� �
<br /> � tiEED OF TRUST � �n��c�
<br /> , "� ll V
<br /> (ShOrt �'OYAI)
<br /> ; �Q�011 ALL !�lEli BY TA88E PRE�ENTS= t�l�t RI(!i�lZU Y. i�I�E1+�C � :�6�IE N. I£'�JYK,
<br /> �����E , hereinafter re erre to a• t e
<br /> Truator � to a�cur� a�Not��nq �e� date hereWith for the
<br /> principal aswunt o� A�
<br /> Dollar• �_ ������� paya a to e or er o GR�►ND ISLI�ND
<br /> � FIN�PiCE COMPI�NY, ereinafter referred to as the "8eneficinry",
<br /> ' providing for paymsnt of the entire principal balance, toqether
<br /> with interest at the rate of �� percent (�?•t1 per annum,
<br /> in monthly installments of
<br /> Dollara (� ) each unt , 19 , aL
<br /> • �fi� ►�time all princ—ipa�—and interest prov e or by t�s Note
<br /> stiall h�ve been paid, do hare�� qrant and convey unto �►REND R.
<br /> � 81U�CK, �ittorney at Law, the "Trustee", the followinq-deacribed
<br /> ' PropertY:
<br /> ** I)lE IN �1, � 29, 1990
<br /> Lot Ten (10) af rranzen Subdivision, repla[ of Lot 'It�ty�x�e (21), lsl�d
<br /> Acres. Cit�r of Cr�►d Island, HaII t;u�nty, Nebrasica.
<br /> - - -•
<br /> - ---- ---- - •-•- :
<br /> - _ TO Hl�IYE PiPD TV �sVLi7 tite SSme� Cvqv�it�sr wstn att appurc�— ; ...
<br /> nances, in trust neverthele�s, and in caae of default in the _
<br /> paymen� of said Note or a�ny part thereof or intereat thereon or
<br /> in th• performance of any covenant hereAnafter set forth, then
<br /> th� Trustee shall have the power to sell the above-described
<br /> praperty, and upon requeat of th�e Heneficiary, the Trustee shall � -
<br /> file for record in the Register of Deeds' Offfce of Ha11
<br /> County, Nebraska, a Notice of Default, setting forth th�t a
<br /> breach of an obligation, for Which +�he aaid property was conveyed -_
<br /> as aecurity, has oceurred, and setting forth thc nature of such
<br /> braa�h and the Trustee's elect�on to aell the property to satigfy
<br /> the obligation= and after the lapse of not less than one tl)
<br /> � month, the Trustee shall give written notice of the time and
<br /> place of sale which �ay be between 9:Q0 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the
<br /> premises, or at the t�alt Caunty Courthoume, and particularly
<br /> d�scribinq the property to be solds saf.d Notice to be publi9hed ,
<br /> in a newspaper of a general circulation in �11 CQUnty, '��
<br /> � Nebraska, once a weak for five (S) conaecutive^`wee s, the Iast �
<br /> publication to be at leASt ten �10) aays but not more than thirty
<br /> t30I days prior to the saZe= and the '�ruetee sha22 th�n sell said
<br /> property at the time an8 place desiqnated ia the Notice, in the
<br /> a�anner provided by law in effect at the tirne of filing said
<br /> No�i�e, arac3 ��blic a�ctian ta tt►e hicihest b3c3der far ��sh snd
<br /> ahall de2iver to such purchaser a deed to the property sald,
<br /> consistent with the law ,in effect at that time. Additionally,
<br /> Truatea shall mail Trustor a �vpy of ar�y Notice of Default and
<br /> Notic.e of Sa2e hereuna3er �poz� default addressed to them at
<br /> 30tY+ �' f5, Gzand I,lai�d. Nebrc�ska �3 . Out of the proceeda of
<br /> �a sa e, t e Tr�stee s a reta n ar►d pay €irst all f�es,
<br /> charges and coeta of sale and al2 moa►ios advanced in the e�ezcise
<br /> of the power of sale, incluainq the payment of the Tru�tee's fees .--�----
<br /> actualky fncurred, and pay second the obligatians secuzed �,y this •
<br /> Deed af Trust; ana the balance, if any, shall be paid tp the
<br /> person or persons legally entit�ed theretn. Any person,
<br /> ��eludi.ng the H�neficiary, tna� purchase said property at such
<br /> sale.
<br /> � �
<br /> T}�e Trustor cnvenants that at the time of delivery �f these �
<br /> presents, they are aeiEec� �f saic� propexty in fe� simple, and t
<br /> th�t swir� praper�y 3� fr�� ce cncu,�brancEo, e:.cept �ncumbr�:cc�, 1e•
<br /> easements, rights-of-way, restr�ctions and reservations of�
<br /> r�cord, ancl they will properly maintain xhe property, kecp a?1 •
<br /> buiXdings insured for fire and extend�d cavcrage in an aniount
<br /> Gqual to the unpaid b�lanc� of the �far�.�said *1ot�, with los:�
<br /> r� _T3
<br />--_,-._.---....___..__._._----r---._.._..>�._.�.__,_.__�...�.�.r...-_•-- ---J----------- _ ._.�______ .._________�._...__ . __. __
<br /> , , . . ..__ ,. � , �_" � , , ,. �.
<br />