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.r <br />■ <br />k <br />89-- 1Q487� <br />MORTGAGE AODEMOUM - <br />The following are addenda to the Mortgage. Plsass check the applicable addendum. The <br />addendum checked shalt be incorporated into, and recorded with. the Mortgage. The term <br />"Mortgagee shatt be deemed to inelude •Deed of Trust." if appEfeeble. <br />XY .. fNA AODEMDUN <br />As tons as t0 a::'':Lgartgaga :is oµt C +SSRB: the Lender :.'�°- `:ts i sums secured by the <br />;.,.. <br />mortgage to, be- feitiR y due ;t!@ �tRl' ir��ii •: v , , , =': <br />ref: ;;part r`sy is sold or a( (i irwise trarlifefr t; fIth*r than by <br />±isviae, i3 <br />icon t st' !operation of fair r: .lorrower to a (alt hsser or other 0'A ia�eforms: <br />0) who cannot reas�aabtY.:.,t expected to occupy the property _:es a <br />g i rpipal residence within a time After the sale or transf or. <br />.a f;,qs•,: ` ",: ` <br />p- ftl?ided in section .143CcX of the Internet Revenue Code of 1 ;ll e;:aL; ;; •`..:f: <br />amended; or <br />(if) who hoe had `.•:•.:':resent; ;ownership interest in a principal resit st ifd: i `':`;'• , <br />during any part of ti)s.�.thrtae -yfar peefai '.*Ading on the datt . of the sate or t:r r, <br />alt as provided in siePeyoe 143(d) and ":;itP.i)l2) of the rnie at Revenue Code.'t�rY�hapt <br />srce`tM rha44; fez subsLituttd fall;1+4-pereent or mor" re <br />the latter appears fri"O;+tttart-;tG3Cd)(151�, or <br />��pi eh is pr <br />(iii) at Act':: irpu7t= ;�Fdri cos- ><:esser than 40% of the aysrag.:ar., <br />purchase price tgraa a 'Y9Ymn °fCX fq- ,targeted area residences), all as prov'1 �0.r�r..'; ".;; •` <br />.8ection 143(") and: Y4,0,4(2) of the Intitircat Revenue Code; or <br />(iv) who. `R;rs an income in excess of that established by the Nebraska''.;';;. <br />Investment- FiUShfils;•' Author Ity'under its apptic�ebliv'riegutsticas or program guidelines <br />In effect oti:''tlr.}s:dtite of the site or transfer; ot- <br />(b) Borrower faits '1to occupy the property described i.n the Nortgage without" <br />Lenders prior written ccrosvnt; or <br />(e) Borrower omits or misrepresents a motorist fact in an ap tfcation for the <br />Mortgage. <br />References are to the Internal Revenue Code in effect on the date of execution of the <br />mortgage and are deemed to include the implementing regulations. <br />VA MORTGAGE ADOEMOUM <br />If, so long as the Mortgage is outatandino, all or any part of the property is sold or <br />transferred.!, try Borrower wftlt+at Lenders pr46rr written consent, other than s trans'fgo by <br />devise, desce!t or by operotWon of low, the Lender may, at Lender "s option, dsclare ;x: +:0 the <br />sins secured 6y the Mortgage, to be immediately due and payable. <br />2-20-89 r1ruw-A <br />Date harrower Janice Bosselman <br />Borrower <br />State of Nebraska ) <br />County of Hall <br />The foregoing instrument-was aeknouledged bofors se this 20th day of -ian„arY ,,. 19-gg, <br />by Janice Sosseltn, a sinstle person <br />Witness my hand and notarial soot at Grandjsland in said county, the date aforesaid. <br />My Comrsission Expires: �MW40M1fth C r <br />v� ft � "a Motary Pub e i <br />NIiA 1984 series 0 — <br />M <br />- <br />