<br />ttio,(at�o�E fI101NNtb -
<br />"' Dior) are' h�t�drdr-° ix+ derstandthattttedocun: entthatUtweorrawtinaraabauttoaxaruteis a0aadottruatandaota mortgagaandthatthapotwrotYteprdvidW
<br />torj ,CFitsfEiiaif+lllT prpfiil substantially different rights arid cibligotions. to the Blorraviners then a mortgagle in the event of a default or breach of obligation undatir that
<br />Dhb;t,ol.i= ts3�lnclludih' °tat! limited to the Lenders right to have the Real Property sold by that Trustee without any judicial proceeding or foreclosure. 8orrovars
<br />rap7ljecg%Yttetc7lAst7sntt :lirat4nowl dgementwasexecutedbythembeforetheexacuticnoftheteedo fTrust.
<br />IF
<br />eorrVT G. Vanza
<br />ergQn?
<br />it r (Harriet RY Vanzandbergen)
<br />i
<br />`'` js4r4naes ta4E Y h t11e iea5 i Pd1 dssaAbed trlsnsltH of INDIVIDUALLY OWWO AGRICULTURAL LAND.
<br />S It ap➢►i ealMrt,eoerrplaM ONLY ONE aitlNr A, D. or *-
<br />O A',-' :� Q1�14'OFMlig 4T TO OM MATE HOMMMAIM.
<br />E fM z �jakiltrArfa3y�fz3hatth "tereabouttoeir —Tv. afaiya+ rn9Dt` edolTtur. tuponthei real ewiite` descnbaetherain .Thesormwer(a),andeachlof ho-1 -t
<br />trrrclVanp ct l tteL` y. i# jgdtficil "ifrighttodesignatQtt3cr 3cadpu/ sentlrierpip. ttFtipa+ to? ili ahomastaatfo`. i�lttterof the Borrower (s)Ispresently or+Nlb?T.St**
<br />14�{.TlbOt(1`' r aaidb'rik"tbt#t e.Ths Barrover(s)unQ' Itt-s "y`.',ari9af.'. restahtrshe�e ,haritesteaddnaitypa �oisaid reatiestate during the tittwthe Dirtl;u).T -.4t
<br />tHiil AYfi t slid(Tti(2i2i Satdrlaid'vt�e.theroeha > ;'�Em r+ "!i13 1[ �iPCdESiRRAtianOthameSteadi�thetSventOfa }OfeCIOSUfaO►truatYaYNwith elpe tTJ.
<br />said Deed ofTYUt4'
<br />13 8. ii%vzcii / G11(iitaUaaififiklCtff7AAt3Yetq
<br />TheBwtoliar;t9}l: j�MlarJgt!tatthtlyereeboultettia* 1teE efatloi! nngOa0d01Trustupomthereal estatedest ribed therein. TheBorrower (e),erldeeChAftltbt+i +.
<br />more than tstosignate a h: rystead pursuant theraID. The Barrowerts) understand that they have the right to make a designation of
<br />hombtdabat4y'sr sAy.trc4 ;ft Nt�ytiyaavd:, l+). gvq waiving fights otherwise avalabletor the purpose of affording them the opportunity toretalh their hor :}esteadinthe.
<br />evemoradltxvi (,blpes:cxai6id'itli,�:,' ':
<br />d +^. wiltTiiiGkGi!WeWltaUEw#FA4i:.
<br />Pursuan] to f arJ Ptf %%:Erv'l Ji t$g [f:r ri Z &igD/ M seq. Reuir pd Statutes of the State of Nebraska), the Borrows rls)• do hereby designate thB real
<br />property downbed in insorpara lid herein by this reference.
<br />Borrower i I'
<br />Borrower
<br />Tai G is.e __ A't7 -"8W4- ( a><pj f�gi'bru _ 19 $� _ . by antl among the Truster. Tpd (',_ �aO2 rrdifPrgen
<br />and Harriet �Rntg
<br />88L�B$"LLA8iIL8 ink' 4 ivorsbip .411441hosemaj;mgaddlessls - - -•
<br />(hojW, 'ao -t wreT iflfe ifuv; e. _Willia_m G. Blackburn A Member of the Nebraska State Bar Asses
<br />whose mailing address is 1&3* 2ZO. Gi. "dad Island, Nebraska _ 68802 �,_ (herein "trustee'I.
<br />and the Beneficiary. Fitrte_P:(�fiZra' a ,A�•_. ----
<br />whose mailing address is 2w • Vii., or �welB,_ P.0. Box 1507, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802 _ (herein "Lender").
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATIC A4. iti ,r dh :g the oncw,,.Odness id2nUhedherein and trust herein created. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Borrower
<br />hereby irrevocably grants. transfers. conwna aci9assigns 1 :: f4',, -,lee. IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE. for the benefit and security of Lender, under and subject to the
<br />terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. 'hTl-e,y; $7pe^.lr.0a!Cr,bed as fo!: >ws S
<br />e ti'kr'L
<br />Lot Eighteen (18);, i,n 21c--k. Two (2) and the East Three (3) feet of Lot
<br />Seventeen (17), im Bloc'k Two (2)'Q. Cmatinental Gardena, an Addition 'to
<br />the City of Grand Is:l aridi flail County, Nebraska
<br />Together with all buildings. improvements. fi;( tr4 b+tIMI, a "eys. passageways. •irJE•rran!s. fights, privileges and appurtenances located thereon or in anywise
<br />pertaining thereto, and the rents. issues and profits. hereof, ircl�jffing, but not limited to, heating arty cooling equipment and such personal
<br />propetty that is atta c tied to the Improvements soastoo- 71Nuc4:G ^xf 41-lCi tqother with the homesteadormantal interests. dany writ ch interests ate nerebyreleased
<br />andwa,ved- allolwhtch including replacements and a :zl!: s thereto. is•.: r' osweip ciaredt obeapartof tirefea' estatesecuredbythel ienofthisDeedofTrustandallofthe
<br />foregoing being referted to herein as the "property°
<br />This D(rsd of Trust shall secure (al tho payment of tyei.f + +,u;�a: sum v J'iiiferesl evC w::a Sd by 0orrower's note and/or credit agreement dated
<br />February 10, 198194vmg a maturity date of e>�., � 10,. 1994 , _ tame original principal amount of S JVT��� • �� and any and all
<br />modifications erfansinns and renewals thereof or thereto a:�S ai;•f ri! : aiN��t'T' advaineE'hrxrrtireadvances hereunder pursuant to anoor more promissory notes or c /edit
<br />auoaen+arillltlataincalled Note 1 .(b) the payment of other s(YnrOr+.^ RaC09ewery,T'ioir't6 thesecurityoftheNote.( c) In9performaneeaftcovenantsandagreement
<br />of (tolrower set foilri herein and (it) all Indebtedness and obtig:l :i: -s It ubv'•r; /tn > ; Lende- whether direct, indirect. absolute or contingent and whether arising by note.
<br />Quatanty overdraft fit otherwise
<br />(forrpwer tit protect the security of this Deadof Trust, ;,4d4L'ILTt;; r2!1'rfau_'e,,es wit^ ilft!t131 as follows
<br />t' esteaetallPrMlalFalaA9NlflaMll Borrower shall
<br />Q ;Sit/ 11' J�.: rri( r�ir+* fithNnor ]r:l^,:a.,'ifer1d1+1te!egta!t- and" fe° so! ih3rgesprn •I:dCQin,lh^I:OSoAe:a!!hS
<br />(lyait u( Trust ,
<br />? TWO, Flo, lower is the owner of the Property. has the fig!` ^:° i19Yhy". NrrB' convVj"+ ufjr operty. and wariantsthal the lien createdharebyisa first arid prior hart on
<br />Ihelrluphrly et Ceps as may otherwise beset forth herein. and the cl58li Xlizl °ailth.ebhtrer•f'Kt�i is Deed of Trust does not violate any contract or Othor obi, gat on, to wh.Ch
<br />L fkrnu,terissubpta
<br />1 Tae", AaMearaanN. To pay whon due all faxes. Spec-it aeir-wri;Mn and aft cric'rvr:fiatrges against the Property and. upon whiten demand by Lender fu pav to
<br />f enJ a tUGh aliMul-1 as road 4e eutfic,erit to anable the Lender 1, pity, ,t1.'^ CdY.QB, essemu- nuSlyor other charges as they beCoino due
<br />eaY
<br />• fW" Tos eepthe Propel ttymtlured against dame lyrf-i,i 1?: WJdggru (hin the lilt m'ostondedcoverage ardsucho !nernarardsavt.andcr,nar
<br />iO4uits, yr awfiur4S ail:) with crrmpames occaplabte 10 Lander. andl(rfil- Il.aetStwhitirrrC: >Y:a t.G� ^der hT Case of 1059 and @ / suC►t policies thrl Lender ,9 authOi,ra`t h, nitµ/ 51
<br />( lrillktar' dice iµfu' ll' so fill( lsims, thureunder end shall nave
<br />theopGo ` "_i�fr,;lU1�� "!x;) sic+ ar" trttnoinsuranceproceedslgtoa�' irndebtedrossse�u 'udre!e•hvandi!+s�,r!e '
<br />eitfa! fie t er,rler n+a,r 4ele!Mele. (:,) to Inn IiOi+i iwet to bo utod for t4e4i i(i;C(! i!�4r,.,rrd';t�� of thepfGpetty of Imir for any otr: or warposa or ob{er t srinst;rr torn Tr, L en',wo
<br />wulluutalttli: fmrfthelrenof rh, 14 MM( AvsiMforthnfallamoutit"C utt�. ! Iiytf�! vi` pBAt•�yp ;Ii tYaymantever took place Any p! parr /(•1,. +r �n�ls_U'c:.l•nsc��ra��
<br />not f' /till'ia or I"Atills:ji:s O`-e r(,,n) if at0 ( ! Orly payrrarto under the Note. O, t:;tl}ryt 'ai; %?j4rda':gsifVnder or horeu rider .
<br />5 Mawdetlaecl 1111"elle and Contiftnee wnth Lava. (Jnrrowot •l;6,Y) !:•fie!1 tt:e!�:,4yh,t`:p y „d cOnd,bun and reti]ir shall i ,ov-pt , ,• t':r.• r,r to
<br />f :1,p ti.,
<br />+ aj) i(,. a' �a+,: wr: ._hr*.alnir +:JngrgeU +rilattWVrU than net commit orper•?'1!.1;0ywastoi'lavw* "J.- un (it lhpt'toperty steal! no! re,,, ur",a,'. ^fir
<br />;nr,.•r,(�,n irl:.Cmeni9 i,i +fAel %•J$elti Yhpq LliftOlonlif Suffril efparfnite'r�yJX'tip be dG9( :'pun rho PI�Iporty m Uiplll.un n•9„ ., I r.+.• r,a7•tp irp,!:.'N ,. i.l
<br />(1•S'r(Jr AnA (,r „a.I,•'rn 7. R,'Ir %;n a►(;•,ir,t woo it Gill and expenso oil ions. OnL`: %0),0l Was aPY.r`OrQP, ir!nU'S , ^:pbSCdiu nCt,!y S„u A.)7. "�n 1'•.•i„�ii, ., ,,. i ,••,,.,.,: •.,
<br />i
<br />Y.
<br />1 '
<br />t 0
<br />.
<br />_
<br />ttio,(at�o�E fI101NNtb -
<br />"' Dior) are' h�t�drdr-° ix+ derstandthattttedocun: entthatUtweorrawtinaraabauttoaxaruteis a0aadottruatandaota mortgagaandthatthapotwrotYteprdvidW
<br />torj ,CFitsfEiiaif+lllT prpfiil substantially different rights arid cibligotions. to the Blorraviners then a mortgagle in the event of a default or breach of obligation undatir that
<br />Dhb;t,ol.i= ts3�lnclludih' °tat! limited to the Lenders right to have the Real Property sold by that Trustee without any judicial proceeding or foreclosure. 8orrovars
<br />rap7ljecg%Yttetc7lAst7sntt :lirat4nowl dgementwasexecutedbythembeforetheexacuticnoftheteedo fTrust.
<br />IF
<br />eorrVT G. Vanza
<br />ergQn?
<br />it r (Harriet RY Vanzandbergen)
<br />i
<br />`'` js4r4naes ta4E Y h t11e iea5 i Pd1 dssaAbed trlsnsltH of INDIVIDUALLY OWWO AGRICULTURAL LAND.
<br />S It ap➢►i ealMrt,eoerrplaM ONLY ONE aitlNr A, D. or *-
<br />O A',-' :� Q1�14'OFMlig 4T TO OM MATE HOMMMAIM.
<br />E fM z �jakiltrArfa3y�fz3hatth "tereabouttoeir —Tv. afaiya+ rn9Dt` edolTtur. tuponthei real ewiite` descnbaetherain .Thesormwer(a),andeachlof ho-1 -t
<br />trrrclVanp ct l tteL` y. i# jgdtficil "ifrighttodesignatQtt3cr 3cadpu/ sentlrierpip. ttFtipa+ to? ili ahomastaatfo`. i�lttterof the Borrower (s)Ispresently or+Nlb?T.St**
<br />14�{.TlbOt(1`' r aaidb'rik"tbt#t e.Ths Barrover(s)unQ' Itt-s "y`.',ari9af.'. restahtrshe�e ,haritesteaddnaitypa �oisaid reatiestate during the tittwthe Dirtl;u).T -.4t
<br />tHiil AYfi t slid(Tti(2i2i Satdrlaid'vt�e.theroeha > ;'�Em r+ "!i13 1[ �iPCdESiRRAtianOthameSteadi�thetSventOfa }OfeCIOSUfaO►truatYaYNwith elpe tTJ.
<br />said Deed ofTYUt4'
<br />13 8. ii%vzcii / G11(iitaUaaififiklCtff7AAt3Yetq
<br />TheBwtoliar;t9}l: j�MlarJgt!tatthtlyereeboultettia* 1teE efatloi! nngOa0d01Trustupomthereal estatedest ribed therein. TheBorrower (e),erldeeChAftltbt+i +.
<br />more than tstosignate a h: rystead pursuant theraID. The Barrowerts) understand that they have the right to make a designation of
<br />hombtdabat4y'sr sAy.trc4 ;ft Nt�ytiyaavd:, l+). gvq waiving fights otherwise avalabletor the purpose of affording them the opportunity toretalh their hor :}esteadinthe.
<br />evemoradltxvi (,blpes:cxai6id'itli,�:,' ':
<br />d +^. wiltTiiiGkGi!WeWltaUEw#FA4i:.
<br />Pursuan] to f arJ Ptf %%:Erv'l Ji t$g [f:r ri Z &igD/ M seq. Reuir pd Statutes of the State of Nebraska), the Borrows rls)• do hereby designate thB real
<br />property downbed in insorpara lid herein by this reference.
<br />Borrower i I'
<br />Borrower
<br />Tai G is.e __ A't7 -"8W4- ( a><pj f�gi'bru _ 19 $� _ . by antl among the Truster. Tpd (',_ �aO2 rrdifPrgen
<br />and Harriet �Rntg
<br />88L�B$"LLA8iIL8 ink' 4 ivorsbip .411441hosemaj;mgaddlessls - - -•
<br />(hojW, 'ao -t wreT iflfe ifuv; e. _Willia_m G. Blackburn A Member of the Nebraska State Bar Asses
<br />whose mailing address is 1&3* 2ZO. Gi. "dad Island, Nebraska _ 68802 �,_ (herein "trustee'I.
<br />and the Beneficiary. Fitrte_P:(�fiZra' a ,A�•_. ----
<br />whose mailing address is 2w • Vii., or �welB,_ P.0. Box 1507, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802 _ (herein "Lender").
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATIC A4. iti ,r dh :g the oncw,,.Odness id2nUhedherein and trust herein created. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Borrower
<br />hereby irrevocably grants. transfers. conwna aci9assigns 1 :: f4',, -,lee. IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE. for the benefit and security of Lender, under and subject to the
<br />terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. 'hTl-e,y; $7pe^.lr.0a!Cr,bed as fo!: >ws S
<br />e ti'kr'L
<br />Lot Eighteen (18);, i,n 21c--k. Two (2) and the East Three (3) feet of Lot
<br />Seventeen (17), im Bloc'k Two (2)'Q. Cmatinental Gardena, an Addition 'to
<br />the City of Grand Is:l aridi flail County, Nebraska
<br />Together with all buildings. improvements. fi;( tr4 b+tIMI, a "eys. passageways. •irJE•rran!s. fights, privileges and appurtenances located thereon or in anywise
<br />pertaining thereto, and the rents. issues and profits. hereof, ircl�jffing, but not limited to, heating arty cooling equipment and such personal
<br />propetty that is atta c tied to the Improvements soastoo- 71Nuc4:G ^xf 41-lCi tqother with the homesteadormantal interests. dany writ ch interests ate nerebyreleased
<br />andwa,ved- allolwhtch including replacements and a :zl!: s thereto. is•.: r' osweip ciaredt obeapartof tirefea' estatesecuredbythel ienofthisDeedofTrustandallofthe
<br />foregoing being referted to herein as the "property°
<br />This D(rsd of Trust shall secure (al tho payment of tyei.f + +,u;�a: sum v J'iiiferesl evC w::a Sd by 0orrower's note and/or credit agreement dated
<br />February 10, 198194vmg a maturity date of e>�., � 10,. 1994 , _ tame original principal amount of S JVT��� • �� and any and all
<br />modifications erfansinns and renewals thereof or thereto a:�S ai;•f ri! : aiN��t'T' advaineE'hrxrrtireadvances hereunder pursuant to anoor more promissory notes or c /edit
<br />auoaen+arillltlataincalled Note 1 .(b) the payment of other s(YnrOr+.^ RaC09ewery,T'ioir't6 thesecurityoftheNote.( c) In9performaneeaftcovenantsandagreement
<br />of (tolrower set foilri herein and (it) all Indebtedness and obtig:l :i: -s It ubv'•r; /tn > ; Lende- whether direct, indirect. absolute or contingent and whether arising by note.
<br />Quatanty overdraft fit otherwise
<br />(forrpwer tit protect the security of this Deadof Trust, ;,4d4L'ILTt;; r2!1'rfau_'e,,es wit^ ilft!t131 as follows
<br />t' esteaetallPrMlalFalaA9NlflaMll Borrower shall
<br />Q ;Sit/ 11' J�.: rri( r�ir+* fithNnor ]r:l^,:a.,'ifer1d1+1te!egta!t- and" fe° so! ih3rgesprn •I:dCQin,lh^I:OSoAe:a!!hS
<br />(lyait u( Trust ,
<br />? TWO, Flo, lower is the owner of the Property. has the fig!` ^:° i19Yhy". NrrB' convVj"+ ufjr operty. and wariantsthal the lien createdharebyisa first arid prior hart on
<br />Ihelrluphrly et Ceps as may otherwise beset forth herein. and the cl58li Xlizl °ailth.ebhtrer•f'Kt�i is Deed of Trust does not violate any contract or Othor obi, gat on, to wh.Ch
<br />L fkrnu,terissubpta
<br />1 Tae", AaMearaanN. To pay whon due all faxes. Spec-it aeir-wri;Mn and aft cric'rvr:fiatrges against the Property and. upon whiten demand by Lender fu pav to
<br />f enJ a tUGh aliMul-1 as road 4e eutfic,erit to anable the Lender 1, pity, ,t1.'^ CdY.QB, essemu- nuSlyor other charges as they beCoino due
<br />eaY
<br />• fW" Tos eepthe Propel ttymtlured against dame lyrf-i,i 1?: WJdggru (hin the lilt m'ostondedcoverage ardsucho !nernarardsavt.andcr,nar
<br />iO4uits, yr awfiur4S ail:) with crrmpames occaplabte 10 Lander. andl(rfil- Il.aetStwhitirrrC: >Y:a t.G� ^der hT Case of 1059 and @ / suC►t policies thrl Lender ,9 authOi,ra`t h, nitµ/ 51
<br />( lrillktar' dice iµfu' ll' so fill( lsims, thureunder end shall nave
<br />theopGo ` "_i�fr,;lU1�� "!x;) sic+ ar" trttnoinsuranceproceedslgtoa�' irndebtedrossse�u 'udre!e•hvandi!+s�,r!e '
<br />eitfa! fie t er,rler n+a,r 4ele!Mele. (:,) to Inn IiOi+i iwet to bo utod for t4e4i i(i;C(! i!�4r,.,rrd';t�� of thepfGpetty of Imir for any otr: or warposa or ob{er t srinst;rr torn Tr, L en',wo
<br />wulluutalttli: fmrfthelrenof rh, 14 MM( AvsiMforthnfallamoutit"C utt�. ! Iiytf�! vi` pBAt•�yp ;Ii tYaymantever took place Any p! parr /(•1,. +r �n�ls_U'c:.l•nsc��ra��
<br />not f' /till'ia or I"Atills:ji:s O`-e r(,,n) if at0 ( ! Orly payrrarto under the Note. O, t:;tl}ryt 'ai; %?j4rda':gsifVnder or horeu rider .
<br />5 Mawdetlaecl 1111"elle and Contiftnee wnth Lava. (Jnrrowot •l;6,Y) !:•fie!1 tt:e!�:,4yh,t`:p y „d cOnd,bun and reti]ir shall i ,ov-pt , ,• t':r.• r,r to
<br />f :1,p ti.,
<br />+ aj) i(,. a' �a+,: wr: ._hr*.alnir +:JngrgeU +rilattWVrU than net commit orper•?'1!.1;0ywastoi'lavw* "J.- un (it lhpt'toperty steal! no! re,,, ur",a,'. ^fir
<br />;nr,.•r,(�,n irl:.Cmeni9 i,i +fAel %•J$elti Yhpq LliftOlonlif Suffril efparfnite'r�yJX'tip be dG9( :'pun rho PI�Iporty m Uiplll.un n•9„ ., I r.+.• r,a7•tp irp,!:.'N ,. i.l
<br />(1•S'r(Jr AnA (,r „a.I,•'rn 7. R,'Ir %;n a►(;•,ir,t woo it Gill and expenso oil ions. OnL`: %0),0l Was aPY.r`OrQP, ir!nU'S , ^:pbSCdiu nCt,!y S„u A.)7. "�n 1'•.•i„�ii, ., ,,. i ,••,,.,.,: •.,
<br />i
<br />Y.
<br />1 '
<br />