_�- i+: 1 if.-ers��.�- •�r .:n: <s�nt�:•f� .�i7_ .5. ,.-y:- .fZ;U.SF�14��, `V./rilr'lr�y:'•« H ,•;�.� ._.71;�_ r ;�r .. .._ . }. .
<br /> -.._.� ...i} -.3�s a zn �p e -�n � .� •,i�,�. c..n ,F 7. 1�� r�Fj1�1�4�i•9�oilf�.i{1S Lt_� I+;_.;�.o .`� . �� .
<br /> '___ -..__ .. .. _. - . Yd.vA _.' .� .{ _ " _ — - . . ..
<br /> .... - . _: . ixri(i�;�(rt r(� l������it rY Y4��. i"'�-�R+,� ) - . .�4f�, - - --- - r � � •�.�+ - _
<br /> _- __ 1 ..i � . __ s_- : T ' _
<br /> f. .' .� ��i�i�..2.._�.... -.t--..�=— "' '.c -._ _ _ ____ ..__ ..__' _ ___
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<br /> ��---__ .. . . --- — -'_-` ----� . �--- --- _"'- _ ...
<br /> � � �
<br /> NnN•UNIFORM CC�VENAN7'S Bortc�wer ead Lender Purthrr covenant nnd agree as iblt�ws:�� �o��J (
<br /> !9. Aecekr�Naa; Remedie�. I.ende� s6�11 Rtre notice to eurroxe� prto� ta arcelentlon follo�inK Ho��oxr�•�
<br /> IKe�c�of u�covea�t or yeee�t ja lAi�Seca�ity In�tran+en!(but nat prior to�cceler�tlan unde�p�rsRn�hs 13�nd 17
<br /> �wle�a�lcxbk�se ees�Mes oll�ee+sl�e).TAe eaNc��sq�a�lty:(�)t6�delaalt;(t+!�h*er�inw �n1r.�:..�«� �w.
<br /> # ddarlt;Cc)a dats��wt ins t4�30 d��rs troin tbe�ate t!e�wtice ts�iren ta Borror►ee�by wAkA tMe det�nit�aust be cured;
<br /> ( aM(d}tiut hihre to cwre t�e dehult o�or betorc tre�t��ciAeille the�otke�}resalt tn�cerkntion ot fre w��
<br /> wc�4Y tMia��Ity I��t a�d ak at the Praperty,TMe natke sl�ali t�HAer idorw 9orrower o!the ri�Mt to .
<br /> reiNM�h�he��eceNtatlo�wi tik ri�t to brl��corrt setion to�aert the nowKxidewce of a deh�lt or ��y otl�
<br /> : ieh�e ot�roser ta�cceleratior u�ale.It tMc�IchMlt Is eeot cMred an ar betore die date slecifled i�the�atiee,I.e�er ,
<br /> N ib ortio�a�y n�Miro iwwediate My�t IN hll ot�11 w��ecwrcd by tMb 5ecarity I�tru�ent wltMout tu�tl�c�
<br /> i�d Mi�ny i�roice tl�pwer ot ale��a�y oNe�re�edks�ennitted by�lic�ble I�w.Le�der�all be eetitkd to
<br /> tellut �U e:�es i�cwrei i� �raf� tk rew�dia �ro�iied in t�b pariypra� 19.teciudt�: but not li�itd to.
<br /> . �rle Ntorncys'tees a�cab ot Htle e�iie�ce.
<br /> It Ne�owec o(s�le b i��oked,7�sree�all reeord t�otice o�ekh�tt ie each county in which asy put ot the
<br /> Pro�ertr b localM�i ilall a�ail coNie�ot�cY�wtice 1�He�aa�praeribed b�a�pUcybk law to BoROwer aai to the
<br /> � otMer�eno�i�ttacrilN by�1lca11e law.Atter tAe tt�ue�ired by ap�licable IaN.Tr�ata aihall are pwblic aotice of
<br /> ale to Hie�ao��i i�ttie�naN��rac�iber by a�tica6le law.Trwtee,wit6out dee��ed an Bonower,shall sell the
<br /> Pro�ty at�Mk�MCNos to the Mt�es!bidde��t ti�e tiwe Rnd place uid a�der the tenRS dcsi�ted in tbe�otica oT u�le in
<br /> o�e or wore p�rceM a�i t�a�y order Tr�tee detenaiNa.Tr�atee way post�aes ule ot�ll or a�y prrcel of the P�rope�ty by
<br /> � pbik M��ce�e�t�I NIE N�!�� �I�CE Ot�X �l�IOWIy fCllldYllll/�It. l.t�der or ib daig�te may pMrchsu tbe
<br /> Pro�etty Mt�y ale.
<br /> ' Up�recet�t of p�y�e�t ot tbe�ia bid, Tru�tee sWll deli�er to the prrchaser Tru:tes's deed co�reyi�g the
<br /> Pra�rtr.71e recitaM in tl�e 7rv:tee's deei sl�a116e pris�facie eride�ce ot the truth ot the statemcets re�de tLereia.
<br /> 7'r�tee dall aMiy tre�raceeas of tbe�ale ie tYe folbwtn�order.t�l to all ex�enies ot the sale.includiag,but uot li�itd
<br /> �o,Trwcee•s fea as�en�itted by�pplieabk Isw a�d res�osabk attorney�'teea;(b1 to all�ams secured by this Sec�rity
<br /> i�utnwe�t;a�i(cl oy e:eea to che�enon or oersoas{e�liy enHtkd to It.
<br /> 20. LeMler i�Pastulo�. Upon acccleratian under paragraph 19 or abandonment oP the Praperty, Lender (in
<br /> person,by aaent or by judiciaUy eppointed receiver)shs�U bc entiticd to cnter upon,�ake possession of and manage the .
<br /> Propecty and to collect the rents of the Property including thcne past due.Any rents c�llected by Lcnder ar�he recei�•er
<br /> sh�l1 be appticd 8nt to psyment of the cc,sts af managcmeat of the P�operty and collection af rrnts,including,but not
<br /> limite�f to, receiver's fecs, Qremr�s�r.s c�n rcceiver's bonds�sc�.�rcasonable nttorneys' fees.and tlien to the sums secured by
<br /> this Sccurity Instrument. ,
<br /> 21.Recoaaya�ee.Upon payment of u�l sums secured by thi�Security lnstrument.Lender shall request Trustce tu
<br /> rec�nvey the PropeESy�nd shall surrender this Security Instrument:u�c�all notes evidencing debt tiecured by this Secunty
<br /> Instrument to Tru�ta.Trustee shall recom�r}the Property without wa�ranty and w ithout charge t��he perwn or pers�r�s �
<br /> itgaily entitled to it.Such peison or persons shall psy an�recordatinn ecxts. ': .�
<br /> 2Z.SaOstitttte Ttt�slte.l,enacr.at iis option,may f:om t�me ta time remove Tructc�end ap�af nt o succ�.�r truste2
<br /> toany Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which th�s Security lnstrument ic recordrei. �
<br /> Without eomeyanee of the Property,Ihe successar trustee shall succeed to all the t�lie. power a.nd duties conferred upon =-
<br /> Trusta herein and by applicable law. =_
<br /> 23. Rqre�t [or Notiea. Borrower requests th�t cop�ec c�f'the notices of defaulc and ssle be sent t�s Borrow�r's
<br /> �ddress which is thc Propeny Addre�s.
<br /> t�.Riden to tbis Sec�rity l�t�u�eet.If one or more r�derc are e�ccuted by Horrnwer and recotded tngethcr vrceh
<br /> this Security instruresrnt,the covmants�nd ugreemem�of cach such r�der shall be�ncor�rated m�o and shall amend as�d
<br /> zuppkment th+e covenants snd aaraments of th�� Stcurity lnstrwnent as �f the nder(s) a•ere a pan uf this Secunty
<br /> Instrument.[Check applicuble boa�(ea)J
<br /> � � Adjustable Rate Ridu �' Candommium Rider '�� 2-4 FsmQy Rider ___
<br /> C (3raduited Paymcnt Rider � Pl�nned Umt De��elopment R�atcr
<br /> [� Uther(s) [specif}�
<br /> ���
<br /> �
<br /> BY S1GN11G 8��c�w�, &�rrow�r accerts and agrers to the terms and re��enants canta�ncd m th�s S=cunty
<br /> Instrument and in any ndrr(s)eaeruted by-R�ernwer nnd recardeci wah�t
<br /> �
<br /> ,i � �
<br /> ...,� �
<br /> .�3Z..�. of '"t�'1 ,:�'-�
<br /> ......................... ...... ........ . . (Seal)
<br /> . . .. . . .
<br /> ames L. Miller , -����w«
<br /> ,�, �v
<br /> . -,
<br /> ll/�% �AJ /.°r� �fi/
<br /> ...................... ,;arv -r ,.,-- �ira.-� c- (�G3�)
<br /> .
<br /> . BetL�Jb Millea- . -�,�o��
<br /> 5rnt� ut M tsKn�ti�. Nall t „:�n�� •.��
<br /> On Ihir 2$th �lat ai �lune . I�+90 . h�•t��«� ,���. �h�• iimicn�r��c�1, :� 1ul��t� 1'i�h{��
<br /> dulycc,mmi5�ionrd andc�ual,t�,:�1 t�,r �.�id.�,urity. {�r��vn:�ll. ,.ur��� J�rnos L. !liller �nd 8etty JO ''liller,
<br /> ,__ ._---
<br /> each. ij� �115 and her OY:n right� 3f1(� 85 S�JOU5E.' af @8Cf1 OLt1�I' . ��� ���i l�tin+�1� I�� h� li��
<br /> Ittcntlt:ll (•ctct�it{�j t�h��tii• n:�tnrl�l atr �ul��:tthc�i 1�� thc' t���:.r�+nu� in,Iruinii,: �u::l ���kiii���lrJi�c�! Ihc ckr�u:n�n
<br /> t►tc�rcuf Ic, i�r their �nli��it,ir� .�.s .,n.t .Ic�•�I
<br /> «���nr�.iiiy ii�uiJ .�it�f �;.�•,,:�,�I�c.d,it Grand Island t Nebrask3 �n •<�i,� .��,uit�, i±��
<br /> tlatr afarc�:►i�i.' �
<br /> s . �
<br /> .
<br /> � tiM1> t i»n►u��.utin cti,uc,. •-j '. '� , �. . • , �
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