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<br /> Uhli'URM COV�NANTS F�orrowCf ARd LCIICICf CO�'CilAtll:111Q SI�fCf tiC 1(�Il�ttiti• �Y"'�
<br /> . i. P�yment oi 1'�Inclp�l p�d Intere�t;P�ep�yme��t�nd I.�te Chxrges. B��rro�ver shall promptly pay N•hcn dur
<br /> the princi�l of And interest an the dcbt evidenced by the Note and any��epaym�nt and late cha�ges due under the I`ote.
<br /> 2. ���5 for T�xa�d Inaur�tnce. Subject to applicatsle low•or to u w�rilten uui�er b��Lcnder,Horrower shall pay
<br /> i�t,���3,.:�n::s:��}zta�thl3 psyttt:s:i��ze dae un�!_*the I'�irtr.a•��il rhe Note ic naid in ful1,a cum("�unds")equAl tn
<br /> t�x-twelRh ef (A) yearly taxes and as�es.smtats which may Attain pri��rity o�•�r this Security lnstrumes�t; (b) yearl}
<br /> lt�seho}d p�ymtnts or ground rents �n the Property, if any; (c) yrurly hazard insurance premiums; and (d) t'earl�
<br /> morip�e iusunnce premi�ms,if t+ny. These items are celled"escraw items."L,ender may estimate the Funds due on the
<br /> bwii of cutrent data�n�i reasonxblo estimates af futu�e rscraw items.
<br /> ' The Funds shail be hetd in an institution the deposits or accounis ai'which are insured or guaranteed by a Pederal or
<br /> . st�►te��ency(includin�[.endtr iP I.ander is such an lnstitution). Lender shall apply the Funds ca pay the escrow items.
<br /> ; I.eeder may nat charge for holding snd�pplying the Funds,�nalyzing the accaunt ur vzrif}ing the escrow items, unless
<br /> Lendtr piys Horrower intecest on the Funds�nd spplicable law permits Lcndcr to make such a charge. Borrower and
<br /> ; Lendtr may��ra in writing that inttrest shall be paid on the Funds. llnless un agreement is made or applicable law
<br /> � roquirey interest to be paitl,Lender shall not be requircd to p�y Horrawer a�y interest ar earnings on thc Funds. Lender
<br /> shall pve to Borroveer,without cls�rge.nn annuil accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpose for which wch debit to the Funds v�as made.The Funds are pledgcd as additional securitv ferr the sums securcd by
<br /> . this Security lnsirument.
<br /> lf'the amount of the fiunds held by LCnder,tc�gether with the future monthly payments of Funds payablc prior to
<br /> the dtte dates of the escrow items,shall exceed the amount required to pay the escrow items when due.the excess shall be.
<br /> �t Harrower's option,either promptly repaid ta Borrowet or credited to Borrower on monthly payments of Funds. iP the �
<br /> � amount of the Funds held by Lender is nat suff�cient to pay the escrow items when due, Borrower shall pay to Lendcr any
<br /> amount necasary to make up the deficiency in one or more pa�ments as required by Leuder.
<br /> Upon payment in full of dl sums secured by this Secarit��Instrumcn�, Lendev shall promptly refund ta Iiorrower
<br /> any Funds held by Lender.If under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or acquired b��Lender.Lender shall apply,no later
<br /> than immediately prior to thc sale oP thc Property or its acquisition by Lender.any Fuc�ds held by Lender at the time of
<br /> � applicxtion ss a credit against the sums secured by this Security lnstrument.
<br /> 3. ANIkatloa ot P�yn�teta. Unless applicable taw pr�vides Mherwise,all paymenis recectied by l,ender under
<br /> pangraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:flrst,to late charges due under the Note;sccond,to prepayment c�harges due under the
<br /> Note;third.to xmounts payable under paragraph 2;founh.to interest due;and last.ta pnncipal due.
<br /> 4. Charga;Lien�. Borrower shall pay all tax�, as.�essm�nts,chars�,fin�and impositions attributable to the
<br /> Prupeny whirh may attain priarity ovcr this Security Instrumc.�r�t. and Eea�ehotd paymer►ts or ground rents. if any.
<br /> Borrower shall psy thest obligatiom in thc n�anner providc.�d io paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Bormuer shall ,
<br /> psy them on time directis to thc peru�n nwed payment.Borrower shall prompt ly furni�h to Lender all notices nf amounts ,
<br /> to be paid under this paragraph. li Ac�rrower makcs these payments directly,Bnrrowcr shall promptly furnish to Lender
<br /> receipts eviAencing the payme�ts.
<br /> Bonov�er shall pr�mptly di�charge any lien which has priarity m�er this Secunty Instrumrnt unle.s Borrower:(a) _
<br /> agrees in writinE to the pay�ent of the obligation secured by the lien in A manner acceptabte t�i.ender:le�ec�rttests in gex�a -_ -
<br /> faith the lien by,or dcfcnds against cnfotcement ot'thc licn in,legal pra:cedings which in�he l,cnder's apinion operate to .
<br /> prtvent the rnforcement c►f'the li�n or forfeiture of any part of the I'roperty;ur(c)secures f'rom the hotdcr�f the lien an
<br /> ' agretment sutisPaetory to Lender subordinating the I►cn to this Secunty Instrument.lP i_ender determines that a�iy part�P =--
<br /> . ihe Proprrty is subjeet to a lien which may attain priority ovec this Secunty Intitrument, l.,ender may g���e I3c��rnwer a .
<br /> notice identifying the li�n.Barrae+ver chaU satisfy the lien or take unr�r more�f the acaonti set forth nbo��e within 10 days
<br /> of the giring of notice. '�—
<br /> S. Hsstrd Ins�ra�ce. Bottou•er shall keep the�mpro�ementc n��w c�isting oc hrreafter crected on the Property �
<br /> insured sgainst lass by fire,hazatds included w•i�hin the term"e�tended cnverage":end ar,}nther haxardc fi�r wh�ch l.eneler
<br /> ' requires insurance. This insutance �hal! be maintained in the amounts and fi�r thc �seri�x35 that l.ender reyu�res. Thc
<br /> insuranee earrier providing the insurance shall F�e cho�en by i3orrower �u'�ject tc. i.ender'c apprv�a! w•hich shall not be
<br /> unreasonably withhcld.
<br /> All insurance policies and renewal� shall �e acceptable tc� Lender and sh:,ll�nclude a st:�ndard rn�ngagr clau+e.
<br /> Lender sE�al)hs►ve Ihe right ta hold thc pohcies and renc��als. if ixnder rcyuires.t3orro�•er�hall prnm�t ly g�ve t�+ l.ender
<br /> all receipts of paid prcmiums and renewal nnt�ccs. In the evcnt of Icns.Aorr�wer chall g��c��rnmpt notuc tn the inturancc
<br /> cacrier and l.ender.Lender may make proof of lo�s if nut made promptli b} Borrow cr. ��
<br /> Unless l.endrr and l3orrow�er atherw��se agrce m w•ntmg.�n�urance prureeJti rh.iil hc apphecl t��restnraU��n c�r repai� ��
<br /> of the Prapeny damaged.�f'the restarahon or repair�s ecc�nomically feasibte and I.endrr'.r secunty is not Iessened IP the
<br /> restoratic�n<sr rcpair is n��t ecanomTCally fws�ble or l,ender'�secur�ty ��•��uld tx Ic�scne�i, �lt�mcurance pr�xeeds tihall he
<br /> applied to the sums serurod by thi�S��curity imtrumcnt, whcther ��r n��t then due.w�th an� cxccss paid t��t3<�rr�uer. if
<br /> Barmwer abaudons the Property.or dtxs not ans�wer with�n?0 da��a r..�ttce fr��m I cndcr that the intiurance carrter ha�
<br /> offered to seule a cla�m,then Lender rna��cc+llect the mtiur�ncc pnx-eeds Lrnder ma�u�c the�+n�:e�dt t��re�air ar resture
<br /> the Property or to pay�ums secured by thas Sccunty In�trument. whether�r not thcn �ue �he ?0•day pcn�sd will beg�n
<br /> whcn thi�otirr ic gi+.en
<br /> C�n;ess l.cndcr and l�rrowcr<�ihcru�sr.agrec in���nt::��.snL applicat�on of prcxccdti to�nnrt�+ai�:�n{i m�t r�Fcnd�tir
<br /> postpone tht duc datr of'the ntanthly pa)ment�refrrred to�n��ra�;raph� E rind :ctr rh;�ii�;e thc anu�um iyf'thr{+ay rncnh If
<br /> under paragr:�ph 19 the Prut±ertc �s aryuireei t�� l.endrr, F3nrr��.trr"ti ngF.'tc�:►ny�nrurance p.+hcieti tuid rr��ceed�rr�tiltm�
<br /> Prom damage to the F'rope��ty pn�.r to the acyu�sic�cm tihaU pas+t��l.encier t��the exten�uf thr wum�tircured h} tFi��c�unic
<br /> instrumcTil immediately pnc�r to the.a�'yuiti�itt�n
<br /> 6. Pceserv�tion and lfatntenstnce nf�'roQerty:l.easeholds. I;��rr�+µ•cr�hall n��t�tc�tmy.dama�;c�+r,,:i�ytantially
<br /> chan�e the 1'rci�cty�, allow thc 1'mpert�� te� dctenurutr ��r cornm�t ��a+te IF thi� Sriurity� Iri+trumcni ►���r. :+ ieatiehnld.
<br /> 8ottrw•er�hall rump�y wnh thet�i•c,+�,�on<<�f the lca�e.anc!if H«rn,ucr ary��irc•�fcr i�tle t���he F'r�,rrrlt,�he Ira�ehi�ld anJ .--_-_-_---
<br /> fec tittc 4ha11 no!mergc unir��1 c�tidcr agrcc.ti��hc mrrgc� m w rinn z
<br />, �. Protection at [.cndcr's RiKhts in Ihc 1'ropert�•; �tort�a�e In.rurunrc. 1! H��rr„urr teii� t� ;:rf��rrn thc
<br /> cmenant�and agrccmcr�t�c.nnl.unrd in thiy�c�uru� Imirurr.cnt.�n shcrr i..+Ir�,�E pn�Lr.Jir!�:th.�1 rn.i. ��}:nih,.u�ily .�t�c�t
<br /> Lender't t�gt�t� �n the Pr„rertt Isuch .+�e �r�y.•redm�t �r► hinAniPt�}. rrrh.�tr. t��r �„�icfcn���.�n �n ,�r i��rr�tnr.e t.ta. ��i
<br /> tegulaticros?.tl�eu i ender m:ey Ji�anJ t�a�f��r«h.�te�cr i�nrcr��ar� te�pn+tc:t t i,r�.�lue� t thc i'n�rrrt� .,nd 1 endrr'••riy�ht�
<br /> in thc Prt>�+crt} Lcndcr'� urtion• iltali'IlIC�I{V{t'(�d\iflf?.Ut� �Itfit��c'iUfG'lj f`Y .: �ICfI t\�I1��� f�.�♦ J�th�71(� c»Cf 1�71ti ��Cllfit`- �
<br /> � Instrumcnl.:tppPanei�Itt r�}u[I.(+:ty�t�N tra�t+tiahic�+Ur1'ti�t�r'f�:r..�nil cr��er�iiF „n thr I't ��+ct�'. I��m.il�r rc{�a�t� 11�iu�ut*t� �
<br /> l.endcr r►�ay t.ikc.�rt�,�n un�lcr�hi���ar.��;r.i�h'.1 rn�er cli,r�nut h.i�c t���t���.� �
<br /> Any ur«��unt.Ji°.hur�cdhy I rradcr unilcr ih��r.ir.+t;r.,rr� y.i-r.�!I r::*�•,��: ��!�i�t���.,.ci�li•nt,�i H�•r�.�urr�r.uir�S t�� tfu. !
<br /> Sriunt. Imiruitte•nl l�i�irti+Fi��trn«e•r ,uiil 1 rrnlrt .�Z�rt•e te���iher trtm� �•t►•.nr,�c�,T tii:��.u���•,;nt,.h.iil h;.,t u:�rrc-.�h� r�� h
<br /> lt�e date ��(�t�rl�ut.:'ment .,1 thc '�ntr ir.tr .�nd �ir.�lt hr ��.n,�r•��• �.�uh �n�.�: ,t ��. ,. •�, �;.. I�,�e� ! rr„I,� i.. !{. �,�•�: � �
<br /> �n
<br /> tc•tµcc�.►m��+.i�uiri�� �--
<br /> _...�
<br />