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NOTIFICATION OF USE OF TRUST DEED <br />TO SECURE PERFORMANCE OF OBLIGATION <br />I <br />The undersigned hereby ae:+ertyseed -ps and understands u�a�, the document to be executed by the undersigned is a trust deed and not a <br />noitgage, and that the power aftsfi� I'ifkv:dedfor in the trust rtesd provides subsfantiaify ditforent rights and obtigations. to cie tfusfar than a <br />mortgage in the event of a default or breach of obligation. <br />MY <br />Dated and executed on the _ -14th__ __, __ day of __._. _.___�� , tg ....__, prior <br />to execution of the following Trust bred. <br />3,e 0. Davis, a single person <br />,• i <br />i <br />i <br />,i <br />L <br />t. <br />c <br />TRUST DEED <br />THIS TRUST DEED, made this _.- __i4_th_ _ —day of _Fiftr Yt w <br />by and among fir?- nsivist x a ogle pam r, <br />whose mailing addres's,s 1609 Roberta Averste, �:g lsland lY 6¢.. -803 <br />(herein "Trustor' (: anti wiry E. Tracy,attorr -at, <br />whose mailing address is 706_Ulest II LGra_�,61 Land, NE 68801 _ <br />(herein "trustee'(: and __ _ 1niPA Park and Tr rat and <br />whose mailing address is - P.O. Box 5168, Grand Island, NE 68862 (herein "Benettciary"1. <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Trustor irrevocably grants, transfers, conveys and assigns to Trustee, INTRUST. WITH POWF9CIF SALE. <br />for the benefit and security of Beneficiary, under and subject tol<he terms and conditions of this Trust Deed, the following described real property. <br />located in Mall County. Nebraska: <br />Lot Eight (8), Block Four, ;)Baker's Ad#t3._ri to" the City of Grand Island, Hall• Dumty. Mebsaska <br />TOGETHER WITH'allof the following. whether now owned or hereafter ace.:. +cd* rents, profds, royalhea• income and other benefits derived from <br />The real property: all teases or subleases covering the real proporty or any P rhos, thereof: all interests, estate or other claims. both in law and in- <br />equity in the real property: all homestead exemptions which are hereby rcieases aitd waived. all easements, rights -of -way. tenomenta <br />hereditaments: all oil and gas rights and profits, water lights: all, title arid. n rerest of Trustor, in and to any land lying within the right -of -way of <br />any street or highway adjoining the real property. any and atl b•wtcling-_ trxtuiec_ improvements, and appurtenances now or hereafter erected <br />thereon or belonging thereto, (herein referred to as' linPrOverreil-V or Impla-verrients''1: and any and all awards mado for the taking by emmont <br />domain, or by any proceeding or purchase in lieu thereof, of 11 le whole or any part of the real property. All of the foregoing estate, properly and <br />interost'eonvoycd to Trustee herein collectively retuned to as the Property' <br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING <br />(a) The payment of indebtedness evidenced by Trustor s note or guarantee I Note I dated February -14 ; Er 89 <br />in the principal sun of satr.Sixteet ThMISand and nE',itflrt ±rrM <br />is— 1$s4QQaQQ.. - - - -•- I togetherwi thinterestat the rate or rates pruvldedthe rein <br />anrtthE :ur,il,=ptpan;tlntEr' r' .E�. <br />future advances evidenced by promissory notes or guarantees stating they are secured hereby, and any tin•) jvi rertc.,/iris •n(,j&r,l, f w .r,a <br />ertenSionS thereof, bolhprrnc, par and onterestbeing payable inacctndance with Ili eterms set futomere,n �.hl(hT�rtrl'srE'Ir:r'nr;, I rr•,,;.,t•: <br />hOreA} <br />(h) ThC traf }CJrr'hartCC 4!Ci3Ch agrecr: ^;d ntttl �;.•ir. rr7nf Of Truslortiereincomainvo wo <br />ICi Tit E:•payarerrt(J }iffly SUr' rlUr iarniri rnUrty rrtt.[hmay:Jfr`IEHE'J'.Ttr p:'r':Jr, :i't,ldt-t; ny r,i Tr., cit'I.(44. ;fly .l, :'J <br />'' .jt3TF.g- �/ +t`lY.r:f ?re51 TYtett!�k <,t!irh'.aC' a'E�i.•t(,a r,:r E pjr %:, <br />M <br />r <br />