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<br /> :-_.._..' '�" ' "'_�_.__ ��._�__�e --,1�.. ___—_ � __ :. - . .
<br /> � �
<br /> . 90-- �0385�
<br /> _�- �:�.� -_ ..
<br /> .- - - - - - - -- - _ .
<br /> �m�c�t.o�ra. l. 929 HI FHA � :
<br /> ia+a�v w.�nr TM�r�eESFxrs:nw
<br /> Kerl E. Sweat and Terri L. Sweet� each in,hie and har own right and as spouse
<br /> of eech other
<br /> i�w�i�o�.wi�ina wc vr n�oio.i�ooai�iRwiu�w'iiw a�s d
<br /> Four thaudend and no hundreds-_...._..____________________________________________ �� �
<br /> 4ri a..N�wl�bp'1Ue 4qrit�Mle drildi�s a�w Lu.�A�wa.eio�ot Gnnd Ii�d.lvsb�t,,Norf�e.rpo� 40 �ra oi�oet at
<br /> , NrM A�OC�A'notr,GnYiau tro.�I 929 F HA.do I�vsy�wt.«�ney .wd.w�tp�e w.a the t�iil AS9oC1A'flort dw faruwly
<br /> i�aiM�1«f�l�.�itrM� la 1#r Cowty.Nebt�lu:
<br /> !
<br /> t
<br /> ? Lot Eight (8)� Block Seventy-Seven (77)� Wheeler and Bennett's Third Addition,
<br /> ' to the City of Grend Islend� Hall County. Nebreske. -
<br /> � �
<br /> - 1
<br /> . �
<br /> ;
<br /> ;
<br /> i
<br /> ��.
<br /> . /o�lYlt ailw a� the te�e�ne�tt.he�edH�nents aad �p¢rrtenanoes tbeteaMto belon�'s�.�atta�ed tloot a�wirdow !-
<br /> wf�io�i��N,bii�ii,fi�xMl�iedov�.awnin�l,t�cilil�.�it condiliw�il�,awd pituwbi�l�and w�alet O�qripeKnl and aoolin�tbe�elo.l�P��+��a�
<br /> � ....�-�.../..�L��� �A� 't""A�'_ '�� _.�. u►._ eA _�_ _ . .
<br /> - _ ... ----.lw����Mwi�7YVaww�utMCS�i�RV�i�w��-iwr^win��flt7�tcr�lt�tiRVtbVfl�W/�t{Ti�i�iiiOBwpN=Nt�L�Na{C. . -.— _..__...—_ . -
<br /> � A�d wMaat Ihe�id mntt�cK Iw�reed and daes hereAy�a that the matp�o� 9fud1 and�riY py�p taxes and�b kried a -
<br /> : awlwd upon s�M preiN�et and upon thb mortp�e�nd Ihe band fc �t4�hcrtb�t �etae the s�me�t�aM beaome detiequeat:to fur�hh appored .
<br /> i �saoe�the btdld'atss a�said prc:s:i�es xtutted ia t!�:u^t af S�.�(l� Q� RtYS�k so ssM ASSOGlAT[ON ztsA to dtti�tt to� ,
<br /> • I�SO(.'IA710N the polieie�fa�d itaunnoe:and rat to comm�t or pc�mt any waite on cx�bout�d pamher.
<br /> 1�w�e of defaWt in the peitbrnrnoe nf any uf the terms wd conditio�i ot this mc*tp�e or t�e band:ared fKrsbp,the a�o�t��i, �
<br /> � a�de�o�,Se t�titted to immiedi�u pomca�ion of Ihe m�t�ed�xeen�es md the mo�or f�enby a��. Innafe�s ard aet0•owr to t6�
<br /> ; roct�e all tlie re�b,reveaYa�nd inoonte to be deriMCd from the mott�ed pteewsK dure�wch tirot a the mort�e�e irdebt��/�
<br /> . �rd:a�d tlie nwtwee�Mve the po�ner to appoi�t aay aeent cx�enu il nry de�ire for tbe purpu�e of repii�arid p�eii ard ne�tiy
<br /> - tMs�e�d oolecti�the�e�ts.revenuea and i+kome.and it n�Y P�Y out ��f aid inoome sl! expeaas ot'rep�iriu��id pre�iea� �ee�a�ry '
<br /> oo�wi�io�t and e�qe�mt�r►ed in rentin6�nd aw��the s�me aod oi'collecti� reals}t tlret�cfto�n: the b�ee tenri�i�.1f an�►.W be
<br /> ��to�ratd/he d'crtktt�of s�id m�xtaa�qe indet�tedne�;thae ri�J�ts of ttx murtFa�ce m�y be extrtia[d at any tist drrif�the exi�tawe af��
<br /> O�faWt,irte�pectire of�uy tempor�ry wrirer of the s�me. .
<br /> • TI►cat he�entt.howevet.sre upoe the CaWition.TNst iE the:aid Mnrtga�or shill repy s�id ban on or betore the artutity of aid�hara by
<br /> prymeet•pty teoaWy 10 stid AStiOC1ATtON af the sum specified in the RonJ securcd hereDy u intersst anC prin�ipd oa rid{oM,ott or befote —
<br /> tYe 7wwAietM dry aF ach aod e.rery month.until e�id ioan n fully P�id:WY al!tua a�d a�es�ments kried��id ps�i�es aad os this Mortp�e �
<br /> a�e tUe sowd.ecwtd thereb�r.eefw�e delinyue�x,y•furniih approvee iRnuu�oe upoe the M,i�dit�f there�n in the swn of SA�000.00 p.y,� �
<br /> b aii��530(.7A710N:rcpiy to�d AS.SOClA17�NV upon dem�nd sll moriey by it p�id for such tues,taemneet:aed io�ranoe�rith iecerat at '�
<br /> �� tlie er�inwm{epl nte thereuo from date of payment all of which Mc►rt�st hereDy a�ees to pvy;perati/no warte on t�id p[embts;ktep atid oomply �"
<br /> . Mith aN the aeraematts�ed onnditinns of the Bard for S a•p�•00 tlus �Ly girrn by the s�!M�xcp�or ta uid ASSOCIATIpN.andoo�ty �
<br /> with ait the requirea�enu of�!he Conuitution uxi By-Lawi of said ASSOCIA7`iDN; then thar pre�ents tluit b000me auil and roid.otAenviie tfie�y =
<br /> � remah in full fora and msy be foreck»ed at the�pti�x�of the sai0 A$SO('IAT1CiN aiter failure for Urer mant�s to m�fte any of f�id
<br /> p�y�ts or be thra m�x�tM in artean in makin�icaid munthty pay�a�nts,or to keep and cxsmply with the a=taments aad�wnditbns of�id ilond; _..
<br /> a1d M�a�rtpdt►t aarees to h�rr s rea�ver�ppvmted forihwilh m s-�ch forrcbsure pruaedin�,s. •
<br /> li H�ere is any ehuMe in o�raership of tf�e�ui estate mort�exf herein. by rak or othenrne,tlirn t]�e rntlre remai�i�debtedaat 6ere�r
<br /> �cired�lt,at the qttion of TNe EquihMe Bui4lin��nd L.au�Aaociatwn nf Cnnd Isisnd.KebnMla,t�e..xx�e�nnndwt�ly due and py�ble w�il6ow
<br /> . fastl�es coi":e�,ss�s!x sma�at srtt�iniuE dr�ucr.�e: :sid�.ae�:ny s:tlxs b�frn�}s3dit�oas2 s3rsaa;assdc ilssrt�Qcs.et�ii.iru�tt�e
<br /> d�le ot ex�era�e of�id option,bar 6�tereu at thc rt�ximwn Ic�al nte.and thn mat�c ma� aheo be faedwcd to�ti�fy the aaw�t due a�aid
<br /> Iw�i,aud ary ather baK1 for idditiornl adranee�,to�ether w+ith all sum�ptid by said 1'he Equiubk BuildinK aed Lo�o A�oci�tioa oi Gned t�Yod,
<br />° Nr6�alir,t fot irouranoe,tues and a�e�nenta,and aDstnctin�extension char�rs, with intaest thtreon, frum d�te of pyment at We a�imum
<br /> 1Mt1 pte.
<br /> Asprovickd in the Bond xcured heceby,whik this mort�e rcmiins ►n efiFect tht mortp�ce may hereaftu�drance�dditionsl iums to the
<br /> � m�lcers of said Bond.their assi6ns or auceeswrs in interrsl,which sums shall be within the xcurity uf tRis mortp� the same as the funQs oridirulJy
<br /> tetuted thrrcby,the tatal amo�rnt of principal ckbt nat to esc�cd at any time the nri6in�1 amount of this mu�tba6e.
<br /> �o.�r 27Lh d�y of---- T_ June n.n..�ry 90 . —_'--
<br /> G'
<br /> 1 � e .�,r� '
<br /> Terri L. Sweet
<br /> SfATE OF NERRASK/R.� �. (m chis 27th �ay oF June �`1 gp .btfore me, .
<br /> Ci3UNTY OI'f�ALL
<br /> � the undets�gned.a tVutary Hib6c in ar�d fur said('ounty,per�c,nall,ycasrx
<br /> Karl E. Sweet and Terri L. Sti•�eet, each in his and her oti�m right
<br /> and as spouse of each �ther "}"' came Ptrsonally known to
<br /> mc to tsc Ihc edentict�l per�m t S) whos^name (S) are afhxcd to t4�r ab��ve tnslruh:^r�t as mvrtg,a�ur and they sar•zraliy ��
<br /> �
<br /> acknowIedg�J ihe said inslrumcni Io hr the1T volw�tary act and uc�J. �
<br /> W!1 N155 my h:and as�d Nntarral Scal the d.�tc aturc�id �
<br /> , . .
<br /> My C��mnu�:tin�cx�+ttcs �f- I• ��� _ .
<br /> l,✓ /r
<br /> ����� - � j� • .4 r.i.'��•* ' '_
<br /> �e�xz�n� J�M.�Y . Y��i;,�y Pobtcc
<br /> 3A
<br /> � �'����.t�
<br /> �
<br /> --._..,.:,�„_,..,_�--�•--,.._..:_•�:,....._��-^°---- . . . . . --
<br />