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1 <br />.. 89 RE�iWMORTMU t'� a`? ADOENOUl1 j 89-- 100280 <br />The following are addenda to the Mortgage. Please check the <br />applicable addenduw, The eddendim checked shhaall be incorporated into, <br />and recorded with, the Mortgage. The lets 'Mortgage" shalt be deemed to <br />Include "Deed of Trust," if applicable. <br />x FHA AODENI M <br />As long as the Mortgage is outstanding, the L+naxler my declare all <br />. sows secured by the Mortgage to be ismmedlaWY due and payable if: <br />(a) all or part of the property is sold or otherwise <br />transferred (other them OY devise, descent or aperatton of law) by <br />Borrower to a purchases' err'other tfansferae:.." <br />It) who ca*ot ressoMbly be expected to occupy the <br />property as a principal res14wo within a reasonable time <br />after the sale or te+aRSfelr, ail as provided in Section 143(e)' <br />and 143(1)(2) of the Itteraal Revenue Code of 1986, as <br />amended; or <br />(11) who has had a present ownership a <br />principal) residence during a1q► part of the threeyemr period <br />ending on the date of the sale or transfer, all as provided In, <br />Section 143(d) and 143(1)(2) of the Internal %ven•.:e Cow <br />except that the language 0100 percent• shall be substituted <br />or •95 percent or more where the latter appears ire Section <br />143(d)(11); or <br />(tii) <br />-at an acquisition cost which is greater than <br />90% of the average area purchase price (greater then 11OZ for <br />targeted area residences), all a$ providtp in Section 143(e) <br />and 143(1)(2) of the Internal Revenue Codes or <br />(tv) who has an incase in excess of that established <br />by the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority under its <br />applicable regulations or program guidelines in effect on the <br />date of the sale or transfer; or <br />(b) Borrower falls to occupy the property described in the <br />Mortgage without Lender's prior written consent; or <br />(c) Borrower omits or misrepresents a material fact in an <br />application for the Mortgage. <br />References Art to the Internal Revenue Code in effect on the date <br />of execution of the mortgage and are deemed to include the implementing <br />regulations. <br />VA MORTGAGE ADDEMW <br />If, so long as the outstanding, all or any part of the <br />property is sold or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior <br />wMttes Consent, other than a transfer by devise, descent or by . <br />operatipn of law, the Leader my, at Lender's option, declare all the <br />sues neared by the Mortgage to be lamed <br />tely due and payable. <br />January 18 1384 <br />uar.0 <br />�'°�! °A•r P An E. doing <br />State of Nabraske <br />ss, <br />County. of Ha11 _ <br />no - foregoing instrument ms's acknowledged before we this 18 day, <br />Of Jai:oa , 19 85t by Alan. E. Yours and Jan M.. Yo`u`rs <br />i <br />V1 s W hand nOrarldl seal a n s&jo coon y, . <br />the date aforesaid. <br />salon Expires: <br />Mlg Osam. ft Mme 2A <br />Notary Public <br />NIFA 1988 Series 8 <br />L <br />IN <br />r• <br />M <br />