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<br /> ia1 beso�wt N�llt�•�xtenston of tRe tlme�or payment ar mod�tlestton ot umortltatlon oi Me wms iecuced by�IS �
<br /> OMd Af trust���n!►�9 by lentisr to�ny iucce�sflr In int��e�t of Bo�rower�hall not operate to relea�e,tn any manner,th�Iisbility
<br /> of tM oriplrud Borrowar�nd 6orrow�r's auccefsors in Intere�t,lende��hill not bs requl�sd to commancs praceedi�s�qaintl
<br /> such succssso►or�Nus�to sxtsnd tims lo�payment or olt�srwias modity amnrtizatian ot Ms wms�ecu►ed by thls Oeed of Trusf
<br /> by�Nwn of any d�mand�rtiade by the ori�inal Borrowar and Borrower's succes�ore in inte�sst.
<br /> (b) LMdK'��ow�n.Without aHectl�p the IIeblliry ot�ny othe�person Ii�bte tor the paymen! 01 a�y obt(pation herNn
<br /> menNoned,and w(thout eflectlnp the Ilen or char�s of ihie Deed ot True1 upo�any poRlon of the Propetty not Men or theretofore
<br /> � �NMNd��s�curity tar the 1u11 Amou�t of all unp�id obil�ation�,Lender m�ly,trom time to time end withOUt notiCe(i)rels�se pny
<br /> psraon eo U�bls,(u)extentl the maturiry or�Iter eny of�he term�ol any�uCh obUpation�,(�if)prent other indut�ences,(iv)reis��s
<br /> ' or�econvey,or causs to bs �elsaeed or reconveyed at any time et Lender's option any parcel,portion or all Q!the Propsrty,
<br /> � (v)fak�a rNsa�s any oths� or additional securiry 1or any oblipatlon herein menllonxd, or(�i)make composition�w othe�
<br /> � arran�arnenh wiM d�Dton in retation thefeto.
<br /> ± (c) Fo�tMe�b�L�nd�r Mot�Waiv�. Any forbearsnce by Lender in exercislnp any ripht or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> ofherwiss aflorded by appllcabte I�w, ehell not be a wsiver of or preclude the exercise ot any auch ri9ht or remedy. The
<br /> . ( p�ocuremsnt ol Insurance or the payment ot Wxea or other lien�or cherpes by lender aha13 not be a waive►01 lende►'s rl�ht to �
<br /> I accelents Me matu�iry of fhe indsbtedrtess secured by thi�Deed of Trult.
<br /> Z (d) suce�as�d A�n�oou�d;JoMt�ed 8w�al LiaWIM�r;C�ptian.The covenants aRd a9reements herein con-
<br /> ; tained shsll bind,and tha ri�hts hereu�der�ha9�inure to,tne respect(vs �uccessors and esaign�pf I.ender and T�ustor.A11
<br /> , � cavenanb snd apreement�of Trustor shatl be�om�and severa►.The cAptio��and het,ding�of the paraprephs of thiy Deed of
<br /> Trwt�n for convanbnce only and are not to be used to interpret or defi�e Me provision�hereof.
<br /> ' (e) R�q�11or Mo1kN.The parties hereby�eQueet thate copy ot any notice ot delault hereundor and a copy of any natics ��
<br /> oi ssts hereunder be mailed to esch party to this Qeed of Trust et the eddres�set torth above in the man�er prescrlbed b�
<br /> sppllCaDb�aw. Exespt tor eny other notice required under epplicAbte law to be piven in another manner,any notice provided
<br /> , Mr 1�Mis Os�d ot Tru�t sh�ll be�iven by maitinp such notice by Cert�lsed mail add►esaed to the other paA�es,�t the add�eu set ,
<br /> torth aDove. Any notice proYided fos�n this Oeed of Trust shall be etfective upon ma�l�ng �n the manner dastpnated herein.If
<br /> Truator is more th�tn one perspn,not�ce seM to ths addre�sat torth above shall ba noUce to all such person�.
<br /> (� IMp�Clbn.Lender may meke or cause to be mltde reasonable ontnes upon and in�pect�ons of the Property,provided
<br /> that Lend�r shall give Trustor notice priot to any such inspection specityinp rebsoneble cause theretor retated to tender's
<br /> Inte�est�n the Properry.
<br /> � (9} Rseonwyane�.Upon peymant of bll aum�seCUred by th�s Deed ot Trust.Lenaer sAali►equest Truatee to►econvey the
<br /> ; P�opertp and�hall surrender th1�Doed of Tru�l end all notea e.�Cencmp mdebtedness se�c��ed by th�s Deed of Tr�st to Trustse. .
<br /> � Trust�s st�all reconvey the Property w�thout wArrenry and w�thout charpe to tne peraeA or persons iegatly ent.t�ed thereto.
<br /> Trustor�shali p�y a1t cost�ot .ecotdAtiOn, �}Any �
<br /> (h) M�onal►top�ty;S�curM�► A�rNen�nt. As ned�t�onat secunty ta�me payment ot tne Note. Trustor hareby Qranss -
<br /> Lender unde�the Nebrte�ka Undorm Cammercial CaOe a securry intereat m an t�xtures,equ�pmem,and othe�peraonal property
<br /> — uaeo m cannact�on wrtn me reareseaiE or�mprovemenf!foca�R(3lnereon.9na not omerwise Qec�ar�o or aeemed t6 tfe a pan ot - __
<br /> � the real sftate s�CUred hereby.Thl�instrumant shel!be construed as a Secunry AyreemeM under said Code,and the Le�dar •
<br /> ahall hdvs all the ri flht�and remedie�ot a 5ecureA party unde+said CoAe in add�t�on to tne nghts and remedies treated under
<br /> an�l8ccorded the Lender pur�uant to th�s�eed ol Tru�t,prov�ded that l.er�der's nghts and remed�es u-��er th��paragreph sh�U -
<br /> . bs cumulative with,and in no way a I�m�tat�on on.Lende� s r�ghts and ramed�e�under any otht!r secunty aflreemant s�gned by
<br /> BorrowK Or Truito�.
<br /> ' 1�) LNM aed E�cwnb+ancN.TruStor�ereby warrants ar:�represents tnat there�s no defaufl under the prov�srons o1 dny
<br /> mortga�e,deed o1 ttuS�(QelsC pr purCh�se cOntratt do3cnp�r=g ali or eny part b}tho f�roperty.or other ContreCt,instrument Or
<br /> aDreement const�tut,np a hen or encumbranco apa�nst a:I or a^y part of tro Property lcaHeCt�vely.°L�ens"),existrny ae o1 the
<br /> � date of thl� Oeed ot Trust,end that eny end alt e�istmg l.�e�s �a�nnm urmud�f�eA e�cept a�d�sciosed to LenCer m Trustor's
<br /> written discloaure of liena ar+d encumbrances pro+��ded �or he.•e�n Trugtar Sha�� I�me�y paAOrm all pt Trust�r's obl�pations. �
<br /> covenants.representat�ans and warrant�es under any and a�i e.:s:t�ng and future L�ens,shau pramptly fo�ward to Lerder cople�
<br /> of all notiCes of defeult sent�n connettian w�tn any and a11 eR�?!°^.�or tuture L�ens.and sna1l r.ot w�thout Lender's pr�or wntten
<br /> Consent in sny milnner mod�ty the prov�s�ons af pr allow any*.uture advances u�der eny e■isting or luture l�P,ns
<br /> Qy AppliCtdOn ol P�yminb.Unlegs atherw�sd requ��ed by Iaw.sums pard lu l.cnder 1�ereunde�.mciutlrng�rdhuut i�m�WUOr�
<br /> ' payments ot pnnC�pal and mterest,insurance FrQCeeAs. co�Cemnat�on p�oceeds and rents and prof�ts.shall be eppl�ed by
<br /> Lender to the 8rnou�f�due end owmg Irom Trust��anA Borronre►�n such orCer as Len�er m�ts sole d�scret�on deems des�rabte �
<br /> (k) SlvM�blNty. It eny prov�sion of th�s Deed ot Tr�gt cc�-�l�cts wdn dppl,cable law or�s declnred +nvehC or ot�erwige ,
<br /> unenlorCeable. such conit�ct or �nva��d�ry st�an not allect tna otn�r prov�sons ol tnis Deed of Trust or the Note v�r.�ch ca�be
<br /> g�ven eKact wdhout tho conti��bng Drov+s�on,and to tn�s end tne pPUv�s�ons at tn�s Deer1 ot T�ust artd tne tVOto a�e.Rec�ared to De �"
<br /> eeverebte
<br /> (1) TKrnf.Tne te�ms"Trustor"and"Bo�rower' shau ,nciutle batn s�r3.,,tai and Diu��+.and wne�tne t+ustos a�d Bo+rowo�
<br /> are�the sam�p�arson(s), tnose terr*ts as used�n tniy Ooe�o�7�ust sna��C� +nt�;r�hange�b+e
<br /> (m) (i6w�mM� law.Tn�s Qee,�ol Trust shAn be gove���a by tne�,�ws ot tne Sia!e ot NeD�aska
<br /> Trustor has axecuted th+9 peod ot Trusi as ot sne aate wr�non atr��.�; -' ,
<br /> 'tr.!- " � -j�'� -�'`.--..
<br /> i
<br /> .'r�.�.''--�•,-�l�.�..-�.'.�"a.s�'�.�''- --- _---------�
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<br /> Tru9to� - .. .
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