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<br /> IF Lrnder required mcm=a� insurance�s �cpndition i€�k 1�►R►�tk�wrar�d by shis secarity ans�r�mcne.
<br /> 8ortower shaU p�� the premiums required to maint�in the insur+�anop��'i1ny1'�as tbe tequireme�t for the
<br /> ln�u�r�nce terminata in accordance�vith Barrower't�d Lcndrr'a Mritta��reaaent or i�pplicabk law.
<br /> i. t�aMeNo�. l.�ender or its yeRt t�uy mvice ra�onabk entria upon ar�d l�u�+ections of tbe Ptorerty. Leader
<br /> shall�ive Borrowrcr natice at thc time olar priat to�n irupectian specif'yiaj rcasoaabk cawe for tbe Ia.specliot�.
<br /> O C�H�. T4�����ni'.��r��y��f n�rfij�fn!����M,Ain�+c[nr c�e��eauential,fn conflAplkln vit�
<br /> iu►y oondemn�� a other tskin�oi'wy put oP the Propeny. or far convey�r�cr i� lieu of condemnatifln,are hereby
<br /> ' aui�ned u�d tbal!be paid to Lender.
<br /> In tbe event d'a touJ ukin� oP the Propert�. tht proceed�shaU be�pRlied to the surn�secura!by this Security
<br /> lmtrument.�hether or not thm due,Mith any e:oa�p�id to Borro�rsr.In the evmt of'�partial takiax of'tbe Frvperty,
<br /> ; uNas Horra�uer u�d Lender othenvise a�roe in w►ritinj,the suens socwed by tbi�Secu:ity lnsuumait shall be redaoed by
<br /> ' the tmannt of the proceeds muhipliod by tbe follawin�fraction:(a)the total u�ount of the�ums secured immadludy
<br /> " beforc the t�kin j.divided by(t+)the fsir ma�ket value otthe Property immediately before the takina.Any balana ahall be
<br /> '� paid to Borro�ver.
<br /> lf the Froperty is ab�ndoned by Bon uw�r. or if,.Rer no 'a hy k, �er to Bama�va that the condtmnar offers to
<br /> � maka an aw�ard or settle a claim ior dama�es.Borroker fails to rapond to Lender withi�30 d�ys aRer the date the notitx is
<br /> • , pvee.Let�der is autharized to cdkct and apply the proceeds.at its q+tion,dther to restoratian or repalr of the Prape»y or
<br /> to the sums securod by this Socurity lnstrumeat,�vhether or not then due.
<br /> ' Unlesa I.ender and Hortower otherwise a�ra in Nritin�t,sn�applieation of proceeds to princip�l shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the duie date of the monthly pa�ymenta referred to in parasraph�1�nd 2 or chsnje the amount otcuch payments.
<br /> 10. Baerbwer Not ReNa�N; For�ee By Le� Not • WM�er. F�ccer,sion of che rime for psyrnenr or
<br /> mc�diticatioe of smortiutian ot the sums secured by this Security Instrument sranted by I.ender ta any sus�ce�or in
<br /> in�rns�ot Borrowa shill na operaee co rekue ehe li�biGry of the oripaal Horro.ver or 8o�roaer'a tuooawn in interat.
<br /> I�ler t6alt not be requirod to commence praoeedinp apia�t �ny suxessor in interat or refu�e to eutend wne tor
<br /> P�yma+t or al�er�ri�e�nodify satioRiratloe d'cbe swos�earrod by cbi�Sa�urity inscru�+t ey rawn of any demand�a�de
<br /> by the otipnal BorroMer or Borrowet't woces�ors in iaterat.My fo�rbearance by Irrnder in eatercisia�u�y ri�ht nr r�medy
<br /> ahall not be a Maiva of or p�+eclude t1�e exercise d'any ri jht ar te�edy. y
<br /> 11. S�ecwe�s a■�As�ip�Hw■i;�ol�t a4i Se��n11L1ilit�.Co�dp�n.� The covenanu aad sireert�ents of
<br /> this Security Instrument shalt bind and benelft the suooe�ors and a:sip�s of Lender and Borro�ver.:ubject to the provisions �
<br /> of parairspb 1 i.Borratra'=coveaants�d a jreemeats�hall be joint arid several.My 8orrmva�vho co-si jns this Security
<br /> lnstrunxst but doa�ot execute tAe Nete: (a)i�ca�si�this Seci�rity Irutrument aaly to eno�tp�e,�rant ud convey
<br /> tbat Bomc+wer's nu�t in the Praperty under tbe tennt ot this Secutity Instrument;(b)u not penonaqy c�Wipted to psy �
<br /> r_.__
<br /> ` iac wms i�i.-wnci'v�iiris�a�wriiy insirmneni;ma(cj asrees ii�ai i.a�der a�d any oii�er i�orrower miy a�rse to extaui. ,,�_.
<br /> modify.forbear or mske any a000m�odation:witA reprd to the terms of this Security lnstrummt a the Nae writlwut -
<br /> thst 8os�rorva's canttat. -
<br /> � 12. iwr Ci�e�es. If the{o�n serared by this�ecunty lnitranunt is:ub�esl to s law�w+hich ats msaimum lan
<br /> cbsr�a. and �tbat la�v is MWy ieterprtited a thtt tbe ir�terat or other losn char�es collected or to be coUectad in '.
<br /> 000nectioe �vitb the lan eaceed ehe patnittod limits.tben: (t)aoy sucli {oa�a c1�r�e sliaU De reduoed by the amount
<br /> aeoawry ta redua tbe cl�ar�e to tbe penaitted l�,mlt:aad tb)any s�una alre�dy callecca0 lroro Borrower which es�eeded _
<br /> per�aitted limia vill be rdunded ta aorra�ra. E.ender may choae to m�lce this refund by rodueins tbe principal o�ved
<br /> wider tbe Note ot by a�alcia=a diroet pyment to Botro�rer.If a refund roduoes prir�cipsl.tbe reductiaa w►ill be trneed as i —
<br /> partial pre�yinent writhout any�tpaymeat cbar:e ursder tlit Notc.
<br /> 13. I,�Ylstie� AllKti�tMi�r's Riwh, If ensctmeru or eapintinn of applicabk lawz has the d[oct of
<br /> rtndeiin�any pravis�ioa otthe Note ar tWs Secur�ty Instrument ueeaforcabk aocardina to its tettns,Lendtr.at its op�ion.
<br /> may nquire ia�med'ute psyrtient in Cup oF aU tums secured by this Security Instruinent aAd may,invoke any remedia ,
<br /> permitted by pirajrapi�19.lf Lender exetcises thi�optjan,l.a�.det sh�ll tafce the eteps ipeci5ed in tlx socand pr�taph of �
<br /> partinph 1T. �
<br /> 14. N� My natia to 8arto�vu providod tor in this Securiry lnstrumrnt s,tul!be pven by deGvrnng it ar by —
<br /> mailin�it by Rrst cl�a�t�nW unka applicabk lav requira use of anotber method. 'x'he notix shall be dimud to the ��
<br /> PropatY Addras or any otber addracs BorroMes�ai�utss by notice to Lender. My notia ta Lcnder shall be pven by
<br /> A�st clm�eail to Let�der's addrais sta�ad herain oz u►y aHer�uddras Ler�der daipsaca by notioe co Horrrnver.My naice
<br /> providod for in thu Sacurity Inurument thall be cieemed to hare ban pvrn to 8orro�ver or L,ender w�hen sivrn u providod
<br /> in thix para=r�ph,
<br /> 15. Co�I.�w;Sereniiliqr. This Security Instrument:hall be�ovcrned by federal law aad ehe laK of t�e
<br /> jurisdictiaa in w�bich the Property is lcuated.ln the tvent that any prmrision or clause of this Secunty lnstn:menc or the
<br /> Nwe�onAict�with applicabk law,such conflict shall not alrat other provisions of thi�Securtty Insttrment o-the ltiote
<br /> whfch tas�b:�i�t:t eQ'xt�tt�ssi th=an!ltztia=psfl�i�sos. '!'cs shs�tsK!thr r�ro�iraaas of thc;Seeurisy Jrutrusssr:st:ssd sht
<br /> � Nae ue declarod co be srverrbk.
<br /> �6. 8a�rower•s Co�y. Borcoxer shalt be jiven one conformed copy o!the Note ard of th�s Seeurity Instrument.
<br /> 19. T�frr ot tYe Pro�erty or� Be�tficial Lterest ia &xrower. If all or •n�� part af the Property or an}•
<br /> intertst ih it is sv1A ov transt'erred(or►f a beneflcia}�nteresc m$orrov►er is sotd ar tnnsfeeTed and Borrower�s not s natural
<br /> person)without I.ereder's prior xtittm conser►t,L.enda msy,at its aptitm.requ�re immed��te pa�•ment in full of a�lI sums
<br /> secured by this Sec�srit�� lns�rumme. HoM•eser, th�s aptum shall ��t be exerc�s�d h� Lender �P e�ercise �s proh�bited b}
<br /> feder�l iavr as af che date otth�s Secunty[nstrument. ,-__,,
<br /> lf Lendtr exer�ises this optit�n.Lendtr sh�lf��r ilortowet notict of acctletat�on The not�ce shal!prov�de a penod �
<br /> of not less ihan 3tldays fram the date the not�ce is deiivrred or ma�}td w�shin vehich $orror.er mnst ps} a!1 sums secured by
<br /> this Seeunt}�lnstrumen!.If Bocrov►�er fails t�pay thes�sums pnor to the expirauon nf th�s penc�d,Lender ma� �nsoke an}
<br /> remedies ptrmittM by this Secunty instrument w�thou�further notue ar demand on HorroKer.
<br /> 16.Borrower'e Rijltt to Rti�stde. If Bnnower meets settain candnions, Eiorrower shall hatir the ngM to ha��c �
<br /> enforermrnt of tiris Secunty instr�ment discunnnued at any�ame pnor ta the earLer�f (a)5 da}•s(or such other penod as �t
<br /> ! app}�cab}e I�w•m.a�•sExcif}•for rcinstatetnent)btfutc sale af the propert}� purzuant to sny powtr oi s�le contained�n this
<br /> LSecunt� lnser�mrnt:c+r(h)entrc of s�udgment enfptr�ng th�s S�cur�ic In�trument Thou corzd�it��ns arc that Rorrower�
<br /> 1�) yays Len�ier all sums whi.h �hen wauld be due under th�s Secuniy lnstrumtnt and thc '�nte hac! nr acrsleranon .�
<br /> oc�urted: (h)c�rrs an} d�fauh Qf any other co�rn�nts c�r agreement�. tc► pa�s all ex�nc-5 incurrcd m enforrttig this '`�
<br /> ,r+t�unt� Instrum:nt. anclu;lmg, hut tzot l��niicd tr�, rea�Unai+le actan�e�y' fe�s. ar:� Id� tuwe. �uch actwr� as Lendev may �iy�
<br />- f�:�:`^�.�,:j fCy^;;iiC ::` a'iiuif iii$i i1iC ii��t c i litl� ic�ttitf� i�i,tiu�neni. [.enti.i�G nFn�� in tne t�TC+�:'�1\ �7ilv �Citt(�RC.'-S 're`
<br /> n?�+hF�n�+n tc� ��� ;'ic sum� ��curc:S h} th�� Sz:�rrtL lntitrumeiit �h31i remtmuc un�h�ngcd t'pr+n rcin�tatement t+ti
<br /> N:+rt,,.�er.th�t�c:�f-�t. Ir.,�rument�r:J fhe«'�bgat:en�sr.ured 1;ereh� �t��li rerna�r.f�ll< e"ec*.�.e a �f r� .a:.r:er.i���m had
<br /> ...u•...: 4i,.•.�c•�,r ..., ra_ti:�., rCir��:'ste,l: ' ;�,�, , ,, ;�.. --. . ',s..� , .. , . -
<br /> .��;t�: :ct.�c .u.1e c• .�.i: a�S.
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