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<br /> .� _�. ----��5'�d4�! � Ht i},ij:.� __-- ��i�j�4� �r�(t tl � }�.- ----��j - -- — - - - - —
<br /> • _.._ . _.� . >' �I s� i t c � - -- -
<br /> .. . . ._ . ...._ . .. __.. �1_f+4 .�Pb...f ��- -- -°i,.'r',r.e,_��.r._.. -- - - - - ---
<br /> _ �..�.�_ --�- ---— - - � ---.._.
<br /> . .. . �, . . ...�
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<br /> �
<br /> _ . OlAi�f 11r ,i��l.�iia'�..7A0.rs� liUttit6y Ui .,.•....... ....�.n..�.•.........�....�.�.a........ -
<br /> .... O'dI00k �[.
<br /> ' for neard an ................................� 19........ at.....,.........,........ ........................
<br /> _ .�,.A vrw�rei,,,l iM t,�. 1,.�,�t �►!�l'+� ..._.......................... p...., .......�...«»....,...,... ��'A'I ` �
<br /> _:� __ ..s �_ �a � ,,��,.� _
<br /> F ............................... ........�.�.................,................ �y ............. ...........,..........„.................�::.�...,.......... .. _.. ..._. __
<br /> ��titR�s of Deeds ��Deputy Regi�ter oi I)eetL
<br /> ,
<br /> � � �UTtVriIf�RSi�,TP WARR�NTY 1]i��i:t]
<br /> ; � . - - - ---.-- ----- _ _ .
<br /> ;
<br /> ,
<br /> . . Sw�o M. Sh�M, •injl�, ua�sYi�d pes�on . �evia e�Ued the Qra�ator wh�th�r oa� or noe+�,
<br /> � . ,
<br /> � � in oon�ideeado�n o! Thirteea Thourand. Four�{undred �ollart aad Np/100 (�13,400.00)
<br /> � rsaeiv�d feoa •
<br /> , � �r�ntear, doM ir�►nt� barrain. Mll coa�re�► �►ad confirm nnto
<br /> Eut+� G. Raeh and �los$� G. Roaeh
<br /> . : f �
<br /> �� as jofa� tenanb nith rt�ht o� �a�i�or�ip, and nat u tenants iA comeaon, the followinR dM�eriib�d re�l
<br /> ,
<br /> ) prop�t,� in .�Ll..................................................... Coanty�Nebra�s: '
<br /> . South h�lt (g�) af lot fi�e (S)� all of lot •ix (6�1 in glock one (1)= Fisst '
<br /> � " .; Addition to Gsiro, xall CounLy, Nebt��ica
<br /> �
<br /> ., � .
<br /> !
<br /> � '
<br /> � -
<br /> �
<br /> � ,
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> , To h:ve and to Lold tbe abo�e de�eri�ed pr�miue together �vith a!1 tenemeat�, bereditar�eats
<br /> ; �nd appurtenan�es therato belon�in; unco the graateea and ta their aaagm�, or to tha heira and "wi�
<br /> of tAe eurvivor of them forever.
<br /> + And �rantor doea hetebJ eovenant wit� the grantees and with tlteir aa�i�ns aad witb th� 6�irs
<br /> � � snd �ueiQna of the survivor oi them that�rantor is lewiuli seised of aid nmira; �
<br /> + eneumbranee y P tbat ther �n iree feom
<br /> except easeaaeais •nd restrictioni of record �
<br /> � � �
<br /> �
<br /> � that grantar has good righe and lawiul authority to conr•ey the 9eme; snd that grsntar w+arraata snd �ill
<br /> � deiend the title to �id premiaes agsinst the lawtul claima of all p�•rsons n1�o�usoev�r. `
<br /> i It ie the intention of all psttie� hento that in the event oi the death oi eithar oi the graatee�, �
<br /> 3 the entire feo title to this rPal prop��rty whbll reKt in the eurYiving grantee.
<br /> +
<br /> n,►tea May 2a, 1982
<br /> ...................... . ................,.,,..�,.,,............................. ..cl�T.z.w.�+...:(.,t,..�....��:,..r..............................
<br /> -. --. Susan M. ,ghnw
<br /> ..................................................................................... ..................................................................................,.
<br /> $TATE OF .....�'Iebr��ks..................................... County of ....Ele.l t....:................................._........
<br />� Before me� a notary pnblic qusli�ied for said caunty, per,�on�lly ca�ne
<br /> ; Suean H. gh�W, e a fngle, unmarried Perao�i� �-- - __-_
<br /> �
<br /> L known to me to�e tha identieal person or per�ons �c}io sign�d the foregoicK instri�meni and ncicnQwlEdged
<br /> the oxecution ti�ereof to be hi�, her or tlxeir vnlu�itary act nnd �leed.
<br /> 1Vitness wy hend and notari�l seal on ..................'. .�".�1..u"� �s ........., 29..�".`.':.... n'
<br /> , �������,'�Is .....................��!��. .....�......!���.�j................ y 'l�,t
<br /> �qy�. ':;� Notttr Pnble� •
<br /> �' +�■IA�►Cn�++a E�x0.luno!0,1�X5. .. �+ � .. .
<br /> . ,
<br /> `'� � "J`�`�����y-•- S1y r�tntnisniou rxpires��.=�.4�+r2�Rd...��...'.............. l9.N� ..... .
<br /> 2'(��lU -� :� ���(r ��P :li�},ro�•c'lj hy' �,��II'il�.kit �i�:l�r ��lLY .��ti�lrl.ill��l1 Ftltcn s w��r w. t�ncr;�n. ri�s..
<br /> �
<br /> .ws��+!w■+rex.-yt eY6r.��t.- _
<br /> .�.... .. . r�fls7l� . - . )?.::f. �._.,'�i..����' r�°'`""�, . �Y."'r:'4+�t�!i:tw+.i:. . -.:rsN.;yret��:�..�..�,:�•"i�:.n-:atit+!.g.�.._------ --
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