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89-10070.6 <br />1EXHIBIT "At' <br />Parcel_ 14 40 land comprising a part of Lot One (I) on Island and part <br />of =t B <br />. ,ttbaast­"arter of the Southeast Quarter (SEkSEj) situated In the East <br />14alf -, of - hh�,.-'_Southeast Quarter" (EJSEA) of Section Twenty Eight (28). Township <br />Eleven (11) --,*.-rth# Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall <br />"County, Nebraska and more particularly described as follows: Be- <br />inning at a point an the west line of said East One Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />QsEk) said point being One Thousand Three Hundred Forty Eight and Eighty-Five <br />Hundredths '(1.1.348.85) feet south of the northwest corner of R. W. Rasmussen Sub- <br />division; th ' ce easterly a`,:distance of Eigt-pt Hundred Ninety-Seven and Fifty- <br />Six Hundred,4i� (897,56.) t a <br />fee*- 4, pd t an the west line cif Weadland First SubdA <br />VZS]Y,7jM#ft <br />said point "i -.-Thirty-One Hur&6trns (L3.31) <br />felt north <br />Woodlan First�.! bdivis�jajn <br />'f4l Eju <br />of jtj southwest cozv��':vf Lq�.t. �­�Y <br />a 6 <br />upon' the First Subdivis&a. a �4 66 <br />erly: 'along. ef, <br />ThIrteen an dre-dtf, (613.31) feet t'a, a i 6t an <br />Six' . -Hundr� d- <br />d Th. <br />J, .lnudland C1riv!c,.j.- - thence ins t, <br />along and upon t�,� 'iz, 4 -1 <br />Uzadlxand Ortus' a distince %nj` One Hundred '13040) feet to the :_-m­4 iaEst,' 1corner <br />of Ubodland !-;ecand 55jit-sivi' <br />sion; thence southerly along and upc -,`t the westerly <br />line of Woodland .Second Subdivision, a distance of Sixty (60.0) feet to the <br />northwest corner 0" Lot Seven (7), of Woodland Second Subdivision, also being <br />a point on the south line of Woodland Drive; thence westerly along and upon <br />the prolongation of the south line of Woodland Drive, a distance of Seven Hundred <br />Ninety-Seven and Sixty-Nine Hundredths (797.69) feet to a point on the west line <br />of said East One Half of the Southeast Quarter (EJSEj); thence northerly along <br />and upon the west line of said East One Half of the Southeast Quarter (EisEh), <br />a distance of Six Hundred Seventy-Three and Thirty-One Hundredths (673.31) feet <br />to the point of beginning. <br />Parcel 2: Lot One (1), Wedgewood Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />