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<br /> UNYPORM C(1�'F.NANTS E'101'fL`WCI'Nild Ltl1(I21'COVe11A/11 ailQ Ng�CC N�P�II�K'�: �O
<br /> , 1, P�yment oF P�i�¢Ip�t!�nd Intescst;Pr,,pieymeat�nd I.ate Chsrgr�. HurruN�rr sfiull prumptl}� pay w�l►rn ciur
<br /> the principal af�nd inrerat on the debt evidenced by the Nate and any prepayment and I�te charses due under�he Note.
<br /> 2, Fuads tor Taxes aRd I�raunace. Subjec�to apptieable law or t�u writzen w�uiter by�l.ender,Hrr�ow•er shail pap
<br /> tc►l.ende�an ihe day montfi�iy payiients are ciuc u�der the i�iote,u,�tii iicr l�vic Ii��uiu'i�i tG�=,a�u�t°ru��:;'j�yua���
<br /> cme-tvrelRh c+f: {A) y�riy taxes and �ssessments which m�y �ttai:� priotit} c_+ver thic Srcurit� in�t�umcttt; (h) �•r�rly .
<br /> ieuehald p�ymrnts ur oraund rentc on thc PmpeMy, if any; (c) ycarly huzard insu�ance premiums; and (d) ye�dy ,.
<br /> monµ�e insunacc prcmiums,if any. Theso items sre callcd"escrow items."I.ender may estimste the I�u�dx due on thc
<br /> b�sis afcurcent data and rwsonablc estimatrs of future escrdw items.
<br /> The Funds sha!!be hsld ln sn iRStitution the depaslts or accounts of which are+nsured or gua�anteec!by a federAl or
<br /> st�te aaenoy(including Lender if Lender is auch an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds ta pay the escrow ftems.
<br /> Y.rnder may not ch�r�e for holding and applying the Funds.Analyzing the accour�t or verifying the escrow items, unfess
<br /> . I.ende�pays Barrawer interat on the Funds And �pplicable law permits Lender to m�ke such a charge. Horraaer and
<br /> , Lender m�y p6ree io writina that interest shaQ be paid on the Funds. Unlas an agrcement is made or applicable law
<br /> requircs interat ta bc p�id, Lender sh�q not be required to pay &►rrawer aa�intertst ar earnings on the Funds. Lendei
<br /> shall give to Borrower,without charee,an annua!accounting of the Funds shawing credits aud debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpc�se for which e�ch debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additiona!security for the sums sccureci by
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> lf the Amount of the Funds held by Lender.t�gcther with thc tnture monihly paymrnts of Funds ps�yable prior ta
<br /> the due dates af the escrow items,shall exceed the amount required to pay�he escrow items when due.the eacess shall be,
<br /> at Borrower's option,either promptly repaid to Borrower ar credited to Borrower an monthly payments of Funds. IP the
<br /> . amount of the Funds hold by I.ender is not su}ficient to pay the escraw items when due,Borrowcr shall pay to Lender any
<br /> amount necessary to make up the deflcicncy in one or morc payments as required by Lcnder.
<br /> Upon M►yment in full af aU sums srcured by this Security ynstrument.Lender shall promptly r�fund ta Borrov►�er
<br /> �y Funds held by Lender. If under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or Acquircd by Lender.Lender chall apply.n�later
<br /> tlun immedistely prior to the sale of the Property or its ucquiciteon by l.ender,any Funds held by Lender at the time ot'
<br /> application as s credit agsinst the sums secured by this Securit��instrument.
<br /> 3. Ap�lkatioe of Payme�h. Unless applicable law p•ovides otherwisr.all payments received by l.ender unde� ,
<br /> ' pareigraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:8rst.to latc chargcs due under ihc Note;second,to prepayment charges due under the
<br /> Note;third.toamaunts p�y-able undcr paragraph 2;fourth,t�interest due;and last,to principal due.
<br /> 4. CW�es;Liens, Bnrrow•er sha11 pay all taxes,as.c�ss�.rnents,charga, flncs ana impositions attributable ta the
<br /> Property whi�h t�nay attain priorit} �aer this Security {n�tEtt�e:�nt, and leasehold pa}-t�ents or ground rents. if any.
<br /> Borrower shal:pay thest obligatior.s a�,the rnanner provided;ro�ragraph 2,ar if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall � �
<br /> pay them on time directly to the person owed pa�cnertt. Iiorrower shall promptly furnish ta l.endcr afD notices of amaunts �
<br /> to be paid under this par�,raph. If Borrower mak;w these paymcnts directly. Barrawer shall prompit� furnish to Lender
<br /> rcceipts evidencing the payments. � _
<br /> Bonower shall prompQy discharge any lien which ha5 priority o�•er this Security lnstrument unless&�rrower.(a) ;I_ ,r
<br /> - - agre�in�viiiing to[nt paytntni Oi tAe dDligation secured by fhe tien in a manner accepiable to Lender;(t�)cante.cts in gcx�d �-;_,
<br /> faith the lien by,or defends against enfarcernem of Ihe lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to t-
<br /> prevent the enforcement of thc lien or farfeiture of any part of the Praprrty; or(c)secure�f'ram the halder of the lien an
<br /> agrcement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument. tf'Lender determines that any part of_
<br /> , the Aropeny is subjec! to a lien which may attain priority m•er this Secunty InstrumcRi. Lender may givc IInnawer a •
<br /> notice identifying ihe lien.8orrower shall satisfy the lien nr take�ne or more of the actianc srt fo�th ahnve veithi�c In dayc
<br /> of the�iving of notice.
<br /> S. Haurd Im�rance. Bor�ower shall keep the impruvcments now•existing c�n c�reafter erecaed on the Property
<br /> insured against las,c by fire,hazaMs included withi��the term"eatended co��erage"and any other hazArds for which l.endtr
<br /> requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in thc amounts and for the pe�inds that I,ender reyuires. 7'he
<br /> . insurance carrier providing the insurance Shall be chosen by Borrower �ubject to Lender's spproval which�hall not be
<br /> unreasonably withhetd.
<br /> • AU insutance pnBici�s and renewals shaU be acc�ptable to Lender and shall iaclude a standard mortgagr clause.
<br /> Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and tencwals. IP Lender reyuires. Horrower shall promptl��give to Ixnder
<br /> all rcceipts af paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of los,.Dc�rmu•er�hall gi►e:prompt nat�ce to the insurance �
<br /> carrier aod L.ender.Lender may make prcwf of lcKS if not made promptly hy Rorrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writ�ng,msurancc procrccis�hall bc appl�cd to restoration c�r rcpa�r ��
<br /> of the Property damage�,iP the restoration or repa�r is economically feas►ble and Lender'c security is not lcssened. If the
<br /> restoretion or repair ts aot economically feasible or Lender's securuy would be Iessened, tt►e�nsurance pra:eeds shaU be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security l�strument, whether or not then due, wrth an}• eacess paid ta Borrow•cr. lf
<br />. Borrower abandans the Prapertp,or.�aes not answer within ?0 dayc a nntice from Lender that the msurance carr�er has
<br /> � otfered ta settle a claim,then Lender may collect the insuranre proceeds. Lender may u.e thc proceeds ro repair vr restore
<br /> the Property or tv pay suats sec;ured bv this Secur�t�� Inctrumcnt, whether nr not �hen due. The?0-ds}• per�rcl w�ll hegin
<br /> when the notice is given.
<br /> UnEr..Lrn�frr and�rrow•cr othera+ise agree in w•nnng,any�applicauon nf procceds a�princ�pat shaii not extend�r
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payments refetred ta m paraRr.iph� 1 and 2 c�r chaca�r the am��unt c�f�he p:�yrrzentc. If
<br /> under parageaph i9 tht Pro}xrty is acquired by L:nder, R�rrnHer's right to any�n�ior.jr:;e policie5 and proreedti re�ulting
<br /> Pr�m damage to the Property prior to the acqu�tiiti�n shall pa�e to Lcndcr t��the crtcnc�f the�um�tir:ured by thi�Sccunt�
<br /> lnstrument icnmediately prior to the acquis�tion.
<br /> 6. Yreserrrti4n stnd A'laintenartcc of Property;I,caseholds. Borrower�hall nut des�rn�,dama�c or�uh�tantially
<br /> change the Ptoperty, allow thc Property tc►deter►nrate or c«mnt�t aa�te. If thiti Scr�•unly Inti�rumrnt �ti��n a fcatiehold.
<br /> $c�rro���crshallrnmply with tl�e provi!,ie�m�fthe lcasc,and if Borrower acyuiretifec�itle t��thc Pr���erty, the lca�ehold atid , --_�-_—
<br /> fee tide shall not merge t�nlc�s Lrndcr agrecs to ehc mcrger in wntu�g
<br /> 7. Protcction af Lentler's Ri�hts in the Property; �tort�a�e Insurance. If I��rruuer fail� <<� rcrfnrm the �
<br /> . eovenants�nd agreernentccc�n�aineci in this Security In�trument,c�r�here�.:+IrFal pr��cerdin�;thut m:►y ���:nifir.��itly aff�•ct
<br /> Lender's r►�r.�ts in the E'roperty (wrF a� a proceedmF m h:.+nkrupu��. �r��hatr. f��r �cmdcmneti�m �ir t�� enfi�rrr :aw. t�r
<br />. regulations), then Lertder mac do and�+ay fi�r w hate�er i�nece��an t��rri+trrr t he�.�lur��f thr!'ru��i rt y and I rnu:r �rtght ti 's��
<br /> in thr Pro�sert}. l.ender'c�ch�nc ntay meludc paying .in} 5ums �ecure<i ti� :� I�en �+hi�h h:i� rr�„nt� �ner fl>>� 4ri unty j�S
<br /> � (nstl'ument,apprarin�en coi�n, �a}��ng rea�c�nab[.ditnrneys' fce�a�id enten���m the I'r��rcrt� In nr�i�i•Tr�.�ir� Alth��u�h �
<br /> Lender niay take aeUe�n�snder thi�paragra�}�'.. C�r,der due�nc�t ha�e tn cic-���
<br /> Any amnuntt d��bur�cd hy I.cndcr un�icr thiti paragraph��h<�Il hcr��me.i�ldiu�+i�,�l Jc��t��f f�c�rruwcr�c�.urrd h� thi� "�t
<br /> Secunty Instrumrnt. LJnles� fiorruuer :snd t en�ier agrcr t����ther term�{�f �.�y mrnt.thrtic arw�untti tih:�ll t+r,+r +nirrc.t fr��m ��
<br /> the d;iEe of dssbur,cmcnt at Ihe tii,te r.►ic .inci �hall hi• p,�},�hlc. Hn}: intcrr��. u{���ii m•h.�• fn,r�� 1 rr,�rt ��� 1�� rr����ri �r,�
<br /> requesting pa}rttcnt. �,.f
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