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<br />DEEDOFTRUST 89-- 100770
<br />THISDEEDOF TRUST, madethis1G_1_11_ dayof January .tp8%� ,bymdahwnp x':'lr cZa et -tainforth, _�
<br />s£n�-le person whose mailing addressis(Streetl .tt. L, dox 49 (City)_ Ganipiaan, z;E
<br />(State and Zip) INE 63832 (heroin °Truster'); and _ jank oF' t1mn; nh_ _ whose
<br />mailing address is(Street)._ 32Z 3 (cityl --�� .;"?� t;;
<br />(StateandZip) t,. A8832
<br />(Herein °TwSIo 7; and ..dank of f►oni nFi'3 tt- ,whose mailing address Is(Street) —i?ox if
<br />(City). 110111nh it, (Stahandiip)_ Nv; 6303? , (herein "Baneftcisry").
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Including the indebtedness identified henln and the trust herein created. the receipt of which is hereby
<br />acknowkdpsd, Trustor irrevocably grants, transfers, conveys, and assigns to Trust", IN TRUST. WITH POWER OF SALE, for the benefit and Stab
<br />ity of Barial1cfary, under end subject to thetarms and conditlonsof this teed of Trust, the real property described as follows:
<br />The South Half of the Southvaest ;quarter (S_5 'vJ,,) of Section Thirty (30),
<br />in Township reline (9) niorth, itange e'en (10) * est of the ')th Pi,1 in Hall
<br />County, iiehraska, excepting therefrom a certain, tract of ground more
<br />particularly described in a quit claim deed recorded in Hook 133
<br />Page 331 as the same as is on file in the office of the Register of
<br />Deeds of Hall County, iebraska.
<br />iOtiETHER WITH, all rents, profits, royaittes. Income amt cllirrfl it sfits derived from the real property,. all leases nr sunless *• coverfna the real
<br />i+icif39+t� or tiny pwiton thereof. nowor heraatterexlstlt±g:cl i4tsf�3rvCr file, and all right. titteand interest of Trustcrlftersunder, all interests, estate ar
<br />Misric Ioims, both in law and In equity. which Truster wo4k.is or may hereafteracqulro in the real property; ell easements, rights-of-way, tens•
<br />n- lit ls, ltereditaments and appurtenances thereof and thi et-0: au off and gas rialjis and profits, water rights and water stock; all right, title and
<br />am
<br />Interest of Truster, now owned or hereafter acquired, In.f to any land tying wltitln theright- of -;+Fay of any Street or highway adjoining the real
<br />properly. any and alf buildings, fixtures, Improvements, acid appurtenances now oe hereafter m- seted. t`iir+4en or belonging thereto. (herein
<br />referred to "fimfttzi rtssttt ?' or improvements'l; and twy anal all awards made We life taking by e.mineny.. ftdmKin, or by any proceeding or pun
<br />Cht6sInlieut3entr;f,rr lho: wholeoranypart oftherealprr�Mrly,
<br />Al of theft» egging estate, property and Interest hereby fxRLeied IaTrustee htveenvcollectively relom -I!.tu ram the "Property ".
<br />(8) The pagitgi+ t£ of Indebtedness evidenced byTruster 's note et own ds! eherewithintheprinc :pfs-Vs^nct_1,nArty Dour rhounand
<br />Dollars together wttR interast at the rate or rates provided therdfi, (herein, together with any and all
<br />tenewafs. modifications, and extonsions thereof, referred to as the "Note ") both principal and Interest on tlim dote being payable In accordance
<br />with the forms sat forth therein, reference to which is hereby made; the final payment of princ!pal and interest, If not Sooner paid and if no
<br />tanewslo. modifications or extensions are made, due and payable an
<br />(4 The perfrrTance of each agreement and covenant of Trustor herein contained; and
<br />(0 'tee PayUltt,of any suns or sumo of money with Irifti g31 thereon which nasty be hereafter paid or advancqd under the terms of this Deed of
<br />Tr"t
<br />(4 rtelreryn OIt of any future advances necessary to protect the security or any fiA06 advance made at the option of tiler putties; and
<br />to) The A4ifortnalco of an obligation of any other person named In this Trust Deed to a bensfid.uy:.
<br />1. FaymeM of Frinelpatand Interest. Truster shall promptly pay when due the principal of and Interest cn the Indebtedness evidenced by the
<br />Note, and all other cftarpesurd feesas provided In the Wile.. and the principal of and Interest an any Future Advances secured by this tweed of Trust
<br />2. Warranty 61TNN. Trustor is lawfully seized and possessed of good and Indefesslt,,0 title and estate to the Properly hereby conveyed and has
<br />the right to grant and convey the Property; the property Is free and clear of ail liens girdencurnbrances except liens now of record; and Trustor
<br />will warrant and defend the title to the Property against all claims and demands.
<br />3. Malr+fenanee and CeefyNlanee with Laws. Trustor sfaall keep the Property in gtv d condition and repair sled shall not commit waste ol-permit
<br />Impairment or deterloraticn Of the Property and shall comply with the provisions of any base if this Deed of Trust Is on a leasehold. No Imrrove•
<br />ment, now Of hereafter owl+ad upon the Property shall be altered, removed or demolished without the prior written consent of Beneflelaro. Trustor
<br />shall comply with all laws. ordinances. regulations, covenants. ccndItion3 and restrictions aftsctlng (he Property and not cornrit, sufrer, or per-
<br />mit any act to to done In or upon the Properly In violation of any law, ordinance, regulation. covenant, condition or restriction. Trustorstiall corn
<br />plate Of restatt; ommptly and In good workmanlike manner any improvement on the Property which may be darnaged or destroyed and pab„ when
<br />due, alf claims for tabor performed and motor lots furni9hed therefore and for any afteratlons thereof.
<br />1. lmwaaee. Trustor, at Its expense. will maintain with Insurors approved by Beneficiary. Insurance with rr ipect to the Improvements and per-
<br />sonal property, constituting the Property, against loss by tire. lightning, tornado, and other perils and haraide covered by standard extended
<br />coverage endorsement, In an amount equal to at least one hundred percent of the full replacement value (1110teof and Insurance against such
<br />other hazards and In such amounts as is customarily carried by owners and operators of similar properties or as Beneficiary may require for Its
<br />protection. Trustor will comply with such other requirements as Beneflclary may from time to time request for the protection by insurance of the
<br />intMeals of the respective parties. All Insurance policies maintained pursuant to IhIS Deed of Trust shall name Trustor and Beneficiary as In.
<br />sureds. as their respectiveinleresis may appear, and provide that there shall be no cancellation or modification without any less than 1S days
<br />Prior written notification toTrustde and Beneficiary. In the event any policy hereunder Is not renewed on or before 15 days prior to its expiration
<br />date. Trustee or Beneficiary may procure such Insurance in accordance with the provlstons of paragraph 7 hereof. Trustor shall deliver to
<br />Bwwflclary the original policies of Insurance and renewals thereof or memo copies 01 such policies end �enewrts thereof. Failure to furnish
<br />such Insurance by Trustor, or renewslr as required hereunder shall, at the option e! Benef3 ferry. constitute 9 an s default.
<br />S. Tease, Assesantente.snd Charges. Truster shall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges, including, without limitAlon, fines and im.
<br />positions attributable to the Properly, and tessehntd payments or ground rents. It any, befora tho same become deliqueni. Trustor shall prcmplly
<br />fumfsh to Beneficiary all noticesof amounts due under tnis paragraph, and In theevent Truster shall make payment directly. Trustor shall prompt-
<br />ly furnish to Beneficiary recelplS eviddneing such payments. Trustor shall pay all taxes and assessments which may Ce levied upon
<br />Senefletary's interast herein or upon this Deed of Trust without regard to any law that may be enacted imposing payment of the whole or any
<br />Part thereof upon the Beneficiary.
<br />:Fi:�
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