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<br /> I•hy�N a1��iuiMi�I�hewt�L.�Ie CMw�e. Borrowe►�hall pa�when duc the pri�cipal of,�ncf interest un.the debt
<br /> evidenred b�the Note aad late charees due unskr the Note.
<br /> #-M�aMi�lbywr�v�!T�.I�ee�(IfYer CMr�a.Bor:ovrer iAdi indude in euh mocrchfy PaYmerzt,t�ethrr With
<br /> (�"� tAe princip�l and ia�erat u ut fonh in the Nate�ts!�ng{�tc ch�rjes.�n installment af any(�)ta�a and sperit!acsessments
<br /> � It�vid ar 10 be kvied�ai�t tAe PropertY.(b)kasehoW p��meet�or Etousfd rent�on the Proper�Y, and(p)prcmiums far
<br /> Luuruct npu�'d bp p�rypr�1.
<br /> F.ach mantbl�r ia�tall�atnt tc�r itrnu(s).(b)and tc)stw11�qua!oee•twdflh of the aanual runount�. u rra�anably estimated by
<br /> l.eadR.ptw�n amod�t wftieient to mafetain an�dditloMl balarxe of eot more th�n one•sisth ot the estimated unounu.Th�
<br /> fWl aamwl�ount far ach itaa �b�U be�ccunwlatai by Lender withi��peria9 endiej one month 6e�orc�n item MouW
<br /> ba�oer deUnqwn�.L.ender�haU hoid the�upount�caliected in trust to�uUr items(�).(b)amd(c)before they decane detinQumt. '
<br /> If�t wy tL�e the total of the p�ynKnta held by Ltndet for item�(a),(b),red(c).tosether with the(utute monthly paymmta
<br /> tor wch itam p�yabk to l.ender p�ior to the due datp ot such item�.eacead�by morc tlun one-sixth the atimated uaount ot
<br /> , W�rne�u�krd to p�y w�cA ile�when due.and it pa�ts on the Nae ue�vrrent.thrn Lender�hall eitAer reiund�he
<br /> e�cw awr oMe-�1M of the ati�ted papmena ar credit the eaow ovet one-�ath af the acim�ted psYments to subsequent
<br /> . ' p��bp�ormwer.at tAe optiot�pF Bp«OM�f, li the tMal of the paymenU made by BoROwer tor itnn(a),(b),or(c)is
<br /> : i�a�tfkkot to p�y the itan when due�then&xrower:hall pay to Lender any amount neces�ary to make up t1u deficiency on or
<br /> befae tAe dNe the itan b�oo�ncs duc.
<br /> M wd ia tbis S�curity fnstru�ent. ••Se�cretary• mearo the Secretary of Housin�uM UrDan Derelopment or his or t�er
<br /> deeipNe.Mat Saeurity Itutrument�intured by the Secretuy are insueed ut�der pro�r�ms wAich require adr�ce paymeet of the
<br /> a�tite m�xtsa�e itqurance premium.it thi�Security Inatrumertt b or Mu insured under a pro�ram which did not requirr�dv�nce
<br /> p��t ot tbe eetite mortsye ipwrance pretoiurt�.thee each monthly p�yment shall�Iso include tithet:ti)�n i,uiWmera of the
<br /> � �nnwl nart�e inwraace premium to 6e psjd by Lender to the Secretary. or(i�)�monthly chu�e imtdd of a mon�aje
<br /> iapua�oe p�eneiue�it thb Secu�ilX Inutument u AeW b�r tl�e Secretary. Euh montAly irtstaUment ol the mort��e insur�c:e
<br /> q�ni�iM�l!be in an amount wificient to�ccun�utate the fuU annwl mortp�e insurarece prcmium with Leeder one month
<br /> prior to tAe d�te the full annual monp�e insurance premium u due to the Stcretary.or lf�his Security Instrummt i�hetd by the
<br /> • Searstary. adi aeanthtY cAar�e shall be in an unount equal to one•twelQh ot one•Aalf percrnt of the outytandiru principa!
<br /> bahaoe due on the Nota.
<br /> If Bortowtr tenden to L.tedet the fup paymeot of W sum�xcurcd by this SecuNry Instrument,BorroM•er•s accaunt shall he
<br /> crod'Ked +nith the bdsnce remaininj tar all ie�talhnents for item� �a►. �b) and (c) and any mort�e insuance premium
<br /> ia�tWment thu�.ender hs�not become oblijtted to�►ay to Ihe Secretuy.and Lender shail promptly retund any eacess funds to
<br /> Horro�. Immedietdy p�ior to s tcxectusure sak ot the P�opettY or ie�acquisition Hy Lender, Borro�►�a's�ccou�t shul De
<br /> ctedittd�rith�nY D�W�cr remainin�for W iruullmeats for itrms(a),th)�nd !c). ,.;,.
<br /> 3.A/wta1N�N h��le. AQ pa�ne�ent�under pata�npiu 1 and 2 sh�ll bt�pplkd by L.etider a�folbwrs: ' ,
<br /> �.ta the mortsaje iasur�tice prcmium to be paid by l,endec to the Sec�tlary or to the monthty cluuse by the Secreury
<br /> ittrte�d of t�e aaethlr mortsye Insur�nre ptemium. untess Borr�wer paid thr entire mortpYe insuruice premium when this �;
<br /> -- Socvritr Inwument wu si�ed; . -
<br /> �GS�Lp�i.ta�f uo�.fPeeial�m�ffis.it�senOlA p1vY11ln[s or�tround rents,and fue,tkx�d�nd athrr h�ud in�uranct �:�--
<br /> OflINWAi.Y tOqu11i0d: --_
<br /> .to iaterese due uader the Note;
<br /> .to�mortirstbn aI the princip�l ot the Note;
<br /> .to tate char�es duc undet the Note. -
<br /> 1.Elre.!1*M r/01��Has�/I�eMCt.Horrower shall insure�11 improvemeat�on tha Ptaperty.�betAer nox in existrnre —
<br /> a suMaquentir etected.yatnst�tfy huatQ�.casuaitia.and co�tinsencies.includiry fire,(or�hicb l.ender requlra insutartre.
<br /> 71�a Guuraroe shall be milntained en the amount;and foc the periods �Au Lrnder «Quita. Bor�ower�hall �Iso insure all
<br /> iaiptovetneob oa the P[operty.w}ielAet now in eai:tence or subseQuectly etmcd,asainit toss by tlood�to thc eatent required by
<br /> IAe Secretac7�.AU iasurance ihall be carrred with companicy approvert by Lender.l'he insurance polirie�and any rcnewals shall
<br /> be held bY Leeader�nd sAa11 inelude las payaQk ctauses�n favor of',and in a torm acceptabie to,Lender.
<br /> Ie the ereot ot las.8�xroMer ihal!�ire l.endtr imatediate notice by mail.Len�er may makt proof o!lass it rot made prompt- �
<br /> !y by Bortu�rtt.Eech ir►suru�ce cvmpmy coacerned i�s Rxreby authc►ri�ed arxi direc[eQ to mate psyme��!or st�ch loss dirmly to
<br /> I.ender,instad ot to 8orrowtr and to Lender joint{y.All ot any part of ehe msarus��-c proceeds rtfay t�e ap�slieai by l.endu.�t it�
<br /> optian.titAtr(a)to the reductio� u!tE�e indeQttQnes�under the Note and thu 5ecurity Ic�uru:ntt�t,first io any delinQutat
<br /> anrouna�pplied in the cxder in i'aravxph 3, and ehetf to prrpapment of principal.or Ib)to the te�toration nr repair ot the
<br /> d�n�yed Droperty AnY aPQi�a�iort of ttte prac�eds la the�xinciql�hall not exteffd or pc»tpu�ne�he due date of the manthty �
<br /> p�ymtats which art referred ta in Parytsph 2,or chain�e�Ac amount of such payments.Any exctss tnsurance proceeds o�er an �
<br /> amawAt requircd to pay al!autstand�n�indebtedt�ess u�der�Ae Note and Ihus Secutity Instrume.nt shalt 6e paid to the entity lcsal-
<br /> (y Mtlt�th!'f[t0. � '
<br /> In the er-eflt of forctibsure of this Satirity In�trument or atAa tnnxfer of tiUe ta the Fru�erty that cstinsuishes ths tn-
<br /> debttd�,�il.ti�ht.titk and interat nf 8ortower in and to�n�kr�rnce pnluics in furce chall��x�s tc�the purchtser.
<br /> s• � w/ Mwkwee ot I�e rrw�rtr� l:�o1i�, gurt�wer shil! na1 cvmmit waste ur Ccstroy, damate or
<br /> faMtantially chaiye the Pcoperty ar allow�the Propert�to deterior�te,reasonabfe weu and tur excrpied.t.ender m�y inspect
<br /> the iuc►�*tY it the Moi+tttY is vactnt or dbaadg�s!cs thr lua�is:n drtaa;lt.lr:sdtr rtsey taf�e rcaaon.aLk act:c�te tv f:rutr�-s uuI
<br /> �sretttt-t turis:—.-.s�,i r�r atr.�,�ii�-it�S�evq�iy.if tF�ns�ecurtsy iratrument is an a[easen�f�.fsosrawri st-a1tc.:mply with the�r��►�-
<br /> sions of the{eae. If Bortov►er acQuires fee utPe to the f'roperty, the leasel�old and tee t�tlt shall no: be merged unless Lcr.dtr
<br /> atirces to the mer�er in Frinn�.
<br /> . �
<br /> i.CY�r�N Mte�w�ti ui rra�eetlN o/ltyn's Ri�iV 1�I�e Bto'erq.H�arrawer shatl pay all`��ernmental or m�ni�:�paJ
<br /> ehuta.fiRH and impusilion�that are not in�lu�ltd in Puaatanh 2. Horroti►et sha11 psy Q?�ut ubtigat�csns on teme d�rct;tty tu tt:e
<br /> tetity which is aNCti1 the p�ytntat. It f�ilute to pay v►outd sd��erstly sifecY l.ender's interesi�n tAc 1'�crpetty,upvn I endet's re•
<br /> Quest potrawer shall ptomptly furnith to LenQer rcceiY»�ev�Jenrina Ihesc payrnent.s
<br /> !t Borrov►er fails ta m�ke tt�ese p:yments or�AC paymeeas ce�u�rcd Ay{'ar�r�Db S,nt t�ls tu periarm aoy otE�ec eo�enants and
<br /> �reements cuntained in�hu Cecut�t>� Insiroment,or there�s a le�al ptexttdmg thyt ms,y eign�(icantl9 afte.-� l.endu's r�ghts►n °� '-
<br /> t�t f'roperty(such as a ptaccrdinj�n b�nkruptcy,fe�r rvndertutauUn or tu en(orce taws o�regula�ionsp,then I.en�ter may d�a�td
<br /> psy wMte�er i�necesury to pt�ttct tAe�tluc af the Propeny and 1 enQer'+nghfs�n Ihe I'cvprrty,m�(ud:dig.�.ayment of taaes,
<br /> h�urd inwrAnce and�rshtt rtems mentianed in 1'uagrypn 2.
<br /> Any unour�ts d�sbutsed by leiider utfder thiv 6'atzgtaph sh�ll be�nme nn rddii�nnal 1Qbt ut Rorro�•.e and Ete�c.urcd by th�5
<br /> Setiu�ity Insttumrnt. 'i'hese omoi�nts Shatl hc�r +nterest Irom ehe daie ut di�hurssnztnt, at t�re'vole raic, ar.� at ihe optwn of
<br /> LenQtr, sDW t►e �mnxct�atety ciue acid pa�abic M`�
<br /> L 7•CUMt��tbo�.Tht pr�kteds of any auatd ut.faim for damages,d,ie.�or .imscyucnvat,in u,nrsc�t�:m wdh any �ondem �
<br /> nat�on or c+tiier��king ot any part of t1e F'ropereti,c+r i�»c��mryan�e�n p(a�e ot..vn�J:mna!+en,are herch� �:c.gned and�hall he �v
<br /> paid tif(rndet h�the ettcnt oi thr full aa:.�unt af�he�ndehtedacx�ahat re[nam+ urCau'undrr tr:e '�u:e an.�ihc�tic�i:n�� Inusu- sr.
<br /> mtrst 1 tnQet shafl eppfy w:h(+7JaYC:��lU t�IC tfSUillbil tif 1hC 1Citlfhlhltl!'tti Ut:(ICT thc tiu:e a�id Ihis S:�ur.t�Ir.�.�run�en�, f�r�s i�� frnt
<br /> any cirfiir.auent arnounts a�+ph:�m�he orQer prn.��ed in Paragraph 2,��ld then to�re�+atir.te;it at rn� .�p�' 4m a�T�l,..��:�•�,,�! �slti
<br />. the �racttds t.� the rr�n.�;vl �'iali a�,t etiterd �• �+n=,cpi�r:: the due Jat: .�t tttr m�•nthl< <•.�.i�;c�r., ,.t, .t. .:�; rctcnc:f r.. .�, ' '
<br /> 6'a�agrarh 2.td�hBRj;C t�Tf ilI71.�lIHI t+f unF.r3r�cec�t� nD� Gl��„ �11t+�C.:J+U.C7 dti d11tr.11',' iCy�: c',i '��( .... �. vl•'�t' 1,�•; . . .
<br /> dthlr�lr.c�c is:�dcr ihc \,�te ar:Q thi•. �r.us+;� (n�tr�n,rr;t �r:,i! ��{ r„s<<. i: r r� •:n '.F:JLti ri .,� : •� ..,t.
<br /> �. Iets. 1 rc::i:s itiiav .�!':.. i:. , . .I,h_�rr�• „ ����� �„�� hy }�e ♦n ri.,. .
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