<br /> � �
<br /> gp.� iu���y
<br /> 1. MYMw10/l'r1�eiM1�fN1en�!�M I.s1e CM�. Borrawer�h�ll p�y when duc the principal oi,and interest o�,�hc dcbt
<br /> cvicknced by the Ne►te�nd t�te ch�:�ea due under the Note.
<br /> i•iwMiii��y�b ei Tua�[�w��M OIMe CA��r.Ho�tow�e�sh�tl includ�in r�ch monthly�oaXmerit.to�eiher with
<br /> � e�P�'��p�and ieterest as aet idrth ia the Note ard any{ate cMtr�es.�n instWment of wnY(��ta.�es and special�ssessmems
<br /> kwt�t!or Rn Qe kvied yainst the Praperly, (b) kaeAc�Id Myment�ot around �rnts on the Pra�peny. and(c) premiums for
<br /> in+ura�oe rcquira!by Parqraph 4.
<br /> F,.�ch manthqr inttaUmrnt tor itrma(U,(b)and(c)shail equa!one•twelfth of the�nnual amounts,u rea�wnably atimated by
<br /> IRnder.Plw an�naunt Eutficrent to m�ineain iva�lQlti�na!bal�nce of not more thsn one-suth of tho aUmated unount�.The
<br /> fu11 aanwi amount tor each item�ll be accumulat��y 1.:ndes�thiss a�s;,,ya-1 endir�oae muntn bciore�n icrm rrouid
<br /> beco�ne definqueat.Lender sh�l!hald tke�mcwMs coUected in trust ta psy items(�),(b)and(c)before they become dtGnquent.
<br /> It at aay time tha tottl of the p�ymeou hdd bp�for items(a).(b}���s�,�ojether�v1th the future monthly paymeets
<br /> [or wch 1tem�qyabk to Lender prioe to the due datp oF such item�,exce�d�by more than one•sutA the estlmated�mount of
<br /> wY�i�revutrad co aq�uch icem�wAm due,and it p�yments on tde Note are curreat. then Lender shail either refund the
<br /> e�ooew ov�r ooe-�tA of the esti�natted p�ymeats or credit the eaces�over one•s�th of the atimated psyment�to subsequent
<br /> P���by Horrower.�tt tAs optba ot BorroMCr. If the[otal of the�yment�made by HorroMer for item(�),(D).or(c)1s
<br /> iiuuftkknt to pay the itaa when due�tlKn Borrower shall psy to Lender any amount necessuy to make up the deflciency on or
<br /> , before the d�le the item becomes due.
<br /> � As we0 ia chb securiir tna�eument. "Secrotuy"me�n�the Se�,�r�tuy of Housinj and Urb�n Development or hia or her
<br /> • daip�ee•1blosi Security Inurumequ insnred by thr Secrctsry ue insured under pro�rams which tequire advance paymrnt of the
<br /> ent6'e wortpre inwranoe�xanium,!t tAb Secu�ity Instrumeat i�or wa�insurcd under a prosMm whicA did not requirc�dvu�ce
<br /> p�raeet of tbe entirc mortsye losutanct pnen�um,then qch montAly payment sh�ll al�o inctude either:(i)an instaUment of the
<br /> . aanual mortWe ieuutanoe preu�ium to be pRid by Lender to the Secrctary� or(ii) s monthly chaqe iastead of a mon�e
<br /> ia�uraane pnmtum ii ehi�Secudty tnsirumen�is hetd by ehe secmary.Each monthly installmrnt ot the mortp�e insurance
<br /> Pn�Nam sAW be in an amount wificient to�ccnmul�te the fuG annual morttate insurance pnmium wi�h Leeder one moreth
<br /> prlor to the date the full aanual mort�a�e insunnce premium is due to the Secretsry,ar if this Security Instrument i�held by the
<br /> �due on the�jae c��s��in an amount cQua)to one•twelfth of�ne-h�lf percent of the outstaedinj princip�l
<br /> It Horrow�er tenden tp L,ender the fuU payment of aU sum�secured by this Secutity Instrument. Horrower•�account shall t�e
<br /> creQited �rith the b�tRnce remaininj for aq imtallmenta for items(a), (b) and (c) and ariy monp�e insurance prcmium
<br /> in�tallaknt that l.ender hts not become ob}i�ated ta p�y to the Secretary.and Lender sh�ll promptly«fund any eacess funds to
<br /> 8ortowet. lmmediatN�prior ta a foreclosure aak of the Propmy or it�acquisitlon by i.eoder, Borrawer's account shall be
<br /> ' �������Y balance remaininj fo�aU inual►menb for ltem�(a),(b)and(c).
<br /> ��rM���f r.�a.AU paytnents under p�ra�rapAs l and 2 shall be appti�d by Lender at follows:
<br /> Fj$,�,T�to the mort�e iasunnce premium to be paid by Lender to the Secretuy ar to the monthly chu�e by ehe Secretary
<br /> instad ol the monthty mortsa�e insusance premium,urtless Bonower paid the entire mort�e irtsunnce premium when this
<br /> Security(n�trun►ent was ti�eed; ,
<br /> . ���«t�+u�Y t�es�speeial assessment�.lpxhold payments ar gtound rents�and fire,floo,d and nihv hu�rd insuranr� �-
<br /> - •----�--�-•.......i..:..r.� _ ---
<br /> ' I�j$Q� to i�rterat due under the Note; --
<br /> ,to amortizatlon of thr princlaa�of thc Natc;
<br /> ,to Lue chu�a due under the Noce. _
<br /> �•F'4e.E'MM�M Ot�Hfrae�Iwtt�te.Bunower shall insure aU improvements on the Property.whether now ia e�istmce
<br /> �w�V�u9��d.�tainst any hmrds.casualtla,and continsencia,iacludir.�fire.far whkh Lender requira insurance.
<br /> Tbi�iasurana shall be maintdned in tAe aewunta and for the periods that Lendet requirq. Burrower shall tlso insure all
<br /> improvaneab on the Property.whether nu+�in exiatena�r subsequentl�erecsM,ajainst�oss by tiaods to the e�trnt req�eired by
<br /> the Secrettry.AU insur�tsce ahail be curic�v��th rnmpu�ie�appraved b1 l.ender.The in�urance policia and any renewals shail
<br /> . be hdd by L�ender and sAall include loss pa�abk clauses in�avor of.and in e form acapt�bk to. l.ender.
<br /> ; Lo che event of loas,Borrowrr shW�ive Lender Immediace notia by mail.Lenderaaay make proof of loss if nat made prompt•
<br /> , , (r bp Horrower.Each insurance comptny concemed is hereey authorited and directed to mtte payment for such loss directiy to
<br /> Lender.instad of[o�ortower and to L.ender jointly.All or any put af the insurance procYecis may be Appiied by Lender.at trs
<br /> option� dthet(a)to the reductlon of the indebtedne»under the Nate and this Security Instrumrnt.tirst to any delinqueee�
<br /> amounts�Pplied ia the ordet in Puauaph 3.and then to prepayment ot principa{,or(b)to the ratoration or repair of the
<br /> �d P�oA�Y•Any applicauion of the proaeds to�he princip�l sba►1 not extend or postpone the due daie ef the monthly
<br /> p�yeaents which ue refetrM to in Parasraph 2�or chan�t the a�nouni af such payReents.Any eacsss insurance proeeeds over an ;'—"
<br /> anwunt requirul to pay all outst�ndins indebtednas undcr the Note snd tl�is Security lnsuument shalt be paid►o the entity legal- �
<br /> (y eetitkd theraa. ; ��
<br /> In thr event o!forFClasure of this Stcurisg Instrument or other transfer of t�tle to the Prope;�ay chat extingulshes the in-
<br /> debtednes�. W rij1►t.tide and intetest of Bunower in and to insunnce poliria in force shu!pus to the purch�er.
<br /> �' ����sM MY�It�t�°t �k �►e�eRy. �RS�e�oid�. Borrower shalt �at commit wutt or dcstroy, dunagc or
<br /> substantially chante the Pru�+erty or allow the Propeny to deteriorate,rca.conabJe w�ear and cear e�crpted. Lender ma�y inspect
<br /> the ptoperty if the ptopeny i�vac�nt or abandoned nr the loan is in default. Lrnder msy take reuanable�ction to protect anc!
<br /> prexrve auch�arant ot abu�dened graperty. It this Sesurity lrt�trame^:r.s�n a Iea�hatd.Burrarrrr shall tomp3y w�tty tbt pro4:-
<br /> siODS of t�4i It34r.4f HLTttOaYLY�C�jttjm fC2 tti12 E8 iF��Properiy, ihe [euehotd anQ Fee title shall nat be mrr6ed unleu Lender
<br /> a{ras to the mer�er in writin�.
<br /> i-C�r�es la son�owsr�N rrolectb�of I.eNer's�4!�t!e�ro�erty. Borrow•er shall pap all govcmmental or municipal
<br /> clur�es,fina�nd impositions ihat ctrc not included in Paratnph 2 Botrower sha4 pay these oh„y�:zons on time directly to t!.-
<br /> entity which i�owed the p�yment. If failure ta pay woutd adversety uffect Lendcr's interest ir� the�ropeny,upon t ender's cc-
<br /> quest$orrower shall prompily futaish to Lrnder receipts evidencing thtse psyments
<br /> If&�rowet fails to mafce thcse payments�r the payments reauired by Pqragrrtph 2,�s t'zils to perfotm any other ewvcnants and
<br /> a�ceernents contained in this 5ecurity Insirument.or there is�leg�l proceediRg that may sign�fi;,antly aftert l.tnder'y nghts in
<br /> the Propeny(such as a ptoceeding in bankruptcy,for condemnation or tn enforce laws or regu lations),t�m Lender muy do arid � �
<br /> pay whatever is rtecessary to prptert the value uf the Property and Lertder's rights in the f'roF►erty,inctuding payment of taxes,
<br /> huard insurance and ather itcros mentioned in Pars�greph 2.
<br /> l4ny amounts disbursed by Iender under Ihis P2ragraph shall heconte an udd�eianal debt o( Sorrower and be cerurcd by this
<br /> Stcurity I�strumcnt. These amounts shall bear mterec� frorr► thc date ot d�sbursement, at�hr. [vote rare,and at the option��f
<br /> Lender. sha11 be immediatcly dur and pay�bt�. �
<br /> M�
<br /> 7.Cosdtu�utb�.'the proceeds af eny ciNard ur claim for damages, dirett or cc>nuyuenual, �n connecU(�tii w�4h any cundem �
<br /> n�tton or other taking oP any part of tht Property,or for cunveyatice in piace of condemnation,arc hercby a�s�gried anJ shali be �
<br /> pald to L.ender to the extent af the full n�nount of thc ir,dehtedness U�at remains unpaid under c tie Nute and rh�.S:curuy ln�tru• � f�Y
<br /> ment.Lende�sh�10 apply such yroceeds tv tlit tedurtic�n of the indebtc�nec5 under the Ne.te t�nd thi5 tiec.unty ln�vuir,ent,t�rst tn t�
<br /> any dclinquen:aiuoutits apphed in Ihc ordcr providcd m f'oragraph 3, and It�en to prepa}mem ��f�r�:,.:�;,,! :�s,4�;�.�:�,�.:;,n e:; ��'
<br /> tl:e �rr..^::ds ia the prii«ipai shali not eriend ot �astrune the due d;ue u! tne rnonthly��aymenl�, «hi�t• arc rrfcrred re� �n ����
<br /> Pnragrapli 2, or change thc amuunt nf such �
<br /> rayments. Any rrcesti proieeda cncr ar;amuunt rcyuuc.l te�p,�� alt ��ui•r��nd�i�E' n�
<br /> debtednrss under the Note un�i �I�ic Sr.urity� Inslrumcut �.h;sl) he �+a�d m thc c,uitt tcgalty cni:cic,l it�c�c��� •
<br /> 8. Fte3. 1 cudcr �nay���11r.t fcc�;and�}�arKc� aulfiu�ued hv ff11` tihfC(ill�
<br /> 1".lre•. ��f! .. __ ' _'�_� .--. _.. _ . ._
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