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1 <br />, .,.,....,,•.. un,. a tt uru u,r t+i,.nr m ini� cnnmarl tt ere am+plrAhl <br />IV�'ALID PRUVIRfO \S: If :mv provision of Iles cunhact c n+L.ues 1110 law and is unc nforcvahle, the re %t of the contract w dl ik t:ihd It an) part of this contract requires <br />p.0 sent of more imew%l than the his permits. then t ou w dl onh ha%e the right t„ collect fmtn rte the amount of um0rest which the haft ,iRoa s } uu to collect. <br />CONIP1.ETRtiF;SSt)F TIIiS (,,O1V'1'RA( °I': This confect canonl% he chans;ed tf h,uh you and 1 agree in writing. <br />The bellowing notice brillb9s to sty :mention the rights that I hat a even when this contra: t is,uhl tv a financial institution or is bank, amt I should notice that the impor- <br />tanveof This provision is stressed by its appearance to fell l+e,int, bold face type_ <br />NOTICE APO. IsA99 01*0 <br />This crodit contract finances a purchase. All legal rights which the Bu er ag# out ri tht t transaction, Including all claims and defenses, are also valid against any holer of this ontr <br />The r hi to recover money from the holder under this provision Is limited to the amount paid by the buyer <br />under this contract. <br />A claim Is a legally valid reason for suing the Seller. A defense Is a legally valid reason for not paying <br />the Seller. A holder is anyone trying to collect for the purchase. <br />INSiIRANCE CANCELLATION: If 1 have requested insurance in this purchase, l stay cancel such request for insurance for any reason within fifteen 05) days from the <br />date of this contract by motif} ing you or the txilder of this contract in v.riting 1 know that the cancellation of my coverage will be urwanged with the insurance 0anrier(s) and <br />a full refund of my pretmumt s ► together a ith applicable finance charge will be credited to this contract. <br />PLEASE NOTE: if 1 have requested insurance in this purchase, l will receive within thirty (30) days a certificate of insurance more fully describing the insurance crnerage. <br />1 know that if there is anv conflict in the coverage or the language of the certificate of insurance and the following Nc+tice of Ptrpaced insurance that 1 am covered only e. <br />the extent stated in the fctjtow inc Notice of Proposed insurance. I also know that 1 have insurance coverage only if i have been charged fry it. to <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />1 take notice ttitat TherCredit Life or Credit Accident and Health lrsur,nce, or both, will be applicable to this Sales Contract on ihc� revere: side only if I have chosen <br />it by sipuing the t Sao or such insurance. This insurance will only cover the leerson signing the request at the cost for each tvpc of insurance shown. Subject to acceptance <br />by the insurance crrrpan� , the insurance will he effective as of t&lay and Ni ill ccentinue only for the number of months alter the effective date equal to the number of <br />monthly payments. I understand that this particular insurance ma}• no provide coverage for my last few payments, and that during that period of time 1 will not have any <br />insurance coverage. Al.1 tenefrts and proceeds of the insurance will be id to y_tiu or TO a financial institution or a bank if it purchases the Sales Contract to the of hAt of its <br />interests and any balance will be payable tome. The initial amount aftedit l to insurance is the amount required to repay the Tura! of Payments; thereafter, the insurance <br />decreases by the amount of each month)y payment on a scheduled 9 daN basis. If 1 am jointly obligated on the Sales Contract with a Co-Buyer, and we have both signed <br />the request for Credit Life Insurance. death benefits will be payable rely with res t to the first one of us to die. Subject to exclusions, eliminations orwaitino period stated <br />in the insurance policy orcertiftcate, Credit Accident and Health Insurance is for the <br />due to an injury or sicker while 1 owe any payment to }aiu; however, l understand that ) have tonbe prevented from ssmk•t1�g duo toosuch total disab 1 tv fleamore than four <br />teen over consecutive days before the insurance benefit is paid back to the first day �,qmy total disability. I also know that i cannot obtain any insurance from t)u it <br />tun over 65 years of a getod>ty. and I also know that the insurance coverage provk1ed to me may contain a maximum amount at core p� y <br />cases, the entire st*lottnt tbat I owe you. Due to the maximum amountof coverage stated in the insurance policy, l know that an o unpaid amount m which wils�he insurance <br />coverage will still have io fie paid, if the Sales Contract is prepaid in fug' ", tint t� alts last payment date, any unearned insurance premius w t!1 be refunded tome in the man- <br />coverage by Nw. Wizhin, thirty r 301 days, I will receive irhe cer,°: ica:e of insurance more fully describing my insurance coverage. If the ittsurrnce is not accepted by <br />the insurance company. f Will W vivezrefund of the insuranc; pt•emrums i hat r pai3- <br />BUYER: The netttws,,.paragraphs contain warranties refativeto this sale given gy us to the financial institution or bank in order for it to buy this contract. <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT A_Nn MORTG G <br />FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Seller hereby sells, assigns. conveys, transfers and delivers to 0/1 1 .iQ r � 01 All r <br />(Assignee) all of its rights, title and interest in and to the installment Sates Contract and Mortgage, togeth' - e�th I liens exist - io secure ►ts payment. an.� ties rre�;;y <br />encumlxred bereb� . Assignee is hereby substituted as Moneagee +finder t!!e k4e.�gaac Fu_ ia�,s of 1111, cutttract. Seiler3iarratitsand represents: t ! � It has the right to make <br />.h ss)gnreeiit, itr Riistatemenis and figures in this contract and in the Buyer's staternt are materially true and cotTect:1? }Tina contract arose from the bona tide sale <br />of tiff goods and services described herein: (4) The cash downpayment shown in the contract was actually paid by Buyer and no pars fief said downpaome the was loaned ale <br />of, or indirectly by Seller to Buyer, l5) Each Buyer is legally competent to comrll t; (6) This contract is not and will not be subject zoany claim• defense, demand or right <br />of offset: (7) The execution of this contract and the underlying sales tranw, 4.-tit n c %in$ rise thereto did not violate any federal or stare I'aw, directive, rule or regulation now <br />in effect (13) in the event that this contract or the underlying sales transom rio;� is subject to a right of rescission or cancellation by the Buyer, such rescission or cancella- <br />tion period has expired and neither the sale nor this contract has been ca:t oiled er �escirded. THIS CONTRACT IS SOLD BY SELLER WITHOUT RECOURSE. <br />IN TEAMPNY WHEREOF, the undersigned is an authorized repress tanve of The Seller and has signed below on behalf of the Seller on chis 3 <br />day of 1.9 4 <br />The foregeit^n nstrument was acknowlc� before me on THE P ESETTE <br />by the authorized agent of <br />My commission expires: <br />R CO PO A /TiO��M�(SattuD - <br />H <br />L.._.... <br />19 <br />• 3'� <br />k <br />r <br />r <br />h <br />(0 <br />tt') <br />ri h <br />H <br />J <br />