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89 100680 wage t of 2 <br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br />Open-End TO Saeun Present and Future Ot Optlona and Advanese <br />Dare. February 2, 1989 <br />--john M. McElroy and Kathleen A. McElroy, husband and wife each in his own tight <br />� Z <br />and as spouse of the other <br />Montgagdtm of Hall CCU". Nebraska , in cort.ide010M of <br />the advance by Morgages to Mortgagors of the principal sum specified below. the receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged, and any <br />future, additional or protecthi advances made to Mortgagors at Mortgagee's optkw% hereby 0011, c Onvely and mortgage to FIVE POINTS <br />BANK, 2015 North Broadwall Avenue, Grand Island, Nebraska 110902. Mortgages, Its sucoesUM and aelipnsi, from the date hereof until <br />all obligations secured Hereby are paid in full, the following - described real estate In gall, County, <br />Nebraska <br />• . to wig % ' +hZ <br />An undivided one -hatf'interest in Office Unit Rim the Grand Island <br />Doctors Building Cund•4minium Property Regime, Lot 1,. Ssi+jjt Francis <br />Medical Subdivision;,, city of Grand Island, Hall County; Nebraska as <br />defined in the Master Dead Creating Greud Island Doctors Building <br />Condominium Property Regime, incorporated herein by this reference. <br />to9atlter with all Montgspoa right. tifb;snd iellefeet in said property. irfdudbtg all buiidlrgsa flxhxas, crops and improvenunts now on or <br />ft emo Placed upon said reel properW fl miuding sbo all appurianarfcas, wdar. irrigation. artd drainage riglMK and all everts. cause. tatM. <br />Pry. amt ACV possession; all oil. gsrr♦ gravel, rock orottW MI-M olvANdever nature, inchoslrq geoomwIng reaouVM and all penOttM <br />property that "ttiay ineagmW belong tc ita WM MMsr blooms an Integral part of said real asfaes whalim attached or detached. including any <br />a111211 s lances and SicCOMMKItS of any residence secured hereby. and all teases. pwwdt& Harass or pri iligla , appukswmd or <br />IPPnterent to said thiefEgaged prenti a. now or itereaft issued. exMefdad or renewed by Moetgragdx. the SIMW Uniled Stales or any <br />departneNM, bureau or agency thereat. • . <br />N b !tads dad and apned bad act i sgore and Nollifai♦ss Mal go ramtgage is #no to assertse <br />(QA promissory note ar note together with Interest therson executed by Mot%sgora to Mongagse and dsst:ribed as brown <br />Dab of � Ll Now PnleoMl Aatoewt <br />2•�2�89 $151,200.00 <br />Paf►abb aeokxdinp to Iwt+lctns cP rid nowo. <br />(b) Andthenwe i wkIntiifi4jrWr4l0gomofanyandalifutureandadditionaladvanceewhksh maybe madebyMortgagn <br />thenk)dte ltof, andtoorfortheaccountof Mortgagors, oranyof them. forany purpose. plus Inteneton an suchadvanaa, underanynols(s) <br />or o " w WNVLW nst(s).talon in n sriictrp. ex endktg, mnwin ii . rawmw tkk or MWuckhhV suo 1 irfdsbled- Or any pant thancf. all <br />I abM a000rdMtgto *l of eakd no/e(s) orother instntment(s)• toM1 lid �1� sshun r <br />ant! asowad hereby st" one time shah not exiled the surn of - r4 ed tq one t user <br />and no/100 ------------- - - - - -- ._�-- .�____��.._� . DOLLARS (i 151,2nn _ nn ). <br />exelwive Of iteMreet and of the proNCtlw diib b authorized heroin or In the loan prwrnent(s): provided, furdw, that THIS <br />PARAGRAPH SMALL NOT CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENT TO MAKE FURTHER OR ADDITIONAL ADVANCES IN ANY AMOUNT AT <br />ANYTIME. <br />(c} The rem -i eflt in full by Mortgagors of an amounts adva r -14 by Mortgages, at its option. to a on behalf of Mortgagor as protective <br />ddirburlesmer/b McMfairad herein. in the loan agreamerrt(s). or in other inl&un lt(s) which may be given to arldatlos such advances plug <br />L *nls- On aid eruh advevlraea. payable ere povid.d M the nals(a). loan egrervertt(s) Or other irate inant(s). <br />(d) The psynfant in full of any and ON other past, pea W t or future. direct or contingent, debts and liabilities of Mortgagors to Mortgages of <br />any nslwo wh lsoem. <br />This mortgage win be dug _ ugon demand or upon the payment in full of all Sums s•eurad hmby. <br />Uonl.erxehaeaaywarran MOHeyh OMMeaimpletidetotheabovedarcribadprOWly. Mettheyhategwdandlawful authOhtytomorfpsgethes ame,thatsald <br />WOpo ly M free and clewol aid Ilma and aflCUiflWa+ Gee. Ix0W ancunfbranees of racotd and that they will warrant am dehnd 9410 property agvnst all Ctalmants <br />whor44oever. Mbnlaeorsareo thereby watvs and WInauilh all rights of dower. homestead. distributive share and exemption In and 10 the above described property• <br />t` <br />r <br />