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<br /> , . . Amount ot Fin!GMt+lrase�t�-.�ts.�_ Amaan!of Oth��[n�lmenta��..QO...--.
<br /> ' Talal o�!'�►y�a�►ta i i.�. Fint InKalnNnt Due ll�t� Au�st 3 �IA�Q.,
<br /> � Numb�ro[Mont�hly IaN�lment� ag . Final in�talm�ne i�e i�te �� X 3,lo..�
<br /> : � �rt�ts a�ESa.o��nevs�r, �.a�. en�. 28 a.�► or ._..�lun�..._ , i�_9.�,
<br /> , b.�w..;, _, �Greaory D. ChinQren and P���y A_ Chin�„�n� hy an ,�p i �ifa .
<br /> . �
<br /> ' wt�o.s m�,t�,��tnM. �. _ 821 k. Louise Grand Island, NE 6eaaL
<br /> ..... .
<br /> � ,,.�r�,,.�, John Cunn�lnaAam
<br /> ��,.,,,,��;,,�� ;� 22� �A. Cedar .. . x ran Tland,N�b�S6� -""
<br /> • , ,u'Pni�t�. uid N�r�t F�nanci�l N�bnuka. Inc.� wha�s mailins addreN ii N. Od_� ��
<br /> , P_Q_ Bnx 1�7� crand �Ie�end. NE 68802 , .s MMtk��ry.
<br /> � VYlTNB9$E'fH.74u�ton hert�by drtevoably.gr;nt,bugdn,�ep, end convey to Tru�tes in tniet,wlth porrer of Mle,th« fo1loNln�d�•
<br /> �crib�d praperty in - _H8�1 _ County. Nebraeka:
<br /> West K of Lot Three (3), and all of Lot Four �4). Block Three (3). Wiebe's Addition
<br /> , to the City of Grdnd Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> ;
<br /> ; '
<br /> � Together wlth tenemtnt�,hereditamenta, end appurtenancee thereunto helonging o�in�nywi� appert�inin�and tha rent�,i�rw��nd
<br /> • pmfits thereof: . ;
<br /> 1 Tltis oonveyance is intended for the pur�x�e of eecuring the p�yment to Benefici�ry ot Trwtors'promiewry ttiote of even daW ln the '
<br /> � anwnnt afat�d�bove a�"Total of PAymente". S�id 'Total af Paymenta"ie rep�yabie in the number ot monthly inatalnKnt��t�d dtiove.
<br /> � The a:nount of We inatalment p�yments due on aaid Iwn ie etated�6ove. The firet and trul in�talment due date�on�aid lwn are�tatrd
<br /> ---- - aMvr_[1w l.w.w,l..._.....1�:..•.t.........: . ......�a..... i�_e.�. :- --�-'-- --•---•----- • •• — -- - — -
<br />. . _.—..- .- -�-- - -v`T`�•-•-'-�-•.••••� ... . .Si 3:j:�:iiw3T..w.a�.i ....o: .c�wi��s��r u�wwm6 rny YuJ'mc�t an�;�. �i stte isette�icq��r7�tiOt1 - - � -��___.. �
<br /> and witiwut notice ar delns�nd,rendcr th�entire unpaid batenoe of�aid io�n at once due�nd payabie,ite��ny required rebate of ch�r�e� I�--�
<br /> To protect the�ecurity of thia Ueed of Trt�at,Truator mven�nte aad o�reea: �`--
<br /> 1. To keep the property in Rood condition and rrpair, to permit no wa�te the�of; to mmplete eny buildinx,etructurr or impmrcment
<br /> befaa 6uilt or aboat W be built thereon;to reatore promptly an,y building, etnrcture or improverr�ent therron which msy be dama�ed or
<br /> datroyed;and W eotnply with all law�,ordinancri,r�egult�tians,covenanta,conditian�and rc�trktione R(fectinR the property.
<br /> 2.To p�,y 6aCore delinquent al)law1fut tata aod as�essmenta upon the property:to keep the propeKy free�nd cte��of�II other ch�rRe�,
<br /> liens or eneumbra�itnpniriog the oecurity of this Iked of Trmt. ,.
<br /> S. To k�ep d) M�itdings now or hereattee ereeted on the property deocnt,ed htrein continuou�ly imured aRain�t 1�by fire or other
<br /> � hasardt In an artwunt not le�s ttun the total debt eecured by this f)eed of Trust All poticue ehall be held by the Fkneficiary, �nd he
<br /> ; in �uch eomp�nies aa the &ne[iciary may approve and have loss payeble firot w the Henefic�nry ae ita mtercet msy arpr.ar and Shen
<br /> , W the TrusWr.The amount oollected under any inavrnnce polity may be appliai upon eny ��debtedness her�by qrcurcd in nurh ordrr ny
<br /> the B�neticiary shal) determine. Such�pplication by the Benefiaary ehall not cauee d�econt�nu�nce of�oy proceed►np W fontiak thu
<br /> . Iked oiTrust or curo or aeive any deftult or notK�e of default or�nval�date any act done purauant to euch nM�oe. !n the event uf foreelo�ure.
<br /> , all rights o!'the 7�ustor in insurance policiee thes in Corce ehall paas W the purchreer et the foreclosure Ralc
<br /> • 4. To obtai�►the written wnsent of Beneficiary btfore �ellitu,conwyinR o�othervviee tranafemng the propeety or an�p�rt thercof and
<br /> , any euch eale,rnnveyance o�tranater withaut tI►e&en�Aciar�'e wnttetl ca�wnt ahell conet�tute a d�fault under the terme hereof .
<br /> b.7b defend any action or proceetl�ng puryort�ng 2a a�fect the security htreoPor the nghte or powers of Eieneficiary ur Truetre , �
<br /> ; 6. 3hould Trusto►fa�! to pny when due eny tases,neseaementq, ineurance prem�uma. Itenr,encumbrences or ather charqea e��mx! the �ro
<br /> propetty herr.inabo�e deecribed, fkneficiary may pay thr name. A�d the amount so pAid, w�th inter�t at thr rate e+et foHh �n the note
<br /> eecured hercby,ehall be added to ard M�tomc fl part of fhe debt xecured�n thir I)ced nf Truat oe permitted by InN.
<br /> 1. In the event any portion of the property ia taken or dnmogrd in nn emment doms�n procerdmg, the rnt�rr rimaunt of the� aw•xrd ,�
<br /> or euch portion therrof as may be neoeesRary ta futly saUsfy the abliKat�on secured hereby, ehall he pa�d to Firnrfir+ary to hr apphrd to
<br /> tsaid obligatio�.
<br /> 2. Ay nctp�+t.�t�;;�nyment ol'aar�4tm�curt�c!hereby s4ter:ts dsse s�asc. IIsnr&e:sr�dc;.:aat fi:iitFF{t.:r:�ht ic r�uirr F+�.r..pE pnrrnrni
<br /> whee due of all othe�sums eo secutcd or ta dr_rinre deTault tur failure to�u pay
<br />• 3. `I'�ee 7Yuatee ahall rlconcey aiD or any part of the property covered by thie !)eed of Tru9t to the yPre�n�nUtled theretu, on wnttr�i
<br /> requeet of the 1'ruatnr and the I3eneficiary, or upon sabsfact�on of th�ubl�Kahon secured iind w•r�nen request for rrcon�eya�ncF� mnde• hy
<br /> the Beneficinsy or tlne pereon entitled thereto
<br /> 991 GW(NF1
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