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<br /> �� aTtiifi3icilf i..'OYENANTS. Ho►rower xnd Lendercovenan��nd a�ree as fallows:
<br /> . , . .. � 1. P�y�t�f Pri�tlMt aw Irtte�eq;Pt'eMY�t t�i L�te CYar�es, Bttirrawer shsil promp�ly pay whcn due
<br /> the p�incipRt af�nd interest on the dcbt�ev�tnced by the Note�nd any prepuymcnt and late ch��Ra duo u�der the Nate. •
<br /> 2. Fw�i f�ie Tsx��i Iwra�e, Sub,�tct to applkabls la�r ot ta a w ritten waiver by Lender.Bo�ro�ver slutll p�y
<br />"'' ta Lender on�he day rnonthty payments�re du�under the Note,uatil the Note is paid in tull,a sum("Funds")eqwl to
<br /> -' °�'���Rh °< <s�!'���Y ��s arjd aasessmenu �hich may attain priarity avcr this Security Instrument; (bD variv
<br />.� � •... _ la�dald o.v�e!i!� w' �sr,sa� resus �+i �nc Froperty, if any; (c) ye�rly h�zard insunnce remiums; and d arl
<br /> �W���P�lu�.�anY. These items�ra called"acm+w items."Lender may estimate thc Funds duc on the �
<br /> � �ye
<br /> b�o��urrrnt d�ts snd tea�oeabk atineq,tta af future acrow items.
<br />`� Tbe Fw�dsa�11 be hdd in an inssitutian the
<br /> ;� � �� ���Y��t deposita or�ccounts of which�rc insurec!at�umnteed by a federal or
<br /> �� � �t���f I.ender is suc}�an iastitwion). Lender shall�pply the Funds to p�y the e�craw items:
<br /> r �rye fa holdini arxl�pp�yins tht Funds,analyzina the accaunt or verifyiea the escrow items,unlesa
<br /> � �pri�'ro�rer ieterest on the Funds at�d�pplicabk law pem�its i,ender to make such a charte. Borrower and '
<br /> La�der may ajree in�vritin=that intertst sh�ll be paid on the Funds. Unless an a�reement is m�de or applicable lbw
<br /> � ���p�+t��PR�• �det sha11 rtat be required to pay Bonower any interest or qrninas on the Fuads.Lender
<br /> +lall pre to Horrower,without char�e.an snnwd accountina of the Funda showing credits and dehits ta the Funds and the
<br /> .�, � , p�tpat tor Mhich ach debit to the Fund�Rras rnade.'The Funds ar�pkd��d u addition�l security tor the sums secured by
<br /> thi�Secutity Instcun�pit.
<br /> ' Itthe amount of the Furids held�y Lender.to�ether with the futnre monthly p�yments af Funds payabk priar to
<br /> the due data of the acro�v item�.shsll exceed 1he amount required to p�y the esc�ow items whrn due.the excess shall be.
<br /> u&xt��rtr''s option.either pranptly rep�id ta Bortoe�ver or credited to Borrower on monthly p�yments of Funds. !f the
<br /> �a�o�ent d'the Funds Aefd by Iaender is nat su�icient to pay the escrow�tems when due.Bar�ower sh�ll pay ta Lende�any
<br /> � � amount neastary to make up the deliciency in on�ar more p�yments a�required by Lender.
<br /> Upa�qyment in fLll of ap�ums�ecurcd by this Security lnstrument.Lender shtll promptty refund to�orrower
<br /> �nY F�+ds hdd by Lendtt.If undcr p�rajnph{9 the Property is sold ar acquired by L,ender.Lender slull apply.no later
<br /> �but i�nediately priar to the ale of the Property or its uQuisitian by Lender,any Funds held by I.ender at the time aP
<br /> �pplicatian as s credit�sainst the sums xcured bg this Security lnstrument.
<br /> ' �. A�/IldiMo�.ot Pay�b. tJnkss appjicabk taw ptovidts otherwise,�l! paymrnts received by Lender under
<br /> . P��P����d 2 s1u1�be applied:first.to iate chu�es due under the Note;second,to prep�yment char�e�due under the "
<br /> Nar,third.to amot�nts p�yabk under psr��raph 2;faur�h,to interest due;and lut,to princip�l due.
<br /> 4' ��i'� ���K�� MY����k�.u.xumcnts.charges. Anes and impositions attribuuble to the
<br /> , � � PropeHy Mhkh ma�► Ntain priority m�et thia Secunty Ins�rument. and lasehotd paymmts or �roued rents. if any.
<br /> __ --_ _ __-- __ f � _ _ - _ -�Off'ON�l�f�ti��p!y t�11"iC O�lptions in�he manner pravided in naragranh�;nr if nnt w*,�;A;�:4.!tig:,Cir w�iCiwci anil�i `
<br /> Fa7 t�vn[ime�(�tiy tp�the per3pn o�rst3 piy�stmt.�nawer shd{promptly fumesh to Lender all noucp aPamounts
<br /> " � to 6e p�id under thiY pnjraph. If Borra�rer maices tAeae psym�nts dire�tly,Banov�er sh:i�promptly furnish to Lmdet
<br /> reaipts evidet�cin�the p�yments. -
<br /> Borm�ver shall promptly di�ch�r=e any lien which has pnonty over this Secutity lnstrument unkss Borrower:(a) �
<br /> asreat in wmitin�ta the p�yment af the obliption s�cured by the lien in a m�►naer sccepubk to LenQer;(b)contats in�ood
<br /> sc
<br /> fdth tl�t liee by.or defend�apin�t rnforoanent of the lirn in,kpt proceedi»js wt�ich ie the Leeder'�op�nion operate to -
<br /> prevent the enfacement oP the lim or forftitute of any p�rt of the Property; ut(c)secures from the holder of�he lien an
<br /> ast�aement�atisf',�ctory to IRnder subord�natina ehe lirn to this Security Instrument.IP Lender detetmines that any p�n of
<br /> �he Property is wbjxt to a lien which msy atain primnty aver this Secunty Instrument, l.ender may 6ive Borro�er a
<br /> notia idaitifyinj the lien. Borrower shalt s�tixfy the I�en or taice one or more of the act�ons set forth abc►ve within 10 days
<br /> of thepvint of notie:e. —
<br /> s• 1�a��IMrra�ee. Borro�er shsll keep tl►e improvemmts now ez�shna or herraRer trected on the Property
<br /> intar�d apit�st bss by 6te.haLrds included within the tetm"e�trnded coveraae"and any ather hazards Car which Lender
<br /> ' reqwra inwr�nce. Thn inwranee slul! be rrainiained in the �moun�s and for the peric�ds that Lender requires. The
<br /> insunnoe earrier providia�t}K�nsuanc�t shsll be chosen by Bor�axrr subject to l.ender's�pproval which shalf not be
<br /> unna�oaably withheld.
<br /> All insurancG policies and rtnewsts shall be acceptable to I.ender and shail ir�clude a standard mortgage clause. ;�
<br /> I,tnder shall have the�tiaht to hold the policies tnd antwats.lf Lender reQa�ires.8orrawer shatl promptly 6ive to I..ender
<br /> � �11 roceips ol'paid prcmiums and rrnewal nonces.ln the e.ent of loss.Horrower shall gise prompt eotict ta the�nsuaance
<br /> : cuner and I,ender.[�ender m�y rtuice proof of loss if aot made promptty by�Borrowtr.
<br /> Untess Lender and Borrower othecwise aaree in wciting,insu�ance proceeds shell be appJ�ed to restoration or repair
<br /> ol'the Proptny d�msaed, if thc restoration ar repair is ecanomicaily f�as�ble and I,ender's secunty �s nc�t lesseneA. !f the
<br /> rptdnt�on or repa�r is nat tcaH�cm�ically feasible or Lendcr's serurny w�uld be lesse►�ed,the insursnce prcaceeds shall be
<br /> �pplied to the iums soeured by�his Secursty Iststrurncnt, whethtr vr rrot thrr+dut,w�tt�v�y excccc�►id to 8orr��ser. !!`
<br /> �S��s'b.��i�tix Fropeny.or daes r�ot answ�er within 30 days a notict ftom Lender that the�nsurance carr�er has
<br /> M�erad tn�ettk a claim�then Lendet ms4 callect the insurance�rocee�s. L,ender may use the proceeds to repa�r or restore
<br /> the Proprrty or to p�y sums se+cured by th�s Secunty Instrumenr,whethrr�r not then due. The 3Q-day pertod will beg�n
<br /> when the ndicr ii pven.
<br /> Un{ess Lender and Borrower otherwtise agree�n wnUng,aa�y apphcaaon of proceecis to pnnc�pal shap not extend or
<br /> posl�+ane the due dste of the monthly psyrnents referred eo�n paragtaphs 1 and 2 or changc�hr amc�unt of�hG pU�ments 4f
<br /> under panjrsph 19 th�Nroperty is aeqwred by Lender,Borrower's nght to an�•insurance pol�cirs and proceeds�esulting
<br /> frcxn d�m��e tei the F'ropeny pnor to the acqu�sition shali pass to L,eroder t�the ra�em�f the sums secureA by this Src un�y
<br /> r'--' Insirumem inimedi�tely pnor to the acyuis�tion. ' �- �
<br /> � �. Pteset�atlow�d!Nainteeance qtProper�;I,�a3eholdy. Horrow�r shalf not destroy,damage or tiub5faratially
<br /> chtn�t the Pte<<+eriy, �Uow tht Property to detenorate or comm�t w�astr. tf tbc Secunty Inttrumem is on a Iea�ehold.
<br /> �►r�oM�er sh�U cermply with the prn�isions of the tease,en0 if t3orrax�er acy�irrs fee t�Ne t��he P�operty,t�r teayehnld and
<br /> i fce�iNe sh�ll nc�t mcrge unless I.cnder�grers ta the merger�n w�nt�ng.
<br /> 7�. Prattctlt� c►1 l.tnder's Ri�hts in El�t #'ropesiy; 4fortgage tnsurance. i�' f3orrower iaify to perform thc
<br /> y cuvenxnts and agreemeaitc�:ontAmrd m th�s Stcunty Instrument,or there is a legal proceed�ng�h�t may�s�gmficantly affert �
<br /> ° ! 1-.rnder's righ�ti �n �hc !'r�+�+erty (surh as a proceed�ng�n bankrup�cy, probate. fe,r cvndemnat�r,n or �o enfc�rce lawti �,r �
<br /> ir �egulations►,�her�I cu�ier may do nnd pay for wf�ate�er is necessasti to prutect the�alue��f[he Yronerry and I.ender's rights .►
<br /> m �he Proprrt� l.eud�r's at•tums tnay �nclu�ie pay�ng any surr,s sccured by a hen wtu�h has pncuity oter thir Srcunty f�
<br /> �` Insuiarnent, a �
<br /> cp !Praring i►i cuurt. �a�ing rea5onahleat:vrne�c'fee�?n�cnre,�r2�i,jt th:f'rr.p�rty t�.�,�dke rr}���rti .�Irh��ugn ���
<br /> 1A llxnd�C may I�ckc,icu+w un�lrr�h�c parograph 7, I end�r docs nnt hatie tn du so
<br /> -' '' An� ari.�unlr�litihur�rJ h� 1.er�ler��der th�s�atagra�+h?rhall herc,me�,�dditi,���n! deht.�f H��rr��ucr�c�ureci b� ihiti
<br /> " ` :tit��urily Insttutncn� 1 r�le,�y;�,rr��wer an�l 1 enc�cr agreetc��•t?:rr:er^-y�,(�+aymer,t,thc;c�m>>,.nt.�h�il he�r ir�tcre�t tr�.m
<br /> ttt� datc �,( �I�tit�urtiruirnt ,xt i�ic '���te r.ue and thalt hc pay:�hle. w�ch nitere�t, up,�n r,:,t��e Ir,�n� t a�mtrr � � Fi�,ir� wri
<br /> j: r�quc;ImF��.►y inci�l
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