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TO- REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIM Trustee and Beneficiary. and each of them, shalt be entitled to enforce payment and performance of any <br />indebtedness or obligations secured hereby andt oexercise all rights and powers underthis Trust Deed or under any other agreement executed <br />in connection herewith or any laws now or hereafter in force, notwithstanding some or all of this such indebtedness and obligations secured <br />hereby may now or hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by mortgage, trust deed. Fledge, lien, assignment or otherwise. Neither the <br />acceptance ofthis Trust [teed nor its enforcement whether by court action or pursuaint to ft power of sale or other powers herein contained, snarl <br />prejudice of in any manner affect Trustee's or Bereticiary''s right to realize upon or enforce any other security now or hereafter held by Trustee or <br />Beneficiary, it being agreed that Trustee and Beneficiary, and each of them, shall be entitled to enforce this Trust Deed and any other security now <br />or hereafter held by Beneficiary or Trustee in such order and manner as they or either of them may in their absolute discretion determine. No <br />remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Beneficiary is intendedto be exclusive of any other remedy herein or by law provided or <br />permitted, buteach shall be cumulative and shalt be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now of hereafter existing at law or in <br />equity or by statute. Every poweror remedy provided under this Trust Deed to Trustee or Beneficiary or to which eaherof them may beotherwise <br />i <br />entitled. maybe exercised. concurrently or independently, from time to time and as often as maybe deem ad expedient by Trustee or Ben efictary <br />and eA er of them may pursue inconsistent remedies Nothing herein shali be construed as prohibiting Beneficiary from seeking a deliclency <br />ludgme -M against the Trustor to Oe extent such action is permitted by law. <br />11. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY; ASSUMPTION_ It all or any part of the Property, or interest therein is sold; transferred or otherwise <br />conveyed by Trustor without Beneficiary's prior written consent, excluding (a) the cvb;alion of a lien or ericumbrakk subordinate to this Trust <br />Dead (b) atransferby operation at law upon the deathofa Trustor who isa joint leflanloviol 'the grant ol any teaselroldi#11n estofOise13)yearsor <br />less Wwvh'does not contain an option to purchase, such action is a btelibroi this agreement, ttnd f3 +ineficlfJtji nitt� .;3t Beiif3♦trtary's option, <br />declare allthes;.=s.c .. uredbythisTrust Deed tobe immediately due atid 'ayable, provided. furthetA 'i trii l:f7. 'so hon, <br />be declared irr^n 9is'+:iy due and payable, if (1) Trustor is a partnership and. any interest in the by any means <br />whatsaetvar; or (21 if-Me Trustor is a corporation and a transfer of the majority stock o►Y!.T4whlp interest in the cocv ; `.on occurs, or the Trustor <br />corporawin merges in any form with another corporation ac entity. Beneficiary shall hayo vi&1ed such option to am.:ierate if, prior to the sale, <br />transl;ir& conveyance. Beneficiary and the person tow;.: initi'e Property istobe sold oris;cJ oerredreachagreementinwritingthatthecreditof <br />_ <br />such 0arson is satisfactory to Beneficiary and thatthe intereo payable on the sumssecured bV this Trust Peedshvill heat such rate a-- Reiroeficiary <br />shall request. <br />12. ACCELERATION UPON DEFAULT; REMEDIES; SALE. The failure by the Trustor, to make any payment or to perform any of theterms and <br />conditions of this Trust Deed, or the terms and conditions of the Note, or any renewals, modifications or extensions tt,e-,aof, or the failure t3 make <br />z <br />payment of any other indebtedness, pribror subsequent to this Trust Deed, and secured bythis property. or the death clzne or moreTrustors shall <br />be a breach and default of this Trust Deed and the BeneficfarT -r--%y declare a default and may declare all sums secured hereby immediately due <br />and payableandths)ez a shall thereupon beco- nom,IueandQz ,mffswitbr: xesentment. demand, protestor notice of any kind. provided, Trustor <br />f <br />shall have any sta u':;rrg right to cure the defauftL tore any rtci;r,, and demand for sale maybe delivere' S the Trustee. Thereafter, <br />8ene1`ctary may de.: rer to Trustee a written dec�.:'siian of C isC act attd demand for sale. T%istor agrees and he7eb;r• g:ca Ms that the Trustee shall <br />hav V t$pp1wer of sale of the Property and if Beneficiary dec•d'asTfle Property is to be sold its?iall deposit with Trus!riiv ,.,s Trust Deed and the Note <br />ar rc V,s and any other documents evidencing emoc- rditres secured hereby, and shall deliver to Trustaa a%,-m3r r, . + +.s of default and election to <br />cause property to be sold, and Trustee, in turf". rs .all preparea similar notice inlheform required b, ;E et,:. itAichsNalibe duly filed for record by <br />Trustee. <br />(a) Afterthe lapse of such time as maybe required bylaw following the recordation of Notice of Default, 4:*- of Default and Notice <br />of Sale having been gi'vanats r3gwred by law, Trustee. without demand on Trustor, shall seli the Properrj ,t;r* of redeemed. in one or <br />more parcels and in sucrs order as T%)I%ee may determine on the date and the time and place designated :r said Notice of Sale, at <br />public ai: Vt:+ r•according to taw. <br />;.: <br />(b) WhenTrusi gesellspursuanttothepowersherei n, TrusteeshallapplytheProceedsofthesaletopaymentofthecostsandexpenses <br />of exercising the power of sale and of the sale, including, without limitation, attorney's fees and the pa;,J". rol of Trustee's Fees <br />incurred, which Trustee's Fees shall not in the aggr +Date exceed the following amounts based upon the arrr; secured hereby and <br />remaining unpaid at the lime scheduled for sale. °_ pe ?,.entum on the balancethereof; and then to S'le items r *•subparagraph (c) in the <br />order there stated. <br />(o) After paying the items specified in subparagraph (b). it the sale is by Trustee, or if the sale is pursuann t^,, yidicial foreclosure. the <br />proceeds of sate shall be applied in the following order <br />;1) Cost of any evid&i-v: (:.` title procured in conne-!:cn with such sale and of a•• -avenue transfer fee r; +ml.rad to be paid, <br />V` <br />(2) All obligations secured by this Trust Deed: <br />a <br />(3) Junior• fr'asl deeds. mortgages, or other lienholders, <br />, <br />(4) The remainder, it any, to the person legally o ^` ;i� d thereto <br />13 APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. Ben riiciar,r may. from time to time. by a written instrument ex.! .uti;d and acknowledged by <br />Benett vary, mailed to Trustor and recorded in the coun!J 4r, counties in which the Property is located and by itherwise complying with the <br />provisions of the applicable laws of the State of et:raska subsliluto a successor or successors to the Tiustea named herein or acting hereunder <br />14. INSPECTIONS. Beneficiary, or its agents. representatives or employees. are authorizedto onter at aAy reasonable time upon or In any part <br />Of the Prapertyfor the purpose of inspec6ngthe same andfor Mepurpose of performing any of the acts d is author,add is perform underthetorms <br />of the rrumi Deed. <br />15.OPTION TOrOIRECLOSURE. Upon the occurrence of any breach and aponthe declaration of defau rt hereunder. Benehc oaf yshall havot the <br />option to foreclose this Trust Deed in the manner provided by law for the foteclusure of mortgages Oro real property. <br />16 FOREBEARANCE BY BENEFICIARY OR TRUSTEE NOT A WAIVER. Any forebeafarice by Beriefic lary at Trustee in exercising any right of <br />remedy hereunder, or otherwiseafordedbyapplicablelaw, shatlnolbeawai veroforprectudelheexerafseofanySuchr ightorremedy Likewise. <br />the waiver by Beneficiaty or Trustee of any default of Trustor under this Trust Deed shall not be deerrcd to bo a waiver of any other or similar <br />defaults subsequently occurring <br />17 BENEFICIARY'S POWERS. Without affecting or releasing the liability of the Trustor or any other person liable for the payment of any <br />T <br />obligation herein mentioned, and without affecting the hen or cinarge of this Trust Deed upon any portion of the Property. Beneficiary may, from <br />time lottme and withoutnoticeat thetequestof one or more Trusters. h1 release any Person liable, In) extender renew the maturity or alter any of <br />the terms of any such abligatitlns. fill) grant other indulgences. (iv) release or feconvey. or cause to be released of reconveyed at any time at <br />Beneficiary s option any parcel or all of the Property. Ivl take or release any nther of adrt,ti0a?l cnenrrtyfnr any ebllVLW! hcfe.n Ment:cfred i =: <br />make settlements of other arrangements with Trustor in relation thereto All Trusters shall be lointiy and severally obligated and bound by thy' <br />actions of the Beneficiary at any one or more Trustor as slated in this poragiaph <br />L1 <br />a ATTORNEY FEES. COSTS AND EXPENSES. The Beneficiary of this Trust Deed is entitled to the payment of atlofney s fees cost, ara <br />elpenses as provided m this Trust Deed. except as otherwise ptohrb +fed by law <br />19 RECONVEVANCE BY TRUSTEE. upon written request al Benefit lafy anrt ;,put: payment bi T•us!ur of T•u5!ac !f•es <br />s <br />roc vnreyluTrustnr. tJrthepeivYrtrbtpCfSOnSiegEJliVfnl +trpdthe►etu wrthuu!vstrrr; }nT, orrypn�hSneT• tIN_ FtIGL+ E'ftyttrnr.t5p`: }fic.rt•„r•'. +•r !Jn' .t;pt n <br />f11a1tE�tr3 ( }t fast Tt 5!rai LtB r _�iTCI!)f tyE. tUUf Ulf trip trU *tit EJl11 •q+, rte <br />' � E... P'rrr..T Tti }, -ttpf +f' n .iny •n: ;.r,r ,. tr ,s. +rr <br />_ <br />�fE'S`fifrf.:1 iii trrb Lt't59t: of pslr57•rr :r•r38 °'/ r-hT ThrT 1r:h•rfb <br />