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<br /> � Ni?N-�TNtFURM C`�VBNAN'1�. B11fT(1WCf RIKI I.lMC! I�11f�1�i COYCIl�IM�flO �fC4'A9 IpIIOWS.'' �
<br /> 17.lhr�tiowr�e i4res�re.If i.a�der i�tNnodi�lee pytrrcnt ia full uuder[�B raph 9� l.a�der cnry invc►ke the pnwer oi'salc
<br /> ' �MY���R�h����ItW. L,�IILki ah�ll b0 pRilkd t0 COIIOCI�Il lxpEfllq�MUKtd�8�ftlflUlRg 111C ttf110diCa
<br /> . FMOV� �1�tp�r E�.�fIC�11�.bIK IMOI I�IOIIOd b. 1�Of1�C itillflllys'fOGi Y1d�ti 0�tlt�E CV�CIICC.
<br /> r�.��.r.f�ie r�i�ww+,7k�Me�W ncae�e.Nelioe atAellwle i�ae�oa�Ry t�wtiidi..y p�rt�f uk Pt�opasy�acatci �
<br /> .�,a �a.r.i...r....►..ri..,►�.h� �...i..�b.--- ---� �... rr ri.•.M:,�Mu.�w.p.— ...----:'r'...v�.
<br />� �r�.��...........w..w..w...�...w. - ............. �yq....,.,...v�e.�'�S' r��vwra
<br /> �"� ��`R� �1��!�i�i� r11►���re�brC 1/!�!!0�rl!!Q(�!�HOr 1M IR iw!
<br /> � - �re'�f�+�Me+�Mie 1�nr.'f1*M�e.wM r�t�d�wri��en�w�e.ir�w t!e i'r�rtY�t�a�rrthN te tl�e id��t . _
<br /> Miie M"tMe tl�e ari�Ir[r aM�i�Me Mewn dM�Mi i�tMe�Nk�e d rie i■Me ar w�ee r�1�d i��«�ier Tr�1ee
<br /> rilwwl�M.'I�wlw ����le�f�r a�N�od�f fYe �r�r liic..�e.��4 t1�e I�•w��tl pi�c+�o��
<br /> � �uMid�i�Lwi�r�14 ii■Me�,�4 Aelre t� �t�q Mie.
<br /> ; �`��TM����/IMs�eioe bM.'11t �ii�er M tY�ire�1ti'�Me•a�Mei e�f�e R�erty.'11oe
<br /> , - '�iri i�M be�riw�f�e e�l��oe�f tr�tl�of t4e�wnle 1Y�+�.71r�Ne�iY�a��y t�e pdc�Y
<br /> � �Mr wi�Y ue" w�:t�)a aii��d�we wie.i���at iww ia,T��er'■i.w�.�..'.sia3 i+y�
<br /> . ���MM�wMMl�i M�r��:t�)N a�w�s Ncxei b�tl�ir Sec�1t�I�M�eM;�i(e)a�q esoer N tre pee�
<br /> 1 1���oe.Upo�pa�mneae d aU eun�fecured lry thi�SecuritY 1u�pwrient,Lender slrll r�quen 7tu�ee a eeoomry d�ep�p�y
<br /> � aid�U wr�+e�d�t tld�Security IaKnrneat aed oll aarc evldeacin�deb aecured by this In�tnune�t to Tnwee.7'�u�toe sMil
<br /> � � nooaMe�►�wid�o��e wnant�r aad MinhaK c�e lo the peaon a penoo�{epqy e�m�t�ed to it. Such pcison ar peno�n sA�ll
<br /> � lf.�iMMre 7ti�M�e.I.eoder.�t its aptjan.nrY from sime�a time ranave 7'�urbe aed appoint a accea�tnuloe b aey Ttuslee
<br /> � ha�ainder by ae i�tnmia�t Rraded in the councy in whict,thi�security I,etn�aee�i is c�nxdod.Wid�oul eaa me of the
<br /> • ; . die�uooeMOr trwlee�11�ueceed 10 all the title. Pow�r aod dudea c+a�kn�d upoa 7'i'��stee henein and by aRl�taw�.
<br /> Irr N�r.Bo�m�ver�queet�dw oopies of tAe notiees of dtfiuk�ed eak be zent to Bo�rower'a�ddc+eaa whlch�a the
<br /> �y �.
<br /> • � bonaw�e�yroa Idt ilw�8d dd�Secwky Intrmnent aid the nole.ecurod thereby not be eligible for imurmee under the Nadan�l Nous'rr�.
<br /> ._._ Ad Milria SO dayS fcont Ihe dMe hneof.l�de�o�ny.�t ip option uwi�r�wy�hin�in Paralpapt�9.requi�n _
<br /> iaraedi�e p�ynKnt io(u1)of�1)suna tocvrad by thi�Security ImmeDau. A writkn strlanent oi wy�dscxixed qan of the Sec�eary
<br /> dMed rub�equent a 90 daYs fiom the da�e heroof.dec�ini�a iRCU,e thc,security Wcrumen�.nd the ao�e xcurod
<br /> . : d�erob�r.�II be deemed oonclu�ive proof of wch indi�ibility.Nothwithsbndi�tl�fae�.dds uptjoe rtr�r mt be exarci�ed by l�rnder
<br /> � whaa the unavail�bility oi imar�noe ia sokly due 1a l.endcr's failure to ranit a mortEaae insuranoe pceauum to the Socretary.
<br /> �
<br /> !
<br /> �
<br /> Riaes lo eWs Scr�dty I�t��e�t.li ane or mare�iders�re exe:uted by Bo�rower a�d recorded togethe�wit h this 5ecurity •
<br /> Instrumeat.the covenants of e�ch such rider shal!be incerE+orated into and shall amend and supplemem the cv�rnants and ; _:
<br /> a�reements of this 5ecurity Instrument as ii�he rider(s)were in a part ol thic Srcurity Instrument. (Check appliwhte bax(es)�.
<br /> -- 4--- -- --. ! I !`'^d"R::»�:1.:.-O«�.. _ . 1 � ♦.1�.._•..a.l�0..... n..�_. 1 I �__...__ ••_....- � ----- - - — � -.
<br /> i
<br /> ��aa �n�ct r.—.J Vn.wVtt', t:t�tlqy �tlt]Ci '--- -�--..._.. '
<br /> _ __ _ . � _...... �� .-.vju...e... _.
<br /> < r._-7 _
<br /> � Planncd Unn Decelqxnent Ridcr � Gr�duatctii t'aynxrn kNler ( ._1 txhcr ..
<br /> BY SIGNING gELOW, Borrow•er a�cepts and agrer. to the termc contained in thic Security Inc�rument and in any ridert�l
<br /> � � executed by Borrower and recarded wiih it.
<br /> W itncss:
<br /> � ' �, � ��� �
<br /> � �
<br /> ' _ IScal)
<br /> - / Jdy . Catholos � ---- ----- - - - �t,.,�.,,�, �
<br /> .r.
<br /> ...._ _ ---------•-------. . . .---- -- - - I5Ca�)
<br /> " u���„•.,.� '�-,
<br /> , �.;.
<br /> . ___ ._.. _ . _ _ _._--- . ISeal1
<br /> a„�,,,,,�� �
<br /> _ . . . . 15eal1
<br /> �s.<<.,.,.�
<br /> , STA7E OF NEARASKA. Hall Councy ss:
<br /> On this 2nd �Y pf 7tlly . 19 gd ,before me.�he ur�iersigned.a Notary Public
<br /> duig canmissiorbd ard quali5ed for said counry, pers�,natty came Jdy S. Catholns, a single perSon
<br /> . ib me kt�wn to be tht
<br /> identical person(s}whoso r►�me(s)an:subscrihad lo the foregoing in.ununent ard ackiwwlodgc,d the cxcrution thcrcof to be
<br /> her YdurKary act and aaz�. .-- __-----
<br /> dace Af � �""-u-""�'��a� Grand Island, Nebras�a ���sa�d ccwnty, �c '
<br /> ���`' /� / • � � :� � ,
<br /> u 47�/ �
<br /> My co�,� --�����J���--,� �y�__.___.
<br /> a �d:I� r �
<br /> �q NcHary I'�hlic
<br />' �l21� �
<br /> 7'O TRUSTEE: �„
<br /> The undttsignetl is the holder of thc nvtc or notes�ured by this Ueed c�f Tru�t Sa�J��vtc i�r nutes,togctlu� v:�th all��tA:r iixichtcJnc�ti �tD�
<br /> �C'S!!rfd h�+�11l5 L�E.`^O pF TfttS!.l+.ave�:a pai�i:�f�ll. vc�;�:sc t:erc'+�dsra°k.i to roa.z�! :aid r•,s(:F 7'nriC�arR3 thi,t n�.i�.S 7nnt. wi�«i� `�
<br /> are ciehaereci hercby,and to recam•ey,without warrancy,all�h:cslate ru�w hc��ny �,,,,�,��se►�r��,(aeed��f frv�t t��the Ex•r��m�+r perum. ' +'�!
<br /> lebally cntulcd thcrcto.
<br /> Uatc:
<br /> Y...-_._.___ . __ . .. _ .. . . . _/ J _ �
<br /> ' ' ..' ' '
<br /> ,
<br /> .r_�,.z .. �. . �-c- �r. _— . —
<br /> -rir.- `�`` ;.:.�-.::=.r:.jr2 '�� . - �'t. _ _ � _ . . _ .._-, . : T;`,-i��•.; '�----� ,-�-------- �,� _ _
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<br />. � • , � r . • . , �� . . � . , � .
<br />