <br />-- <br />- <br />zit <br />- <br />r <br />i <br />r <br />l <br />b <br />L} fl it <br />ces; <br />f <br />I i � <br />lip <br />{ <br />a..:. <br />• <br />1 <br />� <br />� <br />t i �t <br />-i' <br />,f — <br />I — <br />v� <br />•yawawac <br />t <br />A <br />,b <br />I <br />