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<br /> F� 90--���3e4�
<br /> DEE� O RUST
<br /> THiS DEED�F TRUST,mede ihis l�r day of --- "Une ' � ,19 `"'Q �.between
<br /> ���3. L13teras and Associa�es, Inc. �^ _ as Tru�tor. }
<br /> __�_._.� � !
<br /> FlrsTier Bank,National A�sociation,Omaha,Nebreske as Truslee.
<br /> FirsTier Bank,National Association,Omaha,Nsbraska as Beneficia�ry:
<br /> WfTNESSETH:
<br /> � That T►ustar irrevocably�►anh,t►anste�s and assigna to Trustee in trus� with pc�wer of sale,the tollowing deacribed
<br /> P�ol�Y�
<br /> ' Lats tifteen (15) and Sixteen (16), Garland �Place Subdivision,
<br /> Hall Caurity, Nebraska, located in the North Half af the Southeast
<br /> � Quarter (I3�iSE�i) of Sectior� 9'wenty three (23) . Township Eleven (11)
<br /> North, Range Te� (10) West of the 6th P.M.� in Hall Gounty, Nebraska,
<br /> excepting for property conveyed to Frank Stauss, Jr., described in the
<br /> ' Deed recorded at Book� 160 af De�ds at Page 696 in the Register of
<br /> Deeds Q��ice. Hall County, Nebraska. said C�eed recorded on February 4. 1970
<br /> and except for 1.26 acres condemnded by the state of Nebraska, said
<br /> condemnation praceedinga recorded at page 6A9 in Book 9 of Miscellan��ous
<br /> Records in the F�all County Register of Deeds Office and recorded on Qetober 3, 1961.
<br /> toflether wlth all ir�te�est which T�ustor now has or may he�eafter acqui�e!n and to sald,p�operty end in and to:(a)all
<br /> eas�n��nb and right�ot way a�ppu�tenant the�eto;(b)ail tenements,hereditaments,buildin�s,atructu�e�.improvemenb.
<br /> Hxtures,equ�pment,furnishings end appurte�ances now or hereafter placed the�eon;(c)all leasehold�state,riqht titie.
<br /> a�d inte�est c�t Trustor ln and to all leasgs or sublA�ses therea!or any portion thereof now or hereafter exiateng or entered
<br /> into,and all ri9ht,title,and interestpt T�ustor thereu�d�er,inctuding,without limitatio�,all cash or security depasib.advance
<br /> rentals,a�d deposib a paymenta of simil�r�ature,and(d)all mine�al,oil,gas�ights and profits,Meater.water riqhts„a�d
<br /> water stxk.Trustor aqteea to axecute and detiver,irom time ta time,such iurther inatrumertts as nzay De requested by
<br /> Beneflciary In form anc! substance satisiactory to Bene!iciary to confirm the lien of thi�Deed oi Trust on any of the
<br /> atorementioned property.The property so conveyed to Trustee hereunder is hereirr.after�eterred to as"stcch p�operty".
<br /> Tha Trustot absolutely and ir�evocably yrants,t�ansfers and asslgns to Beneficiery the rer►ts,income,issuea,and proflt� -
<br /> of all propeity Covered by th,is Deed oi Trust. � =
<br /> 1. Payment of the principal sum of SQ�enty seven thousanc3 nine hundred sixth iiine and 76/100-- -
<br /> --�---------(S 77,969.?0? Dol l.ars--------- �
<br /> evidenced Dy the cenain promissory nate dated of gven date�e�ew�th(hereinafter refemed to asths"Promissory Note")
<br /> executedby J. Lliteras and Assocxates, nc.
<br /> � in sald amount and payable to the order oi Beneficiary maturmg on May 1 , 199 3
<br /> together with interest thereon,late charqes.and prepayment bonuses aCCOrding to the terms of the P��miasorY Nate
<br /> and atl renewals,extensions,and modifications thereof.
<br /> 2. PeAormance.diseharge of and compliance with every�blsgation,covenant and agreement ef T�ustor mcorporated by �'
<br /> reterence or cantained herein or ln any other security agreement or deed of trust at any time given to secure any
<br /> indebtedness hereby secured,or any pan thereof. "
<br /> 3. Payment of all feeg a�d charges ot Beneficiary or Trustee,whether or not set forth herein.
<br /> TiTtE:Th82 ii is iawiuiiy seized sr�d p�ss6ssefi fit e��uve 8rici intfefeasibie title anci ssfate to ail oi such property in fee
<br /> simple free from any prior tien or encumbrence,has good right and lawful authonty to convey the s8me,and will torever
<br /> warrant and defend the title thereto against the clalms en�demands ot aH persons whosoever;thet it will,at its expense.
<br /> maintain and preserve the lien of this Oeed of Trust as a tirst and paramount lien upon such properly.
<br /> ' MAINTENANCE:To keep such property m good cand�tion and repa�r,to complete or restore promptly and�n good and
<br /> workmaniike manrter any bs�ilding which may be constructed,damaged or destroyed thereon and to p�y, when due,a1i
<br /> cleimsior labor pe►iormed and�naterials turmshed therefore and fo�any alterat�ons thereuf;to compty with the provisions
<br /> of all insurance policies covering said premises,to compty with all laws,ordinances.�egulations,covenants.conditaons �
<br /> and restriCtions aHecting such property:not to remov�,demol�sh or rnatenally alter any bu�tdmg,or the char�cter oc use
<br /> thereot et any timd thereon;no!to dnll or extract nor to perm�t the dnllmg tor or extraction of oil.gas or other hydroaarbon
<br /> substances,water or any mirteralof any icind unless Ihe wntten consent ot Benet�c�ary�s had and obta�ned:notto commitor
<br /> pe�mit any wastethereof ar any act upan such property in�iolat�on of law;to do alI other acts in a t�mely and propsr manner ,
<br /> wt�ich from the chara�tet or use ot such peopeity may be�easonabty necessary ta protsct aRd pres�:ve�a�d s�ecunty,the «�
<br /> Ispecit�c enumeraUons here�n not exclud�ng the gene�al .
<br /> CONSTRUCTION OF tMPROVEMENTS To complete m good and workman!�ke manner any Cu�ld+ng or�mprovementor �
<br /> repair rel3ting theroto wh�ch m�y be begun on such property o�cantempleted by the loan secured hefeby.to pay when due ti
<br /> 21lro5!S��+cft►ab!!►ties+n�s!riedther�fore,and.^.oti�p°rm�t�n,m;;chur.:c'�l;;;r.ugw,n;'�uc�pro;��rty Trast�rM!so:.g:�as. c43
<br /> . u'j
<br /> anythin� �n th►s Deed of Trust to the contrary notw�thstand�ng. {�� tv Qro+nptiy cammence ��ork ��nd ro completo Ihe . •.>
<br /> propo5etl improvements promptly. (h)to completo s�mt� m�'�c.cord�tnce w�th plan5 r�nd spec.�f�cat+ons as approved by
<br /> Benet�c�ary,{C)toGOmpiywlShallotthetermststar,ybuild�n3loarFagreY�cenibet�vec�nTru5lOr�ndBE�nefiCi�ry th�term�;uf
<br /> whiCh�rp mC�rpor,�ted hE�rCin by roferonCE�tU th�5arnt�exterit ts5�f tuity s:E��furRT hcrrE;in�nd mt�de �►part ot th�s �er�U ot
<br /> Trust. I d►tu��Itow F3�r�efiC��iry to inspec.t SuGh prpp�srty i�t (ul hmt�::ti:;r+r�q �,�;��tilrU�hns� ;�nC i t�r t�� re.����ac�•,l��y J�Urk ��r
<br /> ni�ten�IS uns�tisl,-ic,tory ta��;natic��ry, �nthir� hfi�en (1ti y d�iy� ��fter �vr�lt��r� nUbctt fr�_,ii� Eit�r.�•f c��+�„ �,+ �;�,c �� t;�t 1 sit��r:��
<br /> IIO��GC fflil�/tJf'(��Jl�,'h t�:i fllS�O!rl�'�!'tj�4(E•tE'C�(:`CPfUf�(•d n�.��t �:f'f���t�►t��,I�iS1 kt.��J1�' �I�jr1r� „r ���� : r�,,..�.� ���•���� ��i.�lh1• _�
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