. . 1 —
<br /> 9Q-- a o.�ao�
<br /> theraoi,ti�e rantel payable tfiereunder, a� to chanpe any renewal p�avisions ihe�ein containeu;�d)waive any deMuit
<br /> tt�ereunder a brepch thefsot;(a)Q�Y�At1y C0�lsertt,weiver or epprovtsl thereurtder or tske eny other acti�n in GonnecHOn
<br /> ther�with,or witt��leaseetheraunder.whlch would t�,eve the ettect ot impasirinfl the velue of tasso�e inta�sstthereundar 4r
<br /> 14�p�opsrty subject tharNo,orot impsiriny ihe position or inte�est af the Truatee or BenBHCfary;or i f)sall,as�iqn,ptedp�,
<br /> n�sris�uya ur Cnirire iiia:���'sNua�e s►i.us e�ii:uiiia�+is4:+'reieni ie':ni�y 3islu'ireae Qs�eY reni�.ia3ue+a o�'�roiiielsauo�rro Q►risinQ
<br /> � thMet,��dOr.
<br /> DUTIES Of THE TRUSTEE:Truato►a��ees that;t a)ths dutias and obli�ations ot Tru�lae shall be d�Mrmined sol�ty by �
<br /> ths�xprNS provisions of thia t3�wd at Trwt��d th�Trustee shall not bs liabls excspt ior the psrkrma�cs of such dulia
<br /> and obl�pttions ts Rre�peciNcally eet MAh hereln.and no i�plied covenenb or obU�allons shaii he tmQowd upon th�
<br /> i i�swNi;i D�110 pf{�OI irlls�!9 Oi 1 RJSi i��l fplllfe�tusie�iv expend w�isk iis own iu�d�,��u'u`ni�ia�i�li:u�ii���cwi
<br /> oWig�ti�on in the p�rlormance oi any oi ib du�es Mreunder.a►in ths exercise ot any of Ib Pi�hb or powers.ii it�hall h�w
<br /> pround�tor bNifvin�thNths r�yms�t of such tunds or�d�quAte ind�mnfy s�gsinstsuch rislc or liabiiiry ia nM n�so�tl�bty
<br /> aswhd to i�(c)TrusNs may consuit wiih coun�el af ib own choostn��nd the�dvic�of such counMl sheli b�tuN and
<br /> compl�N auNwrltation�nd protactlon in tM rsspact af any action takan or suffKad by it hareunder!n�ood hfth�nd in
<br /> rNIM�a M��on;(d)TrusN�shaN not be IiaOt�tor any ictian hkan by If In pood faRh and►s�tonabiy betiev�d by it to bs
<br /> �s�ihorixed or within ths de�cretion or riyhts of powsro conierrsd upon it by this Dssd of Trust
<br /> TAUBTEE'S FEES:Trustor exp�essly coven�nta and a�rees to pay end discha�qs ail cost,tees a�d expemes of this
<br /> O�ed olTrup.lncludtr�in the sv�ritof�ale bytheTrustsa of such property,theTrusNa'a co�b.expen�ss and fs�s.which
<br /> M�s sh�ll not�xasd s.'f00.00 plus 14 ot 196 ot the amount secured hareby and remainin�unpald.
<br /> SUBSTITUTfON OF TRUSTEE:Thet BMeficiary may,kom timeto tlme,by instrument in wrot9n�,wbstituts a wccaswr or
<br /> succssso�s ta any TrusNe named he�eln or �Ctin� he�eunder. which in�trument. executed and a�cknowisd��d by
<br /> � B�nMielary and reco►d�d in ths Mfic�of the rsQi;ter ot deed�ot the counry or counties where suCh proparty i�situaMd.
<br /> shall be Gnnclusive proot of prop�r eubstitution af such Trustee or Trustees who shalt without conveyance kom ths Trustes
<br /> predeCetso►,succeed to all its titla,estab rlqhta,power and dutie�.
<br /> . . • x erf�'.+� • . • w ar
<br /> NO WAIVER 8Y BENEFICIARY: t�0 N►i�trq��br�tt�lis o��� ar�e�iciAry ot any right under thi� Deed ot Trust shall bs
<br /> eMective unless in writi n�.Waiver by t�t1r or�nNidary d!f aAy�i�ht�ra�ted to Trustee of E3eneHciary undar Mis Dssd oi
<br /> T�us!or of�ny praviaion of thia Deed o!hustdl�o ariy hen3act;pn or occurrence�sh�:l not be deemed a waive�as to sny
<br /> lutu�e transaction or occu�encss.By�acceptlnQ payment ot�any sum secured hereD�afler its due date,or!�y makinQ any
<br /> paymsnt or pertormin�a�y act o�beRalf of Trusl��that Tru�tor w�obH�ated hereunder,trut hit�d to make or psrform or
<br /> by add�nQ a�y psyment so�,sd�by Trustee or Berteiiciary to the ind�btsdneaa aecured hereby,Bear�liciary does not waive
<br /> its riphtto�squire prompt payment wh�,n due of all other sums a secu red or to require prompt psrtarms�ncs of s11 other acb
<br /> requind hereunde�,or to dectare hereunder,ot to declere a default tor tailure so ta�ay. �°�
<br /> WAi�ER OF STATUTE UF l,iNfiTAT1aNS:Time Is of the essence I�att Trustor's obt��at�on�nereunder;and to the extsnt
<br /> permitted by taw,Trustor wa�ve�sil prtsent or future statutes ot umlt�tions with rospect to any debt,demand o�oblipation
<br /> secursd hsreby in any acfion pr ptoCee0ln�for ths purpo�e o1 enfarcinD this Trust or any right or remediea hereunder. -
<br /> . INSPECTlON AND 9USINESS RECORDS:Benet�c�ary at any t�me dunnp the cont�nuat�on of this Trust may ente►a�d
<br /> inspect wch prope�ty at any�NSOnabte time.Trustor aflroes Ma�whe�reQwsled by BsnMicia�.Trusta will prom�lly �-
<br /> dsHver to 8eneliciary such ce►titi�d financial itat*ments and proiit and loss dtatemsnts of suct►typss and at such inMwals
<br /> as may bs required by Beneticiary which will tfe in forrta and Content prspared acco�dlny to the usual and aCC�pbDls
<br /> eceountin�principles and practices,which statements shall cover the finanGiai opeiation�reladn�to Trustor ot suCh
<br /> propu►ty and Truator fusMer aqrees when requesteci by 8eneficiary to promplly cfel�ver in wr�tin�s��ch funhar additio�al
<br /> iniormati0n as required by BeneTiciary rela4inp to eny such t�nancial statements.
<br /> REMEDiES:No remecty he�ein pravided sheli be excfusive of any other remedy here+n or now or hereatter existinfl t���
<br /> law,bu!shall beCUmulative.Every power or remeciy hereby g�ven So Trustee or to 8eneficiaty or to which e+ther�f them may .r
<br /> bs othsrwis�e�titled,may be exercissd irom time to ti me ancf a�often as may be deemed expedient by them,and either ot - _�=
<br /> them may pursue inCOn�istent remedies.If BenefiC�ary halds any additional securiry tor any obliflation aec�red hareby,it �
<br /> may enlorce the sa,le thereof et its aption,either betore,contemporaneously with,or atter the sate is msde hereundar and
<br /> � a� any defautt of T�ustor, Beneticiary may, ac tts nption, oftset a�amst eny �ndebtedness secured hereby, and the
<br /> 8eneticiary is he�eby authorized and esnpowered et�ts option,witt�out any abl��at�on s�ta do,and with�ut attect;np the
<br /> obliyntions h�-9ot,to eppfy toward ttt�payment of any indebiedness of the Trustor to the Benefic�ary,any and all sum!of
<br /> money o1 Trustor which may have m ds posses3ion ar under its control, �nclud�ng w:thaut lim�ting the generahty of the
<br /> foreyoinp any savings 8cco�nt,deposit, mvestment cert�fiCate,escrow or trust funds
<br /> ':�:brask�3
<br /> U1ifii AFi+�fCABLE:�at this�eeo ofi i rust shalt be construeo accnrdEng to 4he vaws oi tRe state of _ __ .
<br /> ILIEGALITY:In tha 9vent that any�rovis�on o�clause of th�s Oeed of Trust contlicts w�th app�icable law,such conflict
<br /> shail nol�fMctother provision�ot thi�Deed of Tr�cst whict�can be g�ven eftect w�thout the confl�cting prov�sion,anA to this
<br /> e�d the prov�sions ot this Deed of Trust are dec�ared to be sQVerabie
<br /> GENERAL PRQVISIOMS:(g)Tt��s�?eed ot Trust appl�es to,enures to the Denet�t ot,and btnds all part�es hereto,their heus. ,-.-- __
<br /> leqeteea,dev�sees,administrators,executo►s,successors and ass�gns.(b)the tarm"88neUciary"shall mean the owner
<br /> and hotdar(including a�pled�e�)of any rtote secured herebY.wh�ther or not named as 68nefi��3ty herein. dC)Where�er
<br /> the cortext so tequ�r8s,thd me3culine gender inLludes tt�e femus�ne and neuter,the S�nBu�ar numwer includes the pluraf,
<br /> end vice versa. (cl) Captions 8nd par�graph h�ad���is used hecein are tor conven�ence On�y. e►e not a part of th�s
<br /> aflreement,end shall not be used�n constru�ng et.II more th2�n one persdn is named herei�s a5 Trustor�eaC'�abtigation of
<br /> ?'rustor sht�ll be the joi�t and severa�obl�get�on at each such person The nghts or remed�e5 yrantesf hereunder,or tiy Iaw. «t
<br /> � shgii not be exCiuS�vo. bui St��H be concurrent and cumutat�ve :
<br /> TRUSTEE ACCEPTS th�s Trust when th�s Deed,du�y oxecuted and�cknowfrdged �s made a public recordas prowdPd �
<br /> by I�w. Trustee�s r�ot c�bt�gate�to noUty any parSy hereto o!�andmg sa�e undE:r any other Deed of Tr�st or any action or ��
<br /> pro�eed+�g�n which Trustoi. Ber�et�c�ary ar Trustee s��eri bt� a U�+ty. uniess brougnt r�,� Trustee �cfs�
<br /> _,
<br /> M�+:�r�g ac�cfress tor not�ces to Trustor
<br /> �
<br />