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<br /> ��� �.Q3S��
<br /> UNI(�URM COYENAM'S. Bo�eawer«nd Lende�Covenant�nd aarce�s fotlaws:
<br /> L l�111t�!�!�f P!t...r���--a*-'- •�
<br /> �r�»�+■•.e�s��'**M�r�peatt sai i.�te C11w►�es, 8arrnwcr shall pramptly ps}� when due
<br /> ( the principi!atand interat an the debt cvidtnctd by ihe Note and any prep�yment and lats charges due under the Nate.
<br /> � 2- Fwilr f�c'7'aftt�e�M t�ce. Subject to:pplicab�e 1aw ar to a wntten waiver by Lcnder.gorcowe�shall p�y
<br /> t°Lrnde*on the day mcmthly p�yments�re dae under�iie iVote, until the Note is paid in!ull,a sum ("Funds")equ�l�o
<br /> one•t�velltb v': (a�.yarly wces a�i ��psments which may att:in priarity nver this Security Instrumenr (b) yearly
<br /> latehold payments or�mund rents on the Propeny, iF aey; (c)yearly }�azard insunnce premium�; and (d) yearl
<br /> n�ort�a�e insurance premlum�.if at�y.Thae items are c�lkd"escrow ;tems."Lender msy estia�ate the Funds due on the
<br /> b�sis d'cunent�ta and reasonabk estimates of future escraw iterns.
<br /> , T�e Funds shall be held in sn in�titution the dep�osits ar accounts oP which are insured or�uarantaed by a fedetai or
<br /> ���l►(����t�.�der if Le��er is suc1�an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow items.
<br /> ��m�y"°��lwrye fa holdini and applyins the Funds,snstyting the�ccaunt or ventying the esetorv items,unless
<br /> I.trckr p�ys Borrower interat on the Funds and appliable!�w permits I,ender to mslce such a charee. Barrowe�and
<br /> I.eeder a�ay ajroe in writin�lhat interat ahall be paid on the Funds. Unless an agreement is made or applicable law
<br /> �ra Mtet�t W be p�id.L.ender shall not be requirod to pay 8ottower �ny interat or arninas on the Funds. Lender
<br /> �11�ive to Hott+o�ver.without char�a,an�nnwl accountin�af the Funds sh�wing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpae for Mhieh each debit to the Funds�v�s made The Funds are pledged u additional security for the sums securM by
<br /> thi�Socwity Instrument.
<br /> • If the�n�ount oithe Funds held by l,ender. to�ether with t�e future monthly psyments of Funds payable prior to
<br /> the due datn oithe peruw items.shsll exceed the amount required to p�y the escraw items when due.the excess shall be,
<br /> �t�o�mwe��s option.e+thet promptly rep�id ta Bonorver Qr crodited to Bc�rrower an monthly payment�of�unds.lf the
<br /> amount d'the Funds held by t,cnder is not sufficirnt to p�y the escrow�tems when duc,Borrawer sh�ll p�y to l.ender any
<br /> amount neces�ary to malce up the deAcicncy in one or mare paymee�ts�s requued by Lender.
<br /> Upon payment in full af a11 sums secured by Ihis Security[nstrument. Lender shaq promptly refund ta Borcowrer
<br /> •ny Funds held by I.ender.lf undier pars�nph 19 the Properly is sold ar Acquired by Lender�L.ender sha1)sppty,no later
<br /> than in�need'utely prior to the sale of the P�operty or its acquisition by Lcnder,any Funds held by Lee�der at the timG of
<br /> application ast cr=dit a=aient the sums secured by thix Security Instrument.
<br /> 3• A//flatio�at Pay�b. Unku appl�cable law pravida otherwise,�11 pa�•mrnts received by Lender under
<br /> p�ri►�raphs t and 2 sl�ali be appli�d:ARt.to late chu�a due under the Notr:second,to prepayment chsr6es due under the
<br /> Notr.third.toamounts p�yabk unde�panaraph 2;taurth,to interest dae;and lut,to principal due.
<br /> �• �1�eM�1�e�. Horrower sha11 pay a!1 aza,usessments, cha�ges,fiees and impositions attributable ta the
<br /> Property wrhich may attain priarity over this Secunty Instrument,and Ieasehold paymenta or around rents, if any.
<br /> -- - �fT011rtf S�i��j�y(�1CSQ l�1{1�h0�f'i tt11�1C mann�r�f�[AViMt!in nnra��.�h� ..; ���....,..:.a.., o----
<br /> - r---o�-r••—�� i ^w yo.v•v i�iii�Tiifii�cF,ovtrvwtT3ftat� . ._;,_
<br /> p►y fhem ae E�ne dirxtly to the perzon aa;ed payment,Barroxer shdl promptly iurnuh to l.ender a!I notices of smounts
<br /> to be p�id under thia ps�raph. If gorrower mskes�hese paymencs directty, Borr�wer�hall promptly fumish to Lender
<br /> receipts evidencina the payments.
<br /> Bonower shalt promptly dischuae�ny lien which has pnonty over th�s Secunty �nstrument unlesc Borrower:(a)
<br /> arr+ea in wrritin�to the p�Yment of the obli�ation sacurod by the tirn�n a m�naer accepqble ta l.rnder;(b)contats in goud -
<br /> fiith th�litn by,ot defends.aEainsi eatotcsment at the I�en�n,leEsl proceM�nas whuh�n the i.ender'c opm�on operate to '
<br /> prevmt the eeforeemrnt of the lien or forfeiture oF any prrt of the Property:or(c)secures from the holdev of the I�en an
<br /> �r+eemau s�tid'actory to Lender subordinatirta the l�en to this Secunty lnstrumrnt. If Len�er determines thst any part of
<br /> the PropeRy is subjact to�e I�en which may atta�n pnonty nver th�s Secunty Instrument, Lender may give&mower a
<br /> notica identifyin�the lien.8orroxer ahaU s�at�sfy the iien or taQe one or more of the utions ut forth above w�th�n 10 days
<br /> of the pvina nf eotice.
<br /> S. Has�ri Iaw�iuee. Borrower sAall keep the improvc�nents now eaist�ng or htreafter errctM on the Propeny
<br /> �nsurod aaainst bu by 6re,haurd>>ncluded rvithin the term"eatrndedcoverage"and any other hazards for wh�ch Lender
<br /> reqwres insutance. 't'his inxurance shall be ma�ntainod in thr amounts end far the penads that Lender reQwres. The
<br /> ��wrance carrier providinj the�nsuranet shal! be c�osen by Borrower sub1ect to L,ender's approval which sha11�ot be
<br /> unra�on�bly with6eld.
<br /> Aq �nsur�ece policies xnd rcnewr�is shall be aceept�ble to L.ender and sh�ll �nriude a standard mortgage ciause. �
<br /> i.endsr shall have�hs riaht to hold thc pc�l�c�es and renewals. If I,ender requ�res.Borrawer shall promRtfy g�ve to Lender
<br /> all receipts of paid premiutns and renewal not�ces.ln the event of loss,!3a►ttov►er shall g�ve prompt nat�ce to the msursnce
<br /> c�met and I.eeder•i,ender mtay maice prc�of'Af lcns if not m�de prampt ly by E�orrower.
<br /> Untesc Lender and Bo�rower uthrfw�se aEree m wnt�nE,rnsurance proccecls shall be appl�cd tn«ctoration ar repair
<br /> of the Propert}damsged,if Ihe restoratFan or reparc�s eronorn�cally� feas�ble and Lcnder's serunty�s not lessened. lf the
<br /> rd�toration or rr�a�r is not ecortomically�fsasibte or l.ender's secuney would be lasened, the msurantt proceeds sh�ll be
<br /> appliM to the�urm sertt�td by tts�s 5es�,;itq lnstrurr,rnt, Rhether or nue then du�, +r�th an}t.+�ess�� so 8.zt:aurt. tf
<br /> 8acro�ver sbarfd�ns the Propeny,or docs not answer+���thin �0 d�ys a nouce from t,ender that the�ns�trance carner has
<br /> olferad tosettks rlaim,theR Lender may rollect the Fnsurance prnrrrds. Lender may use th�procreds to repa�r or restore
<br /> the Property or to p�y sums secured by th�s Secunty Instrument,whether or n�t then due The 30-day pent�d�►�1!begin
<br /> Mhen the notice is siven.
<br /> Unkss l,ettder and Borrowe�athenvise agree�n wntmg,any oppl�caluFa of pr�x:ceds to pnncipal shall nol estend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly�aymenls referred to in paragraphc i and 2 nr rhangt the amount nf the payments If
<br /> under S►aragraph 19 the Propeny is acqu�red by l.ender.Borrower's r�ght to any�nwrance i+c�Le;ies artd pre�ceeds resuihng
<br /> from damage to the Property prior to the acqws�ti�n shal!pas�ta I,enrfer tothe rx�ent of the.umc serured hy th�s Secuntd
<br /> r'.=i---=-.
<br /> ns�rument�mmed�ately pnor to the acqu�smon
<br /> �. �Yeser�atton tnd'.11alntenanre of Properiy;l,easeholds. Horsow�r shall nc�t deStnry,cf;�mage c�r�uhstant�ally
<br /> ch�rtge the Propeny, all�w the property to detenorate or commi� waste If th�5 Secun;} in�trument i� cm d leatiehuld.
<br /> Borrower shal!comply w�th the ptrn�s�nns of thr leatie,and if Horrower acywrr,fre titJe���the Nrc�pert},tt�e leatich<�td and
<br /> fa tttk shell not merge unless l.ender agrers�o the mcrger u�w nting
<br /> 7. Protcctlon ot Le9sder•a Rights in tAe Proptrty: '�tortgaqe tasurance. tf Harrc�wer fsil+ t�� F+erfurm the ��
<br /> coven�nts and agreements conta�ned�n ih�s Secunt� Intitrument,nr t�err��+a l�gat prexeeding that may s�,qmficantly afTect �
<br /> Lender's rtghts in ehe Property (such as a pnKCC:fic►g �n bankruphti, prc.�batc, fcsr condcmnanon ��r �r cnfi�r�e law� or , �
<br /> regui�ttons),then l,endu may daand pay for whate►er �c ncces�ry tn�ruteci t he�alue��f the Propersy nnd [.ender'.ngh�� s
<br /> �n the Proper�} i,es�dre's a:tirns may inctude �a4•�ng ;�n� tiuml �ec4r�vi t+y ,� hcn un��h h�, pn:,r�ty ��.er ti�i� SP,uruy r`�
<br /> Instrumcu►f. ap�canac an courc.��ayu,�re� � �,►,N ►�,.� ';�:; �tA:
<br /> �n_ l. a... ne;s an� c�ic�u��c �•�� ti�r F'��,�;rr� tr�n�.�1�c rr�•.�u� al1h���;gh s�t�
<br /> l.cn�er may tnke bctic►n under th�c rarasraph%,l cndrr di�es n«t ha�e t,�d�� �.,� �•.
<br /> Any amuuntsciisburced h} t enJer e�nder th«}�;.ar�graph "�halt t+c�.•mc ad�l�ri,•i,.,l,!r+�� .•r lt.�r�r.u�: �r�.u►ed h� tfiiti
<br /> `�tCUnty In�irur��ent l'n1e5ti Hnrrnwer,ind y ender,�Frrr tn��ther term�1�(!',y�(+ie•t„ If1C�f Jfi�� ❑i�'���i.i���'.!!If�'Pff�I�C��YT�
<br /> Ehe dat� ��f ciwhut5:mens .�t rhr `,,tc r.�tc• ,�nd �h�l! hc �.i�,eric ����t, u �cr.•,� ,,�,.•,. n:�i�.r �r,�,�� ! •,�,E:•. � �t •rn,:�c•�
<br /> rey�e;st�ng p:��mcnt
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