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<br /> _�-�--_._..-_.. . —.--______� , �..�v �m, -
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<br /> 90-- �03�,��
<br /> Nn:`•U NlF�ORM CUYf.NAN fS �30rfOwer and Lender furthcr cnrenant and egrce ay follows:
<br /> � 19. Acceieratio�; lte�eika. i..e�de� �11 �i�e ao4ice to Horcawer prio� ta �ccelrratlon tollawtnR BorroxeR'�
<br /> - IKS�cM of a�Y cn�ewal or�eewe�t iM tMb se�w�icy t�utru�e,�e Cbrt nos�rlo�co�cceknHon aade��r�a�13 aa�17
<br /> piAe�iil'R�iO�tlr �e��e3 i�iaerwii'r}.ie witiii-ie-s+`n�i ar'e::�: �.3':tiP.�v..'°`++�:.'',ibt :.,t":r:,.�•� s y�ts'� ••• •••�•
<br /> . w�.=.. ,..«
<br /> �(c)a isle,wot lew!�JO iM�Grow tl�e dRte tre uottce b�res to 8orroser.sy whkl�tre�eh�lt e�wt!e e�rN;
<br /> � II■�i til lYat�M t�ere tre iefialt oe or iefore i�e�te speciAed ie tbc notict Au1y rtwit iN�etekdltiw�of tl�!Mt�
<br /> Merni�r tMts Sfe�rlty I�t s�i wle ot tYe ProMrtr.��oc�c�.�i nutiMer i.ror.�onoNer or��rt�d�e�o
<br /> niMewte� �cc�N*Mto��■i tMe f�kt to iriy a cwrt setlo�to aurt tre�•raiste�ce af a aefartt or�Y oti�er
<br /> .ie1�e ot d�rr�oaa�te�ceele�stio��wdaik.lf tl�e ietritt i��ot c�ued oe or 6efo�r the�te s�cetAed is tre natice,i.e�er
<br /> •t 1��/tiM w�r�ies t�weiyk /��t i�hll ot all w�uc�re�!y tlib Se�writ�r Iiutw�tat wltMout h�tbe�
<br /> � ��I wi w�,p i��olce N�e'awer ot ak aM iuey otMer re�ila�era�itte�►y a�iinik law.L,e�ie��Msii re eNtitki to
<br /> ' eolbet �1! uM� i�cMrrei i� �wiy t�e nweiks Kosl/ei t� twls ��i 19. i�eirdtK; bMt �ot It�ltcd to�
<br /> ! nw�Me alfoe��►s'fees a�i caW ot dtle etiie�ee.
<br /> � It tM p�er ot Nle b i�sokei.Trrstee dull record a�otice of det��it ia a�eD cow�ty ie w1�kY��y part ot the
<br /> � P�tY fo beatM aM rfali�ail co'i�t ot s�cM�wtice te tlie���reu�i►ed tiy a�ikabk IaN to 8orrower aad to tlie
<br /> � �Mr�K���r+�rN�+M�bw.After ti�e tiMe nqMlred 6y sNticable I,�w�Tnatee�all aTe�wWk�otice ot
<br /> aRk M tMt�erso�t a�N i�Ne�pa�e�Kactiler by�Nliable I�w.T�wtec�witAout de�a�d o�8orrower,sball�ell tbe
<br /> : Pro�erty at�rlic�rctiow to tre�ipe�t►i�e�at tl�e ti�e a�i�I�ce a�0��tMe terna desi�ted i�the�otke at s�le in
<br /> , a�e or woe�e�arteh�i i�ay orde�Trwtee dKer�isa.TrMStee�ay pd�oae ale ot atl or asy/�cel of the Piro�erty bY
<br /> MWk�woweewe�t at N�e tt�e aai �Isee of asr �e+e�iowlY�c6ed�lt�i�ale. l�der or ib dai�ee msy�e�cAase the
<br /> Pro�ty�t�y�le.
<br /> � � V��!��My� �'�P��,Tnatee�Ipill deUter to tUe �rca�aer Tnuta's�deed con�eyin�tl�e
<br /> ; P�qe*tr.TMe neitsN is the Trweee•s aeed�11 be ��a facie e�iit�ce of tbe tnitA ot the�tatewenb n+aie tMerein.
<br /> ' Trwtee tlr�M y�ly t��rucee��ottl�e s�k i�tMe toltoxiq order.(�)to sll e:�eNfes ot the sale.inctudi��,6rt not Il�itd
<br /> tto.TrwtK's fea a��itted�y aNiie�Ne taw�d raao��ie�ttorney�•tces:(bl to all ww�u�wred 6y thfs Seca�ity ,
<br /> , 'latrrw[wt;�i te)�e:eas to tAe�erw�or'eno+�s kplly e�titkd to it.
<br /> . Z0. I.e�der i� F�e�. U�n accelecahon under parsgraph 19 or at►�ndonmem at'the Prnperty. Lendrr(in
<br /> person,by a�ent or by judici�lly a�inted recerver)shall be entitled to enter u{x�n. take possessian of and manage the
<br /> Properiy and to coilect the rrnts uf�he ProFeny including those past due. Any rents collectal by lxnder or the receiver
<br /> ; shali be applir.d flrss to payment of the costs of management of the Pro�ny and collection of rents.i�cluding,but not
<br /> l�miteti to. receiver'a feGS. prcmiums�.n receiver's bands and rexsonable �ttorncys' fec�s,and thcn to the sums secured by
<br /> thisSec��rity Instrument.
<br /> 21.Reco�rey�ee.Upon payment af all cums secured by this Sccunty lnstrument.Lcndcr shall request Tru�tee to .
<br /> . reconvey the Property and shall sunender this Secunty lnstrument and all notcs e�•idcncing debt s�ec:ureQ by tl�c,�Sccurity '
<br /> , Insirumrnt to Trustee.Tru�tee sh�ll reconvcy Ihe ProE+erty without warrAnty snA w•it fiout charge to the perscm c�r persons . `-
<br /> � Ie�aily entitled tait.Sueh�xr�on ar persc+ns shall pay any recordatian rcxts. � '`"
<br /> � �1:�atlfitte'!'rrstee.Lender.at its optevn,rnay!`rnm ume to timc remo�e Truss�and ap�int a successor tr+ssta -- —
<br /> , to any Trusta appointed heteundtr by an instrumrnt recotdec!in the caunty in which tt�is 5ecuriq•Instrument is rtcorded. � °
<br /> Without conveysnce o[the Property, the succeswr eruster shall succeed tu all the aeFe,pov►er and duurs conferred upon -
<br /> Trusta herein and by appticabk law. �;
<br /> , 23. R/Neat [ar NoNees. 8orrnwer requests th�t cop�es of the notices of default and sale be se�t to Harrower's
<br /> , addresa which is thc Aropeny Ad�ress.
<br /> 2�.Riie*s to t�l�Secd�iryr I�tswwewt.li'nne or mc+re ridcrs arr e�ccuted by Hclrrow�cr and recorded tog�iher with
<br /> ; this Secunty Instrument,the covenants and agre�ments of carh surh nder shall be�ncc�rporated�nto and sh�ll amend and
<br /> supplement the covcnints �nd agramrnts oP this 5ecunly lnctrumee�t as if �he nder(s) w�ere s part of this Sei:unty
<br /> Instrummt.(Chak appficable box(a)j
<br /> _ ❑ Adjusubk Rate Ridrr � Candommwm ltider �' 2-4 1'amily Ridcr ._._
<br /> . �"J Gr�dwted p�yment R►der ;� Pi�nned Unit Dt��eloprnent Rider �
<br /> ' ❑ Other(s) (sPec�fYJ •��-
<br /> .��
<br /> BY SIr.Nt�tx pE•.ic�w�. Fbrcow•er accepts and agre�s to the term� :�nd ro�enants conta�ned �n tFfs SCCU�t[y r
<br /> , lnstrument and in�ny rider(s)eacc�uteci by 13urmwcr and rec�.*sded w��th it
<br /> , �
<br /> w,y� . . .�.c�•✓'dN'a.�
<br /> • .............................. ... . .... . .. .....(S[71j
<br /> James F . Dawson �-�`"O""'
<br /> ����`"f'. '�
<br /> �
<br /> .......................................... ... . .` - • �-� n.��R�.s�-1L.,' . . c��s
<br /> Juditt� �. b�wson "�"'0M�'
<br /> , 5in�t- E�� Ni.i�Kntir.�. Hall c ,,����« .�
<br /> On thi5 �6th d:�t �►t Ju�e fy90 . r=��t��rc tiit. ilic ��n,lr�. .:n�.l. ,� tii+t.�n f':ihi�.
<br /> �luly�unm�FUit�ncii ,:�,d c�ualitir� Icv •.a�d�� :•:��,{�,r���n,�ll. .:im�• Ss�ies F . Da�SOn an�,� �udith A. 08wSOn.
<br /> Bach zn his end her own right and as spouse of aach �ther • - n�. ► r��»�n ���r�t �1�� '���``-:---
<br /> �dcnllC:tl E�ctu+ttl�) ��h�+,e nattt.:t�i .+ir ;ulx�e�hr�1 t�� rlir t��r��.���iiir in.trun���.� .�nd .�,ku� �i��.1��c�1 ih:� .tic<<�ti�rti
<br /> ti�rrcc*f �n hc h15/h�r �.,�lucu,��+. .i.t .�iiJ �i..Et
<br /> ll'�U�c.�tny h.inJ.��i�f o�,�.irial .�.�.�i .�: Grand Is1��7nd. f�Cbr�5k� ��� •.uJ ..,�u��i�., �i�,�
<br /> �I:jsc atnrc,,�id. �
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<br /> ��•Sab�1i M�Irai� °--. -��'�,.fr =-j� � L-���!<�_ ��s
<br /> I, ��J.K�� icf �ll t ti{ f t+1; k) t t►�,t� } �ti� ( ��iAA�
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