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r <br />(c) After paying the Items specified In subparagraph (b). It the sale Is by Trustee, or the proper ccun and alter caata ch futsctesure and solo If <br />thieals Is pursuant to judicial foreclosure. the proceeds of sale shall be applied in the order stated below toll-to 1;&MgrE'ok <br />(1) Cost of an evidence of title procured In connection with such sale and of any revenue required to to pald;- <br />(2) Attomejis fees: - <br />(3) Ail sums then secured hereby and any lions having priority over this one. <br />(4) Junior trust deeds, mortgages, c r other Iienholders; and <br />(5) The remainder, if any, tothe person or persons legally entitled thereto. 89-r 100772 <br />(d) If the i3ensficlary of this Deed of Trust Is a bank as defined by Nebraska taw, any statement corttallned lit valt atitsr seMlon of this deed <br />notwithstanding. The Beneficiary shall not be entitled to receive or take and debtor sha!I not be obifgattrd t(z• pay cr give.. any confession of <br />judgment, power of attorney to confess judgment, power of attorney to appear for a borrower In a judicial vmceeding or agreement to pay the <br />costs of collection or the attorneys' fees, unless such acts of collection would not othervelso be prohibitdd by Nebraska taw, provided. tlorrewr, <br />that this section does not apply tothe Trustesfas referred to in paragraph 6 a, provided further. that- Olaparagraph shall not apply to this Deed <br />of Trust, if the Beneficiary is not abank. <br />(12) AOtf NOW Sam Ity MstruaMnts. Trustor, at its expense, will amscute and deliver to Me Beneffelsry, prcmptly upon demand. such security <br />Instruments as may be required by Beneficiary, in form and sulbatanv,e,satisfactory to- Benellclari, cevernir any of the Property conveyed by this <br />OW of Trust, which security instruments shall be additional sik=01,1,frrTrustor's fafthfra performance of all ct the terms, convenants and can- <br />dill Ions of this Deed of Ttudtf the promissory notes secured "mb)% mid &nyother security Inatrumenta.exsculed in connection with I his transac- <br />tion. Such lnstrumentsarmil, is recorded or filed atirwsi ceiex��r m-, <br />(13) Appokwhronti oft Stowsser Trustee. Beneficiary may, t.-w' 'time to time, by a wrrftm iffatx rnm-I executed and acknowledged by <br />Beneficiary, pts!fed ;o Trzzsfnr and recorded In the county or c4iffitfos In which the Prcps(t,# Is IccaSP4.wTd by otherwise complying with the <br />proviskMS off t!rit **idle laws of the State of Nebraska substitute a successor or success oYas t t'l$ ►rv; 'ee named herein or acting hereun- <br />der. <br />(ta) inspection. Sw o6cinry, or Its agents, representatives ctWea%rnsn, are authorized to enter at anp Piasonable time upon or in any part of <br />theProperty,for the'VuF#4sof inspecting the same and for theoiliese of perinrming snifotthe acts it !s aoifro, ized to perform under the terms <br />of 1he Deed cMust. <br />(15) Op fotrfa Foredosire. Upon the cccurrence of any default hereunder. Seneficiarf shall. trove the opt ub to foreefase Mls Deed of Twat in <br />themarreapr rft:et4bt5:6t for the foreclosure of mortgages on rdat property. <br />(15) SatsAleantrrolWSWalletory a Trustee Met a Walser. Any forebearanre by Beneficiary or Trurm-1P exercising any right at fam"Y <br />I tersundiW, orcthsria+-14,a:1iorded by applicable taw, shalt not be a waiver at am preclude the exercise of ae-iif' w=h right or remedy. LRawiza, the <br />"'Ver t" Mir T 4ficlary ci Trustee of any default cf untcr under this Deed ef,Traul shall not be deemed 1SM.L+s a waiver of any otW. w similar <br />defaults eubmuentiy occuring. <br />(17) Tnnfu r Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification or the sums secured tTy i%** Deed of Trust gran- <br />ted by Boreflciary to any successor In interest of Trustor shall mat operate to release, in any manner, 00 liability of t;hevollglnal Trualor and <br />Trustor's successor in brterest. Beneficiary shall not be required to ccmmencecroceedingts%p ntat sucArs+ucassor or refuse to am" ( n. a for <br />payment or otherwise matilfy amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Tract by T isLsrn of any demand made by the original Trust& and <br />Trusters successor In InIsrest. <br />(111) 1110"fl clares Powars. Without affecting the liability of the Trustor or a,IY Wsae; n liable for the payment of arty obligation herein men- <br />Honed, and without affecting this lien orcharge of this Deed of Trust upon any p, riaz of CS epiupsrty not them or theretofore released as security <br />for the full amount of all unpaid obilga;tions. beneficiary may, from time to tlmersstix wlth¢rlt iTatice, (1) release any person so liable, (10 extend the <br />maturity or alter any of the terms of any such obligations, (iii) grant other Indulgences. (Iv) release or reconvoy, or cause to be released or recon- <br />wyed at any time at Beneficiary's options any paleel, portlon or all of the Property, (v) take or release any other or additional security for any <br />obligation herein mentioned, or (vi) make compos:tlons or other arrangements with debtors In relation thereto. <br />(i9) Recornoyance byTrustse. Upon written request of Sereftcdsry stating that all sums secured hereby have been paid, and upon surrender of <br />this Deed of Trust and the Note to Trustee for cance! and nsiention and upon payment by Trustor of Trustee's fees. Trustee shall reconvey <br />to Trustor, or the person or persons legally entitled iPfli6rt; o, without warranty, any portion of the Property then hold hereunder. The recitats In <br />such reconvoyance of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. The grantee In any reconveyance may be <br />described as "the person or persons legally entitled I thereto". <br />(20) Motices. Except for any notices, demands. requests, or other communications required under applicable law to be given In another man• <br />nor, whenever Beneficiary. Trustor, or Trustee gives or serves any notice (Including, without limitation. notice of default and notice of safe), <br />demands, requests or other communication with respect to this Deed of Trust, each such malice, demand, request or other communication shall <br />be In writing and shalt be effective only if the same Is delivered by personal service or mailers by certified mall, postage prepaid, return receipt <br />requested, addressed to the address as set forth at the beginning of this Used of Trust. Trustor hereby requests that a copy of any notice of <br />default, any notice of sale, required or permitted to be given the Trustor hereunder, be malW to it at the address set forth at the beginning of this <br />Dead of Trust. Any party may at any time change Its address for such notices by delivering or malitng to the other parties hereto, as aforesaid, a <br />notice of such change. Any notice hereunder shall be deemed to have been given toTrustar oil eens11clary, when given In (11a manner designated <br />herein. <br />(21) (11evarnbt0 Law. This Deed of Trust shall be governed by the laws of the State of Nebraska. <br />(22) Successors and Assigns. This Deed of Trust and all terms, conditions and obllgatlons herein apply to and Inure to the benefit of and bind <br />all parties hereto, their heirs, legatees, devisees. personal representatives, successors and assigns. The term "Beneficiary" shall mean the <br />owner and hofderof the Note, whetheror not named as Beneficiary herein. <br />(23) JoW and Several Liability. All covenants and agreemerts of Trustor shall be joint and several. <br />(24) Seeer!sAllify. In the event any one or more of the prwlslorm rrontalned In this Deed of Trust, or the Note or any other security Instrument <br />given In ere section with this transaction shall for any reasc4,, be held to be- irval!d. Illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such Invalidity, <br />illegality. or unonforceabllity shall, at the option of BnreNclary. not affect ar y other provision of this Deed of Trust, but this Deed of Trust shall <br />be construed as If such invalid, Iltegat, or unenfomeib<.e provision had never been contained herein or therein. If the lien of this Deed of Trust Is <br />Invalid or unenforceable as to any part of the debt, ar If the lien is invalid or LrenF,0r,,eabte a$ to any part of the Properly, the unsecured or par- <br />tially secured portion of the debt shall ixa completely paid prior to the payment of the rernsiMpa and secured or parililly secured portion of the <br />debt, and a:t payments made on the tfel4, whether voluntary or under foreclosure or other enforcement action or proamdura, shall be considered <br />to have been first paid on and applied to the full payment of that portion of the debt which isrtat secured or not fullyteciv:ed by the lien of this <br />Dead of Trust. <br />(25) Mw 9m and Gander, Capttene.•Whenever used herein. the singular nurniurshall include the plural. the plural, the singular, and the use of <br />any gender shall be applicable to el( genders. The captions and headings of the ;aragrarAw 08 this Deed of Trust are for convenience orty and <br />are not to be used to Interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />(26) Acca(stenee by Trustee. Trustee accepts this Trust when this Deed of Trust. duly executed and acknowledged, Is made a public record as <br />provided by taw. <br />r .. <br />b <br />L <br />A* <br />(c) After paying the Items specified In subparagraph (b). It the sale Is by Trustee, or the proper ccun and alter caata ch futsctesure and solo If <br />thieals Is pursuant to judicial foreclosure. the proceeds of sale shall be applied in the order stated below toll-to 1;&MgrE'ok <br />(1) Cost of an evidence of title procured In connection with such sale and of any revenue required to to pald;- <br />(2) Attomejis fees: - <br />(3) Ail sums then secured hereby and any lions having priority over this one. <br />(4) Junior trust deeds, mortgages, c r other Iienholders; and <br />(5) The remainder, if any, tothe person or persons legally entitled thereto. 89-r 100772 <br />(d) If the i3ensficlary of this Deed of Trust Is a bank as defined by Nebraska taw, any statement corttallned lit valt atitsr seMlon of this deed <br />notwithstanding. The Beneficiary shall not be entitled to receive or take and debtor sha!I not be obifgattrd t(z• pay cr give.. any confession of <br />judgment, power of attorney to confess judgment, power of attorney to appear for a borrower In a judicial vmceeding or agreement to pay the <br />costs of collection or the attorneys' fees, unless such acts of collection would not othervelso be prohibitdd by Nebraska taw, provided. tlorrewr, <br />that this section does not apply tothe Trustesfas referred to in paragraph 6 a, provided further. that- Olaparagraph shall not apply to this Deed <br />of Trust, if the Beneficiary is not abank. <br />(12) AOtf NOW Sam Ity MstruaMnts. Trustor, at its expense, will amscute and deliver to Me Beneffelsry, prcmptly upon demand. such security <br />Instruments as may be required by Beneficiary, in form and sulbatanv,e,satisfactory to- Benellclari, cevernir any of the Property conveyed by this <br />OW of Trust, which security instruments shall be additional sik=01,1,frrTrustor's fafthfra performance of all ct the terms, convenants and can- <br />dill Ions of this Deed of Ttudtf the promissory notes secured "mb)% mid &nyother security Inatrumenta.exsculed in connection with I his transac- <br />tion. Such lnstrumentsarmil, is recorded or filed atirwsi ceiex��r m-, <br />(13) Appokwhronti oft Stowsser Trustee. Beneficiary may, t.-w' 'time to time, by a wrrftm iffatx rnm-I executed and acknowledged by <br />Beneficiary, pts!fed ;o Trzzsfnr and recorded In the county or c4iffitfos In which the Prcps(t,# Is IccaSP4.wTd by otherwise complying with the <br />proviskMS off t!rit **idle laws of the State of Nebraska substitute a successor or success oYas t t'l$ ►rv; 'ee named herein or acting hereun- <br />der. <br />(ta) inspection. Sw o6cinry, or Its agents, representatives ctWea%rnsn, are authorized to enter at anp Piasonable time upon or in any part of <br />theProperty,for the'VuF#4sof inspecting the same and for theoiliese of perinrming snifotthe acts it !s aoifro, ized to perform under the terms <br />of 1he Deed cMust. <br />(15) Op fotrfa Foredosire. Upon the cccurrence of any default hereunder. Seneficiarf shall. trove the opt ub to foreefase Mls Deed of Twat in <br />themarreapr rft:et4bt5:6t for the foreclosure of mortgages on rdat property. <br />(15) SatsAleantrrolWSWalletory a Trustee Met a Walser. Any forebearanre by Beneficiary or Trurm-1P exercising any right at fam"Y <br />I tersundiW, orcthsria+-14,a:1iorded by applicable taw, shalt not be a waiver at am preclude the exercise of ae-iif' w=h right or remedy. LRawiza, the <br />"'Ver t" Mir T 4ficlary ci Trustee of any default cf untcr under this Deed ef,Traul shall not be deemed 1SM.L+s a waiver of any otW. w similar <br />defaults eubmuentiy occuring. <br />(17) Tnnfu r Not Released. Extension of the time for payment or modification or the sums secured tTy i%** Deed of Trust gran- <br />ted by Boreflciary to any successor In interest of Trustor shall mat operate to release, in any manner, 00 liability of t;hevollglnal Trualor and <br />Trustor's successor in brterest. Beneficiary shall not be required to ccmmencecroceedingts%p ntat sucArs+ucassor or refuse to am" ( n. a for <br />payment or otherwise matilfy amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Tract by T isLsrn of any demand made by the original Trust& and <br />Trusters successor In InIsrest. <br />(111) 1110"fl clares Powars. Without affecting the liability of the Trustor or a,IY Wsae; n liable for the payment of arty obligation herein men- <br />Honed, and without affecting this lien orcharge of this Deed of Trust upon any p, riaz of CS epiupsrty not them or theretofore released as security <br />for the full amount of all unpaid obilga;tions. beneficiary may, from time to tlmersstix wlth¢rlt iTatice, (1) release any person so liable, (10 extend the <br />maturity or alter any of the terms of any such obligations, (iii) grant other Indulgences. (Iv) release or reconvoy, or cause to be released or recon- <br />wyed at any time at Beneficiary's options any paleel, portlon or all of the Property, (v) take or release any other or additional security for any <br />obligation herein mentioned, or (vi) make compos:tlons or other arrangements with debtors In relation thereto. <br />(i9) Recornoyance byTrustse. Upon written request of Sereftcdsry stating that all sums secured hereby have been paid, and upon surrender of <br />this Deed of Trust and the Note to Trustee for cance! and nsiention and upon payment by Trustor of Trustee's fees. Trustee shall reconvey <br />to Trustor, or the person or persons legally entitled iPfli6rt; o, without warranty, any portion of the Property then hold hereunder. The recitats In <br />such reconvoyance of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. The grantee In any reconveyance may be <br />described as "the person or persons legally entitled I thereto". <br />(20) Motices. Except for any notices, demands. requests, or other communications required under applicable law to be given In another man• <br />nor, whenever Beneficiary. Trustor, or Trustee gives or serves any notice (Including, without limitation. notice of default and notice of safe), <br />demands, requests or other communication with respect to this Deed of Trust, each such malice, demand, request or other communication shall <br />be In writing and shalt be effective only if the same Is delivered by personal service or mailers by certified mall, postage prepaid, return receipt <br />requested, addressed to the address as set forth at the beginning of this Used of Trust. Trustor hereby requests that a copy of any notice of <br />default, any notice of sale, required or permitted to be given the Trustor hereunder, be malW to it at the address set forth at the beginning of this <br />Dead of Trust. Any party may at any time change Its address for such notices by delivering or malitng to the other parties hereto, as aforesaid, a <br />notice of such change. Any notice hereunder shall be deemed to have been given toTrustar oil eens11clary, when given In (11a manner designated <br />herein. <br />(21) (11evarnbt0 Law. This Deed of Trust shall be governed by the laws of the State of Nebraska. <br />(22) Successors and Assigns. This Deed of Trust and all terms, conditions and obllgatlons herein apply to and Inure to the benefit of and bind <br />all parties hereto, their heirs, legatees, devisees. personal representatives, successors and assigns. The term "Beneficiary" shall mean the <br />owner and hofderof the Note, whetheror not named as Beneficiary herein. <br />(23) JoW and Several Liability. All covenants and agreemerts of Trustor shall be joint and several. <br />(24) Seeer!sAllify. In the event any one or more of the prwlslorm rrontalned In this Deed of Trust, or the Note or any other security Instrument <br />given In ere section with this transaction shall for any reasc4,, be held to be- irval!d. Illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such Invalidity, <br />illegality. or unonforceabllity shall, at the option of BnreNclary. not affect ar y other provision of this Deed of Trust, but this Deed of Trust shall <br />be construed as If such invalid, Iltegat, or unenfomeib<.e provision had never been contained herein or therein. If the lien of this Deed of Trust Is <br />Invalid or unenforceable as to any part of the debt, ar If the lien is invalid or LrenF,0r,,eabte a$ to any part of the Properly, the unsecured or par- <br />tially secured portion of the debt shall ixa completely paid prior to the payment of the rernsiMpa and secured or parililly secured portion of the <br />debt, and a:t payments made on the tfel4, whether voluntary or under foreclosure or other enforcement action or proamdura, shall be considered <br />to have been first paid on and applied to the full payment of that portion of the debt which isrtat secured or not fullyteciv:ed by the lien of this <br />Dead of Trust. <br />(25) Mw 9m and Gander, Capttene.•Whenever used herein. the singular nurniurshall include the plural. the plural, the singular, and the use of <br />any gender shall be applicable to el( genders. The captions and headings of the ;aragrarAw 08 this Deed of Trust are for convenience orty and <br />are not to be used to Interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />(26) Acca(stenee by Trustee. Trustee accepts this Trust when this Deed of Trust. duly executed and acknowledged, Is made a public record as <br />provided by taw. <br />r .. <br />b <br />