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<br /> � 90-== 103819
<br /> ii�ender requircu mortgage insurancc us n condition af makin� ihe luw�,ccurcu i►y ihis Security instrument,
<br /> �� Rarrawcr shall pay th�premiums�rquirect to maintain ihc insuranre in effect until such fime as thc reqnitcment for the
<br /> � i�sur�nce terminates in accordance w�ith�arrov►er's and Lender's v►ritte�agreement or appiicable law.
<br /> , S. I�eetiotr. Lender or its xgr��t n�p n��ke reasonabte entries upon and iuspectioas of the Pn��rty. l.e��der �
<br /> shpll givr li�irrower notice at Ihe time af or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable causr for the inspection.
<br /> : 9. Coede�n�atlon. The proceeds of eny award ar cl�im for dumages,dirrct or consequGntial,in connection with
<br /> any condemnstion or other taking of any part �E'the P�aperty.or for can�•eyance i� lieu of condemnatio�. ore hereby
<br /> t assis�ed�nd shsll be paid ta Lender.
<br /> � in the event of a total taking of the Property. �he procceds shall be applied to the sums secured by this S�x�urity
<br /> � lnstrumenl.whether or not then due.with any cxcas paid to Aorcower. [n the event oPa partial taking of the P�operty,
<br /> � unkss Borrower�nd Lender otherwise�gree in w riting,�he sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by
<br /> � the amount of the procerds multiplied by the following 1'raction:(a)the total amount of thr sums secured immediately
<br /> � txfore the taking,dividod by(b)the fair market value of the Property immcdiately before tha taking.Any balance shal)be
<br /> ( paid to Barrower.
<br /> � If the Praperty is sbandaned by Borraw�.�,c-ii'. aftc•natice`+y �.ender ro Bosrow•er that the condemnor offers tu
<br /> j make an award or settle a clAim for damages.Borrowcr fails tu respan�to:..ende, ��ithin 30 days after the date the aotice is
<br /> J siven,Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its optian,either to restaration or repair of the Property or
<br /> ' ; to the sums secured by this Security Instrument.whcther or not then due.
<br /> � Uniess Lender and Borcawer otherwise agrte in writing,any application of'proce�dc to principal shall�at eatend or
<br /> ; postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in pArag�aphs 1 and 2 or ch�ngc the amount af such payments.
<br /> ; 10. 8onc►wtr Not Rekaad; Forbearance By I.�nde� Not a K'�irer. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> � madificatian of amartization of the sums secured by this Sccurity Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in
<br /> interat of Botrower shall not operatc ta relcasc the liahility of the ariginai Horrowcr or 8orrowcr'�successors in interest.
<br /> , l.ender shsll nat be required to cammenre proceedings against any suc�essor in interes� or reiose to extend time for
<br /> t p�►yment or otherwise mudify amonization of�he sums securcd by th�s Serurity Instrument by rcason of any demand made
<br /> by the origi�s�!Banower or Bonower's succes.wrs iR�nterest.Any forbnrance by Lender in exercicing anp right or remedy
<br /> shall not bt a waiver af ar preclude the exercise c�+f att�cigtn or rcmcclv.
<br /> Il. SIItClffO?'!�Ild ASSI�1f BOYIWj J0111��Yld StYtt1� I.�bility;Co-signers. The co�enants and agaemeat9 of—
<br /> this Stcurity ins�rument xhall bind pnd benefit the successors an�o3s�gns nP Ixnder and Bc�rrower,subject to the provicirns �
<br /> of paragraph 17.Horrower'c covenants and agrremcnts shall be�nint and severpL Any 8orrower u�ho cacigns this Srrunty
<br /> Instrument but does not exccute the Note:(a)is casign�ng th�s Secunty Instrument only tc�mortgage,grant and com�ey
<br /> that Borrower's interest�n the Propeny undcr the terms oPthis Sccunty Instrument:(bl�s not personall�•obligated tn pay }
<br /> . .-°
<br /> -- tl�ecurne ururM hu thic�ruritv I�ctrum�r��:anrl l�l aurMC that /rn�wr nnd anv nth�r I�nrrn�a�r�eZau aarw�r�w�eAnA �..'^`
<br /> . --_. . . - ---- -. -'-•- ---"--'. - c'^- ----• --••-" --...._'-� -"'-' --.__..-' " � o. -....�...�..._. _ -� -�- .�-
<br /> nn�xtify.forbear�r make any accommc�dations w•�th regard to the termc i�i'this Seeunty instrument oi the Nate without ��`
<br /> that Bc�rrower'sconsent.
<br /> 12. Lwn Cliar�es. If the loan secured by tF:s Secunty Imtrument is suh�ert tc�a law w•t�ich sets maximum loan
<br /> charges, and that law i� fin�l�y interpreted w that thr mtere`t c�r nrher loan chargew collected or to t+e collected in
<br /> connectian with thG lc�an exceed the permittcd hm�ts, then: l�J any such loan rharge rhaU bc reduced by the amount �
<br /> nec�sary ta redure the charge t�the�erm�tted hmit:and!bl a:�t sum�aiready c�ltected from Borrow�er which exceedcd -
<br /> permitted limits will be refunded to &.�rrower. Lender may �hc�we to make th�c refund hy reduc�ng the princzpal owed _
<br /> under the N�te or by mak�nga direct payment to Horrower.if a rei��nd re�duces pnnc�pal,the reduction w��ll be treated as a
<br /> , partial prepaymcnt without an}prepayment charge under ihe N��te.
<br /> 13. I.�iststio� ARecting I.ewder's RiRhts. tf enactrncnt or ra�+�caitan ��f �ppltcable IJNS has the e�'ec� of �
<br /> rendering sny prov�s�on of thc lote or�htis Secur�ty Intitcumrnt urtrnfcuccabk acc:�rd�n�to i.s termti,t.cnder,at it�c�pt�on.
<br /> mny rcqw�e immediatc payment m fuil af all �ums�ecured t�y ct:n Srruru} lnstrumrnt and may im�ike.�ny remedics —
<br /> � permitted by paragraph"19. If[xnder eaevcises this opt,c�n,l.endrr shal!takr t?zr titep��pe.�ficd m the sec.tmd paragraph��f �,
<br /> paragraph 17.
<br /> 1�. Notieq. Any not�ce to HorroK�er pra.ided fi�r in t!���Sctiunt} f n5irumens,hall hr Fiti en by deli�erinR it i�r hy =
<br /> . mailii�g it by first class mail unlc�s apphcablc law requireti u•c �:�i an��ther mcih��d Ihr notire �hall hc duerted tv the �
<br /> Pro(�rly Addcess�tt:►ny uther addre.c 11�rro«er cie��Knate.by r���t�re t��I rndcr Au� n��ticc t��t rndc��hall he gi�c�by
<br /> firat elass ntsul to l.ender'ti address stated hcrrm��r an}c�thcr addsc�5 I.cndrr dec�gr.atc�hy n��ttic Ici Rnrro��cr. Any n�t►re
<br /> pro��ided for in thi�Snurity ln�trum:ni Shall he decmed t�+ha�e t�:en gi�cn t�+li��rrawcr��r I endcr whcn Fi�cn ati pro��drei
<br /> in this paragraph.
<br /> iS, i:orernin�I.aw;StrenM�Ffty. 'Ftm 5rrunty In�trurren�Sha1E he g�+�emrd hy fcderaF i.i�r and thc law r.'the
<br /> jurisdiction in Khirh the Proprrt} �� l+?cated In thr e�ent that :ng �r�»iti�c�n��r.•lau.c��f thi�Se,ut�t� lntitrument��r thr
<br /> Note conitcrts w�th applicable l�w,ruclt ca�nflict ,hail m�t atTect <•t'�rr pr�����nm<<�f th►�Secunl} Imtrumcnt or the tiMc
<br /> H:fi�ich ran i+c gio•cn ttfi'�ct v.-�thc�ut th¢at�il�lCttl{}^;Pi�liiilt7P. Til Q;iiG�it(�itt� ('irltili�i�Ili s�1��►i�SGY:U(i1j jlf�ifU�ItClll d1Yl� 1fC
<br /> �otc atc de�lared t�be sc�erable.
<br /> I6. t3orruwer's Copy. Born�w•er tihall hc g�ticn e7nc:rnt'�+rmcd a��y nfthe'\�+tc asid a�f tht.ti�•unty ln�irurlent
<br /> 17. Transfer ot the f'ropen�� or a Eienefieiwl Interest ic� �Jo�ruwer. It'all ��r an. �:�rt ��t thc !'ru�crty �r ar�}
<br /> ' inteecs�in it is sofd c�r transferrrci I��r�f a tx:nrticia!�ntere�t u�liur;m.cr��4��Id nr�ran.tcrrr.��n�!ks�rre�«er�ti��ut a naturat
<br /> per�u)v�ithout Lender'�prinr untten ran�en�, !cnder r�t,�r.at u.�•�h�m. rcyu�rc nnrncdi�tc•�.,�mclu in fuN uf all tiumti
<br /> , see:ured by th�v 5e�ur�ly ltttitru�ttcttt HuK:ticr. th�.i�pti�,n �hall nt�t hc caer�i,e�t h� { cn�ier if c�er��tie i� �rnh�hitrd h}
<br /> frdcral l�w a4 of tht date�f thi:Srrunt� lustruntrnt
<br /> r---------
<br /> If Ler�drr exerri�e�th�+i�pu�+n. LrnJe��h:�ll g��e L�i,rtn►tiet n��U.c„t :ii�elrr.�t<<,n f hr m�ti�r��ail�n�t�iic�+�+rru:tl .
<br /> i�Tnt�t Ic«th:m Z(1 day�fr:�rn�he d.�te ttie nn2tcC n dcl��crcd rr m:ltll'(.I t►I�f1I�i w?lli h tl��►I�����f I11i1�I F`J� ifll�Jfllti\t'C IIfrLS��4
<br /> �hir Sr�urit� ln�trument !f Nurr�+uer Eulti ir���c ih�w.tiutn�rri�u h�the e<��t<�li�,ri��f lhi���rn���l. i cn.irr rn:sti �nt��kr.+n�
<br /> reme�iiec penn�ttec�h�thi�Secur�t� �nsirumenl arth,.�ut iurthcr n.ni�c4�r �frm�irid��n i�.+rr���v,er
<br /> 18.Borrowcr's Ri�;ht to Iscinst�tc. IF fi��rnnier mc..t,�rrta�n ,�v��li�inn,, lia,=n,��rr .hali li.��r tht• r+4ht tu h,i�r '�'� ►►
<br /> Cilfl�ltClllCl)l��l ltll��f:UiIIS �Il+{TUIlit111 l�Iti:c�I�li11Ul��.{l JI1� !ltltt'(+�1 �f f.+I�IC C.If11Cf��S i:�l�t�d��l��i�tt.�l.,tfic•r �t:it��l�.t� � f
<br /> rt�+j�ltc'dhie �:►u mai ��c�ii� t��r t�in�£:�te;�ic��tt►1���•rr�,�ir ��f il�r 3'n•��-tt. � iit•.u.���E t�• .:rr� �•:ntirr �•i�:�ir. i�mt.�tnccf:i� tht� ��`
<br /> I �1f.'iUCll4 �111If11i11Clli. tK(f1)L'11�I` �•� .l)U(��Ili('l11 Cl111�fi111L! (�11��:'.Iflllt �11ti2J:IRICN! � f'���' ,��h�l�l•':"e .t�C '.tl.lf i;��i►��i4�f �
<br /> fa1 F�.ey. i cridei .+ll �um� «tn�.ti tt���s� �<<�u��3 hc duc uncicr thi. he•t��r�!� �i�.rruss�rus .:��,I rl:r \���. i:.i,! n � .s .r!i�r.�,n�r� �
<br /> ���<«r�rJ !hl curc•. at�� �ltf.iult ��1 .�t�� �•:ltet .,,tirn:�nt. ,�r .i�:i.�•nnnSti !_ � �•�« .�1; ��;�c.,..• tr����r<.S n: �n'��r��n� tEu- t�-
<br /> tiY.ut�lt 1n•.It�tinrnt. ui�lF��fuir {+lrt �s.�t I;m�ir,i 1� �i.i�-�t�.i��lc• .t"h�r�<.�,' �•,.• . ,.4��1, '.�F.:. . .I .i.t �u .�. 1 _��.t.� er�_•,, ���
<br /> ;.•;�".ri�h:F I'''-i����., t.: .. .,rr tl.4l l�:t 1!: . •� !�:. �•::...:". �I��t!....._... ( . :.!:�. . .i.. . r1: ., ��r , . . ,�17.� I: ... ..�r •. 1[1
<br /> �sh�i�� �li•��� f�, �,�t Ih: �:;�.�. . ,�iti�{ h� 11��� �..:�nh lr�.�ti,i� . ht .t�:'� ,rt, ... .� _ ., . ,� 1 , • .� .. . . . ,�.' ��.
<br /> F�.�tt, ui" +�,�,�.,��ii•� 1• .•iut :!•iit .�;,.i tF.�. v�ti� .�Ii �t .. _ iri;l � �. � . , � + � . t . ��1 • � . i� • . . .. , •� `
<br />. r .t�l"l�f �, �'.��•.i -��1.• i.•.l l ,�r1.�.t�l ��� !��Ii • .1�.`.�, i I!.. .. � ` � . i ' ` � . � i - t
<br /> _�,��
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