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OCT -05 -98 MON 02:36 PM 0 ; ;;C' ; <br />OCT -05 -98 MON 10:41 AM 0 iNC FAX NO. ,8177 <br />200106463 <br />f (1) That Said Decd of Trust s,_vtt i„g snid mile in favor of Londcr, and ally rancw;tta or <br />ex(entinns (hereof, atha,ll unco„ditivilally be and tcmalit ;it all 61T)CS a lien or charge on the <br />Froltia:rty ifiCrein rlcscr•ibcd. prior and sulwrior In the lien or cltzrl e ul' (tic l)cct) Of'J•ru�t <br />lirsl above mentlonc(t. <br />(L) Tllat Lendcr would nut m -mice its Ivan stbvvc descrlbed without this Subordim,tiu„ <br />�Agtt'cincnl. <br />(3) TIM11 this agrccittcitt sleek{' hi: the whole rmd only at ;mCluent with tr.hatii to Ilia <br />suborthitntivn ol- tho rat, or charge of tl►e Decti of Ttuat first nboye meniforictl to IN: licit <br />ter cllattge Of the Decd or Trust In favor „1' icndcr ahtivc rcJcr'rctJ ft+ mitt slmll Si)perbc0t, <br />C21ICcl but only iiis ,fjr as wot,ld all'cCt 1110 priority between Ilia Dcct1A til" 1•tust <br />11arcluhcl'urc spccirically dezicrilmd. aray t,rior eKreetttetu a it) �UCIS ju1,Cardirtntiorl lriVltttlnig. <br />I'm nut li,niterl ta. thvsc II.rt�vi• ions, it Pity, rot loricd in the Deed w, Timm final above <br />mentlor,ed. N.Itich provit7cs ror thr s,atav[tlii►wGt,a1 of Use Ilen or charge Ilmicol to allol)WI, <br />Dccd of Trust or w another porn tgage ur Mort fngcc. <br />Ucncfidary declares, agtccs and :wWwwledges lhnt <br />(at) Ile consents to avid appruv%:0 (i) all provisions of the heir. and Decd 01-11' rust in <br />favor or Lander above rt ferret( w, and (fi) all at mcmcnts, includisis but not limitetl Iv any <br />Irate or escrow agruentcats, between owner and Leader for the disbar; mmoot of iiac <br />prouecds of Lender's loan; <br />I Lertticr Is making disbursemruts putsuant to any such ag1-ceittetst ir. under no <br />obllGatiun or duty to, nor hour T-ender Irpicscnt -Ld (1141 it will, sets to the taprlication ul'slacll <br />proceeds <br />by the person or persons to whorl LeMer disl,uryca Such i,r CCCWls and Ally aitpllcatinu OF <br />u3c or such proccctltt fur pui ,uses vther tium ltiose provided ror in suck ngrccinvmt ur <br />agrrelncvits shall l,tit dercat the subt►rdinatiou herein made in whoic or in Lmil; <br />(e) Ile Intentlonally and unconditlonnlly waives, rclimlttishGS oral suhurdin:aics the Jielt <br />or charge or site Decd or Trust tirst above mcmiourd in litvor of the licit or cl,art'e upon <br />paid land vif Me Decd or lrnst in nivur of L cnder above referred to and tntt)cis(ands that in <br />reliance ul,on. and Ili conskIvr don or Chi- wnivct', roii,yuisixitiesit and -mbortlimstivu <br />sltct:i(ic loans and %dvrnCrs arc Itchig ;md will hn made ;Intl, as Isa►t avid patecl thlomut, <br />"ic monetary ttnrl virher obllgntions are being and will be entered into which would out <br />bt: made or entered iltto but riti• SAW rcliume upon this waiver. n Jinquishmcnt and <br />Subordfnndun; and <br />(ti) An cilJorsement hate been placed u�ppott Ilse »ale tectiled by (tics IJeetl o['I'rlut llrst <br />Above ritenUoncd that %mild Decd of Trust halt by this instivtitcm beckll sutilt-YtAnatad to Itsc <br />Iten or charge or the aced of Trust In favor or Loiter shove lrefecrud u►_ <br />NOTICE: 'This Subordinalinn ilgtcvntcnt Contains a provision which tlllowt lite person <br />(,bligatcd tin your property pcctirily Ito obtain n Ill »n, a portion or which Inay <br />he c7rpcn %led for other ptulit,scs than itulyruvement or the land_ <br />STATE OF 111 nstruancnt , co tuna rn¢ tl,ia <br />day of . IJ <br />COUNTY OF <br />My cuminlosivq expire,: <br />6El(ERAL NOTARY -State of Nabraka <br />MARK D. Ttal1CI <br />My Comm. Exit. OR.15; 2001 <br />auaAonce tiov <br />13yr <br />P. 04 <br />P. 02 <br />