� A �
<br /> `( •
<br /> � 103791
<br /> f N�N-UNIFaRM COVF�NAfsiS Bor�ower�nd Lender furthcrco�en�nt�nd�ewis�'OJIOK'S:
<br /> 1!. Atakntia�; Re�eii«. 1�M�l� �II jIf! RO�� �O BOffOMK �I01'10 iOCtIlt�1�W{ �OIIQMIII� BOR01�!!•�
<br /> � i�i�of�r ca��t or�te*eet ta tl�b Se[ntity I�uttn��t t6rt oot prloe to�cc�tcr�tin��+w�e ru�e�+�;��+�g..,y 3?
<br /> wM�s a�lk�lfe k�r Ftoriiia�ewi�).TMe �afke�li srteffy: (�)Ebe ieP�wtE: (N tlK�etio� req�rin�i to c�rre tt�e
<br /> � id�d�te1 a i�e.�et ieM tl�30 i�ys tro�tre d�te tMe�otiee is{i�e#tA Borro�►cr.by wf►irl�tMe deta�lt�wt be cnrsd;
<br /> �M(i)tltt 1Wlrre te c�e tie d�M�k��Mefore t�iNe s�ec!!k�ts tAe eotice euty resRlt tu�ccelaatlo+�ol the s�
<br /> McMni yr tW S�ereitY IMte�t aM Mte ot tie Pro'erty.Tre rwtice slu�ll fuH�iAfo�Horrower ot tMe�i�t to
<br /> n4�bt tlt��cctl�stioN aid the ri�Yt ta kip s co�rt sNio�to a�rrt t!e wo��existeact of�def�Mh or�y otber
<br /> id�of Sarrsw^�t to aceeiitratio�a�i ak.It t�e�It is�ot c�ei o�ar betoe�e tl�date��etAed ts tre iwliee.I.e�ie�
<br /> �t Ib oMio� �ry► �'«Ni�+e i�e NaYMat i� hl! ot�11 ��e�weea�r tbi�S�ec�ity Irtrr�nt witl�ort f�utMer
<br /> �i Mi�aqr ineke Ne�ewer ot aM a�ary�otYer n�elies�ittN�y apllkatile law.Le�ier�II re e�dtki to
<br /> ����i�ewrei�MrtMly� �o�iiei t� tMb Mr�s�M 19, t�elNii�: D�et �ot li�tted to.
<br /> It fMe Mw�r�t�N N i�rokM,'Frirtee siwil eecoe+i a�otice ot iefsrlt i■acb eor�t�iR wMicM s�y Mrt of tMe
<br /> Pro�a�ty M loe�i�M�lail�all co�la ot pe�aotice t�the w�w�er�rae�ibei by a�licable IaM to Borrawer u�d to tbe
<br /> ��M��MM�law.AnK l�!�1�!flqYl�"!�by i�I{t�N!I�w.T�stee dall�t�e�blk aotiee ot
<br /> �M b tMe��Mi b tMt�re��earirei►y�Ikasle bw.Tnatee.witrort dea�and o�BoROwcr.shall sell tNe
<br /> Pro'erty at Mllie aretio�to t�e l�iaat biider at tLe tf�ae�nd'lace�1�nder tlie ttn�a desip�te�t�the notke ot�ale ta
<br /> o�e er wors�cels�i��y or�er'frwte�e ieten�i�es.Trnstee wmy p�t'o.e s�k otalt or a�r Mrcel ottMe Pro'ercy by
<br /> lrilk auw�c�e�C at the tiae a�i pl�ce o��y Kstiarsly�credrlei a�le. Le�or Ib desi�e nuy �wrcluae the
<br /> Pro�erly at a�y Mlt. �
<br /> ' , Up� �1�t of py�t ot the�ke N�.Tnatee�lull deli�er to the prchaur Triutee's deed c�.f�yisa tAe
<br /> Pro/aty.'IUe roeiWs ia tMe Trwtee'�deei sl�ll ie Ktnu t�cie e�iie�ce ot N�e tn�tM ot tl�e statee�ents is�ie tYerein.
<br /> . Trwt�e�Ialt�ly tlre�ocee��ot tYe qie i�tre tolbwi��e�er:(�)ta a11 es�ot the sak.t�cludtag,b�t eot Ii�nitd
<br /> ta T�wtee's tea�r��Ittei Sy y�llabk Isw a�i reao��We attoraey�'[ees:(bl to ail wws secured by Ws Sec��ity
<br /> i..tw�e.r,aN(c)ay exca.to eMe�enoe or�enoas Ie�l1y e�Neled to it.
<br /> 20. I.e�der i� Poate�sio�. Upon accetcration under Mragnph Iq ar abar►dc�nmrnt of thc Property�, i.endcr (in
<br /> pers�n.by s�ent or by judicially appointed receiver)�halt be enailcd to enter upon, take{�oss�giun of nnd m�nage the
<br /> , PropeKy��d to eollect the.rents of tne Propetty including those put due. Any rents coltected t+} l.ender nr the rc►:civer
<br /> shall bc applied fir:ct ta pwyment of�he costs of manaaement of the Property and collcction oi rents. includiag, but not
<br /> limitcd to,receiver's fas, prcmiums on receiver's bnnds and reasonable attorneys'fces,and then to the sums�t ured b�
<br /> this Secu,city[nstrument. . '
<br /> � 21.Reca��eya�ee.Upon payment of yl)sums ce�cured by th�o Srcunty Instrumcnt, Lender shsll reques�Trustec tc�
<br /> reconvty the Propetty aad�hall surrende�this Security lnstrument�nd all notes evidenc�ng deht secured hy t�is Secu�t}
<br /> — -- IILt111�NG�l_�LL�tt15tCG TfILLtC[ShYj2 fa�C(tt1YlV t1u•PrnnnHu�uith�u�t u�arr�niv anA u:::{:._:t!�I..».•^°:^:1.�....�........,..!`...W..o - -----
<br />� ._.--� �- ---- .. . . r-"r -�_.... p� .��.�.o.....,. F� . . . . -. . -_-i ..
<br /> Itgally cntittaf to it.S�ch ptr.,r►a�}r pet��n�`hatl pay any rccordation ccxts. =
<br /> 22.SrMNMe'1�rwtee.Lendrr,at its opti�n,may from ume ro t�mc rcmo�c Tructee and appoint a successor trusta "�
<br /> y;s.-
<br /> to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an�nstrument re�corded in the c�unty�n which thic 5cw urit}:Inst�ument is re¢orded. ��"
<br /> Wilhout cunveytnce of the Property.the succes.�r��usta si�sll�ucceecl to ail the titfe,power aeec4 duties conferred upon
<br /> Trostee herein�nd by applicabk law.
<br /> 2,�.R�est tor Notkt�. &►rraw�cr �eyuats thxt capies of the not�ces of default and wle be sent to I3onow�er's
<br /> addrcsswhich isthePrAperty Address.
<br /> �
<br /> ' l�i.Ri�en to tl�i�Seeority I�stry�t.lf one or more�tders aie executCd by BotroM•er and recarded tagethtr with
<br /> this Security Instrument,the corenants and agreemrnts c,f cach such nder shall be�ncorporated ento and shsll amend and
<br /> suppkment the covrnan�s and agraments of th�s Sccanty Inct�umer�t As if the nder(s) Kere a part oP this Saurity
<br /> lnstrument.[Check�pplicable bnx(es)) �
<br /> � ❑ Adju�table Rato Rider �,W' Condom�mum aider L,' 2-4 �'amfiy R�der .__
<br /> ❑ Graduated Paymrnt Rider � Pl�nned Unit Ikvelopment R�der
<br /> � Other(s) [spec�fyj ' �
<br /> BY Stc;Nl!vG BE�Ow. Borrovrer aecePts and agrees to the term. and cmennnts cvntaineci tn th�v 5ecunty � .
<br /> Insttument and in any ridcr(s)rxecuted by Iiarrower and ta:ordcd w�th it
<br /> ' �. .� �� �
<br /> ............ ................................... .... .......... . .... . . .. . .�����••� ..cSea��
<br /> Ror��ld J;�i�lcHugh —c�c,�o»��
<br /> . - , e • �
<br /> - , � � -
<br /> .
<br /> ........................................ ... . . � y�t�'L(��F�II� ti1 . . . Sid!)
<br /> ............. . ..........
<br />� Annalee McNugh . --e�„�,
<br /> Srnii ��F Nt-KK,��x,�. ka2 ?. c �,un�� ,.�
<br /> On �hi� 22nd ��;, � „� June . 90 �
<br /> > . I! , hci��rc• me. Ihr• un�ici,�i��ir�i. a '���t,�r� f'��hli�
<br /> dulycomniiK�iuncd�nd qualit�e�l t'ui �aid;uunt�, �+rf��m,�lh .,�n�r Rona ld J. McHugh ��td ��na lee
<br /> eac o er ,--_--_--
<br /> McHugh, each in his and her nwn right � antf as �pouse of /, �,, ,,,; �.,,,,«„ c„ t,�•,�,� .
<br /> identir�l per�rni(�) +�hi�sc n.inic(�i ar�• tiuh,.t�he�l tu th�• tn�c,•oin�� �n.i�un�_i�t �nJ .�.6.u����h�i�;ii �lic• c��•.ui+,,n
<br /> therCOf tn be their �i�luntar� .►�t :��i�t d�•cd.
<br /> 1Yi�r�c+� �ny liand and n��tarial .cal c�t GrAnd I S1 a nd , Nebra Ska �c� ..,i,f ,.�uiu., i►��
<br /> datc afarc,aid.
<br /> �E�ML�fA�Y•StiAe�I�It� �, � , �`t
<br /> :�1y ComtniStitcm clj�ire,' �p��N ! ` ���
<br /> � w 01�.fA��f.�1� � 'r , _ .�/ �� t, z, . ,
<br /> � �
<br /> � r i•t
<br /> h� r��.4 �! !��!? }:ttt�ti�f . .�� ; :�;
<br /> r���tk� tiiii �in�
<br /> 1 hc unurnn�nc�l i, ctie h��IJri ��t tlir iu��� ,,� u�•tc- ,_•�i .� ��� ��:• it �.1 I� ., . , � . i,
<br /> L:ith dl(nthcr isi�lch7nlnr•..r�ur:�I h. ih�� 1�:.,1 •t 1���.;, f� ,.. �• _ ��;•.� ,� �., ��� � , � , . . , • � .
<br /> Illttl' Ii1 Il�li�••. .Ih�� ".�u. ��it'�� i�� ��il�!, .•.1::.1: .���. ,�. � .t.� �. . . ... . . , . � . � . �. -
<br /> ii���: h��l�l h< <„u isnJ� i ��i�. !�..�,1 ��t l�n.� �., ,�, ,�� , , ,
<br /> . � �•. , ,
<br /> 1�,�t� .__.�
<br /> _ ..._ ,.�,.-,........----,..�_._..._._.__�..—,___,______..�__
<br /> ,.. --:-�--
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