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r <br />1 <br />�L <br />f <br />EXHIBIT "A" 89 100767 <br />Parcel 1: A tract of land comprising a part of Lot One (1) on Island and part <br />of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE4SE4) situated in.the East <br />Half of the Southeast Quarter (EASE*) of Section Twe..nty Eight (28),.,. ?..T- gwnship <br />Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.A4, in the,; C ty`'6 -f .Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska and more particularly .des= -ibed Qe fbl]o�,i�.; Ra- <br />inning at a point on the west line of said East One. .Half pf the Southeast" Quarter:: <br />E SEA) said pcint being One Thousand Three Hurar..ed.-. rcrty. Eight d Eighty -Fiva. '..:. "'. <br />Feet south of the northwest r ,.;iez .9f R. W. Rasmussen Sub - <br />divisi bry . L'nnYa &aSterl +, a distance of Eight: Hundred Ninety -So e� ^, .'and.: Fiftq°.- <br />Six t?ia�aet eLths f�ee4 tc:. a..point pn -A'he i zst lineeF -Wo6d� -6 ?4" S1 6d-z- <br />bZ-Ing Tn rtzan and Th i ty -Onz Hundredths (13.3 <) feet north <br />ai the s Lhuaat.'sorner of Lot dur ([a), Woodland: first Subdivision, thence south- <br />erly along and -upon the west line of Woodland First Subdivision, a distance of <br />Six Hundred Thirteen and Thirty One Hundredths (613.31) feet to a point on the <br />north line of Woodland Drive; thence westerly along and upon the north line of <br />Woodland Drive a distance of One Hundred (100.0) feat to the northwest corner <br />of Woodland Second Subdivision; thence southerly along and upon the westerly <br />line of Woodland Second Subdivision, a distance of Sixty (60.0) feet to the <br />northwest corner of Lot Seven (7), of Woodland Second Subdivision, also being <br />a point" on the south line of Woodland Drive; thence westerly along and upon <br />the prolongation of the south line of Woodland Drive, a distance of Seven Hundred <br />Ninety -Seven and Sixty -Nine Hundredths (797.69) feet to a point on the west line <br />of said East One Half of the Southeast Quarter (EISE4) thence northerly along =' <br />and upon the west line of said East One Half of the Southeast Quarter (EJSE4), - <br />a distance of Six Hundred Seventy -Three and Thirty -One Hundredths (673.31) feet <br />to the point of beginning. <br />Parcel 2: Lot One (1), Wedgewood Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />�I <br />