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<br />MOMONImks FAA THO Of1"Al1E ltOl141111 »
<br />morrow ntTrummlunMm tanO DesdalTr ustandadaMagageandthatthopowerofsaeprovt4l
<br />forinMaDeedolTtwtprovidesaubslanNaMyditferentryMSandoWr osllanatoMls/ orrowaraQhsnsn+ ortgs0ainlhaaventofaaNaraatarbraacbofgbilpationundafMM'
<br />Oast at Tnatt. Inctading. but 11101 ifintlsd 0. the Latdsle right to have the Rest Property sold by the True%* without any Judicial proceeding or foreclosure. Borrowers.
<br />tepseetN end testran! Mal MM ackrescledgseent lace sixaeuted by Mlsrh itNafs the eaecuUon of the Deed of Truth.
<br />f rence N. Essink eral Partner)
<br />u4 a ss nk, a General Partner A. j,
<br />COMPL= 01111M1MSnOMLV le M teat iree/erty dogwood esaaMla 0 NM MVWUALLV OWN MI AOAICULMUL LID.
<br />M apPNsarM. cow b" OMY CNN *Wwr A. s. a< C:
<br />The Borrawr(a)seknoMliftst ttheyareaboutlossecuMthetollowingDoodatTrustuponQMrealestatedescribed therein .TMSorrower(s)- andeachofthemi1
<br />mad than one. do Inuaby ditteNie►thsir right todesignats a homestead pursuant thereto. No part of the homestead Of either Of Ilia 00rrOW41f(s) is presently of will in the
<br />future besituesedupon@aidt oselale. The Borrow ir( a) understandthatileitherestablishesahanteeteadonanypart ofsaidrootastatedunngthetimetheDeadofTract
<br />rerriaialatxMatia9edandalienupOnwW rMtsetass.than &NDbenoriot to makeadesignationof homes -sod intftea+mntof aforeclosureoftrustOWS"Is Vnlh respect to
<br />sod pwkt4* Trust
<br />T Wieraca.K.)ac'•tsc«"e� tt�.:`.;.yir�: bout :oz> : rtethetollowin9CeadofTruaiuyontborerr: rualydeswibed therein The6orrower(s). and escooi them if
<br />more than oM, do hereby wain their rryhi to designate a hamestead pursuant thereto. The Borrowers) understand Ott they have the right to make a designation of
<br />homsstesdand that byexecubrglhhwarier .they are waiving rights otherwiseavadabtelor the purpose of aftording M@mtheopportunity to retain their homestead in the
<br />event of a default upon the Deed of Trust.
<br />13 a DEMONATtofll or HoMNlmv.
<br />Pursuant to the Farm HaneaMad Rtrpttaetion Act (Section 18 -1901 of sax). Revised Statutes of the Sit$*of Nebraska), the Borrower(s). do hereby designate the real
<br />properly described in the'Delostion of ROMMIeW" rtlisched hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
<br />• '.i• Crulawer
<br />fltvsower
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, iS hlllde> Vof the 1SL day of _.F-e Chilli -x, ig -119— by andurtgng the Truster. Comfl32 rr&1 —
<br />ProoPrfles , Ltd-, a Partnerghri • __. _ • who$# mailing address is 1Z!?li 5 .- Holland Dr v sand
<br />igland, NF 8 ` 1ef�n Borrower -1, the r,n„,",lWylDialn G Blackburn, a membLz,r of the NE State Bar As. n..
<br />whotemaiiingaMiessis P_O_ Box IJrand Wand, NE fiRM2- 229]x_ _ _.therein'Trustee ' i
<br />analmogsrteficiary. Five Points Bani� _ _ ____-_, _- - - _ _ —___ _- •------------------- •___ —.
<br />wtaosemaiongammsis P_0._I8DX --_15 3- ,-:._Qtand- Island. merein-Lender•) '
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, inclu9a-41uz indVatedness identified herein and trust herein created. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Bonovwr
<br />hereby irrevocably grants. tram lers, IN TRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE. for the benefit and security of Lender, under and subject to ttja
<br />Wo! alftd COfldnbfN M /NnatNf Ml tQCRt .Ifl 8!lipl U +:yiEiF J Cbscnbed d0 (,_Rows:
<br />East 89.51 of Lot 3 and West (s*@..V,af Lat 2 in Chief Industries Subdivision, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />ToptfW with all buildings, improvements. fixtures, streets. alleys, passageways. easements. tights. privileges and appurtenances located thereon or in anywise
<br />partalromg thereto• and the rents, issues and prolits, reversions and remainders Margot; including but not limited to. noahng and cooling equipment and such personal
<br />PtOPIrly Ili&$ is &ttaeh#d to Ift@ improvirmeals so astoconsitfuts a fixture; and together with the homestead or marital interests. it any which interests are hereby released
<br />ar+dwaved. allotwhich, sacludirgreplaeenentsand additrorlsthereto.Is hereby declared to bee put althe real ostatesecuted byttte hen of thisDeed of Trust and allot the
<br />foregoing be" fsfarred to herein as the 'propertir
<br />This Dead df Trus! SAAR secure (a) the payment of the principal sum and interest evidenced by Borrower s note andrat cream agreement dated February_
<br />I , 1 qai . having a maturity date of Ephruary 1, 1994 , in the original principal amount of $ M.QO.Qa OL _ and any enci alt
<br />modifications. satensims and renewals thereof or viersto and any and all future advances and readvances hereunder pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credit
<br />89reemeMS(heraitc41100- NOW1(b) the payment Of ether sums advanced by Lender to protect the "curtly of the Note. ter the performance all covenants and agreement
<br />of Borrower set forth PaWn; and(d) all indebtedness and obligations of Borrower to Lander whether direct. indirect. absolute or contingent and whether arising by note
<br />guaranty, overenft or oMlonlow.
<br />Borrower, to protect Me security of this Deed cf ?tust, covenants and agrees with Lender as follows
<br />1 Mbm§L Borrow" oulloromptly pay whonclut the principal of and interest on. and anliferes or charges provided its. the Nola of in this
<br />Deal of Trust.
<br />2 7irt!.!ulre'e�x+at! mar.• ff% rollhePrap !�t;.tsett�r :phlaraautha :,ty tacamay: haPrcpQriy. ersauir: anssinstms:, one�aaiearcirebr •sal.r,
<br />the Property eacttHaatoolotherMnMbeNlforthhere( n. andtheexecutionanddeliveryofthisOeedofTrustdoesno$ violateanycontractofotherobligat iontowhich
<br />eQrr~ is Mtaiiwl.
<br />S 'rMWWASMNMMIL To pay wheirl due all taxes. special assessments and all Other Charge$ against the Property and. upon written demand by Lender topayto
<br />LenOSr such ainourld M rosy be sufficient to enable the Lender to pay such tales, ASSOSSmentS or other charges as they become due
<br />4 L%WjfMM'r* keep the Mollifirly ingured AgNinstdanitilgill by (its. hazards included within tnelorm "extended coverage %and such other hazards as Lender maif
<br />re psdrt tnamountsW4w+ thcompa niesacceptabietoLeads ?.andwithlosspayabletotheLender In case of lost undo# suchpolicte9 thatendetiSauthontedreadi . ist
<br />cOlUCtatttdCiNnptamtae.elf ciMntatlereunder and shall here the option olapplying all or part of the insurance proceeds (i )to any mdebledaesssec uted heter, r and in Sul. h
<br />order as lender may6614iF trf+ e.( if) totheBorrowertobeuMdfort herepairortestorabunofthepropertyof( m) totanyotherpurposeorobjectsat ,sfacI,,rytoLendeF
<br />enillOtn @tfKWVVWfish of tnis Dead OfTrust for the full dmiwt secured hereby before such payment ewer toot plac0 Any application of proceeds to... rani Sy anali
<br />not extend of pomporw the am date of any paymshlounder the Note. of tune any default thereunder of hereunder
<br />S Makwanowas Rejreae cwt Cergllaaee em law. Borrower shall keep the Properly in good condtirurt and iopia :t snip., prumput repast or •epia.e a„y
<br />Implairefunt"lch may be danispdotaosiloyed their Act Commit or permit any wane at aworiogbonot trle Ptoperto Sna�irolrnn,wa Cun,,,•,;t ,.,•enh[i•4.+•It••
<br />any of ths Implowarnants on the Property. shelf not commit. gullet or porm,l any ail tottift done in air upon t1le P(cpart?, no 1 012 1: W, of A en _id•i „pno :,rre;rtdat 1,- a d
<br />0411 If ilydptotty7tyditcTla7ai& IBorrower$caatend*opentoAllhani ei :CUmb4ncesandenargasteaed iMvosejoi 3slosso,74 ;j . iii :.•F'i- c i rut a,,. i.nt ^..••• .,r
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