1 —
<br /> NoN•UNIFORM COV�NAN75. Ba(tOwec�nd I..etldtr ft�1'lh�s CoYen�nt�nd ajr�e�s foilows�7�� 1 V���� �
<br /> f
<br /> �A� •��..�. O. '• I�1 �n�j� -• ... 0�......... ��.. .., i� •i r..���_... o • - -
<br /> �• .+.y ..aar�.wM� .w,wc■ s�a�« i.w�a��. w ......v.,.. �navs av asa.�stw�aaiu wuvt�tu� srrut�vwci s
<br /> �o�ar eorema�t or�raw�t i�t�ie Sacrrit�r I�ttrra�t tMt�ot�rio�to accekntioa u�der p�ra�ra�s 1��sd 17
<br /> ' eMM�ap�Ne�M I�w M'o�fA� atMexbe). 'C�r�otice MNl �til�:(�) tlit ithwlt;tb)tMe�cti�re��(red to cwe tbe
<br /> ��;ce���.a.Nee�«.ea��o�ri,r�a.a��e w.oae.d d..�to Borrowtr.bY wM�CA Ibe re(eMlt�wwt re ern�;
<br /> �i(�tr.e fWwn!o e.rs tr.dMl�wiit o�or Mfeee tw i.�e sMeiRN�tM�oQtce�.y n�wlt i�.cee�encio�ot tAe ww.
<br /> � �ts�e�i�y t�5awitY[■Mrr■�ut M/We ot tN PreMety.7'M Nottce t�a11 Nrti�er iaiornr�ower ot tiie ript-to . _. _
<br /> eM�M�e�r s�eM�t�Miea awt tlw ri jL!M Mtiy a toa� aettow b awrt die �-ex�ot a iKwk et �y u�
<br /> iNY�e a��ee�ow�10 atc�e�aM�Is.lf t4a�l�rlt i��ot��d o�or befoce tMc dste:NeiRed f�t!N�tkt,I.�ait�
<br /> at Ih�IiM�r r�lr,� iraiM�M�t Is fMll o[�it w�t�c�e�i MY tl�i�See��itY i�e'�weat wttbrt t�etkes
<br /> i���Mi■�qr i■�It�tre pw�r otMM ri a�y�li�rN�MIN�ita1�y y'Iie�We Isw.I.ewi��tlw�N M N1tit1N ro .
<br /> oolMet alf �:MM�t i�c�rni i� �ewiy H�n�M�iN Ka�NM f� tWs Mn�a�l� 19. i�elrify. �t wt i�itei to.
<br /> � i:w�i�:t.iiwriwys'i�w�i a�1a tititie s�iil�ta �
<br /> � it tw wowK at srie �v.�ice�,7'n�Me�wl nrori•�oaa at iehadt i�e.cr cow�ty iw wYiei��.y�.rc or die
<br /> � Pr�ty i�!�I�i�ii�■ii c�/i�s at��otice i�ttie��aeriMei h�i�w to Dar»wer a�to t�e ,
<br /> «1�IKw��riMM h+M�Me�1e Mw.Af��e dwe r�ire��r aNlkaMt law.Trwt�e�MN=I�e�ilk Notice ot
<br /> , �a 1re�s��M i�eiK�..K�werlr.i yr�IieaNe hw.T�.t�e.wie�ore�te�..Ni o�Y�rowet.�II,aN ti�s
<br /> � Pt�s�q►�t�wilk�eeiM a tM hyLMt Mii���t de dwe a�i�hce s�i ia�ler tre te�a iaipNe�i�trs Notke oI sde If
<br /> � � a�e�e■ore�.resM�!i�w�y o�r Tnaa.ietenri■a.T�a�y'osip.e�a1e otdl or..y�.rce1 o�qK Pro�eny by
<br /> � �11k aMO�cew�t at tYe tiwe a�i'lice ot My�eriowly�lei �ale. I.eiiec or ia dat'pee m�y wrchsu tre � �
<br /> �r�t w�r MIe. �
<br /> , �►1�nod't ot Mywe�t ot tYc �iee Wi.Trwt�e aidl d�U�er to dN�eiwer Trrsne's�eed ca��eyt�� tlMe
<br /> Pro/e�tr.TMe r�eihl�i�tie Trwl�ey�i sWl re/riw� tsek e�ile�ee ot tMe te�of tMe state�e�a w��ie trereia.
<br /> � �'�wM�slMll wly�e�re«i of e�e iak i■tie tollowi�oNer.cal to W es�es�cs of tYe salt,t�cl�b�ee aot ItMit�
<br /> ; �Tr�'s ha a��witMi�y�liesile las a�i rero�ile attorneps'tea;O)to dl srw��ecure��r tids SscMrity
<br /> . I�Mh�M�(C1 pr tYC�b�L'/kflON Or/lHOM I!/�Uy!�ll�r0 It.
<br /> �0. Lenier i� Powrlo�.l,�'pon accektation under par��nph 19 or absndonment oP the Property. Lender(in
<br /> � penon, by ymt or by judicialty sppointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon. take possrscion aP and manaae the
<br /> • Property tnd to rallect the rcnts of ihe Property includin6 those pa�t due.Any renu collected by Lrnder or the receiver
<br /> , shall be applied Arst to payment of the costs of m�nsaement oP the Property and collection of rents, includina,but not
<br /> , limited ta raceiver's fees,pnmiums on receiver's band�and reasonabk attorneys'fEes,and then co the sums secured by
<br /> , thit Security instrummt.
<br /> 21.Ruo��a�ce.Upon payment of all�ums stcuted by this Security Instrument,Lender shall request Trustee to
<br /> . acotwey the Propetty and shall surrender t6is Security Instrument and a1.E notc�ev�dencing debt secured by this Secunty �
<br /> . Instrument to Trwta.Trustee sl�all ceconvey the Property without wursnty and without charge to the person or persons � �
<br /> ' le�ally entitkd to it.Such penon or p�ersons shall pay any recardation co�ts. -
<br /> 22.SrrMittite Trwtee.Lende.r.tt its optioa,may from time ta time remove Trusta and appoint a succasor trusta ; =
<br /> to aay Tnuta appointed hereunder by�n inxtrument�ecotdod in the county in which th�s Secunry Instrument�s recorded. !
<br /> u,:.�.... _.......� _.._ �.�-r----w. .�--•-------- -- - ._ . .. .. .._. . . . . _ - _ - .
<br /> - _ _ - --- ����w3's av��'vcj�ipti,s w suc r�vpc»�. ttK 7t0.ii�tVt tiWiic ilfi! iLR'CCO t0 ilt tliC flttC�p0'iYli iJIQ(IUtiR COTiI�rRS�UpOII
<br /> _ ...
<br /> Truita lrerein and by spplicabk 4�v. 1_-
<br /> 23. R�at tor Notices. 8o�rrower requests th�t copia of the notua of definft and ule be se�t to Borrower's
<br /> addrest which is the Pto�erty Addrcss.
<br /> � 24`RM�n b d�is S�ewity Iartr�e��if onr or morc riders an exxuted by 8orrower and recorded to�ether�rith
<br /> ° thii Secutity Inxtr�mrnt.the covenants and asreemenis of euh such rider shaU be incorpor3tM into and shaU umend and
<br /> supplertrei►t the cavenants and ajreements of this Security Instrument as if the ndrr(s) were a pan af ch�s Security
<br /> lnstrument.[Check applicabk bos(a)�
<br /> _ ❑ Adjustabk Rate Itida (] Condominium Rider '�' 2-4 Fam�ly Rider _
<br /> �
<br /> ' ❑ Graduaced Payment Rider � Planned Unit Developmrnt R;der `
<br /> ,
<br /> ; ❑ Otherts) [�fYl
<br /> BY SIO1�tlNG BL3.Ow. 8ortower accepts and a��aes to the terms and covenants canta�ned �n this Security
<br /> Insttument and in any nider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded w�th it. �
<br /> �
<br /> ........................................................................................ �. t L e�9-�... ..`'-'...,�`jJ.�st-r_:L/I.O-C'�....(SC�I)
<br /> . ............ . . . .
<br /> Evelyn E. Ptanhold -�*��
<br /> .......................................................... ........ ........ ........ .. . ......................... ... . . . . . . .. ..... ........ . ....(Seal)
<br /> --9o.,ow«
<br /> STA7E OF N$BRASKA. C011t1t} sti:
<br /> On this 26th da,y of J��� , 19 g� . before mr, �he undersigned, a Nntary Publ��
<br /> duly commissioned and qualified far caid county,personally came �velyn F, mant,old, a single
<br /> QeTSOn , tc.mr knu�.n tu hc �hr•
<br /> identtcal person(s► whose ��rnels! ate subscnbed ro Ihe forego�ng �nstrumeni and ackno�tedged the crecuiiun
<br /> thcrcat'to tx her �oluntar�• arc and deed. " �-----
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial tieal at Grand Island, fdebraska �n ta,d .��„n,�, ;he
<br /> date aforesaid.
<br /> � `,. �
<br /> � ���t I�p .��LCG''�.-Fy�� ���%�2----`----� f
<br /> � . . . . . .4. _. . . . -...__ '�
<br /> �V��.��,(AK `.r..:•. {'�.�:., � •
<br /> L M1�6tArtlZl9'2 REi1l:F�T F-c)Ft kE=Cf)ti�'fY•�tiCF f�t�
<br /> �C(�TR1;`iEF ��
<br /> fhc: undcrsivned ��,tiie h.Tlcicr i�� tht tIt�EC >>I tt�+IC• �c.urc.i h� Itl�• �)�':�t :�f �fu•I �.i ' i ,t�• -' '• , , t!ir• •�
<br /> +�ith<+I��uhCP�r�a�t{�tCSIlieS;-...L'�ed��•. l::i•.{:Ct-c1.�S :•�1•.1.!t<:::�ti tt�,;:.; ;tt;��I� 1,��i .c� . . . . . , • �, . .�� .t �i
<br /> .. �,
<br /> �1lYif' t?[ tll)ICt dfl(� Ih14 [)CKt) �it �fll�t, tLf11_11 .11t' t�l:r��[�•�� t�c'ft'r,•. .�Il�� l�� i:.��•i.,_� ,� • � . •• . � �
<br /> t�t�« hcic7 h� ����� un�ict Iht. hecJ rt Itu,l �i� tt�r I`c r�,�n .•* ;••.•� .•n. '.> �ii� , � � � .f
<br /> Uate.
<br /> ....�
<br />