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<br /> IT 15 MUTUALLY ACitiEEQ TF#AT: .
<br /> LITICATIp1�i:Truskx�ii dMMd fhis T�u�t in�ny�cNon or praceedinp pu�purtin�to aHect suc��ptoperty,wh�the�or nql
<br /> il�M�ca ttw�curiry iHr�of.or purpartin�to pir�t i'r��i�iits uf ��:ar vt^o�,�a�+�le��;Tr:,•t�,.::�d-l:�!!!f!�and
<br /> �t�ct�i�N!n�CKy�r�i claitea and actions to�avt+nt a���aove�'to�an1+��S#�to or destruction ol auch proRe►ry,and
<br /> �itlNr TrusN�or 8�+��ficlary is hereby authcuf=ecl.wilhoui obliqation aa to do,to commence.appeer in or deie+fd sny such
<br /> ��pt,wh�txou��bY or,�g�tndTruslor.B�r►Miciary orTrust�eor wtth or withoutsuit�to exKCis+s or entac�any o#�
<br /> ri�ht,r�dy w povr��w31ab1�or cunhn�d hetw�d�',whethK o«tot jud�rnMtb�eniKed i�a�y actian or p�oc�ecii+W;
<br /> �nd TruNor or Bs�Mlciary may sppMi or int�►w�e in any actl�on of p►oca�dltw,�nd rwtn counsel thK�i�;and t�lc�such
<br /> i�i 3:.�P'v�.-�.a�:;��--��u•y oe wivi�i��v'�:y�"�il�.Z�i:��;as�w a'�i t!!t r:.l1'!r L'!�!!,4!�Gl!�il'A1�f��i1t th�t brhaH
<br /> �nd tor�nyol�id pu�ix�sa,m�Y�xp�nd�nd advsncs wch wms o1 money assither may tNem nec�ssery.WhMt�or rwt
<br /> Tru�a�(�pMn a d�hnd�.TruMor on dem�nd sha1�P�Y�11 cosls snd sxpsns�s d BMMiciary a�d TrusNe�i�ctudin�
<br /> costia.�d.t+c.a aa.•na anomey's hs�in�re*sonabis wm,in any such action or proc�edin�in which 8sMliciary or
<br /> T�����r by W�a����a p�irty dMendant or otheryrise et�d irres�actiw of whether lhs fnMnst of
<br /> 9�+Niciary o►TrusN�in wch propKty is directly questioned by auch acNon.includin9 but not Iimited 10.any action ior Ihs
<br /> tpraclawn of, or �al� (xocesdlnps under. any secandary lien on such propeRy, condemnstion or p�rtit�on of such
<br /> prop�rty,and a�y su{t brought by 9stteticlary to torecbse this D�d ot Trus�
<br /> C�NI�MNA?ION:All�ums dus.paid or payabb to Trustor,or any successo�in inters�t of Trusta,wh�by w�y oi
<br /> . judpn�nl.s�lM«r�t or olf�wlse,(s)fo�In jury or dama�to such prop�rty.o�{b)in conn�ctlon wiih a�y ca�ci�mnalio�
<br /> �pr puWic uts or injury to suCh propsrty or a�y p�►t Mersof�or(c)in conasct�on with the trans�ctia�Mnanc�d by ths�ot�
<br /> s�cur�d Mr�by o�(d�irisinp out of all cauwo ol action,whether acc�uing bstoro or aftet the dals o1 thi�C1Nd of Trust,
<br /> •aunding�in toK or co�►ueic�includin�caus�a ot acti�n for freud or concealment o1 a mat�iat tact topMhar with the
<br /> �1s,procMds.awards and dart►aQvs,directand conssquential.in connsctionMsrswifhan t�ebY+�b�olutM�►��d
<br /> ���evocibly�,pip��d artid shall b�paid to BsnefiClary.8eneficiary shall be entitled,�t ib t►ption,to cQmmenco,iR1s�'w+�e in,
<br /> , .appsar in end pro�scuts in ib own �ame, any actio� ar proCesdin�,a�to make any compro+rni� or sslN�mM� in
<br /> ' ponnection with any auch takin�or d�+ma�e.T�u�tor agrees to execute auch further assl�nmer�ts vi any compenaation,
<br /> sward,d�ma�s.�i�hts ot sction snd proceeHa es Qe�eficiary may require.
<br /> All amounb�eceived by Beneticiary pursuant ta this Deed o1 Truat underany fi�e or other insurance poticy.in connecUon
<br /> with any candemnaUon tar public use ot or�njury to such propsrty,tor iniury or damage to suoh hereby areto bs spptiad at
<br /> the opNon oi 8�neticiary upon any indebtedne��secured hereby.The appl+cation,use o►release of such amount shail nat
<br /> cure or waive eny default or notice ot detauf!hereunder or invalidate any act done purauant to such notice.
<br /> CONSENT.P14RTIAL dECONVEYANCE.ETC.:T�uatee may.at eny time,or from time to t�me,without ti�bility theretore.
<br /> - - anv'iiiii�vui iWawv�ti j�: ::.:.."PR:w:.•�E_1 Q,Mn�tiriwrv,nnd withoLt HnBCtIrtQ th9 O�fSOti�ll IiAbllily 01 afly pQfsOt1}0� ;_-�
<br /> paymMt of tfx�indebMdness secu�sd hereby,w�he iien o1 this Daed af Trust upan!!ta�emaindef ot such psape�fy lor�is a '
<br /> ivll amou�t oi the indel�tetiness than dr therealter,secured hereby,or the riyhts or�wera o1 the 8ene�ici3ry or the Trustes
<br /> with retpect to the�emeinder bf suc�p�operty,(a)reconvey any pa r�o i suc h p�o p e r t y.l b)c o n s e n t t o t h e m a k i��o f a n y
<br /> m�p ot plat thareof,(c►Join+n Q�anting any easement lhereon,or(d)�oin in any ex�ension sgreement or any a9reement
<br /> subc�dinatinp the lien ar�hu�e her�eof. �
<br /> FULL RECONVEYANCE:Th��upon written�equest al8enefiCiary staNng that all aums efCUrod hereby have bMn Raid
<br /> and all obti�tions ae�cur�d hKeby havs bsen aatisfactority pertormed, T�ustes shali rsconwy, without w�sr►anry, ths
<br /> prop�rly then held hereunder.l'he recitnls in suc�reconveyance of any matters ot fect shall be conclusive proot of thE
<br /> truthfulness Me�eof.Ths Qrantss In such reconveyance msy be des�qnated aa"the person or psrsons le�ally entilt�d
<br /> thereto". Such requesb and reconveyance shall ope�ete as a �eusslynment of the rents. inc4me. issues and profits
<br /> hefeinbelore sssi9ned to Me Bsneticiary.
<br /> RIGHY TO COLLECT AND RECEIVE RENTS AND PROFITS:Notw+thstgnding any other provisions hereof.8eneticiary _,;,�
<br /> hererby grants permissior,to Truator to coltect and ret�in the�ents,mcome,issues and prof�ts of such property as they -_
<br /> }� �:�eCOms due and ptiysble.�ut�esanoils the�igM to revoke such perm�ss�on at any t�me,w�th ur without cause,by notice in ��
<br /> writln� to TtustOr, mailed to 7rusi�e at his last knawn address. �n any event, suCh pormission to Trs�stcar shal! be .
<br /> automaticaliy revoked upon detault hereunde�by T�ustor.
<br /> �MiANC1Al INFOFiMATION.Truator w�Il DroviQe ca Benet�c�ary,w,th�n 90 days o1 the ciose of each fsscat year of Trustor,a
<br /> consolidatsd beta►nce sheet�nd statement ot earnin9s ot Trustor end any and al!guarantors af tha obligations aeCUted
<br /> hereby and wil!Drovi�e and deliver to�enefic�ary such otReE f�nancia!�niormation and i�such manner a�BenefiCiBry may
<br /> ditec!hom��e to timo.
<br /> FINA�:�i;.L�OVEtvANT:7rustor shall comp�y w�th and shall cause ar�y e�d a��guarantors o1 the obligat�on secured
<br /> hereby to compty with,or t�e�n campliance with,thetollowingfirtancial covenant�:(This paragraph sha11 De non-appl+cable
<br /> iI covenants and requ�rements are not fill�d in betow.)
<br /> ,._ _---=
<br /> L ��
<br /> EVEN7S OF DEFAULT Any of the to!lowmg events shsll be de�mecf an QvEnt ot defauf4 hereunder �
<br /> (a)Defaultshallbo ma�e�n thepayPnen!otany�n�tailrnentofpr�nc+�saior,r�terest or any mther sum secured hereby►vhen �
<br /> due,or �
<br /> tt'��
<br /> (b)Trustor shout�l bre�Ch or�ttierw�5� �e �n d�����1 under any t�;rm tn�Cr��int rsgreement CUr•a��t�pn cr prov�s�on T-
<br /> cUnt�iu�ot] h�r�in c�r �n a�y bu�ld�rig toan,�greement or �n any auze► ces�re�:•mes�t seLU�Ed t���eb�.or
<br /> 1!,�Any rt�prBSE;n?��t�un or CtivOn<'tnt ma�e her��n in r�ny hu�icl���y i��n ;��r�:�m�,r,r ��r �r ,tr�v t�tr;�r ;3[�r@�me�,I SE•C u�ed
<br /> Ilf'�4'�l"i C1I �Wt;ll !(1 GOftll$C��U/! herE!rrnU�or iinY ifiC�tblf'Z7h8S5 SC(.t1fl:�Ilf."1t!�r S►tli�il 1 f C'}�1�tiY l�� r.��y ��:l�ifl(� U�
<br /> --�
<br />